The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Hand Painted China.
We have junt received omo rory woll
French decorated China. Very uit
ablo for presents. : : : : : : ;
Local Brevities.
A furnished front room for rent at
No. 140 Fourth street,
Furnlhd rooms at 177
street. I'bom Red" 10S4.
Two furnished roumi for housekeop
lug at 1461 Irving avenue, corner 14tb
treat. .
Any, that old bat can ba cleaned
foloeksd and! rctrlmmed to look nearly
like new at 43 Commercial street.
Hi!tmdltl opportunity to .secure
goo! htn for1 $1500. fay half wish
and balitnet on your own time at
ter cent C. W, Btone. t
Pr. F. V, Mohn hna moved hi ofTtce
and realdrnre to rooms ( and 10,
over Peterson Brown's. Office hours,
t to 11:30 a, m., and 2 to 4:30 p. m.
evenings, ( to I.
I have tooth brush1 for tender
gunia and Jalnty mouth, tooth
brushes that I guarantee, and will give
you another brush If the bristle come
out. ngr, druggist.
The Imperial oyster house la pre
pared to furnlah Shoalwater bay oya
tera In quantltlea of plnta and quarta
to supply the family trade. Colonial
oyatora always on band.
If you are thinking of raising or mov
ing a building It would be to your
advantage to ee Predrickipn liros.,
g-eiiral carpenters and house moveri.
Shop at 173 Tenth atreet.
Our all-wool patterns In full sult
Inga and overcoutings Include a wide
range of beautiful thing. That I
the correct word beautiful. We doubt
If any other display can be found con
taining eo many styles to which the
word In It truest sense may be o
fittingly applied. Do not full to call
on Dickinson ft Allen, 435 Commercial
atreet, and aee the many hundred of
pattern for yourself.
First paper ' of cltlsenshln were
granted yeaterday to John Clrlno,
native of Finland. '
Young lady, atenographer of five
yenra' exerlent't, dtalrea position. Ad
drew "L," car Aatorlan office.
The city republican convention meet
at the court houa at f o'clock tomor
row afternoon for the purpoae of nam
Ing candidates," " 1
County Clerk Clifton ho received
notice that achool district No. 10, In
eluding the town of (Seaside, hu levied
a 12-mlll tax for school purpoae.
The young mnn of today knowa what
he want, and especially la thla true
when he buy a hat Come and aee
our new fall style and ult youraelf.
C. E. Borrow, 433 Commercial treet
"Missouri haa gone republican," aald
gweoaon Morton yeaterday. "If too
bad, lan't It? Well, I'm going to atay
with the party so long1 aa Texaa re
mulns In line, and when Texaa flop
I II I'll continue to be a democrat any
'aaaanaaaMM ''
The country I saved.. You will be
safe In choosing your footwear from
the liirsesl and newest atock In the
city. We have made special prepar
atlon for fitting you with comfortable
and stylish shoes at a modest price.
Come and aee. Teteraon ft Drown.
Hansen ft McCanna, who occupy the
shop formerly used by T. B. Simpson
adjoining the city water office, are
prepured to do all kind of sign and
carriage painting. They will make
specialty of work of this class and
guarantee satisfaction.
Muvor Suprenant yesterday finish
ed the laborious task of signing all
wiuunta drawn to pay the clalma a!
lowed at the last session of the city
New Sheet Music.
Salute to America
Rijmsz Hand March
His Majesty and the Maid
O 00 00 OtfiO00000000000000
0 f
MflWFY Purso and Bug do'
1 iwll w X pnrtmcnt. Special dig
count of 10 per cent this week. We
have tho right line at the right prico.
council, The mayor attached his name
to 224) warrant, the total amount In
volved being but 12129.70. Several or
dlrmmes carrying appropriations also
received his signature, aa well as some
street meaaurea.
The Cheeto, a twin-screw gasoline
boat of about 100 tons, arrived In port
last evening from Seattle. It Is an
nounced that she will ply between
Portland and Yaqulna. Her propellers
are driven by two gasoline engines.
each of &-hore power.
