The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 12, 1904, Image 1

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Unofficial Returns Show That but
IW D.,.Ui,.n FIIap H r
Been Successful
That State.
Frauds and Irregularities Are Al
leged by Both Parties in
Several Precincts.
Democrats fUvo lloosevelt 10,,
OOO, While Itcpiibllcttiistliilm
20,000-New York's Till,
rallty Is 170,720.
Baltimore, Nov. U. Official count of
the bnlluts cast for presidential electors
lust Tuesday In Murylnud will be re
quired before definite knowledge of the
result Is assured.
I'lioffliliil returns received thus far
Indicate thnt seven democrat lo and one
republican elector were chosen.
lloth democratic and republican lead
ers say frauds and Irregularities were
used In several precincts and hun
dreds of ballots have been held up
by ths supervisors; therefore It will
require a decision of the stute board
of canvassers to determine the actual
Ths official count In Daltlmors to
day showed gains for Parker, and It
Is believed that only one republican
elector has been successful. Many
voters sem to have erred In marking
their ballots, for they voted for Drown,
democrat, and Donaparts, republican,
whose names headed the lists. The
count Is being closely watched.
Missouri's Elsctorsl Vots Is Certain
for Roosevelt.
St. Louis, Nov. 11. Unofficial re
turns received today by the Post-Pis-
patch from all but 12 counties In the
state give Folk, democrat, for governor,
a majority of 36,338 over Wnlbrldge.
republican, and Swungur. republican,
for secretary of slate, a majority of
14.351 over Cooke, the present Ineunv
bent. Return from the counties re
celved today show decided republican
gains, adding to the safe majority se
cured to Roosevelt, over Parker. Of
the 12 counties still to hear from, It
will be Impossible to get complete re
turns from eight for ut least a week,
as they are distant from the rullrosds.
The Post-Dispatch, Independent dom
ocrat, today says:
Returns complete, with the exception
of five counties, which probably will
show a net republican plurality of
1000, Indicate that Cook, democrat, for
secretary of state, Is defeated by 20,-
000 votes.
Auditor Allen, democrat, for re-elec
tlon, Is 15,000 behind Wilder, repub
lean, while the remainder of the
democratic state ticket, with the ex
ception of Folk, for governor, prob
ably is defeated by pluralities varying
from S00 to 8000.
Estlmstes of Roossvslt's Plurality
Shown to Vsry Widely.
St. Louis, Nov. 12. The Republic,
democratic, and the Globe-Democrat,
republican, complied tables at 1 o'clock
this morning showing the result of the
election In Missouri. According to the
Globe-Democrat, Roosevelt carried the
state by a plurality of 80,029. The Re
public's canvass gives the republi
can plurality as 15,572. .
The figures secured agree more
closely on the result of the guberna
torlal election, . the Globe-Democrat I
giving Folk, democrat, a plurality of
26,554, and the Republic giving him a I
plurality of 26,858.
Rsst of Rspubliosn Tlokst In Colo-
I rado is Elected. V ' ft
. - y
Denver, Rov. 11. Ths News (demo
cratic) today says:
While" the returns on the vots for
stats officers, apart from govsrnor, are
far from complete, tht News hoi com
piled tables that seem to "how the elec
tion of the entire republican elate
ticket, except Feabody, and of the
three republican congressmen. A con
siderable number of countlr-s are estl-
nmled on the beet possible udvli-et,
and there la a chance that Mrs. Uren-
foll, democratic candldute fur slate
urlutB,"1,,"t of pu,,llc ""uction.
f lu through on the scratch vote
The state senate Is democratic by a
good majority, but the complexion of
the bouse Is In doubt. The plurality of
Adams over Peobody for Governor
amounts to 9641
Ths democrats now concede the elec
tion of three republican congressmen
In Colorado, Revised returns give
Franklin E. lirooks a majority of
$$ over John P. Shafrolh, democrat.
for congressman-ut-large, and show
2785 plurality for Bonyngs In the first
district and (02$ plurality for Hogg In
ths second district
Pluralities In New York.
