ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1904. PAGE FIVE. For Sunday Morning Breakfast Bloater Mackerel, nice and fat, each I m porial Mackerel, small, each Kippered Herring, (Scotland,) can 35c . 10c . 30c Gold Medal Mackerel, can 30c Koyul Chinook Smoked balmon, (S. a. & , Co.,) per pound ' " . Gc.. Eastern Ood Fish. All new gooda. ' ' ? r6ss, higgins a co. Good Goods Our Specialty. s Local Brevities. A furnished front room for rent at No. 1(0 Fourth street. Furnished rooms at 177 Eichania street. Phone Red 1064. Two furnished rooms for housekeep ing at 151 Irving avtnua, corner 14th street You can buy a chamol akin at Ro gers' drug atora for Ova cents to ona dollar and twenty fjva cents. Tha Imperial oyster houaa la pre pared to furnish Bhoalwatar bay oys- tara In quantities of rlnta ul quart to aupply tha family trade. Colonial oysters alwaya on hand. If you ara thinking of raiting or mov Ing a building It would ba to your advantage to aaa Fredrlckson liroi., gaenral carpntara and houaa movara. Shop at 17$ Tenth street Our all-wool patterns In fall suit Ings and overcoatings include a wide range of beautiful things. That Is the correct word beautiful. We doubt If any other display can be found con taining so many styles to which the word In Its truest sense may be ao fittingly applied. Do not fall to call on Dickinson A Allen, 436 Commercial street, and are tha many hundreds of patterns for yourself. Hansen & McCanna, who occupy the shop formerly used by T. & Blmpson. adjoining tha city water office, are prepared to do alt kinds of sign and carriage painting. They will make a specialty of work of tbla class and guarantee satisfaction. The lighthouse tender Heather re turned lost night from a short trip to Coos bay. Tha regular meeting of tha Woman's club will ba held this afternoon at 1:90 o'clock at tha A. O. U. W. hall. - Toung , lady , stenographer of Ave years' exerlence, desires position. Ad dress "U" cara Aatorlan office. Bwun Bvenaon,' who had been em ployed at tha Hume mill, died at St. Mary'a hospital Thursday night of epilepsy. He had been III only a few days. The Astoria high school football team will try conclusions with the Portland high school aecond eleven at Astoria probubly a week from today. The game la expected to prove an Interest Ing one. You may go further and fare worse, At D21 Commercial St., you will find the choicest fresh fruits, vegetables, canned and bottled foods, cured meats, and pure food products of all kinds at IHisslhly a little more than you are pay ing. Astoria Grocery, Phone 481. The city repuhlli-an convention will assemble at 3 o'clock thla afternoon at the court house. The convention will take up the matter of delegates from the Third ward, which were not elected through error. It la probable 12 delegates wilt be appointed. Re publicans say Frank J. Taylor Is sure of the nomination for city attorney anj that John Nordstrom will be re New Sheet Music. Sal u to to America llipaz Hand March Ilia Majesty and the Maid 25c 1 25c 1 25c I nominated for the council In the Third ward. Tha nominee for tha Second ward Is still a matter of conjecture, although It Is understood 'James W. Welch will be pleased t receive the nomination, J; v t ; -The oriental liner Nlcoemdla reach ed port yesterday from the far east, bringing a full cargo of oriental stuffs. She had sn uneventful passage and her officers report nothing of Interest In tha way of war news. jui J.iL.n, i " i' -J , C. R. Bhlpman, a prominent lumber man of Chicago, la In the city, for a few days' visit with Mr. Elmore. Mr. Bhlpman Is not a stranger here, having made, a western trip last year. Like all other easterners, he Is In love with the far west and eays he would like to locate here. He notea decided improve ment in Astoria and expresses the firm conviction that this city will continue to grow rapidly. J. N. GRIFFIN OOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o 0 o aO0Ofe00000.000000000000 o o f Ir f " o , J g) liautiU llliillillllHiilllll" o o aV JL wl Jw 1 partmcnt. Spocial dis count of 10 per cent this week. We have the right lino at the right price. SVENSON'S BOOK STORE IG-IINCH WOOD Delivered at depot. Carload lota. Write or phone TONGUE POINT LUMBER CO. Astorltt) Oregon. ' DO YOU KNOW? That this is a good time of year to think about new carpets and linoleum in your home? Particularly during