A new shipment of fresh Cudahy
Diamond C and Rex brand ham and
bacon Just In something especially
good. King, Northern Spy, lien Davis
and Waxen apples now In their prime
and at the right price. Astoria
Grocery, 523 Commercial. Phone 681.
The council will meet In adjourned
session tonight for the purpose of ac
ceptlng the improvement of Commer
cial street between Fourteenth and
Seventeenth streets. Several other
matters will doubtless be brought up
for disposal, as the assembling of .the
city council la nowadays the signal
for plenty of work,
The steamship Elder arrived yester
day from Sun Francisco. Tlie oil tank
steamer Whlttler departed for the Bay
City, and the schooner Irene, laden
with , lumber, also left out for Bun
Francisco. ! The French bark Cam
bronne arrived down during the day.
She hud a wheat cargo and Is bound
for the United Kingdom.
The British ship Dunreggan, Captain
Smith, arrived In port yesterday from
Newcastle, Australia, with a cargo of
coal. The Dunreggan used to visit this
port at frequent Intervals, but she Is
here now for the first time In several
years. Captain Smith reports an un
eventful passage from the Australian
coal port. He brings 2741 ton of coal,
which will be unloaded at Portland.
The Dunreggan I on the free list.
J. N. Callaway met with a painful In-
Jury last evening on Commercial street
between Fourteenth and Ffteenth,
where he stepped on a rusty spike. The
null penetrated the foot to the depth
of an inch, causing a dangerous!
wound. The accident may keep him
away from business for several days.
The atreet has lately been repaired,
but many spikes have been left pro
truding from the planking, constllul
Ing a menace to the surety of, pedes
trlans, who ore warned to exercise
care there.
stop will be made on the way north
to set a buoy at Grays harbor. If the
weather permits. The Columbine will
aleo call at Destruction Island and at
lightship No. tl. off Cape Flattery, to
deliver supplies, and at the new light
station at Slip point on Clallam bay,
20 miles Inside of Cape Flattery will
be supplied. Major LangfKt will prob
ably Join the steamer at Seattle to
visit the sound stations for Inspec
Some lucky patron of the Star will
be given a handsome doll and a com
pletely furnished iron bed at tomor
row's matinee. Manager Gevurts has
offered the prize to encourage the at
tendance of children at the afternoon
performances at his showshop. With
each ticket sold children will receive
coupons, and the holder of the right
number will get the pretty doll and
bed. Both are displayed at Cooper's
and It la unnecessary to say they are
gazed at with longing eyes by girls.
Manager Gevurts has also evinced con
sideration for the boys, and the boy
holding the right coupon will receive
a tool chest containing 25 pieces. This
prize will also be given away on Sat
urday afternoon. Every boy or girl
In Astoria has a chance to win one of
the'," and besides will have the
pleasure of seeing a rattling good show
during- the afternoon.",' I , ! ,"(
C. F. Lester was up from Warrenton
yeslerduy. ;
Alex Duncan, a prominent resident
of Seaside, was In the city yester
day. . ,;. , '
H. U Sister, representing the Chica
go Northwestern, was in Astoria yesterday.
Captain Charles Jordan and bride
have returned from their wedding trip.
They will reside at Cathlamet.
Dr. Regan, who was Injured In last
Saturday's football game, Is almost
well. Hia ankle was badly wrenched.
William Ullman, a well known- Port
land commercial traveler, arrived In
the city Inst evening. He will be here
for a few days.
I Getting Ready for ThanlCsgivin
, . ;
include "a ow. : V . :i "
new pieces of our famous
which always makes the' home look so
bright and comfortable. Weathered Oak .,
has style and snap to it Your home looks
finished when it's in use. Let us tell you
more about it in our store. :: ,
v Sole dealers in Astoria. ;
Astoria's Leading House Furnishers.