New York, Nov, 11. A revised tuble
of figures fur president and governor
of New York state, to be printed In
the Tribune tomorrow, shows that
Roosevelt will have a plurality of 17t,-
72 Ulid HlRglns 80.490.
Mssd Ran Far Behind.
Tacoma, Nov. 11. Roosevelt's plu
rallty In the Male of Washington Is
((.749, with a few precincts not report.
ed. The plurality for Mead Is 15,277,
Or. Lsns Msrrisd Ones Too Often
Also in Polities.
Marian, Ind. Nov. 11. Dr. Kdwnrd
II. Lane, who was arrested last night
at Logansnort on a charge of grand
larceny and bigamy, was brought to
this city.
Minnie Wilson Lane, who culls her
self wife No. 1, came to this city and
told her story to the prosecutor. Lulu
Young Lane, Wire No. 2, of this city,
was also present In the prosecutor's
o(ll ce. and ths two women compared
notes. ,.
Dr. Lane, It Is charged, married
Minnie Wilson two weeks ago and took
her to Logansport. He ha been nb
sent from Lognnsnort most of the
time, explaining thut he Is a democratic
politician and that he was touring the
stute fur John W. Kern, Mrs. Lnne No.
1 say she gave 9400 to Dr. Lane to
pay his campaign expenses.
Lulu Young Lane was nnrrled to Dr,
Lane lust Tuesday afternoon by Mugla
trute W. O. Hotman.
Wireless Tslsgrsms Arc Rscsivsd at an
Altituds of 2000 Fast.
St. Louis, Nov. 11. The practica
bility of receiving messnges by wire
less telegraph regardless of altitude
or distunes was successfully demon
strated today by a successful experi
mental balloon ascension at the world's
fair concourse. Areonuut Knabenshue.
accompanied by Operator A. M. Mc
Queen and W. S. Foreman, ascended
to an altitude of 2000 feet. They re
ceived more than 20 wireless messages
from the fuir grounds.
After remaining In the air one and
one-half hours a safe landing was ef
fected four miles southwest of the con
Anaconda Will Probably Bs Com
pletely Wipsd Out.
Colorado Springs, Nov 11. The town
of Anaconda, iif the Cripple Creek dis
trict, Is In danger of total destruction
by fire. One block Is already burned.
The fire Is beyond the control of the
local department, The buildings are
re all frame and burning like tinder,
The origin of the Are Is not known.
Many shaft houses are In danger of de
struction. The loss at present is es
timated at $76,000.
Upsst Prloc cf Dsfunot Csnnsries Fix
sd at $750,000.
Belllngham, Nov. 11. Many promi
nent In the salmon canning industry
all over the Pacific coast and brokers
from the east are now here to attend
the" sale "of the "Pacific Packing & Nav
Igatlorr ,and 'Pacific American Fish
eries ' property, tomorrow morjilng. The
upset" price' fixed on the property is
$750,000, This represents jonly .frac
tion of Its value.
Belief .Entertained
Continue to Hold Out as Long as
He Finds It Possible.
Report That He Has Asked the
Discredited Opposing Armies Occupy Same Relative Po
sitions Near Mukden and Small Skirmishes Only
Have Thui Far Occurred.
London, Nov. 12. The rumors cur
rent to the effect that Oenersl Stoss-
sel, oommsnding at Port Arthur, hss
eapitulstsd laoks confirmation in this
eity. Ths statement that Stosssel hss
been asking for an armistice is also
In well Informed eirelss ths belief is
sxpresssd that Stossssl has no idss
sithsr of capitulating or of asking for
an armistice, and it is generally be
lieved hs will hold Port Arthur as long
as hs esn do so. Ths rumors of his
cspltulstion have been current sines
Novsmbsr 10.
