PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1904. i 1 RETURN OF WAR, WRITERS Say Japanese Infantrymen Are Best Soldiers On Earth Cavalry a Farce. RUSSIAN CAVALRY IS SUPERB Co to Battlo With Bands Playing and Chorus Singing Stories of Cruslty False Believes Russia Will Win. Three correspondents fresh from the battlefields in Manchuria have just reached here, says the San Francisco Bulletin. They are James F. J. Arch! bald, who I well known in this city, and who represented Collier's in the far east; Robert Dunn, representing Outing, and W. H. Lewis of the New York Herald. Archibald had been with Kuropatkln's army for about eight months. Lewis was Vith Oku's forces, and Dunn has been an Invalid since July last. He had been shot In the foot by the Chun Chuses, or Red Haired bandits, in Northern Korea. As a result Mr. Dunn spent three months in a Yokohama hospital and saw little of the war. Praises Japs. The Japanese infantryman Is the best soldier on earth," said Mr. Lewis. That is a statement which I believe I can make without exaggeration. The Japanese makes a better Infantryman than ny other class of soldier. The Japanese cavalry Is a farce. The Japanese artillery is not so well man aged as it should, be, Although It has dope trrlbl elocution. 1 1 cannot express an opinion as to the outcome of the war. The battle of Llao Tang was almost fought to standstill. The Russians were able to hold the Japanese at that point It was a wonderful battle and the losses were enormous. I presume about 65.- 000 men were lost on both sides during the eight days' fighting. James F. J. Archibald, who repre sented Collier's Weekly on the Russian side, was in China when the war broke out and at once went up to Newch- wang. He followed the Russians to Liao Tang where he witnessed the battle from the Russian side and char it as a negative victory for the Japanese. Russsians Praised. The Russian cavalry is the best in the world," said Mr. Archibald. The Japanese have none worthy of the name, but the Russian cavalry up to the present has had no opportunity. There has been mud on all the pas sages from three to five feet deep. The corn fields with corn growing to fifteen feet in height were impossible for cavalry to penetrate. "Russian bravery is real bravery. The Russian soldiers recognize the Japanese as fine soldiers and admire them The stories of Russian cruelty are all a farce. "It is a fine sight to see the Russians go into battle with their bands playing and choirs singing at the van. Every Russian is of a deeply religious nature, and the singing of the vespers at even ing is one of the grandest things I have ever known. "I believe that the Russians will fight until they whip the Japanese. They will continue to pour troops Into Manchuria until they overwhelm them. "An army that can stand such de feats as the Russians have had, and preserve its morale, must be something great." ACTRESS DETECT8 CRIMINALS. Cloy Elmer Is Sometimes a Detective Aided Police in Famous Cases. San Francisco, Bulletin It Is not generally known that in famous crimi nal cases the work of clever women de tectives is often invaluable. There are very few women who are equal to the taciturnity demanded by the work. No TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Is the Oaly Possible Way of Bartas Am Effective Care. If you see a woman or a man with lux uriant glossy hair, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe It to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep arations that "claim" to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that dandruff is the result of a germ burrowing into the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and Its conse quent falling and baldness, can only b bad by killing the germ; and there Is no other preparation that will destroy that germ but Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Eagle Drug Store, J51-S5I Bond St, Owl Drug Store, Ht Com. St, T. F. Xurln. Prop. "Special Agent" .1 one would guess that dashing Cloy Kl mer, who sings coon songs at Fischer's, la one of the keenest woman detectives In the country and can be as "allent as the grave" about a case she may be working on. Miss Elmer came to San Francisco recently as a private deteo tlve for the Flnkertons of Chicago, She was in search of a recreant hus band who left a wife forlorn in Chi caco. The man. who la prominent in the Windy City, was found and the af' fair was settled by the clever little de tective without a hint of it reaching the public "It takes a quick brain and a silent tongue," said Miss Elmer of her novel work. Then when I'm on a case there is no rest until the work Is accom plished. It la really so much easier to (111 a theatrical engagement with no re sponsibllity but to sing my song every ntsrht. Still, on the other hand, detec tive work is interesting and full of ex citement. So I divide my time and ef forts and my stage career doesn't In terfere with my being a detective on occasions." Cloy Elmer's