The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 26, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Chase vSanborn's
Seal Brand Coffee
You don't have to tine eggs to make good coflTeo from tins
-nothing but DOMINO SUGAK and CREAM.
Good Goods Our Specialty.
Local Brevities.
Mamim-rade null made to order. In
tiulrt at No. SHI Ootid street.
Hun naatad. a native of Norway,
waa yesterday aranted first papers of
Wanted Hoy to aft a unher. Ap
ply to Manager Ovurts. the Stur. to
tiny between I and H.
Fund-At the Star thenter, a fur
neck scarf and purae. Owner muy
huve smne by applying to Manager
Miirrlune Ilreim were Issued yven'r
.1,1 v to the following Persons: Kmll
Kulnnder and Mary Liihtl. John Andi-r-
enii and Miiry Mattaon and J. W.
Puvl.lmm mid Kl 11. Johnson.
P. lwler wa yesterday appointed
administrator of the entale of Charles
UlbUinn, deceased. . C. CUIiiger, Mux
Young and V. W. Clardner were named
ne appraiser of the estate.
Panlal Mi U'iin, a well known reel
dent of West port, waa quite badly hurt
Thureday while working t MFur
land's logging camp. A log rolled over
hie right leg. fracturing two bonea be
low the knee. Dr. Eetes wus culled
and attended to the Injured man.
It la underatood that Dick Smith,
Oregon' great conch, hu formed a taw
partnership with Hon, Ueorge Nolund
of thla city. When Smith become a
realdent of Aatorla he will be Invited
to Join the Commercial Club football
quad, and will prove a valuable addi
tion to the team. ,
Mill Dell Hunter, who la well known
In thla city, met with a serious accident
Tueediiy on the Hunter furm near IN
waco. Hhe waa In the act of mounting
a horse when the animal became fright
ened and started to run, dragging MIm
Hunter by the foot, which had become
fnatened In the atlrrup. 8he waa
dragged over the plank road for a con
alderable distance before being released
and received aeveral aevere brulss.
MIm 8. A. Stevens of Eureka, Cal,,
died on the steamer Alliance while that
vessel wna on her way up the river.
Mine Stevens' drum occurred at 11:15
Thureday night. 8 lie wua a aufferer
from consumption and, redlining that
th end wa near, had Marled for Port
end, accompanied by her mother, to
e her brother. The young woman
died before the vessel reached I'ort
The recent ralna have, according to
Deep Hlver advices, wrought mud
damage to the property of the Deep
Klver lagging Company, the railroad
of which run to Nuwl. The filling on
the branch line h been waehed away
and om treatlework over Sulmoti
creek carried out The damage will
amount to 125.000. The rain had the
beneficial effect of bringing a largi
quantity of log to tidewater, and In
thl respect waa a divided boon to log
The finning eon on Shoulwater buy
him climed and the fishermen are bring
lug their boat and net home. Me
(lowan & Hon' cannery ha cloned
and John McOowan tate that they
have had a very successful aeaaon,
Their puck will be utmul 10,000 cane
of fall salmon. The season og.hoal
water bay has been aomewhat "back
ward, n the allverlde salmon did not
(tart lo run until the aeaaon wa at
nut over. In the 10,000 raw packed
there hove been uacd between 300 and
400 ton of fish,
The county court met In adjourned
'union yesterday for the purpoae of
considering offer for the plumbing
work on the new court houxe, six bid
wer received, but the court decided to
return them unopened to the firm, be
cause of the muddle whU h hoa recently
arisen aa to the Irregularity of the con
tract thu far entered Into. Work on
the court boue probably will uot be
reeumed until some time in January,
The question of declaring city precinct
No. 1 prohibition territory waa couaid
ered by the court yeslerduy, but no
definite action waa taken. The matter
waa referred to Dlatrlct Attorney Al
len, whoae report will be received at
the regular meeting In December.
Did you ee and hear the bloscoplo
lecture at the Preabyterlan church lut
evening? If you did. you will not
mla the laat one tonight. If you did
not, you should not fall to attend thla
evening. The ong are elected. and
moet delightfully llluftt rated. The
songs tonight, Including: "The Tie
That Bind," and "The Holy City.'
will be rendered by male voice, which
may eapeclally attract you. The lec
ture are given under the auaplcea of
the Salvation Army by Ensign W. It
erant ree and W. C. Powell. The admls
Ion la the nominal um of 10 and 15
cent, but they ay, "If you have not
: An All Brass Bed
There is style, grace and utility
Low price and solid comfort in each.
