The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 12, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe morning Jiitorian
By mail, per year . .'. .
By mail, per month . . .
By carriers, per pvwth
$6 00
By mMl, per year, in advance $1 00
Apart from their healthful influence upon the
system, prunes and raisins are valuable for the en
trgy stored in them. For the person who works,
whether with brain or with body, the great value of
prunes should be apparent, S8ys an article issued by
the California promotion committee. Both possess
greater fuel value than the oyster, which is properly
considered one of the most valuable of foods. Fif
teen analyses-of the edible portion of prunes (dried)
gave an average fuel value per pound of 14(H) calor
ies. The ingredients of these prunes were as fol
lows: Water, 22.3 per cent, protein 2.1 per cent,
total carbohyJrates including fibre 73.3 per cent, ash
(mineral matters) 2,3 per cent, total 100 per cent.
Thirty-four analyses of oysters (in shell) gave a fuel
value per pound of 233 calories. These oysters were
made up of the following percentage: Water 86.9
per cent, protein 6.2 per cent, total carbohydrates
3.T per cent, mineral matters 2 per cent, total 100
per cent. This comparison might seem unfair inas
much as oysters (in shell) contain on the aver
age 86.9 per cent of water as compared with dried
prunes whieh contained 22.3 per cent of water. How
ever, twenty-four alayses of fresh prunes (not dried
or cured) showed that while they contained 79.6 per
eent of water their fuel value per pound was 370
calories as against the 235 calories per pound of the
ysters analyzed. The percentage of matter which
made us these fresh prunes was as follows: Water
79.6 per cent, protein 9 per eent, total carbohydrates
including fibre 18.9 per eent, mineral matters 6 per
eent, total 100 per cent. .
Raisins were found to contain greater fuel a!ue
than dried prunes. Three analyses ot raisins gave
an average of 1605 calories per pound. These an
alyses showed the raisins to be made up of the follow
ing percentages : Water 14.6 per cent, protein 2.6
per cent, fat 3.3 per cent, total carbohydrates includ
ing fibre 76.1 per cent, ash or mineral matter 3.4
per cent, total 100 per cent. i
Calories may be not incorrectly described as fuel
units. These are units of heat which are furnished
the body in the assimilation of the oysters, prunes
and raisins mentioned, or of other foods. The tech
nical definition of a calorie is the quantity of hen
necessary to raise the temperature of one kiV-TMin
of water of 0 to 1 degree centigrade. It will be
noticed that prunes and raisins being a vegetable
food are not as rich in proteids (called protein in
the percentage analyses given above) as are oysters
which are "animal" food, but their fuel value is far
greater than that of oysters which have been select
ed as a delicious dish and one highly esteemed for
its nutritiousness.
her 24. Dr. Robert E. Coughlin, of Brooklyn, N. Y
comes to the following eonolushuis ,
"The prime object of athletics is iniproveint'Mt
of the general health. One writer has sa!! that
health, like happiness, does not exist Each lias a
goal or limit, whieh, while Keemingly attainable
eludes perfect pvssossion. He said the body consists
of a number of mechanisms which have the closest
and most exact relations, and as they are approxi
mate to harmony there is health, but when disorder
ed there is ill-health. To obtain good health, muscle
building is not a necessity. One cannot judge of a
person's health by the size and hardness of his
muscles. We have seen that the converse may W
true. To obtain health one must not be in a per
fectly trained condition, owing to the effects of se
vere training on the nervous system. There is no
evidence to prove that athletics and muscle-building
improve the constitution. One should always keep
iu mind that built-up or hypertrophied muscle has
tendency to degenerate. The heart, being a muscu
lar organ, shares in this tendency. Although
the evidence for and against athletics ia contradic
tory, the whole subject may be summed by stating
that athletics are beneficial when properly and ju
diciously applied, and very injurious when the pre
cautions above mentioned are ignored or carelessly
Swell Togs
For Men.
