The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 07, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Retail Dealers:
AgonU (or King V Clirr. All tha leading bnodi auld. W tell roocIi on
small margin ( mt buy la Urge quantltlnt.
Good Goods Oar Specialty.
Local Brevities.
Mr. O. C. Itniisel of Morrison pr
ant4 her hulund wllh ft aim yetr
day. Thtt Hmvi-I Lumber and Hhlnicls Co.
of Warrn(on haa rerlv a new
planar and 1 Installing It, thnreby
Im-rtaalng It output.
Tht auditor'! om t will b oin to
nlnht from 7;S0 to ( o'clock for tht pur
post of rlat?rlnf votsrs who cannot
atitid during the day time,
Krd Hlnui h, who wna arrested Won.
day on a haro of lurreny from a
warehouse,, will be lvcn a preliminary
examination todny txrfort Jiiili (looil
At a meeting .of the school board
held yesterday a contract wua awarded
to John Hveimnn for auppllea for the
year, he being the loweel bidder. The
auppllea amount to about 1150.
Ill the matter of the estate of John
Carlaon, an order of the court wua DM
yeeterduy getting the hxarlng for the
final account of the administrator for
Januury I next.
An order wua made In the probate
court yesterday authorising the execut
nra of (he eatnte of Theressa O'flrlen
For yon could not find bcttct
or mora useful article than a
We hate a complete line.
Price from $1.60 to $10.00.
Let aa remind yon that right
now ia the time to pick one out.
We guarantee them. (
Juat the thing (or a Xmaa
Present, ; s
lo aell certain property of the eatate.
The property la located In Adnlr'a As
torla and la considered quite valuable.
UstA mixed gray fur acar'f; three
talla on each end, Inn! Tuesday; either
loat along Commercial atreet or at the
Unique theater. The finder will pleaae
return to the Atsorlan office and re-
celeve reward.
A contract wna awarded yeaterday to
J. E. Alacraa, J. E. ttraller and L. A.
Conn of Seaside to build a new cottage
for 1. N. Klelechner In Hermoea Park.
The contract price la $3500 and the cot
tage will be one of the finest at ftoaalde.
W. It. Hume returned Humliiy evening
front an extended trip of two montha to
rani it n poliite, whither he went In the
Interests of the Tongue I'olnl Lumber
Company, lie reporte a large volume
of business In eight after the flrat of
the ymr,
mlttee waa appointed to ascertain tb
namea of tha merchant and report
them to the Federation of tabor. A
the atorea that keep open are only
Cheap John atorea, whoa etoek ought
to be fumigated by tha health officer,
the Clerk' Union need not worry about
any bualnea that they may do.
The uaual talk about conteatlng the
legality of tha election held at Heaalde
Monday la auggeated by a few, who al-
way claim that everything done la
either unconatltutional or Illegal, If
they will read the town charter, they
will take a much needed rent. The elec
tion waa legal, end the offlcera elected
will take their respective offlcee,
Chrlatmaa novel I lee at Iloefler'a have
been . received. All candy manufac
tured at home, 10 centa per pound and
up. Decoration for Chrlatmaa aur-
paaa anything ever brought to Astoria,
Everything In the line of confection
and pure candy guaranteed lo be first-
claim. Tha largeat and moat complete
line In Aatorla can be procured at
Acting under the Instruction of the
common council Jamea Hannatord, the
plumbing Inapector, entered upon the
dlacharge of hla dutlea a aewer In
apector yeaterday morning. Hard
work la not aa much of an object aa the
aalary, and a long aa tha council have
agreed to raise the aalary to 175 a
month, Mr. Haminford la perfectly wil
ling to assuem the responsibilities.
Officers Thompson and Oberg lust
night arreated Mutt Anderson, aged. III
and helpless, and took him to the hue-
pltal for treatment. Anderson wua
found lying In 11111'e atuhle. He la
boat builder by occupation, but la (0
yenra old and unfit for work. II let con
ill! Inn seemed serious.
Mra. W. D. Mack, nee Trulllnger.
formerly of thla city, but now a real
dent of Hnn Francisco, hits awarded i
contract for the construction of four
new cottages on the property adjoining
the residence of Grant Trulllnger. The
work will be commenced Immediately
and pushed to an early completion.
Up to 4 o'clock yeeterduy afternoon
5(7 votera had registered at the audit
or'a office, and the registration last
evening Increased the number to over
(00. It is possible that 1000 voters
will register by the time the books
close next Saturday. Very little Inter
est is being taken In the election.
The annual sale and social to lie
given by the Ladles' Guild of Grace
church will lie held In the Hundny
school room of the church on Friday,
Ueceinber 9. afternoon and evening, at
2:30 and 7:30. Fancy and useful aril
ilea will be on sale and light refresh
return to the Aatorlan offlce and re
lieve reward.
At the municipal election held In
Salem Monday, the republican candi
date for marshal, the only offlce there
waa any contest over, waa elected by a
majority. The democrats nominated
J. L. Sklpton on on lndeiendent re
publican ticket, quite an appropriate
name for the democratic party, or what
la left of It.