this fine spell of weather whon it be - convenient to take up the old and place down the now. That we have the finest assortment of carpets and linoleum in the city is beyond ques tion and our prices are such that you can save on every yard you buy. Call and see us. :: :: :: :: : CHAS. HEILBORN $ SON : Astoria s Leading House Furnishers. , Even Job would have been fretful and "grouchy,, probably,' t he had been compelled to wear some kinds of shoes that are sold today. . Half of the scowls seen on the faces of men and women In this city are due to ahoes that pinch, or that are misfits, or that are out of date. When you can forget that you are wearing shoes ' at all then you are wearing about the right kind of shoes. If you want a pair of that kind, call In and see Peterson ft Brown. Notwithstanding that frequent men tion has been made In the papers of the fact that the city registration books have been openeJ, only 74 voters have thua far performed their duty. In pre cinct No. 1 two persons have regle tered. In precinct No. 2 the number Is IS, in precinct No. t it Is 10, In pre cinct No. 4 It Is 21, In precinct Na 5 It Is eight, and In precinct No. t It la 11, Voters are once more Inform ed that all must register In order to be entitled to the privilege of voting for municipal candidates next month. At the Star this afternoon Manager Gevurts will give away two handsome prises to girls and boys. The girl's prize la a lovely doll, with completely furnished bestead, while aome lucky bey will receive a tool cheat contain ing 25 pieces. Just before the per formance Is concluded this afternoon a girl will be selected from the audi-1 ence, blindfolded and Instructed to draw a number from a box containing cou pons. The holder of the coupon cor responding with the number on the coupon drawn will receive the doll and bedstead. A boy will perform a similar duty to determine the award of the tool chest. Both presents are expensive and every boy and girl holding a coupon should be' present at the drawing thla afternoon. Manager Gevurts has determined to offer In ducements to boys and girls to attend the matinees at the Star, nnd the prlxes to be awarded today will be ap preciated by the lucky patrons of As toria's popular playhouse. 8. G. Williams,' secretary of the re publican committee of Wahkiakum county, was In Astoria yesterday. Mr. Williams states that all of the repub lican candidates carried the county, complete returns showing the election of Miss Maude Kimball as school su perintendent and Clarence White as county clerk. White had the hardest race, winning by 39 votea. Mlsa Kim ball's majority waa 99. For a time It was thought those candidates had been defeated. The returns show that J. Bruce Polworth has defeated J. C. McFadden by 120, and It la possible, Mr. Williams says, that the figure may be Increased. J. G. Megler Is elected representative by S44 plurality over Marshall, democrat, and Edwards, so cialist. Mend, republican, for governor, carried the county by 810, running 10 behind Roosevelt. Rice, for supreme judge, receives 345 over Elliott. Tur ner, democrat, for governor, received only 132 votes in the county, Burgess, socialist, receiving 70. The balance of the republican ticket is elected by plu ralities averaging 325. In Skamokawa Polworth and McFadden ran a dead heat, each receiving 67 votes. Amendment to the local option law to the extent of providing that here after all liquor elections shall be held on the precinct basis will likely be effected at the next session of the Ore gon legislature, according to Portland nil vices. On every hand Is heard a de mand for legislation of this kind, and an amendment will be undertaken by a bill to that effect. Reliable Infor mation has It that If such an amending bill is Introduced It will become a part of the local option law. There la even heard a rumor that an effort will be made to repeal the law, but now that tha act la a decree of the people It Is not regarded as probable that tha leg islature will take upon itself to set it aside, but rather to amend tt Into a local option act, and give the people voting when the law was carried at the polls. The fact that many regarded the measure as a purely precinct option act and woke up to find that It was after all a prohibition law, when their votes had been cast, would, ao many of the legislators think. Justify them