Bsrcn Hsyashi plaoss no credence In
either of ths reports which have been'
circulated, .
Constsnt Skirmishing Reported Bs
twssn Outposts Nsar Mukden.
Mukden, Nov. It The positions of
the armies of both sides remain little
changes, although continual skirmish
Ing occurs, with the object of secur
ing minor positions tending to
strengthen the respective lines of de
The Russians' scouts are daring In
secretly reconnolterlng the whole of
the Japanese lines, some even creep
Ing up to the Japanese trenches and
lying concealed there all day and re
turning at night.
The Japanese have constructed In
many places double and even triple
and qundruple lines of trenches, wire
entanglements, mines and pits.
Qussn of England Has Bssn Communi
csting With Nioholss.
London, Nov. 11. The dispatch of
the Associated Press from Washing
ton, confirming the statement made In
these dispatches that Japan had Indi
cated her willingness to entertain
peace suggestions from President
Roosevelt or King Edward created
much Interest here. Huron Hayashl,
the Japanese minister, said today:
"After the fall of Port Arthur, Japan
would, I believe, be ready to treat for
peace on no higher essential basis than
that Russia should evacuate Man
Much Msrrisd Austrian Lsft a Valu
able Estate,
Ban Francisco, Nov. 11. Mrs. Rlfka
Gluecklich Fleischer, 64 years old, re
siding at Cracoa, Austria, who claims
to be the second of the three wives of
Wolf Fliescher, a wholesale hatter
who dropped dead here In last April,
proposes to fight for a share of his es
tate, valued at over 1200.000 and has
died a notice of her appearance In
the superior court. The first wife of
Fleischer was divorced and Is still liv
ing here. Her son, Bonard Fleischer, of
Seattle, and other heirs, have been
settled with by the third wife, who Is
administratrix of the estate,
Is said to have obtained a divorce from
the Austrian claimant In 1873.
Mails to Defraud and Gsts
Months in San Qusntin.
San Franatco, Nov. 11. The supreme
court of the United States has confirm
ed the mandate of the United States
district court of this city In sentenc
ing George P. McDonald to 15 months
in, San Quentln prison for using the
United States malls with intent to de
fraud. McDonnell la one of the original
T)u nit rf U-ncrlu nA fnrpl ond Win.
Vlcted In this city last spring of a't
scheme to defraud.
That Stoessel Wil
Japanese for an Armistice Is Also
churia, Japan also agreeing to a sim
liar evacuation. The two great dlffl
cultlef In the way of any suggestion of
peace arc: First, the apparent opposi
tlon of Emperor Nicholas' present ad
visers to a settlement of any kind
second, ths preservation of Russian
prestige. When a nation's prestige,
not gone, Is severely Impaired, It Is
dlfflcult matter, even with the best of
intentions, to preserve It"
The Associated Press learns that
Alexandra has been In constant com
munlcation with the dowager empress
of Russia and Emperor Nicholas him
seir during the last five days. This Is
Interpreted here as a good sign and
as possibly likely to lead, though not
In the Immediate future, to the estab
llshment of some modus vlvendi where
steps looking to arbitration might be
Initiated without offense to Russia.
Ths reiteration of the American
stats department's determination not
to Intervene except on request from
both of the belligerents Utiles with
the official attitude of the British gov
ernment, but It Is thought that before
long some method may privately be
devised whereby this diplomatic bar
rler to action may be overcome. '
Baron Hayashl this morning had no
news from Port Arthur, and discredited
the rumors of Its capitulation.
Rumors Current Thst Its Dsstruction
Will Bs Attsmptsd,
Sues, Nov. 11. Owing to the persist
ent rumors that attempts will be made
to wreck the Russian Baltic squadron
during Its passage of the channel, the
chief of police is taking stringent pre
cautions against blockading and strict
surveillance will be exercised during
the transit of the squadron.
Port Antung to Bs Opsnsd.
