The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 04, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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A Rate War on Transcontinental
Roads Very Probable.
Michigan Central Company Thratns
T Rtduoa Fraight and Paa
angr Rate.
found who have hwn through th en
dowment, one lata a 1SSS, and they
will rvtl all of th aorta. Spoolal
stress will be laid at th coming- hear
ing on the political power of the
church, and Senator Dubola of Muho
haa been very active In producing
.testimony In thla line.
"The result of the recent national
election." aatd Senator Dubola tonight
goea to prov the pantdrtln f the
Mormon church In political affair.
Should auch a power remain un
checked It la altogether probable that
aome time the Mormon church could
turn the balance tn a presidential con
A Mae A VMM f observance, tie
an tl -commission agreement la alleg
ed to have been broken by aeveral
roads. Thl charge waa made by the
Michigan Central it la understood, at
the late meeting; tn New Tork of the
Joint Passenger Committee, but the
fact aeema to have been carefully con
cealed. SpeclfBcally. the Michigan
Central accuses aome of Its competi
tors of secretly cutting rates and pay
ing commissions to agents of steam
ship lines by whom they were shared
with travelers.
When a resolution waa offered auth
orizing the Vanderbllt road named to
make as low a rate on second class
traffic as any of Its competitors, a
stormy scene Is said to have ensued.
It could not have been carried with
out an unanimous vote In the affirm
ative. Notice was then given by the Mich
igan Central that It would avail Itself
of the privilege of protecting Itself
against com pet tors under the follow
ing clause In the antl-commlsslon
agreement of the presidents:
era and to maintain agreed fares shall
at any time be deviated from by any L,mon are contracted for It occaslon-
of the lines, such deviation shall ab
solve the standard lines from longer
observance of their agreements."
It was not until this was inserted
in the agreement that the Vanderbllt
lines, and the Michigan Central In
particular could be induced to become
a party to It It affords an opportunity
for the standard lines to meet what
ever rates are made on the first or
second class traffic of the different
roads. If they can prove a violation.
Efforts so far to induce the Michi
gan Central to withdraw its threat
hav been unavailing and if it Is car
ried Into effect, It will tend to provoke
the ugliest passenger rate war that
Prices Subject to the Official Pack In
Alaska and Columbia River.
The Fishing Oaaette of New Tork
under date of November !. aliee up
the salmon situation aa follows:
The eastern market pursues the
tenor of Its way. I'udoubtedly large
bulk sales are being effected, on the
Pacific coast, but the situation re
mains practically unchanged. Quota
tions on Red Alaska, although some
what widely divergent, are, well main
tained by both the large producing In
terests, The change of ownership of
the large combine which was recently
brought under the hammer has not at
all affected the market on the past
season's pack.
Salmon are quiet and unchanged.
says the Philadelphia Grocery World
of the 7th Inst. There Is a general
belief that nearly the whole of the
1904 pack of red Alaska remains un
sold, the stock on sale up to date hav
ing been the surplus of the 1903 park.
woiehlnr on the Canadian side as a
condition. The result Is little or no
business. On the other hand United
Two Thousand a Month Paid to
Officers by Gamblers.
The Amount Received Said to Be Di
vided Up Between. Five City
San Francisco, Dec, J. Police Com
missioner Hutton made a quiet raid
on Chinatown and found all the
gambling gamea In full operation. In-
ijulrles were made aa to the manner
of conducting the gamea and it was
discovered that some of the gamblers
were paying 13.000 a month for the
privilege. It Is alleged that Mayor
Schmlts. the labor candidate, Ah--
Ruef. Chief of Pol Ire Whlttman and
Drlnkhouse. are cognisant of the
gambling and have knowledge of how
the graft la disposed of.
