PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1904. STOLE GOLD THREE YEARS San Francisco Lawyer Who Has Drilled Thousands of Double Egls b Detected. HE CONFtSSES HIS GUILT Extracted S3 Worth of Gold Prom Each Coin Vavorogod On Coin Ptr Day Wat Exceedingly Clsvsr About It San Francisco, Nov. II. James H. Cary, an attorney at law, graduate of the Hastings Law college, and well known about town, haa been taken In to custody by United State Secret Service Agents George W Haaen and Thomas R Foster and placed In the ctty prison on a charge of feloniously abstracting gold from double eagles. Hasen and Foster have been on his trail for more than two years. While they felt certain that Cary was respon slble for the crime, he was so wary that they were obliged to wait until now before they acted. The case Is so complete, the evidence so overwhelming that Cary acknowl edged his guilt and showed how he had drilled holes into the rims of the twenty dollar pieces and taken from $2.90 to tJ worth of gold from each. Twelve holes were drilled In each coin from the edge to the center, all con verging. The gold dust taken out was placed In a spoon-shaped depression on a block of charcoal and then fused Into a button by means of a flame from & blowpipe. Cary, In order to disguise the character of the gold that he was selling, alloyed each button with about S cents' worth of silver. The holes he filled with pieces of brass wire cut to the requisite length and filed smoothly at the top. Then the top of the wire and the edge of the coin were filed and glided to disguise the hole. The prisoner said that during the last three years he had drilled, on an average, one twenty dollar piece per day, or a total of at least 1000 of the coins. Starting with one drilled dou ble eagle he used to change it at a store, usually receiving three five dol lar pieces and the remainder In silver. Then he changed the five dollar pieces, each one at a different place, for silver, and changed the twenty dollars in sil ver for a gold piece, which he after ward drilled. As he came out of his room at 1838 Filbert street he was placed under ar rest by Hazen and Foster. They found In his pocket a drilled double eagle which he was on bis way down town to have changed, and a gold button valued at about $6, the result of the drilling of two coins. Taking him back to his room they found a drill, several flies, a vise, a block of charcoal and a pint bottle filled with cut piece of brass wire. Tm guilty. Tou've got me," be said. "There's no use denying it hope this will straighten me out. It's coming to me all right How is Cress TJnger coming out his trouble?" The first person to detect a drilled coin was Thomas Burns, cashier, of the United States Subtreasury. That was three years ago. He reported to the secret service men. They found where the buttons had been sold and got description of the seller. On May 26 1902, Agent Foster saw Cary change 20 In silver for a $20 gold piece In the Swiss-American bank. All bank tell ers were notified, but the work of Cary was so clever that the fraud could not be discovered without actually weighing the coins, except when they had been much used the gliding wore off and showed the tops of the brass wire. Cary's mother, sister and brother reside at 930 Chestnut street He Is $5 years old and a hard drinker. ATTACK NOT YET RESUMED. Next Attsmpt to Take Port Arthur Will b a Strong On. Chefoo, Nov. !t, 3 P. M. A Japa nese official among the latest arrival from Polny. states positively that the enearal attack on Fort Arthur has not been resumed. Rumors to that ef feet In Dalny have arisen because fresh troops Including the seventh dl vision recently landed, are being sent to the front It is believed that the explosion which took place on Nov. It occurred in some counter tunnelling work. The second explosion which was heard on Nov, 19. was much heavier and It Is reported upon the best authority, was due to the blowing up of ' a Russian magaalne. It Is expected that the next attack upon Port Arthur will be a tremendous affair. More reinforcements are coming to the support of General Nogi than those despatched to Field Marshal Oyama. The Japanese are now constructing coast defense forts at Pigeon bay, which Is accepted as an Indication that they expect to be defending Port Arthur themselves some day. DENY THE CHARGE. Chit Did Not 811 Warship to Russia New York, Nov. In discussing reports circulated In Europe relative to the alleged sale of Chilean war ships to Russia through Colombia a high government official says, accord ing to a Herald dispatch from Val paraiso: i This news Is absurd. It Is un worthy of the slightest attention. In respect for International law. Chlllean occupies the same If not a higher level than some of the greatest powers. It is quite absurd to believe that Chile would sell battleships to a belli gerent as to suppose that the United States would sell some of her ships to Russia or Japan. Because Chile is placed on the South American continent Is no rea son to imply that she Is a savage and uncivilised country, just as, on the ot her hand, there would be no reason to assume that she was a civilized coun try because she happened to be located In Europe." Correct QotkcsfirHen Do you drest well, and think a little of the brilhnt in your person ) Lord ChetteJittii to hit ton. 