We want you to call and soe the handsome all
Brass Bods we now have on display. After you
loam how reasonably we soil them and how comfortable
they are, you will not want to be without one.
i.i t.. t uv tr..... r.i.L..
the price come anyway." Let It be
underatood that the proceed of the
lecture are to b applied to their
Christmas charities and recue work,
a benevolence which will appeal to
every good patron.
The teamr Alliance, which arrived
Thunduy from Coo bay, brought a
much freight a ahe could car for and
a full lint of paenger. Among her
freight wn the balance of the pack of
the Prosper Canning Company of Co
qullle. Employe of thl company re
port the puck on the Coqullle to have
been 11.185 cases, not Including the
flah ahlpped to Coo buy by the South,
ern Oregon Company. Crone Tlmmon'
cannery packed 7500 cases of one-pound
tail, while the Proaper Canning Com
pany (Hum Ne) packed 4885 caae of
one-pound can. Of the Proaper com
pany' pack M00 caae are tall and
1430 caae r flat. The half-pound
can total J710 cases. The Chlneae
crew of the Proaper company returned
to Astoria on the Alliance.
R. M. Gaston and Mr. Onaton re
turned on Thureday from an extenalve
eaatern tour, having left Aatorla on
October J. They had a very enjoyable
trip vlalllng all the prlnclpul cltlea
and polnta of Interest a fur east as
Niagara fills. Mr. Oaaton auy they
aaw no rain after leaving here, and that
the drled-up and froat-bltten appear
ance of a large portion of the country
waa In ad coniraat wllh ever-verdant Oregon. Among the curlosl-
tle ucijulred on the trip I an Intereat.
lug copy of the Vlcknburg Cltlxen of
July 4, 1863, printed on wall paper, from
which extract are printed elaewhere
In thl paper, and a few leave from a
peculiarly kept account book bearing
date of 1776. Among the entrle made
In a fairly good hand I one for "three
barrel of ult nulmon," with the price.
The book la evidently the Journal of a
large bualnea house, but Its ayatein I
hardly underatundable now.
The beat football game between
chool team ever played In thl city
will take place at A. F. C. park at I
o'clock thl afternoon, when the Aator
la and Portlund high school team will
try conclualons. The Aatorlan have
been diligently practicing for the game
and have been couched by Mr. Aber-
cromble of the Commercial Club eleven.
The boy are now about to play their
flxl hard match. They are determined
to win, If poaalble, but appreclute that
they are going againat a very atrong
team. The Aatorla team will line up
aa follow: Center, Marlon; right
guard, Johunaon; right tackle, Emer
eon; right end, Allen-Ellsworth; left
guard, Owen; left tackle, Bellund; left
end. Sovey; quarterback, Stuart; right
half. Hughe; left half, Roger; full
back. Stlne. The proceed of the game
will be devoted to the high school li
brary and the boy expect that a large
number of people, especially school boys
and glrla, will turn out to see the game.
The Ilrltlah bark Holt Hill, which
reached port Thanksgiving day from
Hamburg, come pretty nearly capturing
the long-passage record. She sailed
nearly a year ago. Soon after leaving
port the bark encountered a gale and
stormy weather delayed her at Inter-
vala until she was In the vicinity of
Cape Horn. The storm at this point
carried away her port bulwarks and
the small bouts, and the bursting of
a hatch allowed considerable water to
get Into the hold, which was filled with
cement, sulphur, etc. It was found
necessary to Jettison 800 tons of cargo.
The bark then put Into Montevideo
for repairs, sailing again August 4.
She encountered more bad weather and
lost two other small boats. She ar
rived off the Columbia November 18
and Captain Howes was put aboard.
Storma were raging, but the bark waa
never In any danger. Captain Parker,
master of the Holt Hal, is past 70. He
made his first trip to the Columbia SO
year ago, and 10 year later made an
other voyage to thl port. Something
more than 19 year bad elapsed since
the veteran mariner had crossed Co-
lumDia s oar. , ....