Shortly before 10 o'clock Commis
sioner Mutton raided the fantan club
at 820 Washington etreet, and captured
eight y-seven players at the game with
evidence that makes their conviction
a certainty. The police knew nothing
... ... - .....n -..U.I
iiib i v t"" UI ma m llfiur Ulllll wiumira mum
If this proves to be true. It means a UerKeunt Ellis, and squad to the place
slump In the market or some masterly where tne ,.Khty-flve Chinese and two
financiering. Jnoanese gamblers were under arrest.
A loading- Jnnaneae Imnortinc firm . n . i ...... ... fin. i a.,
- All ,11.1 1 wna hi, t., . ' "
has comnlalned that Canadian export- , ....... h. ..-i
, . I IV IIOOVSJ IIV -vtn. i a J -v V aw
era of salmon require Inspection and,(,(ty prj,0,
, l i . r. i !.!.. i. I ... ....
Hutton made nis raue just twenty
four hours after Sergeant Ellis had
(escorted him through all the leading
years old. of Springfield, Mass,, and
tleorge Rivet, 14 years old, of Bur
lington, VI. They slept In the woods
near the scent of the murder lust
- uUC,...vo v-.. ..... - - escorted mm tnruugn an n iruum
"If the agreement not to pay com- states hou8e8 a(?ree to accept Toko- L,,,,,,,,,,., cub(u Momltly ghl be let
missions and not to deal through scalp hama customs weights. Another kick commaiul,.r f the Chinatown
squad into his scheme.
is registered because when first catch
aly happens that some of the second
comes mixed up with, it
The sugestlon Is made by the United
States engineering office that trap pil
ing on the Pacific coast might be re
moved without losing the location. At
present it Is considered a serious
menace to navigation In those waters.
Receipts of Alaska salmon at San
Francisco for the season to October
last were 1.06M20 cases, against 1,-
498.320 cases last year. ,
The market Is practically unchanged
being confined largely to assortment
orders, says the SanFranclsco Trade
Journal of recent date. The trade
throughout this country and Europe
,U 0- JT " 1 - 1 KlU VU("VU V.VUIH J M.
has been known in years. It is well , continue to buy on conservative lines,
to remember that General Passenger letting packers carry stocks from
Agent nuggies oi iuw ij wnicn to draw as required, ine pac
advisedly and has invariably been up
held by President Ledyard. Such a
charge as has beep made, must, there
fore, have had a substantial basis. If
there have been Irregularities with
steamship agents It needs no stretch
of the Imagination to determine the
possible underlying cause. In view of
developments and circumstances con
nected with immigration traffic dur
the past year or two.
It has been proposed that second
plaa traffic east bound from Chicago
b pooled, the Baltimore ft Ohio, Lack
awanna, Erie, Grand Trunk, Lehigh
alley and KUI Plate, sre favorable
to the plan, but th Michigan Central,
Ntw Tork Central, Wabash Md West
Wtfr Ukt g negative attitude.
So man? Usnts bave disputes equally
M MrloUf M this cone to arbitration
.verted an open flht. that ulti-
HateJy thil m mar bo Hlosod of.
aiatair wis r sltuat on
The passengtf - w "
throughout the Wert had not
bad aa at present for many years.
Rates are being cut freely In all dlrec
K6ni and especially between Chicago
and Bt Louie and Chicago and St
PauL M ever commissions are re
Tiffrtd. it will not be easy to again havt
them aboltsned.
Vlorfnonsand Proph.U U Turn State,
tvldeinoo tn Smoot Case.
Washington. Dec Ij All of the se
cret af the Mormon endowment
house ceremony are to bo revealed
when the hearing in the case of Sena
tor Reed Smoot 1 resumed by the
senate committee on privilege and
elections a week from next Monday.