work in the famous Leutgert case of Chicago won her the respect of the Chicago police and de tective force. Leutgert was the butcher who several years ago cut up his wife and used her remains for sau sages. Miss Elmer's name was never known In the case, but '"Billy" Pinker ton. who had implicit confidence in her ability, put her on the case and It was her Individual efforts that did most to weave the web of incriminating evi dence about the Chicago sausage maker. Part of her success may be due to the fact tfcat in spite of a pair of keen eyes Miss Elmer's attractive feminity holds no suggestion of the woman de tective. Correct CottesfirMen A man is only tha lest gcntccl for a line coat, if, in wearing it, ho (how a regafd for it, and is not at easy in it as u it were a plain one. Lord L'ketietfieU to hit ton. You need never fret about fabric, fashion, finish, or lit if vour dother. bear this label Ifrtd3cnjamin&(y MAKERS 9 NEW yRK J Equal to fine cuflom-marJa in all but price. Q The makers' guarantee, ana ours, with every garment, J We are Exclusive Agents in this city. insurance men In the state and who had an office in Chicago at the time of the big fire in 1871. la dead. He was teacher of Secretary of State John Hay. REPORT OP TUB CONDITION TUB OF Firs Mill But At Astoria In the state of Oregon, at the close of business, November 10th, 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1101,830 It Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,1)7 (7 U. 8. Honda to secure cir culation ' 11,500 00 Bonds, securities, eto 11,100 00 Other real estate owned.... 1.000 00 Due from national banka (not reserve agents) H,00 16 Due from state banks and banker 106.561 S Due from approved reserve agents 114,050 06 Checks and other cash Items 151 51 Notes of other national bank 690 00 Nickels and rents 101 10 Lawful Money Reserve in bank, via; Specl S120.SOO 00 Legal-tender notes 10 00 120,200 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer 5 per cent cir culation 625 00 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital 1'alJ In 1100,000. Hurplus and Undivided Profits 1:6,000 Transacts a fcncrsl bousing business, Interest paid on time dqioalta, J.Q. A. BOW'l.BY, 0. L TETKHNON, FRANK PATTON, J. W. OAKNKK, President Vio President Cashier. Asst. Cashier Jft8 TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 NEW STYLE RESTAURANT No. lao Eleventh Street BEST MEALS IN TOWN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT First Class Chef. Good Service. Total I121.7SI 11 TENEMENT HOUSE FIRE. Die From Aged Man Will Probably Severe Burns. New York, Nov. 28. Fire in a Ave story house at No. 5 east 115th street has thrown 11 families into a panic Adolph Burkhardt. 75 years old, father of a vaudeville actress, was so se verely burned that the physicians In Harlem hospital where he was taken hve no hope of saving his life. Burkhardt lived with his daughter on the third floor and both were in bed when the Are started. When they were aroused the flames were leaping up the stairs, cutting off escape by that means and Burkhardt, clad only in a night robe, ran into the hallway He was found by persons who discov ered the flames and climbed up the fire escapes to alarm the sleeping tenants. When the firemen reached the house every window was crowded with fig ures attired only In night clothes, while a chorus of shrieks went up from the women and children, many of whom wanted to jump. Extension ladders were quickly raised and all were saved. the only person injured being Burk hardt. It Is believed that the Are started from a gas stove on the first floor. The damage was about 13000, INSTRUCTED JOHN HAY. Old Time Insurance Man of Chicago Is Desd. Chicago, Nov. 28. A dispatch to the Tribune from Galesburg, 111., says: H. R. Holmes, one of the best known Doesn't Respeet Old Age. It's shameful when youth falls to show proper respect for old age, but Just the contrary In the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation, all yield to these perfect pills, 2Sc, at Chas. Rogers' drug store Not A Sick Day Sines. 1 was taken severely sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi cines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that After taking a few doses I felt re lieved, and soon thereafter was en tirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen eral Debility." This la what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes. Only 50c, at Chas. Rogers Druggist THE LOUVRE A First Clus8 Concert Hall . . Finntlitwort In The City ADMISSION iFREE ATTRACTIVE riKXlUAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in I 50,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex pensea and taxea paid .... 10,050 20 N'atlonal bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Due to state banks and bankers 151 14 433 Commercial Street Individual de posits subject to check 1511,017 14 Demand certlfl- c,tM or 1IENIIY SMKKMaN, Msnager nn.lla . Ill TKA (Hi Certified checks.. 