i i PAGE EIGHT. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY,' XOVEMWKU 19, 1904. - ' " -- " t ; ; iiiiMLiMiMj'a 1MlililHWlH mil i ii . H LITTLE DIFFICULTY IN WAY OF ADJUSTMENT OF MUDDLE WorK on Court House Can Be Resumed Within SKort Time by Plan Al ready Proposed. The court house muddle occupied public attention n Astoria yesterday. On every hand could be heard expres sions of disapproval of the evident ef fort to block the improvement, and the element supposed to be responsible for the affair was scathingly condemned. The situation l not, however, a serious one, as the errors already made will be righted and the construction work proceeded with In due course of time. s Testerday Fulton Bros., at the re quest of the county court, filed an opin ion bearing upon the legality of the contract entered Into with Messrs. Bastle & Dougan. and also the legality of the general fund warrants Issued In payment for the work during the past eight weeks. The law firm's opln Ion is that the general fund warrants thus issued are Irregular, that the con tract Is illegal and that the court has no authority, under the present law, to levy a building tax running through a series of years. How to Right the Error. When the matter was brought up at the meeting of the court Thursday afternoon Mr. Dougan stated that he would be willing to go ahead with the work if arrangements could be made to raise $7000 or $S0W) to pay.the freight on material and the labor bills. "With this sum the work could be prosecuted until January, when the court could make a levy for building purposes. Upon this levy being made the fund would be created and warrants could be Issued against it Immediately. A J-mtll levy would thus net between 112,900 and $13,000. which would be sufficient to carry on the work until the meeting of the legislature, which will afford the desired relief. The,leg islature will authorise the court to make the running levy for building pur poses and will also legalise the general fund warrants thus far drawn. Upon this authorisation being delegated to the court by the legislature, the build ing fund would be created, and the work would go on uninterruptedly. People Are Patriotic Already a movement to raise the 17. 000 or J8000 necessary to carry on the project under Mr. Dougan's proposal has been started by progressive citi zens, and there is good reason to be lieve that this amount will be set aside. The people are determined that the court house shall be built and- are ready and willing to lend their financial assistance. On ail sides the consti tutional objection raised is regarded as an effort at obstruction, and there Is a very pronounced sentiment that this effort must be resented. Perhaps It will be a week before the construction work is resumed, but the assurance is given that the building will be delayed but little. The county court will meet again November 25. At that time Mr. Dougan will be present and a plan for continu ing the work will be adopted. In the meantime preparations for providing the necessary funds will be made. The situation is not a serious one and will be straightened out with little diffi culty. Judge Trenchard's Statement County Judge Trenchard said last evening, when seen by an Astorlan representative: "On the supposition that the people of this county wanted a court house, the county court proceeded with the work. It has developed that the court has fallen into technical legal error. This is to be regretted, of course, but I am satisfied the affair will be cor rected almost immediately. The general fund warrants thus far Issued In pay ment for the work will not be repudi ate and when the legislature meets the court can be vested with author ity to make a running levy for build ing purpose. This will straighten out the matter. "I have been assured that the amount required by the contractors to carry on the work will be furnished by the people. This sum will make It pos sible to carry on the work until the levies are made in January, at which time a building levy can be provided. With the money derived from thti levy work can be carried on until the leg islature meets and authorise the run ning levy." The Text of the Legal Opinion. The opinion filed yesterday by Ful ton Bros, affecting the validity of the matter is as follows: Astoria, Nov. 17. The Honorable, the County Court of Clatsop County Oregon Gentlemen: Complying with your request, we submit our opinion as to the validity of county warrants Issued, and proposed to be Issued In payment for work and material enter ing Into the construction of the new court house. Section 10. article XI. constitution of Oregon reads as follows: "No coun ty shall create any debts or liabilities which shall singly or In the aggregate exceed the sum of $5000, except to suppress Insurrection or repel lnvas ion." At the time the contract for the con stmction of the court house was enter ed Into the county had outstanding voluntary obligations In excess of $5000 but even if that were not a fact, by that contract the county obligates Itself to pay to contractors within less than a year sums aggregating over $100,000. In Salem Water Co. vs. City of Salem, S Oregon Report 30, the supreme court held that a contract between the city of Salem and the water company where by the city agreed to pay the company $1800 per annum for 17 years for water to be furnished the city, "without any provision for raising and appropriat ing revenue to be applied In payment of Buch liabilities as the same became due, necessarily created a liability against the city within the meaning of ! a provision of the city charter prohlb I Iting the common council from creating I nv rtelit or liabilities In uny manner against the city exceeding the sum of $1000." In Security Company vs. Baker Coun ty, 33 Oregon 333, the supreme court held that an Indebtedness created by a county court in the erection of a court house for a county is "voluntary" In debtedness and, if In excess of the con stitutional limitation, invalid. In fact, there seems to be no reason whatever for doubting the Invalidity of the con tract for the erection of the court house or of the warrants Issued or to be issu ed in payment thereof, as no provision has been made for the payment thereof. We are very clearly of