'BritUnt means pol ish, elegance, taste characteristics of the clothes bearing this label IJifcd5enjWn&(? MAKERS NEWyoRK J Equal to fine cuflonvmade in all but price. Q The makers' guarantee, ana ours, with every garment. J We are Exclusive Agents in this city. REPORT OF THE CONDITION TUB OF overs at Denver, Colorado Springs Manltou, O Ion wood Springs and Salt Luke City. Squadron Still Afloat. Frederlckshaven, Denmark, Nov, 21. The second division of the Russian second Pacific squadron has arrived here and Is anchored In Skaw bay. Merely because the Baltic fleet has not reported any more victories for week it will not do to assume hastily that there are no more fishing fleets. TO CURE ANY DI8EA8E. The fan Caas Host he Removed. Way With DaadraC. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Newbro's Herplcldc not only contains the dandruff gprrr destroyer, but It la also a most delight ful hair dressing for regular toilet uce. No other hair preparation Is on thin scientific basis of destoylng the dandruff germs. It stops all irritation, keeps thj scalp sweet, purs and wholesome. Re member that something claimed to be "Just as good," will not do the work of genuine Herptclde. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10a In stamps for sam ple to Th Heroiclds Co.. Detroit Mich Eagle Drug Store, 351-86$ Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 141 Com. St, T. 7. Jur1n, Prop. "Special Agsnt" RAILROADS WILL HELP. Big Companies Show Interest in Expo sition to be Held at Portland in 1905. Portland, Nov. 21. The big railroad companies are already beginning show a most encouraging Interest the Lewis and Clark centennial, and reports so far Indicate that the trans portatlon companies are willing to do all In their power to make the fair success. The Missouri Pacific railway has announced that It will run a per sonallv conducted excursion to Port land next summer, the date to be de elded upon later. A special pullman train will start at Indianapolis, going west by way of St Louis, Kansas City Colorado Springs. Denver, and Salt Lake City, and the Itenerary will In elude a three day stop at the fair. The Denver and Rio Grande has Issued circulars advertising personally con ducted excursions to Portland in 1905. These will be made via St. Louis and Kansas City, and will Include stop- hoFULA "When a child I had a very severe at tack of Diphtheria, which came near pro v log fatal. Upon recovery the glands of the neck were very much enlarged, and aftet the free use of iodine, the right one was reduced to it normal cue, but the left one continued to stow very slowly at first, until it was about th size of a goose egg, wnicn began to press on tne wind, pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be cam very painful. An incision was made ana a large quantity of pus discbanred. The eland wu removed, or a much ai could with safety be taken out. For ten years I wore a little piece of cloth about aa Inch long in my neck to keep the plaot open. During this time 1 had to have it cut open by the doctor every time I took cold or the opening dogged. In the Sprint or early Summer of 1884 1 was persuaded by my wife to use 8. S. S., which I did, strictly in accordance with directions. I took twenty-six large bottles, and was en tirely cured, for I have not suffered sine that time. B. S. Ragland, Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston. S. C Only a constitutional remedy can reach an hereditary disease like Scrofula. When the blood is restored to a normal condition and the scrofulous deposits are carried off there is a gradual return to health. 8.S.S. is well known as a blood purifier and tonic. It is the nly guaranteed, strictly vegetable remedysold. If you have any signs of Scrofula, write ns and our physicians will advise yoafro Til Swift Speeito toapuy, Atlaita, ft. Not A Sick Day Sino. "I was taken severely sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi cines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt re lieved, and soon thereafter was en tirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbor of mln have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen eral Debility." This Is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont N. C. writes. Only 50c, at Chas. Roger Druggist. First National Bank At Astoria In th state ot Oregon, At the close ot business, November 10th, 1904. nr.nui.nir.n, Loan and discount 1308,830 1 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,23? 