Quality Shop.
o center window will show you what good dressers wear. i
In a retreat during the Crimean war a wouuded
soldier was dragging himself along in great pain,
says the World's Work. His comrades, in deep sym
pathy, said: "You are suffering too much. Do you
want us to end your painf Shall we bury you!
'I wish you would," he auswered. They set to
work and dug a grave. He laid himself down and
was buried alive. The general, who heard of it af
terward, said to the soldiers: "lie must have suf
fered terribly." They answered: "Oh, no! we
stamped the earth down with our feet."
We offer special values In OVERCOATS that are "ere-
atlons" from the best tailors, of America. A. glance at our
T La Las
Ak Lb Lb
f Mm Jiijf 'f..r. A
Hi yLb-p
Savs the Salem Statesman: Since Roosevelt's
vote in Marion county is approximately 700 mor
than that of Hermann in June and Parker's 700
ess than that of Veatch, it looks very mtich as though
700 Marion county democrats voted outright for
Soosevelt, and upon which evidence of political in
dependence, love of country and disposition to know
a good thing when they see it, The Statesman, in the
name of their republican fellow citizens, extends sin
cere congratulations.
Tom Watson says he did not care where the
votes came from so long as he got them. Tom is not
so different from the other candidates as he was try
ing to make us believe.
These garments are tailored for you, made in
6 styles and prices right. ......
One price to all.
Money back if you want it.
all I
6 Men's
Quality Shop.
Swell Togs
For Men.
00$ 000$0000000000$0&OSO 0(90 0000;00a00OiO)0
For a year-old yovmgster Panama is doing very
well. She has not yet caught the revolution habit
a disease very prevalent among South American re
The Baltic fleet would be more anxious to reach
Port Arthur if it were better informed as to the
probable personnel of the reception committee.
The price of wool is steadily advancing, and Wall
street can probably figure it out as due to the re
markable shortage of the lamb crop.
The census shows that Americans are becoming
addicted to less meat and more vegetable?, Ct.rvnls
and products of the dairy. It is figured out that in
1850 a hundred Americans ate 94 sheep, 118 hogi
and 25 beeves, whereas, in 1900, they consumed but
50 sheep, 43 hogs and 20 beeves. Cheese has declin
ed, but if eggs and poultry are included with butter
and milk as belonging to the dairy class, the cou
aumption of that kind of food is three times win it
was forty years ago. The total use of meat, nek
lined by the price, is reduced by 36 per cent. In 1850
one hundred persons ate 430 bushels of wheat and
90 bushels of oats. In 1890 they ate 623 bushels of
wheat and 386 bushels of oats, and in 1890 the break
fast food movement was small to what it is today.
Corn and potatoes have increased about like wheat.
The general gain in vegetable expense is 80 per cent.
31eat still leads, however, although it apparently will
not do so long. We spent in 1900 $1,625,000,000
for meat and $1,075,000,000 for vegetable diet.
Among meats beef leads, by a long distance, with
sheep second and eggs third. Americans have grown
healthier in the half century which has seen this
change, probably, however, on account of more air
and exercise and better cooking and sanitation. The
general question of the best relation of meat to vege
table diet is one on which the medical world is
far from concord.
It is about time that a reward was offered for
"the handmaiden of protection," who used to be so
popular in campaign years.
There is no use trying to convince the man out
of employment that the money question was not an
issue in the 'campaign.
"What is the difference between Cuba and the
Philippins?" recently asked a democratic orator.
About 7000 miles.
The world will have its eighth wonder when a
negro is discovered marching in the other direction
from a brass band.
Next Time
You need a pair of
Men's, Women's or
(Honest, Durable Shoes)
For less money
than you have
been paying try
S. A. Glf.JRE
543-545 Bond St.
It would seem more appropriate to call the peace
conference a few miles south of Mukden instead
of at The Hague.
Port Arthur would like it better if she could get
provisions and men instead of encouraging words
by wireless. '
The Poles can not understand why they should
enlist to fight Russia's battles. Nor can others.
