The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 11, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    UN DAY, DKCIMIIR 11, 1004.
Ca. J.J.'-i! ! : : : Ml f ,. ..,..,.... , . ., I HI-
Carving Sett, French Knives,
Pocket Knives EL Keen Kutter Shears
pjm"f "TVTT
Good Goods Our Specialty.
Local Brevities,
Cravennetts rain coats at Danslgers.
Go to ths Now Slyl Restaurant for a
iiur meat.
flee Dnlgnr' display of bath robes
and house coat. Price to milt all.
Tht regular meeting of the chamber
of commerce occurs next Monday night.
A full altendnneo la requested.
Captain MeLeod of the Rllerlc Ii rnp
Idly recovering from an attack of unall
pox anJ will be released In a few duyi.
Mra. . V. Holme scalded her hand
quit severely Inst evening, It wn
caused by the overturning of a kettl
of hot water,'
Several thousand tori of slush wu
removed from the tr!et yesterday by
Huperlntendent Kearney, and the pub
lic I much obliged.
Commencing Monday, and continuing
until Christum, the atorea will re
main open until 1 o'clock V- nr. nd
ttaturduy night Inter, also during
Chrlsmns week. ' f
If you purchnse a bath robe or smok
Ing Jacket at Danilgera' you may be
are that everyone In town la not wear
ing the anme atyle and pattern. Trice
from 14 to 115.
The estimate for the school year be
ginning January 1 were considered by
the achool director at a meeting and
will be aubrnltted to the meeting of
the tax-payer to be field next week.
limine cont and bath robe nt Dan
glger'; If you choose one of.lheee a
a gift it surely will be appreciated.
Price range thu:, , Sl-M, 15. I7.&0 to
IIS. lie aure and see window display.
0. O. Palmtterg hit been awarded a
contract for the enlnrgment of Hei
rkk's theater. Work will be com
menced Monday, and It I expected to
have the theutcr opened by the firm of
the year.
The Danalger Co. are conteinpntlng
enlarging their More to twice. It pres
ent le In order to accommodate their
fuel Increasing bualne. The new
atore will eb one Of the fluent In th
city, and the itock will be doubled.
P. V. Bower left lat evening for
Salem In response to a telegram an
nouncing the death of hla father, Jacob
Mower. The deceased wo 89 year of
g and had resided la Oregon for 35
year. Th funeral will take place In
Salem today. '
Musical Instruments, Toilet
Sets, Toy Wagons, Dolls.
-" '"r. ' 77 Y 7-v v w ' -
To Help MaKe Your
Call and see our line of special furniture just suitable
for the holidays. In making a gift, there is nothing
nicer than a handsome piece of furniture, or more
lasting and cheerful in the home.
In the Assortment You Can Find
Fine Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Center Tables,
Weathered Oak pieces in Writing Desks, Stools,
Benches, Racks, Clocks; some All-Brass Beds, Birds- 4
eye Maple Dressers, Rugs, ( Portieres, and various
other articles.
You will find our prices
' Astoria's Leading
Th registration book cloed yetr
duy afternon. The total reglatratlon
were 1118. It I probable that about
1200 vote will be polled at the ejec
tlon next Wednesday. The principal
content eern to be over the office of
city attorney.
Tuesday evening, December 13, at I.
. U, K. hull, Hon, 1). Solll Cohen of
Portland will deliver a free lecture
under the auspice of the Women'
Club, The public, and especially the
Klk and A. O. V. W. are Invited, Sub
ject,' "Woman of the Book."
The appralaer appointed to appraise
the property of the Barrel Hettcon
Helnlng Company have submitted a re
port to Trustee F. J. Carney. They
eat dilate the assets at $13,000 and the
lliibllltle at 122,000. The creditor will
receive about 60 cent on the ollar.
A number of the Eagle will go to
8enlde on the noon train today to at
tend a Roclul session given by Bwialde
lodge of Eagle. An Interesting pro
gram ha been prepared, and the visit
or are certain of a cordlul welcome.
The outside town were all well rep
relented In Astoria yesterday, and
merchant report a good business. In
dication plnt to a brisk holiday trade
Information relative to bargulu can be
found in the column of the Astorlnn
which cover the entire flelt of legiti
mate advertising.
Anton, Murlngovlch, who purchased
th building from the Sister, which
whs to have been moved on the lot on
Commercial street, claimed by the f).
ft. t N. Co., yesterday disposed of all
hi right, title and interest In and to
the building to John II. Koch, who wilt
move It on the lot on Seventeenth
street adjoining the Astoria hotel. .
The Astoria. Central Labor Council
nominated the following officers,, to be
elected at the next regular meeting In
January: President, William Ross
and P. Metxler: vice president, J. N.
Jorgenson and Frank Holly; recording
secretary, H. B. Cornell; financial sec
retary, H. M. Lornsten; guide, F.dward
Lawrence and John Buyer; guardian.
Charlc Dalstrom and H. Scheels.