-.. nnnitlon to Senator Smoot will
attempt to show In these revelations
tbat the Mormon people In this cere
enounce allegiance to the Unl-
a sus. In addition the robes of
the ceremony wll be exhibited to the
committee, and as far as possime
tw wll be a reproduction of the
scenes In the endowment-house. One
nr nath taken Is said to be tnis
"I will avenge the blood of prophets
who are killed In the nation and will
tu thl. to the remotest generation.
t,i th. nrevlous hearings all of
the Mormon witnesses. Including the
-tto. refused to reveal tne endow
tt.,.. .orrets. Insisting that
.v.. hound by a secret oatn
nresned further, but
were simply requested to state
whether or not there had been any
change In the oath and ceremony since
the foundation of the church. They
Bald there had not.
this year will foot up much larger
than had been estimated, not falling
much below that of 1903. The In
crease comes largely from the In
crease in the fall packing on the Ore
gon and Washington coasts, Colum
bia river and Puget sound: even Brit
ish Columbia's fall pack will show an
increase. The fall pack will give
liberal supply of the cheaper grades of
fish outside of pinks. The latter are
In comoaratlvely light suDDly. It Is
honed that JaDan will come in and re
lieve the market of any excess that
may be had of the lower grades. It Is
auite likely that country will coma In
later a its supply of salt or footed
salmon decrease. Large quantities
were put up by Japanese In the waters
of Alaska. The east continue to re
port a good demand for the season for
salmon, but the individual orders are
comparatively light, yet they aggre
gate wall, which shows that the trad
buy as wanted. England reports dull
Vnr tlia kanorl ftf strangers, it hi&r
be stated, that there will be services
in alt th churches today.
Wis Waal Lor.
.rl MfniA Coro la beginning to
grow.QoM, toward mo," half obbd th
young wife,, ,, ...... ,, ...
"What" h been doiaf now r wquir
mA bar mAtkar aharnly.
"la hi last letter h oaly sends dm
a thousand klse, and always before
b used to (end laOOO.OOO."
"You told m that when wo Wert
.a akM u that MT AVer
wUh was gratifled," remarked tti
bride of a few week.
"Welir replied her fcosband rather
"Well, I wish I was 'i'lngle galn."-
PhUadelpbia Press.
She Was Coin.
TTnav Mv wife went out to shop to
day and lost a pocketbook containing
$20. Joax-DId Bbe lose It going to tne
store or coming back? Hoax-Going.
I said there was money In It, didn't I?
-Philadelphia Record.
One of the striking points of human
nature is that a man usually can sw
how aptly criticism fits som one .
-Insurance i'rew.
Gam Scheduled for
8aturday Afternoon.
Portland. Dec. 3. Association foot
ball lovers, numerous among the
many English, Canadian and Scoti
residents of Portland, will probably
bave the pleasure of seeing a revival
of their home game In this city, a
number of enthusiasts being disposed
to organise a club, secure grounds
and endeavor to place on o popular
footing a fast, scientific game that Is
practically unknown here. A match
game will be played Saturday after
noon at Hawthorne Park between an
eleven selected from old Portland
players and a team from British ves
sels Bt present in the river. A slml
far game two weeks ago resulted In a
victory for the city players by t to 1
and disclosed the fact tha. a strong
sentiment toward the game exists
among the Hrltlsh-born people here.
There are several veternns In Port
land who at one time figured promi
nently on the big English Scotch and
Canadian league teams. It Is figured
that a season's "brushing up" under
good leadership would produce an
eleven among the old players readily
capable of holding it own with the
crack teams of British ' Columbia
town and of San Francisco. The
gam ha not yet a very strong hold
at points nearer than these. Seattle
and Tacoma are said to posses semi
organised teams, while flwaro. Wash.,
(a usually Able td put up a stout fight
Fossil and Condon, Gilliam' county,
had a fine team of Scotchmen two
year ago, but they have failed to keep
up practice.
The principal difficulty locally Is
presented in tha lack of suitable
tfi-ounds. If noslble after the game
Saturday an organisation wll be form
ally launched, which will then take up!
th question of going to the expense
and labor of establishing In PdHbnd
a form of . athletics that rmwently
draw 75.000 and 1O0.0O iptOp'ie to a
came in England alp baa such
a powerful place ajfhoaf the bdd score
of athletic! actlvelf furr.ued In Can-
.is that fecAreiMr 'a crossroads In the
older provinces haa net Its association
football team. ,
i-.lla Re-eaforeemeata.