At a meeting of the clerks' union
it waa reported that several atorea In
I the city wera not observing the
I o'clock closing agreement, ana a com'
Whosoever Shall Offend
The Prodigal Son '
House of Fulfillment,
Man in Box
Our Price
J. N.
f To Help MaRe Your :
j Christmas Selections
Call and see our line of special furniture just suitable
for the holidays. In making a. gift, there is nothing
nicer than a handsome piece of furniture, or more
lasting and cheerful in the home.
In the Assortment You Can Find
Fine Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Center Tables,
Weathered Oak pieces in Writing Desks, Stools,
Benches, Racks, Clocks; some All-Brass Beds, Birds
eye Maple Dressers, Rugs, Portieres, and various
other articles.
You will find our prices right.
Astoria's Leading House Furnishers.
The Palace Turkish baths are a
source of delight to the patrona who
frequent the establishment courteous
treatment and your comfort guarded.
Iady attendants furnished for lady
patrons by appointment. These baths
are especially recommended by the
leading physicians of the city and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. Turk
Ish batha and bed 11.00. Russian bath
GO centa.
The recommendatlona of the commit
tee to the council Monday night recom
mending the building of a spur to the
Ocean View cemetery at a cost of $2.
000, will be unnecessary expense.
Very few persona are burled In Ocean
View, and a spur would only benefit
funerals. The railroad company trains
alwaya stop at teh crossing, and It la
but a short distance from tfiere to
the cemetery.
Farmers and othera compelled
come down Fourteenth atreet complain
W. B. Donaldson of Chinook I In the
W. J. Bryane of Baker City la at the
W, B. Donaldson of Chinook waa In
the city yesterday.
1 J. E. Brailer, postmaster of Seaside,
was In the city yesterday.
Charles Ehland of Chinook waa a
visitor In Astoria yesterday.
Mra. J. Runnel has returned from a
visit with friends In Portland.
Dave Hood, tha Irrepressible, came
over from llwaco lust evening. ;
Mra. Nelson Troyer of Portland la
visiting with friends In thla city.
J.E.Alacras.recorder and police Judge
of Seaside, waa In the city yesterday.
L. A. Conn, a contractor pf Seaside,
waa In Astoria yesterday on business.
It. B. Smith, a member of the Sea
side council, waa In the city yeaterday.
Nathaniel Tallent and Mrs. Tallent
returned yesterday from a trip to Cali
fornia, '
Ed C. Judd, manager of F. Dresser
& Co.', of Seaside, was In the city yea
Captain Bailey of the tug Tatdosa
returned last evening from a abort trip
to Portland.
C, W. White, the Warrenton mer
chant, was transacting business In As
toria yesterday.
A. 8. Froslid, manager of the Sear
side Spruce Lumber Co., waa in Aa
torla yesterday on business.
Will Maddlson returned yesterday
from a few daya' attendance on the
Irrigation congresa at Portland. -
M. Bayer of the A. & C. auditing de
partment went to Warrenton today to
check out the retiring agent and Install
the new.
A. Colllngs and wife of llwaco were
In thla city last evening on their way
to Portland, where they will visit for
a" few days.
J, P. Balea of Aslea la visiting Lee
Herring, hla brother-in-law, In this
city. Mr. Bales Is one of the oldest
natives of Oregon.
R. Nixon and wife of Portland came
over from Long Beach lnat evenln-,
where they have been atopplng, and left
for home on the evening train.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Trumbell of
Spokane are registered at the Occident
Angua Sutherland, a mining man from
to Sllverton, Wash, la In the city.
Angus Sutherland, an old time Aa-
Manufacturers of and Dealer in
Fir, Spruce
and HemlocH
of the dangeroua condition of the street, j torlun, ia down from Sllverton, Wash,
From Exchange atreet south to the
water reservoir, the planks are loose
and rotten, and the atreet la full of
on his annual visit. On hla way he
vlalted Bay View, Wash., where he Is
Interested In the 8eabary Packing Co.
chuck holea. Several minor accidents j ne wm be here for several days.
have occurred on the street and It
should be Improved. It Is one of the
principal streets of the, city and should
not be allowed to remain In a dangeroua
The remalna of Henry Olst. who died
Monday morning at the Parker house
will be taken to Portland thla morning
for cremation. The ashes will be burled
In Ocean View plot of the 3. A. R. A
delegation of the Masons will accom
pany the body to Portland thla morn
ing, consisting of O. I. Peterson, W. L.
Rubb, B. Van Dusen, E. Z. Ferguson,
O. K, Morrton and M. R. Pomeroy. A
Schernekau and W. C. Shaw will rep
resent the O. A. R.
Merchant Marina.
The steamer Northland arrived In
yesterday morning from San Francisco
with a miscellaneous cargo and some
paasengera. She will load out with
The British steamer Langdale with
grain for Liverpool left out thla morn
ing In tow.
The schooner J. ti. Weatherwax
cleared today with a large cargo of
Warrenton lumber for San Francisco.