the opinion that . . - I. the contract is void ana warnuiu. sued on account thereof Invalid, We are of the opinion that If a spe cial tax bad been levied sufficient to discharge such Indebtedness It would not then hnv been within the consti tutional inhibition, but of course to at tempt to raise o large a sum for a special purpose In one year would be to Impose an Intolerable burden on ih tnxnavera of the county. Could the tax for such purpose be extended throughout a series of year the burden would not be sever and doubtless such a plan would quit generally receive the approval of the taxpayers, as the necessity for a new court house Is con ceded by all. The question, however. Is, has the county court power to levy an annual tax to met the cost of con structing such a building, running through several years? As the law now stands we are not prepared to ad vise the court that it Is vested with such power. On the contrary, it Is our Judgment that the court baa not the power. The theory of our laws on assessment and taxation apparently Is that taxes for county purposes shall be levied annually. An exception which goes strongly to prove the rule, so far aa the question under consideration Is concerned. Is the act of 18. Bellinger St Cotton's code, sections S&29 and 2S21, which authorises the county court on the petition of the majority of the legal voters to "aid In the construc tion or repair of any public highway or river Improvement" by levying "an annual tax. running through one or more years." The fact that it was deemed neces sary to enact this statute In order to authorlxe the levying of a tax running ; through a series of years would scent to be a legislative construction to thej effect that In the absent' of a statute 1 such tax could not be levied, and as; the statute applies only to highway!!.; and river Improvements, the power of j other purpose would seem to be nega- i tlved. Consequently we are of thej opinion that legislative authority to levy such a tax must be first secured. We. therefore, advise that the court Is j without authority to proceed with the construction of the court house until I the legislature shall authorise It to j provide for meeting the expense nee-1 cessary thereto by levying an annual tax running through a scries of years, creating a special fund against which all warrants In payment of the cost of construction should be drawn. Such a law being enacted, and the tax levi ed thereunder, we are of the opinion that a new contract should be made pursuant thereto. In making such new contract we think expenses now In curred might b taken care of aa the work already done will be worth what It has cost. Respectfully. FULTON BROS. ALL CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S KEPT I'll ESS ED FllEE OF CHAHG12 OK 9 Certainly, PRICE IS NOT EVERYTHING. QUALITY COUNTS. WELL, 110V AP.OUT OVERCOATS, HEARING Removal Notice. Dr. J. A. Regan has moved his dental office to rooms over A. V. Al len's grocery store. ' Jeffries to Meet Johnson. San Francisco, Nov. IS. The Cull says that Champion James Jeffries will meet Jack Johnson, the colored pugil ist In the ring next March. It claims that the men have been signed up and have agreed upon terms under which the mattle will be fought. It fs no small comfort to have Schilling's Best on cail at your grocer's ; a pity one cr.n't get everything such anJ col i THIS LABEL Suits $17.50 to $30 AAKERS MEWyRK Overcoats $17.50 to $30 mltl5cnjamin5(5 GrmtCktht) ArMn Have you anything in Astoria to boat it, or to equal it? There ore n good ninny jiwplo from old Missouri in Astoria and you've got to show thorn. What wna con sidered best in Astoriu two or three years ago ain't in it now with such garments as nre made by Alfred Ilenja niin fi Co., of New York, and which are sold in Asto ria exclusively by, Smilingly yours, itrmtimesiirpittx .i :r 4 m 1 lisi 11 lit t S V ' - .. f s . H 1 ( v y V-.. . ri .1: 'A MM BSaBBSK SBSSk;jJ1' Hand Tailored E lit JMltll-ijafmawgyj 1.411(1, 1 aiiured HERMAN WIS The Reliable Clothier and Hatter P. 8. The reduction on OVERCOATS is still on. PERSONAL MENTION. F. M. Raymond of Heattle Is in the city. A. W. Jordan of Portland Is In the city. J. V. l!odrl-k has returned from a visit to Seattle. H. H. Clark t Portland Is among Hip lute arrivals at the Occident. W. A. PitlliiKer, a Portland travel ing man. was among the passengers down on last night's train. Mrs. Gertrude Reed Kmerson of Port land, Me., Is visiting in the city with her uncle, Captain 0. Reed. " It. I Bradley of Portland and A. W. Bnullejr of Duluth , are In the city. The Messrs. Dradley are tlmbermen. , I E. Loomli, I A. Loomls and R. A. Hawkins came over from Ilwaco yesterday and left up the river last evening. Save the 1 Imperial band and fet the diamond stud. v 1 Smoke i the New Size LA IMPERIAL CIGAR ALL HAVANA. (No imitation goes with us.) Save the Bands And get the diamond in Seymour's window, or the $20 gold juece or a line suit of clothes. : J. V. BURNS, -44 Weinhard's Log; r Beer. Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes. We have just received a stock of these famous shoes for boys and girls. A shoe that cannot be beaten for style, -wear and quality. Prices $1.60 to $1.8S .' We also sell other universally known brands made by Brown Shoe Co., in latest styles and best values for cach member of the household. Trices from " ! j $1.00 to $3.BO. tm SALESMAN'S NAME 13 BUSTM BROWM. THE BRIGHTEST LITTLE BOY IH TOWN. VHE.N DAlNTyjANt. COMES IN TO BUT HE KNOWS THE VtRY KINO JHt'LLTRY, AnuAul TUCU 1 Jt ft TRIM JWOXtA . UrfiffltMDJ HOW VANt THC.JORT OrjHOtJ ? THAT JAHl AND D'l ."' Jf And MAKl THEM LOOK TWM ANONin. rtkJikViW ' V.aX. urjffntoJNCiwWANtTME,JoaTOr4Moi? tWZiVll HJC) t W XvSv Tmat Jane and Busies alway oe. n'JyVM 1 enrvnicHT too ny 7lt kowri two co Millinery. ' . ,( The special tale still continues in the millinery de partment "We are offering tho latest patterns and "Gnge Ilats" at greatly reduced prices. We make no misrepresen tations this is strictly a sale of all sales. Table Linens. Your Thanksgiving dinner will look moro inviting and taste bettei'lfserved on our table linens. We are show ing a full line .from -10c to $1.75. Also beautiful center pieces, doylies and napkins. You can always buy cheaper at THE BEE fflV