UNOAY, DECtMBER 4, 1004. THE MORNING ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. ft Y r I Retail Dealers: WE ARE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Agent for King V Cigar. All the leading bramli told. W wll good on until margin ; we buy lu large quantities. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Good Goods Our Specialty. Local Brevities. Th Kuturduy Afternoon Club will give a dunce next Thurdny iiIkIiI hi lAiguu'n bull. N. II, Lundberg of Frankfort. Wn agent fur the Wolverine Jn KiixIiiv, wm in town yelrday. The Commercial Club ha liiNtulled a tun pin alley and the (nine promise tu bm quit popular. Mr, Albert Hill who waa enl tu tli iinyluin un October 22nd wh dla charged aa cured un December I at. IMmrl.t ut WulhiKkl filed In the county cierk' offlre ycxterdiiy their annual tax levy amounting lit three mill. A marriage license wna lued ye terday afternoon by marriage con t nu-tor Clinton to Frank A. Henry and Mliia Mamie IVilnn. The uiinuul election nf officer of Kagle lodge will mi'iir thin evening nt Unjiinn bull, her tlm meeting will be held In the futuVe. "Flxhlng In the buy la ut mi end for the eaon." enya the TllliiinHk Her aid. The rhlnook run wua very light thla yeur, while the llverlde und YOU THINK., IT OVER For yon eontd not find bcttei or wort useful article than a PARKER innifv nimuc cv il mm m warn rllllly I filLl ,.J I U VII I I llll ihuin were not much above the average. Home of the boy did not Hear pxiNnaa thla aenaon. A report wm rurent In Atorla ye terday that an accident happened at (he Hoinh Mend mill yeterday to the bund auw. Juat the nature of the ac cident coulil not be naeertalned. The Kiigtea' aoclul which waa to have been irlven nt Keald thla afternoon hue bren postponed one week In order to (We mime of the member en oppor (unity of attending- Antorle Aerie. The Mondny club of the Presbyter- bin church will hold K annuul nle Tueduy. leeeinber t. beginning nt 2 o'clock In the ufternoon and 7:30 In the evening In the Hunduy school room. All urv Invited. The Heimlilc miw mill reuinid oprr- utlon lit Mt Monday und will be run leudlly nil winter. There are a large ntimber of biilldliiRa belnjt erected and huliie of nil kind la Improving. There are four rouncllrnen to elect, M J. Young, A. 8. Frolld, W. J. Falconer mid W. J. Kvermimn were nominated by the ritlaena und will no doubt be elected. J. K. Alncrax hue no ppo union for recorder and police judge neither h R. A, Price for treaurer, The funeral of the late Mr, Fanny HI one will be held thla morning at o'clock from the realdence of Capt. M. A. Muthewa on Kith atreet. The re mains will be Jaken" to Ocean View cemetery on the 11:10 train from Port lund. Friend of the deceaed are 111' vlted to attend. Work on the Cullender Navigation Pock I progrelng tadlly and It la expected the whurf will be complet ed neKt week. Contract will be let In few duya for the warehouae on the dock. The dock when completed will be a great thing for the traveling pub lic. ' An error In the editorial yeterduy morning relative to thla finning Indu try.made It red"what I needed In Ore gon la le eeln and more buwlne." It ahould have reud "lee law, and more bulnea." There la no' Inten tion to make any dlacrlrnlnutlon rel ative to flatting geur on the Columbia river. ' JAMES KEANE COMPANY. Will Pretent the Moat Elaborate Rep ertori Seen Here. Capt. C. 8. (lunderaoii,. who wua In jured by having hi leg broken. I rent ing euy and expect to be out In a ahorl time , A large numlier of culler vlNltnd the genial CHptuIn yeeterduy, who take the accident phlloiuiphlcnlly. M. J. Young, chairman of the board of Nchool dlrectora, of ftenide, wa In the city yeeterduy, paying the bill of eoiiHtrih ting the new achool house. The out of the building wua $2,056. of which aum 11.100 wua borrowed from the alate achool fund. The school i In a lloui'lehlng condition and hit un excellent eorp of teacher. PEN W have a complete line. Price from $1.50 to $10.00. Let st remind yoo that right now ia the time to pick one out, Wejroaranteethem. Juat the thing for Xmaa Freaent. SYenson'sBoekStore GENERAL AGENTS I. 11. Welch hua filed a protest HKiilnt the Improvement of drum! avenue. In hi protet he claim tnut the 'reet hu not been Improved to It full wd(h, and that the material ued hu not been according to con- trurt. An accident occurred yeterduy at t'nluntown which came very neur re- aultlng Nerloualy. Anelem Jaikmni fell from the roadway to the rocky lieuch below, a dlMtiince of about 20 feet and fructured one of hi leg. He wua tak en to hi home and medical altunce Nummonrd. T. P. Muler.manager of the Vet- ern Cnlon of thl city, und wife left! luet ewnlng for Heuttle where Mr. Mantel will take churge of the office In thut city. Mr, Mutera hua made nmny friend In Atorln, la an uffable geiitlemnn and hi many Mend will regret hi departure. ChrlNtmu noveltlea at Hoefler'a have been received. All candy munufuc tured ut home, 10 rente per pound and up. Decoration for ChrlHtmaa aur pan anything ever brought to Aetorla, Everything In