100 00 610.047 77 vumnges inggug VIIOCKM atid I ransiirrMj -Tnicks Anal Phone Nain 121 Sherman Transfer Co. A Runaway Bicyole, Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer, unyield ing to doctors and remedlea for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's Just as good for Bums Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Total 1121.751 11 Stats of Oregon, county of Clatsop. s: L S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear thut the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. a S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1904. J. IL MANS&LL, (Seal) Notnry Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEU w. f. McGregor, W. M. LADD. Directors. Furniture Wagons- fluuoa Movotl, Boxed and SIupjkkI. Reliance Electrical Works CVkOS, Msnagsr Ws sre thoroughly prepared for miking UinatHi sod executing orders for 11 kinds of electrical Installing sod repalriiMf. Huppllea fo stock. Wa fell the Celebrated 8IIELBT LAMP. Call np Phone 11(11. 428 BOND STREET The TROY Laundry la the only While Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Trices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 Scott's Santal-Fepslo i!pfcf "i"!!! ., MllllliV5 Teste tiny Capsules sre superior to eaitam or lopaioa.- Cubebs or Injections indium CURE IN 41 HOURSPw. the tame diseases with. out Inconvenience. Sold In all nnrtftt ERUPTO Have been suffering from Impure Blood for many years, having Boils and other Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de cided to try it, and am glad to say that it has done me a great deal of good. I intend to continue to use it, as I believe it to be the best Blood Medicine on the market Cleveland, Tenn. W. E. DBTBB4. For over fifteen years I have suffered more or less from Impure Blood. About s rear ago I had a boil appear on my leg below the knee, which was followed by three more on my neck. I saw S. S. 3. advertised and decided to try it After taking three bottles all Boils disappeared tnd I have not been troubled any since. Gbo. G. Fertio. 114 W. Jefferson St, Louisville, Kj. Newark, Ohio, Msy 23. 1903. From childhood I ihad been bothered with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils, I had boils ran trine from five to twenty in number each season. The burning ac companying the eruption was temble. S. S. S. seemed to be just the medicine seeded in my case. It drove out all impu rities and bad blood, giving me perma nent relief from the skin eruption and boils. This has been ten years ago, and I have never bad a return of the disease. Mm. J. D. Atherton. write for out book on blood and skin diseases. Medical advice or any special in formation abont your case will cost yon nothing. Tie twlfl tMll Cseyaay, Atkuta, I. MASQUERADE PALL. Wednesday, Nov. 30th. By Concomly Tribe, Improved Order .Red Men. At Astor Hall. a rosmvK ctr Wm Inflammation ar Cala?r of I ha bladder and CUcata. s.iaiu;a, no (III Lit ar Van I qnlaklr wl Ftraa aratlf Im mrai aaaaa w aanorrna-a and u Bo mail r of Sow lost- atau4 Int. AbaolMala barmlxa IM4 bv dnmlil. rla, J I. M, ft hf Mall. DOStfiatt 1.00, 1 bona, SJ.J i. TBI UlTAl-rtPSII (XL ssussoarraMa. ma. old by Chas. ftognrs, 411 CommarclaJ 1 a -4 4 4 (XXXXXX FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Lodging Camiw and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET . CHBISTENSON & CO. xxxxixmxiirixxxxxxxmrrixx fDrfCGceWo TONDERFTX HOMI TREATMENT Tkkl si liirl Cts eaa SnnlT la aattaS . Cnatkana a a V saaaaa wllaaa nam f boa thai an ftvaa n ia 41a. Ha cans with I I wonaarnd Chi-1 hurts, raou, twda, i I sad vaaataMMf tlrala; ao- t aae la this anaatwj. Thronga Iks aaa af tboaa taraalaas tiai iUia lata Bums eaatat kaaam m atlas ml mem MS at Sanaa raaa- Mica, wfck fca aarraaarally aaaa la iS aaaaaw. am 3-"- - auanaffe, Brar, kMaara, au.t has aaa a! at, Fatfaaia as af aa btaaJa aaal atraaiaaav m4m The C Gee Wo Oboe EcArJac Cv IM Alaar f, Partial 4. iill, SVktaaaaa saam YOU CAN DO BETTER HERE WE fUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH ONLY uu owves, nnnges. jron ik-Us, Springs and Muttroeeos taiv uur Bn;iHiWS. L. H. HENNINGSEN a CO. bond street. .. muw iu ncm-rarjo ex. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhrmao, Proprietors. CHOICEST FBESH AND HALT MEATS. - PlWMPr DELIVER I 543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. sanaaoaott ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in tbat line at reasonable prices. Telephone 20L CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. t 4 A A t: a a a a a tt a 4. The aaaaaaaoaaouttanttttBaoatta The Best Restaurants Regular Mean, 25 Cenu Sunday Dinners a Specialty Ewytblni tie Market Affortfi Carpenter and Mechanic TOOL FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Palace HH1 Palace Catering Company E aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa nnnnntt: AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Tale Bohemian Beer Best Iu The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co.