London, Nov, 11. According to the
Telegraph's Chefoo correspondent
Japan has consented to open Port
Antung to steamers chartered by silk
merchants when the latter obtain spec
lal permits. This action Is due to
China's protest that the exclusion of
neutral shipping will ruin the silk
Municipal Museum 8eeks to Msks Use
of Exhibits.
Chicago, Nov. 11. A municipal
museum, said to be the first of the kind
In America Is planned for Chicago by
a new organisation, of which Prof.
George B. Vincent of the university of
Chicago Is president. It Is Intended
to start the collection with some of the
exhibits at the St. Louts fair, illustra
ting the progressive administration of
great cities. It Is expected that much
of the material will be donated, but
the most valuable exhibits, Including
models from Germang, Illustrative of
sanitation, public works, architecture
and city building In general, will have
to be purchased.
A representative is now at the ex
position seeking material.
Senator Proctor Makes Gsnsrous De
nation for Horns.
Rutland, Vt Nov. 11. Senator Red
Held Procter has announced that he
will give $10,000 In cash and the house
In this city - In which he was born,
valued at $10,600 for the establish
ment of a home for Indigent and
worthy public school teachers who
have passed the age of usefulness,
It Is probable that this sum will be
combined with a fund of $30,000
which was left by Lucy Ruggl's of
Bemlngton, in ths cars of Charles
Darling, assistant secretary of the
navy, for the same purpose and that
an additional amount will be paid by
this state. " ' . .
About 3000 Should Hsve Csst Their
Ballots, but Only 2126 Exercises .,
Thsir Prerogative Thursday.
Nearly 27 per cent of the voters of
Clatsop county did not exercise their
constitutional prerogative In the late
struggle for the presidency. No other
similar deficit was ever known In the
history of Clatsop county. Of the 2881
persons who prepared themselves for
ths voting privilege, only 212C really
did vote, the shortage being 7(1 When
It la conesldered that mfre than 100
persons were sworn in, the falling off
Is noted to have been unusual. In the
city, according to County Clerk Clin
ton's figures, 1334 persons voted, out of
a total number registered of 1824
shortage of 25 per cent. In the country
precincts 782 persons voted, out of
10(5 registered shortage of almost
2( per cent. Of the 7(3 registered who
did not vote, 490 live In the city and
27S in the country. To get at the num
ber of votes which should have been
cast In this county, the total number
registered, 2888, should be added to the
number sworn In about 125. The
county should have cast approximately
3000 votes, whereas only 212 were
cast The vote In the various precincts
was as follows: Astoria No. 1, 229;
Astoria No. 2, 179; Astoria No. 8, 153;
Astoria No. 4, 238; Astoria No. 5, 231;
Astoria No. (. 164; Astoria No. 7, 140;
Clifton, 34: Chadwell, 34, Clatsop, 30;
Elsie. 13; John Day, 39; Jewell, $4;
Knappa, 47; Mishawaka, 14: Melville,
17; New Astoria, 137, Olney, 40; Push,
10; Seaside, 147; Svensen, 45; Vesper,
14; Westport, 33; Warren ton, S; Wal-
luski, 20; Youngs River, 26.
Sets Asids Thursday, Novsmbsr 24, as
Thanksgiving Pay.
Salem, Ore, Nov. 11. By proclama
tlon, Governor Chamberlain has set
aside Thursday, November 24, as
Thanksgiving day. The proclamation
is issued in accordance with that of
President Roosevelt, and Is framed In
the briefest form possible. It foi
To the end that thanks may be re
turned to Almighty God for the manl
fold blessings enjoyed by the people
of the United States, the president
has designated Thursday, the 24th day
of November, A. D. 1904, as a day of
general thanksktvlng, and, conformable
to custom, I, George E. Chamberlain,
governor ot the state oi Oregon, qo
designate said day as a day generally
to be observed by the people of the
state of Oregon In an appropriate way
In returning thanks for the continued
health, happiness and prosperity of our
In witness whereof, I have hereun
to set my hand and caused the great
seal of the state to be hereunto af
fixed at the city of Salem this 10th
day of November, in the year of our
Lord 1904.