the line of confection and pure randy guaranteed to b flrt- irlii. The lurgeat and mot complete line In Aatoria can be procured at Iloeller'. Churle Cullender received word fnim Mr. 8lmpon, of Run Fruncleco, yeterduy thut the Knnppton mill nr tu be turted up, and Mr. Cullender will make nrnngement next week to ae cure u crew. When started they will run cnrttlmiouMly all winter. The lum ber market I looking up and it la prob able that all mill will be run to their fullest rapacity. The Palace Turkish bntha nre a wiurce of delight to the patron who frequent the establishment courteous treatment and your comfort guarded. Uidy attendant furnished for lady patron by appointment. Thee bath are eieclully recommended by the lending physicians of the city and re- pectfully aollelt your imtronage. Turk lh bntha and bed $1.00. Russian bath SO rent. The policy of giving to hi putror nothing but the best I the motto of Jame Keaue. who open a week'a en gagement at Fisher' opera house to morrow night. The company ia an exceptionally atrorig one and, alrlce It appearance here taat summer, aeveral new face have been added to the cnat. The play for Monday night ia entitled, "My Friend the Drummer, or What Happened to Jon," No fun nier comedy ha been atagged In year. The tory of "What Happened to Jone" la taken from the many amusing com plication thut arise during the effort of a card drummer by the name, of "Jone to Imiiernonute a bishop. Jone get along fairly well until the gen uine bishop appear on the cene when matter become decidedly warm. Mr. Keune will be een as "Jone." The part ia an exceptionally funny one and the young tnr I said to have given one of hi best comedy performance In the character. A pleasing feature of 'What Happened to Jone" I the fact that the entire company have excep tionally good role. There will be plenty of bright, catchy music' and ome clever vaudeville apeclultles will be introduced between the act. Seat now selling. The Scow Bay and Unlontown third team played a game of football at the A. F. C. park yeaterday afternoon. The Beow Buy team won by a score of 21 to 0. The member of the vlctorloua team were outweighed by the oppon ent, but put up a better quality of ball. They complain that the boy from the west end pulled their hair, a deviation which threatened for a. time to break up the content. The line-up wa a follow: Seowbay center, W. Thompson; right guard, F. Johnson; right tu.kle, W. Welch; right end. G. Jurlch: left guard. A. Grlmberg; left tackle. (I. Curlnon: left end. F. Smart; full buck. A. Curlnon; captain, C. Nll- and; right half. F. Rlglow, left half. WARREUTON LUMBER CO. Manufacturer of and Dealer In and HemlocH LUMBER Submit us your specifications on any bill ,-you wish and we will give yoii best prices. .'We make a specialty of Spruce Bevel Siding and Yitlbff' Stock. Shipment Mad Either by Rail or Water. Five hundred and sixteen voters had registered at the city auditor's office up to hint night. No. 4 precinct lead with a total of 135 while No. S has but 39 and No. 1 ha only 47. The Indi cation Are that the vote thl year will be very light a only one week Is left In which to register. The books will close at 4 o'clock on next Saturday afternoon, but in order to accommodate thoae who can not reglter during the luy the auditor's office will be open every evening, beginning Tuesday. The old fire bell hu been placed In position over Chemical No. I, und will ring hereafter In the event of fire. The bell tower was completed and nl though not a high aa the old one. It la thought It la of aufftiient height o that the bell ran be heard all over the city." The annual town election occura nt Seaside tomorrow. The contest la over the office of mayor. J. H. Johun ten was nomlnuted by he cltUena and R. R. Cole by the Independent NEW BOOKS!! $1.25 Eaoh J. N. GRIFFIN Whosoever Shall Offend MPkea n J V aT ine rroaigai aon House of Fulfillment Man in Box Our Prlo A cow belonging to Cha. Duvi of Chinook, anchored nt the head of San Inland, wua totnlly destroyed by fire yesterday ufternoon. Thin I the fire that waa seen from Astoria yeaterday and reported to the Antorlun. On ac count of the luck of fire facilities, the cow .a totnlly destroyed. Aa it was unoccupied, the indication are that it . waa of Incendiary origin. The clt' board of equullxntlon met yesterday afternoon to ronlder the aa sesHinent made to defray the expense of improving Commerclnl atreet be tween. Fourteenth and Seventeenth, of Dunne street between Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth and of Grand avenue between the Shlvely line and Seven teenth atreet. Aa no objections were filed the assessments were confirmed by the board. ' Dr. W. L. May, of Kansas, a pro hibition atnte. was looked up yesterday By Sheriff Llnville, having been ar rested on a charge of Insanity. While nine-tenths of the population are evi dently insane. Dr. May's malady seems to be the imbibing of alcoholic bever ages, a habit which he acquired in Kan sub. He wan arrested at Ashland on the same charge but was subsequently