In amending the law as the people's representatlvea, to conform to that which It waa originally believed to be, A sword bearing the name "Clark" on the sheath, and possibly a ; relic left behind by the famous explorer of 1805, was the principal article In a find of rare historic value unearthed by Gilbert Tufty In a small leather covered trunk on what Is known as the Burrey donation claim, back of CathlameL The collection Is princi pally of Indian relics and contains coins dated as far back aa 1783, both silver and copper. Mr. Tufty, after giving away quite a number of the rel ics to friends, is beginning to realize their value, and expects to have them on exhltbtion at the 1905 fair. The trunk, waa found between two Indian graves and has probably been buried for 50 years, as It fell to piece on being removed, and all that could be saved were tha brass corners. A large quantity of Hudson's bay beads, some aeucate cm na ware, an eurt.ien mug, which has the appearance at first sight of solid gold: two powder flanks, a, large assortment of Jewelry, brace lets, etc, were with the sword. There waa also a quantity of Indian wampum. It 'la readily understood how "the sword, belonging to the pioneer ex plorer, might have come Into posses sion of Indians and been deposited with their relics nearly half a century later. The presence of the chest be tween the two grave seems to Indicate Indian origin. F. A. Seufert of The Dalles, la out In the Portland Journal with a long statement attacking Fish Warden Van Dusen because of his action In permit ting fishing after the time fixed by law for suspension of operations. Mr. Seufert charges the fish warden with wanton disregard for the law and holds him responsible for the shortage of the egg supply at the hatcheries. He declares that the policy of exter minating the salmon Is one encouraged by cannerymen of this city, and adds that fishermen who work on the bar are ruining the Industry. Aa an in stance of his lack of knowledge of the subject which he has so extensively waded Into, he says that the bar gill net ters have nets which drag the bot tom and that aalmon coming up to the mouth of the river find hundreds of miles of web In their way. He con cludes that. If the fishing operations were entirely suspended at Astoria, sal mon would manage to make their way past the flshwheels and that the hatchery supply would be good. An other Interesting statement contained in his declaration is that the run of salmon varies never more than four or five days that la to say, salmon ap pear at the Columbia about the same time every year. He says runs are sometimes kept out of the river by the array of web which Is placed at the mouth of the Columbia. As demon strating lack of knowledge of the sit uation, the statement is one of the most remarkable which has ever ap peared. At the Star, At Saturday's matinee Manager Ge vurts will give away to ladies and chil drenthe ones holding the lucky cou pons a beautiful doll and handsome doll's bed, completely furnished; also a fine large tool chest, containing 25 pieces. Coupons will only be Issued for Saturday matinee. T Correct Clothes fir Mm I have done with Ene clothes; but 1 will have my plain clothes fitme,and medclikeother people's. Lord Chesterfield to kit ton. Your clothes must fit you perfectly, and be in perfect taste, if they bear this label jftfitd $enjamin&(? MAKERS NEWyRK J Equal to fine cuflora-made in all but price. J The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. J We are Exclusive Agents in this dry. KATHERINE WADE Graduate Optician X Jt At the Owl Drug 8 tare Sunday hours 12 to IS No Charge for Examining the Eyes t We have in now our line of HBATI N G STOVES ' We have the best in the market Ton are in vited to inspect them. , ; : : : : 'V M. WW J MJrf -sw Bond St. FOARD & STOKES CO. Prepare for Thanksgiving' ("A memorable occasion in every : home.") To aid the housewife in entertaining we have an excellent line of Carving' vSets. China Ware and Table Linen No store in Astoria has a better stock or sells cheaper. FOARD & STOKES CO. HO E S We have the newest and most complete stock of fine, stylish shoes, work shoes and wet weather foot wear in the city. We handle only the best makes and always give satisfaction. Our prices are lowest of the low. Come and see Wherity, Ralston $ Company 2 that for which they thought they were