Insurance adjuster have; been in
Astoria the. past two duy, resurveylng
the city with the object of raising In
surance, rates. At there ha not been
a fire In Astoria for a year, and the
fir alarm system ha been improved
and the hose tested, and the fire de
partment strengthened, It was to be
expected that these cormorants would
put In an appearance and raise the
rates. The principal Increase la on
canneries. Insurance I becoming pro
hibitive In Astoria.
Holiday Goods
Fine Line of
Books, Albums,
Xmas Cards,
We have what you want
for yourself and friends
right, .
House Furnishers.
At the meeting of the Women's Club
yesterday afternoon, Mr. Samuel Mad
dock sang, "A Four-Leaf Clover." A
most Interesting paper of a "Day In St
Loul Fair," by Mis May Mugee, A
song by Mr. Wilbur Bubbldge, com
pleted the program. Jtefreshment
were served and a very pleasant after
noon spent.
Tonight the Jiuncs Keune Company
will conclude th week' engagement
at Fishers' opera house, after produc
ing the four-act funny furce-comedy,
"A Night Out," The company ha
done a fairly good business during the
engagement; tonight a record breaker
I looked for. Seats ran be secured at
the opera house at 2 p. m, Secure them
und don't get left.
W. N. Smith and C. O. Falmberg will
soon commence the erection of four
cottages on the property recently pur
chased by them back of Mr. Steven's
residence. The cottages will be mod
ern and will cost about $1000 each.
There Is a great demand In Astoria for
cottage of this kind and they will no
doubt be rented a oon a completed.
Christmas novelties at Hoefler'a have
been received. All candy manufac
tured at borne, 10 cents per pound and
up. Decoration for Christmas sur
pass anything ever brought to Astoria.
Everything In the line of confections
and pure candy guaranteed to be first-
class, The largest and most complete
line In Astoria can be procured at
No. 1 of Vol. t of the Weekly Bulletin,
published by Rev. L, D. Muhone, with
Georgia Kkytrom as editor, and L. V).
Muhone a managing editor, has been
received. It Is devoted to the Inter
est of tke Congregational church and
the general church life of the city. It
Is a complete bulletin of church mat
ters which will be appreciated by those
Interested In church work.
The Palace Turkish baths are a
source of delight to the patrons wno
frequent the establishment courteous
treatment and your comfort guarded.
Lady attendant furnished for lady
patrons by appointment. These batha
are especially recommended by the
lending physicians of the city and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. Turk
Ish baths and bed 1 1.00. Russian bath
SO cent.
A very attractive window at the
Morse Department store drew the at
tention of a large crowd yesterday. A
large fireplace, lighted, glowing with
the cheer of Christmas; beautiful dolls,
table set with dinner dishes, dolllea
In carriages and the floor strewn with
toys, gave a fair representation of
Christmas at home. The window was
unique and the design original. It wa
a fair representation of the elegant line
of goods within the store.
A woman giving her nnme as Mrs.
May Brown wa drowned on the trip
of the tenmer Elder which arrived In
Astoria yesterday. On Thursday even-
ng Mrs. Brown left the supper table
ruther hurriedly and went to the stem
of the boat. No attention was paid
to her, as It wa supposed that she was
seasick. As to whether she Jumped
overboard or tell over will never be
known. She was not missed until the
next morning when the stewardess
went to her stateroom and found that it
had not been occupied during the night.
Search waa made on the boat for her,
but she could not be found. Among
her effects was a card upon which was
printed "Mrs. M. Preston," and a dress
In a bundle addressed to Mrs. Sherman
Preston, 323 Connecticut street, corner
of Eighteenth, San Francisco.
Department Say Today Will B a
. Stormy Tim.
If the weather bureau hasn't "got
the wrong dope" today Is going to be
dlsagreenbte for .those who haven't
hud webs Inserted between their toes.
The official outline of the trouble pro
posed by Jupiter Pluvlus and Borens
reads thus: "Storm southwest, warn
ings 6:40 p. m. Storm oft Washing
ton coast, moving Inland. High south
erly winds along the coast Sunday
probably reaching gale force. , ,
Pkk out nn umbrella with , good,
Ahlck rib and take a chance the bu
reau-may be wrong.
First Presbyterian Church,
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to participate In our services: 11 p.
m morning worship. The pastor will
preach on "The Saving Element in
Life." At 7:30 p. m. a special service
of praise and song. The following is
the order of service: Organ prelude,
Mrs. Rannels; Invocation by the pastor,
the congregation standing; anthem.
"Rejoice Greatly," ' Woodward, the
choir; psalter hymn 35, being a version
of the 23d Psalm; nnthem, "Sweet Is
Thy Mercy." Barnby, Mia Hobson, as
sisted by the choir; prayer, In song;
hymn 29, congregation; solo, "Fear
Not Te, O Israel," Bulk, Miss Hobson;
address; offertory, "God Be Merciful,"
the choir; Closing hymn, H3; bene
diction. These services will be given
at least once a month during the winter.
The public Is cordially Invited to all
There Is no complaint about bnslness
at ' the Staf saloon. Good goods and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class saloon. That's what
makes business good at the Star. The
best Is nope too good for our customer.
Two Important Streets Thst Should Be
Improved Immediately.