The German four-masted bark Naur
cho arrived In port yesterday from the
obscure port of Yokosaku, Japan, five
miles from Yokohama. She took a car
go of coal from Cardiff for the Japa
nese navy, sailing from Japan for As
toria October 1. Captain Rowhel re
ports an uneventful trip across the Pa
cific. He states that he experienced
no difficulty In delivering his cargo of
coal at the port of destination, and
that nothing of a warlike nature came
under hla observation. The Naurchos
was here a year ago last August, hav
ing a cargo of cement from Hamburg.
The bark la now awaiting order, not
having as yet been chartered.
A meeting of the democratic central
committee has been called for tonight
to discuss the local situation. There
Is considerable talk of nominating a
atralKht ticket in opposition to the
citizen organization, but it is now
thought such action will not be taken.
The committee vould not find a candi
date who would consent to run for city
nttorney, but it Is possible candidates
for the council may be nominated in
the Second and Third words. It Is
estimated that the number of straight-
outs who are dissatisfied with the re
currence of the citizen plan la 250.
Tonight the committeemen will care
fully discuss the matter and decide
upon some course of action.
Parker House. -
S. H. Turner, Portland.
t Henry A. llergemun. Fort Columbia,
("has. Markan, Seaside.
Ernest Bryant, Clataknnie.
D. McVean.
E. McCorkle, Lexington, Wash
A. Adams, Portland.
J. H. Kneal, Portland.
Panama No Longer Wrathful.
Panama, Nov. 10. Any ill feeling
that may have existed between Pana
ma and the United States on account
of the difficulties over the canal zone
seems to be disappearing. The Pana
mans are preparing to celebrate the
arrival here of Secretary Toft
At the Star.
At Saturday's matinee Manager Ge
vurts will give away to ladles and chil
drenthe ones holding the lucky cou
ponsa. beautiful doll and handsome
doll's bed, completely furnished; also
a fine large tool chest containing 25
pieces. Coupons will only be Issued for
Saturday matinee.
The end of the current blU at the
Star Is rapidly approaching. The pres
ent bill will only hold the boards until
and Including next Sunday. After that
a new program will be offered, a pro
gram which promises even to eclipse
the present tip-top collection of Joy
producers and funambulists. Always
the best, now better than ever, Is the
Fire Chief Foster has lost no time
In his effort to Improve the service,
and under Instructions from the coun
ctl committee on fire and water has
been Investigating the old steam en
gines. Engine No. 1, , which has been
stored In the Olney school building, was
taken out yesterday for overhauling.
It was found that many parts of the
engine had been removed, evidently by
boys. The two old engines are to be
placed In serviceable condition, and the
hook and ladder truck will also be
overhauled. Chief Foster has also been
testing hose, some of which has been
found defective. The old firebell will
ife elevated on a tower to be built at
the foot of Tenth street There has
been much dissatisfaction since the
firebell was stored away.
Captain Richardson will start on a
three or four weeks' cruise with the
Columbine this morning If the weather
is favorable, making a tour of Inspec
tion and delivering lighthouse supplies
at all the stations on Puget sound. A
Correct ClothesJorHen
I ha j done with fine clothes;
but I will have my plain clothes
fit me, and medc Eke other people's.
Lord Chesterfield to hit ton.
Your clothes must fit
you perfectly, and be
m perfect taste, if
they bear this label
Q Equal to fine euAom-made
in all but price. J The makers
guarantee, and ours, with
every garment. J We are
Exclusive Agents in this city.
Graduate Optician
At the Owl Drug 8tre
Sunday hours 12 to 2
No Charge for Examining the Eyes
We have in uow our line of
We have the best in the market You are. in-
vited to inspect them. ; . : : :
w r i Aw.e o r.rk 537531
Ws AVi la. VJP MM VVSs
Bond St.
Prepare for
("A memorable occasion in every
To aid the housewife in
entertaining we have an
excellent line of
vSets, China
Ware and
No store in Astoria has a
better stock or sells
We have the newest and most complete stock of
fine, stylish shoes, work shoes and wet weather ,
foot wear in the city. We handle only the best
makes and always give satisfaction. Our prices
are lowest of the low. Come aud see
Wherity, Ralston & Company