released. They Btarted for Portland to go to San Francisco and stopped off at Astoria, having been Informed 'that It wua a good town to sober up in, on account of there being so few saloons and tbe temptations not being as great as In Kansas. Dr. May will be de tained until Monday and probably be sent to San Francisco. Buy your ribbons for fancy work at half-price. Shanahan's. For Sale A lot of nice household furniture, aa good as new. Inquire of Mrs. R. Q, Owens, 171 Exchange St. : We Have a Nice Hew Line : OF PORTIERES In rial ti and Oriental Kflocts Lace Bedspreads, Sideboards, Buffets x .Juat to see litem, ami alter you learii tlio price, you will certainly be pleased : CHAS. HEILBORN a 5QN Astoria's Leading House Furnishers. A number of kids have purchased squirt guns, Supposed to squirt water, but which they have filled with carbolic arid and ahot aeveral dog and cat in the eyes blinding them. The boys are not ao much to blame aa thoae that sold them the gun and carbolic acid. A numlier of dog and cat have been kill ed In ronaequeme of their acta. The killing of one or more thousand dog would probably be a benefit to As toria, but they should not be treated cruelly, ' The 'Occident tonaorlal parlors and bath facilities are equalled by none. Everything modern and up to date. See Peteraon. For rent Two unfurnished house keeping rooms, over Peterson & Brown'a shoe store. I carry one of the largest and clean est retail stocks of drugs in the state and I am . in business for TOUR health., Charles Rogers, druggist For Rent Six-room house, corner 47th and Cedar streets, Alderbrook, two "blocks from car line. Inquire on premises of Mrs.- K. Johnson. ' The Oitv Tenchers' Association held session yesterday at the Olney school.1 A fln consignment of stock, a dried The first discussion was on "grade n or 'l 18 vor. "mponea irom nur- work," and was participated in by nearly all the teachera. "What can be done along the line of history for the Lewi and Clark fair" was discussed by Miss Badolett and proved very In teresting. Mlas Olsen discussed "What can be done In the line of Natural Work" which waa replete with many good suggestions. A general discussion on "The Blblcal Play," led by Mr. Mc- Cormac and participated In by a num ber of tenchera. wua a feature of the session. Other Interesting questions were discussed. The next meeting will be held In the Shlvely school the first of January. "The Growing Distaste for the Higher Forms of Poetry." will be the leading topic and will be dis cussed by Mlsa Hulse. Ribbons nt cost price at Shanahan's. For sale At Gaston's feed atable, No. 105 Fourteenth street; one Landle'B harness machine; one Smith-Premier typewriter; one 20 hp motor and btit Ing; 1000 good sacks. ' " ' " way, has been received at the Astoria Grocery. Send In your order, they are flne. The peer of fall apples the rosy cheeked Hood River prettiest apple on the market. 75 cents the box at the Astoria Grocery. Tou will want a box. If you are thinking of raising or mov ing a building It would be to your advantage to see Fredrlckson Bros., general carpenters and house movers. Shop at 173 Tenth street The Imperial oyster house is pre pared to furnish Shonlwnter bay oys ters In quantities of pints and quarts to supply the family trade. Colonial oyster always on hand. There 1 only one place In Astoria that carries the genuine Old Georgia, Moonshine, corn whisky. P. E. Pet- rinuil V i ' iuii.v, " - - - - c6nlgnment direct from the distillery.' ( Warrenton, Or. Capacity 75,000 feet per day. Plumbing and P 1 u mb ing' Supplies We carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, TbifetsJ" anil " are prepared to do all kind of Plumbing! We ' guarantee goods and work to be first class.' W. C. LAWS . cb." as.' FOARD & STOKES CO. SOMETHING NEW Crockery Department I .- '-.....ii 11 LLL1L? "'' ' 11 - To meet the demands of our already immense trade, we have decided to innovate a Crockery Depart ment in the cellar of our store. This is an entirely new departure in the mercantile undertakings of Astoria. We want to emphasize the fact that this department being LOCATED IN THE BASEMENT WILL COST US NO RENT Therefore we will be able to save our customers'many dollars in better prices through this saving. Before making holiday purchases it will be to your advantage to investigate our prices. New Holiday Goods, Cut Glass, Hand Decorated China, China Dinner Sets, Silver Plated Wares, Lamps, Vases, Christmas Tree Decorations, and all sorts of styles and prices in Carv ing Sets. The above is a fine lot of goods to select Holiday Gifts or Card Party Prizes from. Call, examine our stock; it will be a pleasure for us as well as1 you. Coine now. ? acts You cannot BUY BETTER SHOES than wo sell. You cannot luy good shoes for less money. We sell tho latest in styles and best in materials. There is nothing new or desirable in Footwear which we have not provided for your use. Our aim is to please and satisfy you with Good Goods and Honest Dealing. Wherity, Ralston Q Company I FOARD i STOKES CO. lallltWIMH Foot I