The ateamer W. H. Harrison left out
yeaterday for Alsea.
The tank steamer Loomta left out
yesterday morning for San Francisco.
The Chinook has reached Portland,
and aa soon aa plana and specifications
for the work to be done on the big
dredger are prepared the blda will be
The Perry struck arime rough weather'
at ihe head of the bar yeaterday and
waa washed, by a huge wave that
drenched the -officer on tha. bridge and
did some damage to the superstructure.
It was easily repaired.
Captain William E. Hull has passed
the government examination for ateam
vessels of less than 100 tons, and will
take the berth on the new Callendar
line ateamer Myrtle.
Oust Milde, who has been In St.
Mary's hospital for over a month as
the result of an accident In Unlontown,
waa on the .streets yesterday for a
short time. Mr. Milde ia etill quart
ered at the hospital but hopes to be
out soon.
Give an Excellent Performance of
Sherlock Holmes.
A very fashionable and enhuslaatlc
audience greeted Jamea Keane and his
company at Fishers' opera house last
evening In Conan Doyle's great de
tective story of "Sherlock Holmes. The
story deals with the efforts of Sherlock
Holmes, a London detective, to appre
hend a noted crook by the name of
Holmea encounters all aorta of thril
ling experlencea, but In the end lands
hla man. Aa Sherlock Holmea, Mr.
Keane gave a splendid performance.
The role Is a moat trying and difficult
one and one calculated to tax the skill
of the most finished artist.
Herbert Ashton, aa Carrlgan the
crook, made one of the hits of the
play and some excellent work was done
by H. Clay Robinson, aa a gentlemanly
crook. Mlsa Campion. Miss Hartley.
diss Branscombs all made decided hits.
Thla evening the laughable farce
comedy. "Charley'a Aunt," will be the
Rtbbona at cost price at Shanahan's.
For " Rent Six-room house, corner
47th and Cedar streets, Alderbrook,
two blocks from car line. Inquire on
premises of Mrs. K. Johnson.
Hunters Bag Thief aa Well as Plunder
at Seaside. .
Petty pilfering at Seaside haa been
so persistent that the hunters who have
cottages there have become wroth, and
the arrest effected by two of them yes.
tenia y landed Charles Johnson In jail.
Mr, Peterson of the Occident barber
shop and a friend went over to the
beach and secured a fine bag of ducks.
which they left at their cottage while
going up the beach after snipe. On
their return they found three canvas
bucks missing and trnlled the thief
seven miles towards town before they
caught him. They brought him In and
landed him In the county jail.
For rent Two unfurnished house
keeping rooms, over Peterson &
Brown's shoe store.
A fine consignment of stock, a dried
fish of great favor. Imported from Nor
way, haa been received at the Aatorla
Grocery, Send In your order, they are
The peer of fall applea the rosy
cheeked Hood River prettiest apple
on the market. 75 centa the box at
the Astoria Grocery. Tou will want
a laa .
For sale At Gaston's feed stable,
No. 105 Fourteenth street; one Landless
harness machine; one Smith-Premier
typewriter; one 20 hp motor and belt
ing; 1000 good sacks.
I have tooth brushes for tender
gums and dainty mouths, tooth
brushes that I guarantee, and will give
you another brush If the bristles come
out. Rogers, druggist.
If you are thinking of raising or mov
ing a building it would be to your
advantage to see Fredrlckson Bros.,
general carpenters and house movers.
Shop at 17J Tenth atreet.
Submit us your specifications on any bill you;wish
and we will give you best prices.
We make a pecialty of Spruce Bevel Siding and Factory Stock.
Shipments Made Either
by Rail or Wstsr.
Warrenton, Or.
Capacity 75,000 feat par day. )
Plumbing' and
Plumbing vSupplies
We carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Toilets, and
are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing, We
guarantee goods and work to be first class. , , .1 , ;
W. C. LAWS r& CO.
Bond St.
Crockery Department
1 " ' - ' ' . :
To meet the demands of our already immense
trade, we have decided to innovate a Crockery Depart-
ment in the cellar of our store. This is an entirely
new departure in the mercantile undertakings of
Astoria. We want to emphasize the fact that this
department being
Therefore we will be able to save our customers many
dollars in better prices through this saving. Before,
making holiday purchases it will be to your advantage
to investigate our prices. New Holiday Goods, Cut
Glass, Hand Decorated China, China Dinner Sets,
Silver Plated Wares, Lamps, Vases, Christmas Tree
Decorations, and all sorts of styles and prices in Carv
ing Sets. .
The above is a fine lot of goods to select Holiday
Gifts or Card Party Prizes from. Call, examine our
stock; it will be a pleasure for us as well as you.
Come now. ,
You canuot
than we sell. You cannot buy
good shoes for less money. We
sell the latest iu styles and best
in materials. There is nothing
new or desirable in Footwear
which we havo not provided
for your use.
Our aim is to please and satisfy you with Good Goods
and Honest Dealing.
Wherity, Ralston Company