After an exhaustive examination of the case for
and" against athletcis in the Medical record, Septem-
Buffalo Bill is a great deal more of a stage scout
than he was when the dime novel was popular.
It is believed the Russians are about to carry out
their promise to evacuate Manchuria.
The Baltic fleet is evidently trying to establish
a reputation as a balky fleet.
The Russian Baltic fleet will get there just in time
to pick up the survivors.
Ha Paid Her Debtt, W.ll and
Gooi. Hangs High.
Kansas la called excitable but he
la aa calm aa a banket of chip this
year. Not a wave of trouble rolls
across her peaceful breast, anya the
Emporia (Kaa.) Dinette. Eight years
ago people were flocking Into ihe
Oaiette, stopping the paper. T. O.
Wlbley stopped It three times In that
campaign. But this year he la raking
the paper Insldes and topa and nil
without so much as a yip of dUup
proval. And when Wlbli. la satis
fied the world Is soak1 In goos and
la smootn all over. Elgnt year ago
the populiats were going to reform the
world at the next meeting of the legis
lature and were carrying banners up
and down the streets denouncing Wall
street, waving flag at the octopus and
shaking sticks at the goldbugs. These
were hot happy and rambunctious
days. A man could start a riot b
reading the alphabet In a loud tore,
produce a revolution by recklnf the
multiplication table In a dramatic
manner, and get six months In the
hospital by declaring for either of the
ten commandments against the Chi
cago platform. 4
But now Kansas Is ns Idle as a
painted turtle on a plaster parls log;
placid as a hired man asleep under a
hedge fence and happy a a big tun
flower that nods In all the breezes.
The reason It that Kansat hat paid
her debtt, hat money In th. bank, a
clear conscience, and "an organ in the
parlor to give th. place a tone."
Everything It lovely and the altitude
of the goose It above timber line,
Th. Coptic at San Francises.
Han Kruiirlsra, Nov, ll. The steam
er Coptic from Hong ong. via Yoko
noma Mini Honolulu, him arrived In this
Not A Siok Day Sinee,
"I wna taken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried nil sorts of medi
cines, none of which relieved m.. One
day I Raw nn ad. of your Electric
Hitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few dosea I felt re
lieved, and toon thereafter wne en
tirely cured, and hnve not teen a tick
day since. Neighbors of mine have
been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen
eral Debility." This It what II. F.
Mass, of Kiemont, N. C. wrltet. Only
50c, at Chun. Rogers Druggist,
IIS to New York from all Brand Ins
vlan point on all llni-n. Tickets at
New Cash (irocery, Atdi-rhrook.
JubI Received -Tho flupit stock ot matting In the city, in ninny patterns
aud k""1'' Price low at 20, 25 and U0 cents a )anl.
Fsreo Ex. Co.
425 Bond 8trtt
Phone 1031
J. A. Montgomery
O00OO00 OSOOSO?,90oa0000800
I want to aw Iba furrin cliln nil aloag tba trick,
I anl lo o tbrouib Pari to Jeruulen Mid btck
I'd Ilka to M tba (all of lt-1 think I'd jut at k.
Takt th lubmirint lo Hide, and lot alnbla to tot l
I don 't cm kow I ct then, fcltnd, but whin I oiikt t atria
ll'i no far old II, Louli jitt lo llvt along tht Ptka.
A Ballad of iht plkt," by Wallaea Irwin. Coprrkbta k?
CoUioi'i Wotkljr. Publlikod bjr ptimlttloa.
To SI. Louis and Return
lino 16, it, it, Julr i, s, AofiiM I, o, tot ttpumboT a.
6,7, Octob.r,4,.
Rttura limit, alnttf dpi.
The Rock Island System often two routoj
to the World. Fair City vl St. PsuW
Minneapolis ind through Scenic Colorado.
No change of can, Ogden to St. Louil u4
St. Paul to St. Louli.
Fall Iflforaudoa on rqucat
CaD or writs.
A. H. McDonald, Gontral Aft,
140 3rd BtrMt, cor. Alder StrMt,
. Portland, Ore.