"Governor of Oregon,
By the Governor:
"Secretary of State."
Has Accepted Roossvslt's Proposal for
Pesce Conference.
Copenhagen, Nov. 11. The Danish
government will accept President
Roosevelt's Invitation to participate In
second peace conference.
Three Nations Favorable.
Washington, Nov. 11. Great Britain
and Mexico have alread Indicated
willingness to participate in a peace
conference, so the announcement of
Denmarks' Intention makes three ns
tlons enrolled in favor of Mr. Roose
velt's proposal.
After Three Round Polios Intfere to
Save Vsnquishsd.
Peoria, 111., Nov. 11. Benny Yanger
tonight defeated Willie McNamara in
three rounds, Referee Lynch giving
Tanger the decision and stopping the
fight under Instructions from the po
lice. McNamara was outclassed.
Austin Rice and Terry Freeman
fought a three-round draw, and Young
Carroll was defeated by Ben Griffiths
n six mi- -
John Hay's Occupancy of the State
1 Portfolio for the Next Four
Years Has Already Been
v, - Determined Upon. , -t
Roosevelt Himself Makes the' An
nouncement That Statesman
Will Continue to Serve.
Indication Are at Present That
the Cabinet Will Remain a
It Is, Saya the Chief
Washington, Nov. 11. That Joha
Hay will continue to serve In the ca
pacity of secretary of state Is the of
ficial announcement that was made to
day. Mr. Hay's official career has beca
most satisfactory, and that he will be
continued during the remainder - at
President Roosevelt's administration Js
certain. " . " " " :
The announcement comes from a
other person than the president him
self. Asked today whether or not
there would be any change in his port
folio of state, the president replied:
"You may state positively that Hay
will continue as secretary of state na
to the 4th of March, 1909."
The president was asked If other
possible changes In his cabinet wens
indicated. He replied that no change
were indicated at ths present time,'
Collection Cost M. Waggaman
, That During 30 Years.
New York. Nov, 11. One of the
largest art sales in recent years win
be held In this city late in January or
early in February when the Wagga
man collection will be auctioned off.
The sale has been ordered by trus
tees in bankruptcy who are in posse
sion of the property which is part of
the estate of Thomas E. Waggaman of
Washington, until recently treasurer ot .
the Catholic university at Washing
ton. There are more than 3000 articles
in the collection including some hun
dreds of paintings and specimens at
ceramic art from modern to early
times. It cost Mr. Waggaman about
$500,000 and required thirty years ts
make the collection which is now
valued at $1,000,000.
Half Second From Unpac!
Trotting Record.
Memphis. Tenn Nov. 11. Lou Dil
lon smashed the world's unpaced mile
trotting record today, completing the
mile in 2:01. The former unpaced rec-.
ord of 2:01 was was held jointly by
Lou Dillon and Major Delmar. -Weather
conditions were not the;
best, the day being cold and disagree
able. The little mare stepped the quar
ter in 30 flat; the half-mile post was
passed in 59; she passed the three- .
quarters post in 1:30, and passed the
judges' stand in 2:01.
Clackamas Man Finds Wife's
Upon His Return Home.
Oregon City, Nov. 11. Mrs. Brown,
aged 62, was found dead last night at
her home, five miles south of Molalla,
by her husband when he returned
home after an absence ot three months.
He found his wife lying on the floor la
a pool of blood. Blood stains on me
bed lead to the belief that she was
murdered by unknown persons. She
had been dead four weeks, lists had
gnawed the body In a frightful man
ner. . -' i
Nssry and Mowstt Draw.
Milwaukee, Nov. 11. Charles Neary,
of Milwaukee, and Tommy Mowatt, of
Chicago, fought six fast .rounds to a
d w tonight.