87 U, 8. Bonds to secure 'cir culation , 11,500 00 Bonds, securities, etc 61,300 00 Other real estate owned.... (.000 00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 14,004 it Due front state bank and banker 104.661 8 Due from approved reserv agent , ' 184,050 Ot Checks and other cash Items 358 51 Notes of other national bank 680 00 Nickel and cent 306 10 Lawful Money Reserv In bank, vlt: Specl 1120.200 00 Legal-tendernote (0 00 120,200 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer t per cent cir culation 625 00 A GTnt) I A CAVIWG n A WW ilUlVAMl VJXsV AAfUrv MJJ JH! JaSV Capital l!d In 1100,000. Burplu and Undivided Trout ia.000 Transact a general banking butlncs, Iuterwt paid on tlm deposits, J. Q. A. 130WLBY, 0. L FKTEKHON, FRANK PATTON, J. W. OARNER, President Vio President Cashier. Aist.Oahlr J8 TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 NEW STYLE RESTAURANT No. lao Eleventh Street BEST MEALS IN TOWN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT First Class Chef. Good Service. Total 1822.756 31 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pnld In I 60,000 00 Surplus fund 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less ei penses and taxes paid .... 30,060 20 National bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Due to state banks and bu,k'r 168 M 433 Commercial Street Individual de posits subject to check 1511,097 24 Demand certifi cate of de posits 168,750 63 Certified checks.. THE LOUVRE First Clus8 Concert Hall FinestIicsort In TlieCity admission; free ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop. - Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. A Runaway Bioyols, Terminated with an ugly cut on tin leg- ot J. B. Orner, Franklin a rove. 1)1 It developed a stubborn ulcer, unyleld Ing to doctors and remedies for fou years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salv- cured. It's just as good for Burnr Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Plies. 25 at Chas. Roger' Drug Store. fDrJCGecWo 0NDES7UL hous tr2atuznt La iaT'lii (Was ' n J t, tat Ha cons alia f iWT bass anaiaral ChW I OOT. grsasVs m J mmm la OUs any. Throat aw aa at tfcaa Si ail iiHii law ftim il mM kan Mm moos af mr MS tukaaat ia adtoa, lea a awn (any a la tm nat Saaaaaa, Ht nmua M on aMaafc, a ma, laa OuaM, rt ma Hlin. am i nmm hi. toaneh, ttrw, kKtMTt, M.1 kaa aaatnai at lawlmlals Caama aiiiiUla CM aa aa aa Sw sua Urn. rattaata sat af Um mmks as emolanv Baal TATIOM nut. ASItkl The C Gee Wo Ctiaat Ec&t&e Gt. 6J 1U Aldsr SC. TM aallaa faaas. Total 1821.766 11 State of Oregon, county of Clatsop. ss: 1 S. 8. Gordon, Cashier ot th above- named bank, do solemnly war that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. 8. OORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and worn to before m this 16th day of November, 1904. J. H. MANSELL. (Seal) Notory Public. Correct Attest: O. C. FLAVEL. w. f. McGregor, W. M. LADD. Directors. IIENItY SHERMAN, Mauser loo oo 680,047 77 Hncks, CnrrittgesBnggng' Cheeked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons- Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CYMJH, Manager We art thoroughly preiared for nuking estimate anil exeoutlng order (or all kind of electrical installing and repairing. Buppllt In stock. W Mil th Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call opinion 1101. 428 BOND STREET The TROY Laundry Js the only Whito Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in evory way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1991 Scott's M-Pepslo Capsules A POSITIVE niini nmimtrnmiiiiiiiHtnirmTmii feu.. x, ' !" nlrt hy i 'has. Wm iBflunmaMea at OaUnt H th BIwMm and IImm4 Kidaarii. "to ears aa pay. Can anUklr and Paras- aoatlf In wont auaa a Voaarrk and ilM. SO Biatf'rof how long ataaoV Ina. Abwlaulf karalMS Bold At drassltU. fritt tl0,lbaiM,L7l. TNI MITAl-Kftil ea, SUSPONTalNa, CttNO. fUHrar. IM Comrnarctal FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET . CHRISTENSON CO. KXITXXXIIIIItiXIXlJLLLlJLU ' Hi 1 Tsets tiny Cipulei r luperioi to Balsam ot lopaiDt,- Cubebs or Injection! and urnv CURE IN 48 HOUBSI, th tarn dueam with-Nw out Inconvenience. Sold tr all ftrufpm. MATTING Jail Recelved-The finest stock of matting Id the city, In many pHltorns and grades. Prices low at 20, 25 and 30 cent t yard. L. H. HENNINCSEN a CO. SiKS rgo Ex. Co. Sheet Music! 50c - PIECES - 15c I Latest Popular Music, the same kind yon have been paying I the long price for, I jj. N. GRIFFINJ ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rnbber Tiring Machine of th latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work in tbat line at reasonable price. Telephone 291, CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Marton and John Fnhrnian, Proprietor. CHOICEST FKESfJ AND SALT MEATS. - PROMPT DELIVERY 543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. nnntttiononnnnnntittnRntiannnntinttttattn 1 ama 55 1 ne Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant Reg olir Mcils, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty Everytninf tne Market Affords , Palace Catering Company tittoBaattaaaatttiittttttttttttttttitiBttttttottttttBtttttt Carpenter and Mechanic TOOL FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY s AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Tale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co.