ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. VkC.V. ETfiHT. I i i'l! 4 . ft r ' I I j I v if n 1 H ; r i . ( I I TIIIIIIU1IIUIIII A A A sis 4-T,-f t,fcffi"' deaocrats Are at sea Can't Figure Out What Will Hap pen to Their Organization lathe Nation. RADICALS HOLD TOP HAND Democratic Loss in This County Was B3 Per Ccut, While He. publican Gain Was 5 Per Cent. AVhat will become of usT" The 112 democrats who voted for Parker in this city on Tuesday are asking each other this question. The awfulness of defeat has been bad enough, goodness knows, but worse even than that is this anxiety as to their future condition of political servi tude. "It's a dreadful thing to be a demo craton an occasion of this kind," remarked one of the old guard yester day: '"but T want to know what is to become of us? Who are we, anyway? Nothing like this has ever before hap pened anyone or any party. Our future what will It ber The democrats are wondering; the mental strain Is acute. The other fel lows have delivered them a solar plexus blow that has knocked them In a fit Even the republicans are sorry for the straight-outs and apologise for wiping Missouri. The democrats are utterly demoralised. The disaffection in this city and state has been remarkable. It is estimated that more than 22.000 democrats refus ed to vote on Tuesday In Oregon. The conservatives, it will be remembered, dominated the state democratic con vention. At that time bitterness was manifested, and it was not difficult to ascertain that the radicals meant to bolt But the most pronounced pes simist little dreamed the disaffection would become bo general. Clatsop county has been no exception in the state, for everywhere democrats stay ed away from the polls, or else cast their ballots for Roosevelt. Analysis of the vote is interesting. Since 1900 the population of the coun ty has been greatly Increased, and the vote this year should have been much greater. The registration was 2889, but it Is estimated that not quite two thirds of the voters went to the polls. The republican vote In 1900 was 1329, while this year it was 1399 a gain of only 70. This Increase is not In keep ing with the increase in population, so the republicans have not made any sur prising gains here. They polled a fair ly full vote. In 1900 Bryan received 688 votes In the county and two years later Bon bam, democratic candidate for supreme Judge, received 717. In the county there used to be 75 democrats. But Parker's vote was only 336, a loss of 381 as compared with the vote for Bonham. The republican gain was about 5 per cent, while the democratic loss was more than 63 per cent. This democratic loss can not well be at tributed to apathy; it was little short of political murder. Considering the Increased possible vote, some 450 or BOO democrats stayed away from the polls. Interest centers In the plan advanc ed for reorganization of the democracy. The election, in this city as well as in the nation, has made It plain that radi cals and conservative wlli not mix and that the two wings are hopeless ly apart. It is considered extremely doubtful that a plan of reorganisation can be effected which will be satisfac tory t? both elements. k The conserva tives will never consent " to affiliate with the populists, and this is deemed necessary by the radicals to future success. Of course, every one realise that there will be two great parties, but the reconstruction period will. In the opinion of Astoria democrats, put the conservatives out of commission or Into the republican party. The Offioial Count. The official count ot votes was made yesterday by County Clerk Clinton, Auditor Anderson and Justice Good man. It shows that Roosevelt's plural Ity in Clatsop county was 1063 and that he carried very precinct In the county. The vote for the republican electors was as follows: G. R. Dlmmtck UOS James A. Fee UO', J. X. Hart " A. C. Hough 13S6 Average 1399. The vote for the democratic electors was as follows: Thomas H. Crawford 334 W. R rmiard 338 Walter S. Hamilton SM James A. Jeffrey 337 Average 3SS. The vote for the socialist electors was as follows: C. W. Brasee 2SI William Heard 259 J. C. Herrlngton 256 S. H. Holt 250 Average 253. The vote for the prohibition electors was: I. H. Amos 39 Leslie Butler ....i.. 41 W. P. Elmore 0 T. S. McDanlel 40 Average 40. The vote for the populist electors was: J. L. Hill 10 U H. McMahan 9 P. E. Phelps 8 C. F. Schmltleln Average 9. The total vote of the county has not yet been computed. SHORTAGE IN COAST PACK Output of Pacific Canneries for Season of 1904 Shows Re markable Deficit. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT. INCREASE ON THE COLUMBIA Pack litre 43,(120 Cases Ahead or Last Year, While the Kit. tire Coast Shortage Is 78,244 Cases. a fTTTTTTTTTTTTTTlXITtlliyXTTIIIIIIIIim: ALL CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S KEPT MESSED FREE OF CI I A KG E. Reopened Under New Management. John Blaslch has leased the Califor nia Restaurant and Oyster House and Is now prepared to serve the public. The best oysters and meals In the city. Family trade supplied. Good cooks, polite waiters and prompt service. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same cause are making human wrecks of suffer ers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases, can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorcester, Mass., Is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung disease by Charles Rogers, druggist. Price, 60c and SI. Trial bottles free. Removsl Notice. Dr. J. A. Fulton has moved from his old office to rooms 4, 5 and ( in the Star theater building, corner Elev enth and Commercial streets, on the second floor. The salmon pack of the Pacific coast compiled from statements complete to October 15 will show a shortage of 5TS.244 cases. Including all varieties. Columbia river, Kraser river and the Sacramento are the only districts showing an increase,' and this Is sald;H to be duo entirely to the fact that the mmii a-ititt tt'n xtttilpil mi thi Co- ! H luinbla after October 15, ilie dale set J by law. to an Indefinite period. Now however, the canneries have practical ly ceased operations here. The totul puck for 1904 Is giver at 2.822,093, of which 2,053.739 cusot. are from the Alaska districts, and "29,951 from Puget sound, the Skeena and Fraser rivers, the Columbia river and outside rivers. A large run of fish that appeared In the Frajcr river helped out that district considerably. Earlier In the year the labor troubles had practic ally tied up operations, and It was feared for a time that this disagree ment between employers and employes would result most disastrously. In seasonable time both sides made con cessions, and every effort was put forth to make up for the lost time, The Puget sound pack, covering sockeyes only, amounts to 114.471 cases, as against 166,569 cases last year. The run of pinks was very light, and the run of silver so far has also been disappointing. " The total figures for the Fraser can nerles for 1904 amount to 62,743 cases. as against 204,849 cases In 1903. The run of silvers In that district has been very light. The coast canneries had a light pack, and the general reports are of low rivers and few fish. In Grays harbor, for Instance, the run Is not more than 25 per cent of what It was last year, according to the Pacific Fisherman. Discussion Is already rife as to the run of fish that Is expected next year, and It Is safe to say that when the run does appear there will not be an Idle plant. Of course. It Is the "fourth" or "big" year, when the largest packs are made, and plenty of of fish are said to have reached the spawning grounds. The Chinese con tractors have already engaged their Chinese help for the sound cannery men, and have been guaranteed 250, 000 cases. The closed season In British Colum bia waters was very well observed, perhaps the better from the fact that OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS At Reduced Prices. ANTICIPATING a wot winter I bought several hundred good Overconta. 80 fur tho weather hns boon so fino that tho salo of overcoats has been blow. Gf courso wo will soon hnvo a very colJ winter, but I don't want to wait too long, henco I offer every Overcoat for ineu ' or boys at Reduced Prices HERMAN WISE Astorla'H Great Clothier. TYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTXITXTIITITITITTTX1IXIII1 IIIII XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXrj the fisheries guardians were extremely vigilant. Rut the fishermen are gener ally said to buvt recognised the ne cessity for protecting the salmon, and only touched the spring salmon, which was permitted by law. After Scptem ber 13 the use of the smaller-mesh nts was again legal, and us the run of co hoes commenced about that time, thre were really no hardships worked upon any one. On the Fraser the cohoe pack was very fulr, but the British Columbia Packers' Association operated only one of Its cohoe plant, the Im perial. Bomo Ashing camps were also maintained on Tobo Inlet, In northern waters, and the fish brought, to the Fraser for packing. This year the sal mon pack of British Columbia will be transported to the old country by steamer, under agreement with the Al fred Holt Company, operating the China Mutual nud Blue Funnel liners. There has been no dllllculty In maintaining prices uniformly on the coast, for the decreased pack made the visible supply so small In the world's markets, and the demand In the old country has ben so steady, that prices really maintained them selves. To prevent price-cutting next year In British Columbia, which Is anticipated with a larger output, a mutual agreement has been signed by all the British Columbia packers. The total pack on the Columbia river aggregated 378,500 cases, against 332, 980 for 1903, an Increase of 43,620 cases. Alaska s total, on me oiner hand, notes a decrease of 14H.653 cases, the total this year being only 2,052,- 39 cases, compared with 2,201,394 cases lust year. New Cash Grocery has fine candies, up-to-date bonbons and fresh fruits. Tea and coffee go by taste alone; and tastes are many. Schilling's Best teas are five, and coffees four; all different; moneyback all; at your grocer's. Doesn't Rtspect Old Age. It's shameful when youth falls to show proper respect for old age, but Just the contrary In the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old ago. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation, nil yield to these perfect pills. 23c, at Chas. Itogers' drug store Smoke the New Slzo LA IMPERIAL CIGAR ' ALL HAVANA. (No imitation goes with us.) Save the BanciH And get tho diamond in Seymour's window, or tho $20 gold iece or a lino suit of clothes. J. V. BURNS, (!0;!)OaOOSO00000S:0300000000 o s w holesale 8 rir.An.c didttq S TOBACCO, ETC. o fWILL MADISON O KMM'OMMFltt'lALMT. - IU KLKVKNTII 8T. O0000000000000000000 attRaaaaaHaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaattnHaaati 4 :i The Palace a n u a a a a a a .t auaaaaaaauau Cafe The Best Restaurant Regular Metis, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty Everything the Market Affords A Palace Catering Company i aaaaaaafttjauaaauaaaaaaaal SPECIAL PRICES ON MILLINERY On account of a backward season we have on hand more Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats than we should have, and we are going to cut the price so deep on All Trimmed Hats, Street Hats and Gage ' Fine Tailored Hats that you Cannot Afford to he without a new hat. Remember that not a Hat will be reserved. Where you can always buy cheaper, at THE BEE HIVE