Among the matters now being con
sidered by City Attorney Smith Is the
question as to whether or. not the city
board of assessors ha the right to
assess Improvements on real estate. At
every meeting of the assessor many
complaints are registered, and the situ
ation has become decidedly oppressive
"When we make assessments to pay
for stret Improvements, the fellow own
ing a lot adjoining the corner lot kicks
bcause we assess hi house," said
Chairman Burns of the street commit
tee, explaining the matter. "The fel
low who own the corner lot has no
house on it. After the street Improve
ment 1b paid for, however, he may build,
nd the fellow owning the adjoining lot
sets up this contention. In. his com
plaint. Some ltiwyers tell us we have
no right to assess Improvements, while
others declare that we have this rlgljt
want a written opinion from, the city
attorney, o that, when the remonstra
tor appear before the board, w can
hov that opinion under their none
and aaaume a atand-pat attitude." The
city contend that Improvement may
be aaaeeaed, but It I evident that a
ault to determine the legality of the
matter I not unlikely. Mr. Smith will
prepare the opinion for the board. The
document will have the effect of making
him the butt of the remonatrator' ul
The teamhlp Ellerlc and Num
antla are due almost any time now from
the far eaat. The last-named will
doubtless take on a full cargo at Port
lund, but the Kllerlc may not load a
cargo t thl port. Exporter
declare that the regular liners of the
Portland-Asiatic company exact exces
sive freight toll. The rate on those
vessel 1 15 a ton. Of lute there bos
been leasened demand for coast food
stuff, and thl 1 alleged to be due to
the high freight rate. If exporter could
secure a rate of $4 a ton they would
be In position to do business, and de
dure that the traffic to the orient would
soon again resume it erstwhile pro
portion. It I stated In this connec
tion that some of the exporters have
charted tramp freighter to carry food
stuff and other freight to the orient,
and these tramp gladly accept $4 a
tun. The steamship Ellamy Is now
under charter to Balfour, Guthrie 4 Co,
It Is staled, to carry flour and barley
to the far east for $4. Other tramps
are offering and it Is not unlikely that
the Hurrlmun line will soon filnd it
necessary to meet the trans-Pacific
charge fixed by the owners of the
tramp. When the Ellerlc arrives she
will receive order here. Instructions
to that effect having been received yes
terday. .
Piano Instructions at 667 Exchange.
A, furnished front room for rent at
No. 140 Fourth treet
Furnished room at 677 Exchange
street. Phone Red 2054.
Our headache tablet will quickly
gently and safely cure you, no matter
how violent the headache. If they
fall return bottle and get your money.
Charles Roger.
It you ax thinking of raising or mov
ing a building It would be to your
advantage to see Fredrlckson Bros,
general carpenters are house movers.
Shop at 171 Tenth street.
The Imperial oyster house Is pre
pared to furnish Shoalwater bay oys
ters In quantities of pints and quarts
to supply the family trade. Colonial
oysters always on hand.
And still another barrel of pure fresh
sweet Oregon apple cider, now Just
placed on tap. We sell It at 85 cents
a gallon. Our phone Is No. 681. Aator
la Grovery, 52S Commercial street.
The flower store of M. Egger Is now
located at No. 515 Commercial street,
next to Peterson Brown' shoe atore.
Choice cut flower, plants, ferns and
shrubs. Floral designs furnished.
Until December 1 we will sell meal
ticket at $4.00 each, cash, reduced
from $4.50. No reduction In the qual
ity of service given, which is always
first-class. New Style Restaurant
Save the La Imperial band and get
the diamond Stud.
Owing to a leak In the roof of Foard
nd Stokes' hall, the Red Men's
masquerade ball has been postponed
until Wednesday evening, November
80, at Astor halt. In the new Igan
The new umbrella store, 431 Com
mercial street, between Ninth and
Tenth streets. Is the place to get your
umbrella repaired or recovered. Also
an assortment of handles and umbrel
la. C. E. Duvall.
Tou appreciate the convenience of
having a large variety of all the latest
shapes and styles, as well a sixes and
materials, when you wish to select a
pair of shoe or other article of foot
wear, whether for dres or for work
ing wear. We have Just that kind of
a stock. Tou cannot beat It this side
of San Francisco. Peterson & Brown.
Parker House.
Mrs. H. H. Clark and daughter, Bny
Center, Wash.
A. Vnderduhl, Portland.
Dr. W. 1 May, wife and child, Lyons,
John Leonard, U. S. S. Perry.
Chas. Ward, City.
C. E. Liilton, Skamokawa;
L, V. Alston, Portland.
Miles J. Doyle, Deep River, Wash.
Graduate Optician
At the Owl Drug Stare
Snnday hour 12 to SS
No Charge for Examining the. Eyes
$10 Down and $5 per Month
Or pay the balance down and;
it ''
w i axju.q fs rr 537-531
A Tf Ht VV-T Bond St.
mm & stokes co.
SpeaKing' of getting'
Comfort out of a Stove !
We have a special assortment of fine
which we are selling as cheap as any
store in town. . '
Cole's Hot Blast Heaters
Moore's Steel Coobers
and the Universal Range
When you think of Flour
remember we handle
Royal Cream Flour :
and Demerit's Best
Use either brand and the result will be , ' , I
Cushion Shoe
(Manufactured by Utz & Dunn
' Rochester, N. Y.)
Pric $3.50
In both heavy and light soles.
Stylish and durable.
Women need no longer suffer from uncomfortable shoes
; ' Sold on ly by 1 ' ; ' '.
5v '-
Wherity, Ralston Company