The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 12, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I . ' - , :
.... .'k'"""' m. .mijiuliumm.
. Brooklyn Workman Burltd Under Col
lapi.d Iowop Btruetur.
Brooklyn, Nov. 1L It took a hook
and ladder company, polio r
, Mirveo . and many : workmen to
, wmui Tony Mnjono In a dyliif condl
; tlon from (ho new May Rldg wr at
Hlxtlitth atroot and Fourteenth avtnut
i yeotordny Atornoon. - ,, ... , , ,
' The atroctur raved In, and Majon
wo burltd under tone of brick.
, It took a long thn to lor to Majont,
Thon rope wr paaard undor hla arm
; and 10 mon tuned away and Anally
freed him, Ilia !, arma and rlba
were broken, and ha will die.
Woman Who Make Lagging! Btrlko
for Righto.
New York, Nov. 11. A atrlka ha
been declared by It women employed
In a Grand itreet ahop In monufactur
I" lenltif for the army and navy.
The atrlkttra oppoe a reduction of
wag and want to enforce the eight
hour work day.
Why the Jap la Strong.
The JupanoM are allowed to
amour the very atronireat people
earth. Tbey are atronf mentally and
ehyalcally, and yet practically they eat
no meat at all. The diet which en'
ablea them to develop auch hardy
Dinner Sets
Prices never so cheap
Need the room
New Holiday Goods
Come early
Just to look.
Croat Aieriai Imporliiif Tea C,
Monty Sbtuc Storo.
rramea and auch well-balanced and
keen bralna conalata almoet' wholly of
rice, ateamed or boiled, while the
better-to-do add to thla HparUn fare
nan, , vtgwtable and fruit. For
beverage they una weak tea without
ugr or milk and pure water, alco
holic etlmulunte being but rarely In
dulged In, Water la Imbibed In what
we ahould conalder prodlgloua quan
tmee to an KngllNhnmn, Indeed, the
drinking of o much water would be
regarded aa mudrieei. The average
Japan Individual awallowe about a
gallon dally In divided do. 7
: The. Japaneae rocognlM - the -. bene
ficial effect of fluahlng the ayatem
through the medium of the kldneya,
and they nlo clean the exterior of
their bod lee to an extent undreameJ
of In Euro; or America. ;
Anotherand perhapa thla la the
uaage on which the . Japaneae lay the
greateat tre-l that deep, habitual.
forcible Inhalation of freah air la an
eaaentlal for the : acqulaltlon ? of
etrength, and thla method la aedu
loualy practiced until It become port
of their nature.
He Wae Only the King.
King Leopold of Belgium, who haa
been at plarrlta, taking a vacation
from the worrlea of klngehlp In general
and Congoland troublee In particular.
whi the central figure In an amualngj
Incident which net that faahlonable
French watering place laughing.
The democratic monarch bathed
there aa did every other man, privately
and unoatentatloualy. One morning aa
he come Out of the water, he chanced
to collide with a portly man, who evi
dently did not know a king In a bath
ing eult.
"What do you mean, alrf he anorted
savagely. "He more careful. I would
have you to know I am a member of
the Pari city council.
"Then I offer a thousand apologlea,
replied Leopold at once. "I am only
the king of the Itelglana." New Tork
Monkeye and Magpie.
Monkeya and magpiea are bad
mathomatlclana. Neither can count
beyond four, and the men who make
It their bualneai to catch them profit
j by thla knowledge. Five or alx men
march openly toward the animal and
, then bids themselves. A abort time
, after four men come out Into the open
and go away. The animate, believing
all have gone, are readily caught by
thou who remain.
Oer aolf moJo
mo are the a lory
of our irwtiiu
tloM. Wendell
Orral with Crm.
Scram bl1 Ene with Baeoo.
Uot UoMilt. Marmalade,
' l Conoumm.
M Roort Boof.
Xmo1op1 Bwott Potatoes,
torn. Poo.
Oroen Poprwf Salad.
irroaon mooing.
Bardlna on Toast
Eecalupnd Carrot.
Four Fruit Jam.
Cake. Too.
pound aaoh of raapbcrrlo. currant, I
add Ave pound of aurar and cook ,
until it Jeuloei J to Jolly glaoaea. ,
What to Do If You Detlre Praotloal
, Information. ,
If yon contemplate vlaltlng the 8L
Loula Expoaltlon, to et ure reliable In
formation a to railroad aerrice. the
loweat ratee and the beet route. AJ
aa to the local condition In 8C Loula
bote!, eta, etc.; . j
If you will wrlu the tmderalgn4
eutlng what Information you deefre
the Bare will be promptly furcittaed
If w do not have It on bond, wli'
aeour it for you If poaalble, and wltb :
out any expenae to you. Addreaa
M Portland, Ore,
Ivery 7oman
a'MMH wm worwnui
MARVEL Whirling Spray
lt mm
jr bm (vntMA supply llie
ITIM nw law Iim. Imp.
Mt Mum C4nnlraf,
olbor. btil trnd iIaiub re
UlaalntMl Inuk-MM. Ultra
full iruuUrtiMl1lrw4imtlfi
nltulik l lwtM MMM.CV
1 rrk Hm. tmrtu ,
by Cbaa. Roger. 46$ Ootmrcial
The '
Effective Remedy
WMraroa, Iowa, AprQ 4,1m.
i ' ".tr,yibld 7r with w aeuty a tow that
eond Uoo od Dolfctn, I oonld do onoKd to hflp mi,.
Carl? VLZ2lZrjttn -
tcineond fUr
on nfuior
'ftbla 1 two iiMb I hit Ih. good tlteou of the mod
I had awd U boltlrt tB aU 1 wu u blki
""-t uourt Bon
eomphcatod or not.
Wine of Cardul enre the alcknea of young girl., relive, the
Mnrotunoai and eue the crUi. attondaat on the change of life.
Thousand of mothers beiidaa
j . 11 1 - www 9 131421 Ulffj
lotutd grateful rollef from the pain of childbirth and bare A A
had a quick and happy recovery from if. n. v.. . - - V
w ----- j , . v imp iiui A VIA VBHIIffm tfk 4
afford toiuffer when 11.00 bottle are told bj on
SSBxsumiumk: - fBwwiiirii! n 'J L
V 1"""aaaaaaBliiaj ljiaW
' Whoo you have a good thiDg
Advertise It.
We do good commercial printing.
Bring your printing to the ,
Famous Trains
The Southwest Limited Kansas City to
Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago
via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St Paul
to Chscago, ran via
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route offers numerous attractions.
The principal thing to insure a quick,
comfortable trip east is to see that your
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway.
h. s Rowe,
General Agent
134 Third Street, Portland
When You Are Buying Coal
Why not get the best there isP If you want
a good steady heat, no clinkers or dirt and but
little ash, be sure you get
It is the most economical and convenient fuel
and is by far the best coal on the market.
Free Delivery. - - Phone 1961.