"He doesn't seem eager to begin the
lid there had not. t,,ia of life."
Now th. opposition will produce battl.Uie. to b r-
- - t..,A tuan MormonS.i . . . .. , m
witnesses woo mforcod br nca ujr-ui-aw.
but who bar. renounced the church.
Tbr of tha witr hart V"
Thro Trampe Arrested on 8uspieion
of Murder,
Leicester, Mass., Dec.3. Great ex
citement prevails In this town over the
brutal murder of Mrs. Emma Brig-
ham, 68 years old, whose body was
found this morning in a wood lot near
the home of her mother, Mrs. Jane M.
Richard, wltn wnom sne uvea in ue
renter Centre. The body was cov
ered with boughs, and bloodstains
were discovered all over the snow In
the vicinity.
Mrs. rsriniiham left her mother's
home yesterday afternon to go Into the
wood lot for the purpose of gathering
bousrhs. She did not return nt the ex
pected hour, and her mother enlisted
the aid of neighbors, who searched
the woods until midnight. The search
was renewed this morning, when the
body was discovered about 9 o'clock,
Three tramps who are suspected of
the murder were arested by officers
this afternoon. They gave the names
of Patrick Stanton, 37 years old, of
Now Tork City; Thorna Courtney, iO
Shakaspear Memorial.
New York. Dec. 3. An effort la to
be made, aaya a Tlmva dispatch from
Umdon. to bring to realisation the
long discussed project of an adequate
Shukeepcure memorial In London.
Subscriptions are to be Invited in all
parte of the world and the promoters
count on getting a large amount from
the United State. Ambassador
Ornate la a member of th committee
to deal with th preliminaries.
Worst of All Experience.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such waa th experience of Mr. 8. It
Xewaon, Decatur, Alu. "For three
yeara" aha writes, "I endured Insuff
erable pain from Indigestion, stomach
and bowel trouble. Death seemed In
evitable when doctor and all remedies
failed. At length 1 waa induced to
try Electric Hitter and the result waa
marvelou 1 Improved at once and
now I'm completely recovered. For
Liver. Kidney, Stomach and Bowel
troubles Electric Hitter is the only
medicine. Only 0c. If guaranteed
by Cha. Roger Druggist
Correct Clotkcsjorfkn
Take great care always, to b
dressed like the reasonable people
of your own age, in (he place
where you are; whose drew it
never spoken of one way or
another, a either loo negligent of
too r.'.tch studied.
Lui d Lki tlrijicld to hit MM.
Wise advice. Wear
clothes bearing this
Eaual to fine cuflom-made
in aD but price. J The makers'
guarantee, and ouri, with
every garment. CJ We are
Exchuive Agenti m tha city.
Capital 1'alJ Id 1100,000. Surplus and tnJlvMl Trout IM.OOO
Transact a general bauklng businM. Iuterest paid on time deKll.
President. Vie President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier
First National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus $100,000
JOHN an Sunt,
r. L. niHIiohlieereuiry
A.I-roX. Vice ITealrtml,
Designers and Nanufactoren of
Foot o Fourth Htreet, . . . ' . ASTORIA, OREGON.
AFir8t Cluss Concert Hall FinrstJ I Ifdort In The City
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop.
4331Commerd&l Street
Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Bnggng Checked and Transferred Trucks and
Furniture Wagon- fianoa Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
Hating InslalM KobU-r Tiring Maobio of tha
latitat pattern ! am prepared Mo all klod of work
in tbat lin at reasonable price. Telepbon 201.
Most Complete Printing Plant in Oregon
No Contract to Large. No Job too Small
Book and Magazine Binding a Specialty