Attention has been called to the 1m
portance of Improving Exchange street
from Seventeenth street to the Clat
sop mllL AH of the water mains and
hydrants are on this street, and there Is
absolutely no Are protection for prop
erty on Commercial street from Seven
teenth to the mill. If a fire should oc
cur, the fire department would be pow
erless tq cope with it, as there Is no
chance of getting water. Thousands
of dollars worth of property might be
destroyed. All of this can be averted
by improving Exchange street.
Another street that should receive the
Immediate consideration of the council
Is Eighth street from Franklin avenue
to Toung's boy, This stfreet Is unsafe
for travel. It 1 the thoroughfare by
which all the farmers from the Lewis
and Clark and Toungs river reach the
city. Several accidents have secured
there the post week, and several
wagons have been broken. The result
is that unless the street Is improved the
farmers will have to come to Astoria In
boats. With the present condition of
the streets, all the residence property
In that section of the city Is practically
valueless. Lots that arc worth $500,
would not sell for $100, whereas, If the
street was. Improved, there would be no
trouble to dispose of lots at their actual
value. The common council should
take this r matter under consideration,
and provide a street for the farmers to
reach Astoria. The treet, when Im
proved hould be widened. What there
is of a street, is Impassable, a team
have to wait on the top of the hill
until teams arrive at a turn-out so they
can pas. .
' Church Notice.
The .Baptist church will observe all
Its usual services Sunday at which time
the pastor will preach from the follow
ing ubjects. "The Peace That Christ
Give," and "The Weeping Savior." A
cordlul Invitation Is extended to every
body. German Lutheran church, Grand ave
nueSunday school at 10 o'clock a. m.
Services at 11 a. m. Instructions In
German Saturday a. m. to 11:30 a.
m. O. Weunnlng, pastor.
Services as follows in the First Luth
eran church Sunday. Sunday school at
9 a. m. Morning service at 10:30 In
Swedish. '-Evening service at 7:45 In
English. Subject for sermon, "The
Word of God." .
Services at Grace church for the third
Sunday In Advent, Dec. 11, at 11 o'clock
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at
12:30. Holy communion at Holy In
nocents chapel 9:30 a. m.
At the Congregational church there
will be preaching by the pastor, Rev. L.
D. Mahon, morning and evening. Sub
ject for morning service. "The , One
Idea." Evening, "An Awakened Soul
Solving the Problem of Life."
There will be a union meeting of the
young people's societies Sunday even
ing at the Baptist church. We urge
all the young people to attend this
service. Subject, "How to Break Bad
Habits and Cultivate Good Ones." The
meeting will adjourn In time for you to
get back'to your respective church for
the after1' service.
Boy' Egrigad.
A Boy"' brigade has been organised
under the auspices of the Congrega
tional. .church. Oyer 20 have Joined up
to date. ' The regulation military drill
Is given, combined with gymnasium
work and out-door sports. , The object
of the organisation is to do good; and
from the,,: Interest manifested and the
way the, boys , do things there can be
no question about the profitableness of
the work. Any . boy with good moral
character can Join regardless of his
church connections. We urge the boys
to get Into the Sunday school, and at
tend teh church to which their parents
Other .than the physical exercises ar
rangements' will be made from time to
time for lectures, entertainments, so
cials, etc. Our motto: "A Well Round
ed Hoy." That means development,
physically, mentally and morally. The
work Is under the management of the
pastor of the church. Oo-operatlon of
parents is asked to make the work just
as effective as possible. Weekly Bul
letin. . Choice piece of brass at the Little
Book Store, 170 Tenth St.
Just In A shipment of fine Queen
olive, 25o per pint, Astoria Grocery.
Toke Point or, Shoal Water Bay
oysters at the New Style Restaurant.
Everybody Is saving the Imperial
cigar bands, not only because they en
joy a good smoke, but are also anxious
to win the diamond ring.
We have a few boxes of nice apples
which we offer at 75c per box while
they last. Astoria Grocery.
Shilling's spices are best. Every can
guaranteed. Tour money back lr thev
don't suit. Astoria Grocery.
Schllts's beer made Milwaukee fa
mous, and is having the same effect on
the Grotto, Nothing better on the
The Grotto will supply patrons with
delicious Tom and Jerry every day.
The superior quality of goods which
has made the Grotto popular, will be
supplied: .
Disco uni
Per Cent. Off
Ours is the Largest Stock in Town
and HemlocK LUMBER
Submit us your specifications on any bill you wisk ,
and we will give you best prices, '
We make a specialty of Spruce Bevel Siding and Factory Stock. ,
Shipment. Mad Either
by Rail or Wat.r.
' "Capacity 75,000
Plumbing and
Plumbing' Supplies
We carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Toilets, and
are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing. W e
guarantee goods and work to be first class.
W. C. LAWS a CO. S3s..
oot IT&cts
You cannot -
than we sell. You cannot buy
good shoes for less money. We
sell the latest in styles and best
in materials. There is nothing
new or desirable in Footwear
which we have not provided
for your use.
Our aim is to please and satisfy you with Good Goods
and Honest Dealing.
Wherity, Ralston Company
of and Dealers in
' Tn A 4 n.
feet per day.