ASTORIA, OBEGON, TTIUB8DAY, NOVEMBER 10. St B It B It 8 II 4 a B B 1 " 1 ' 1 ' " ii i SMa I i n , , ,.. , eeeeeee MEATS - FISH GAME - POULTRY WIHHWnmniiiminimmM.nmMinM..............tTmwftwM,1MW Evcrihing seasonable is in our Market. We sell only fresh, pure and clean foods. Prompt delivery. Every customer satisfied. g Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market. f rlALAR BROS., proprietors, Twelfth Street. t For Stylish Men Suits with the Snap," Stylo and Finish. Be correctly drcfwcd. It cosU no more if you soo ANDREW LAKE ' 482 Commercial Street. CALIFORNIA LANDSLIDE Roosevelt Has Carried (he State by the Unheard-of Majority of 75,000 Votes. DELEGATION IS ALSO SOLID Eljjlit Republican Congressmen Will HrproNeiit tlie Htnt HtronifhohU Ho Mack ; ou Parker. Through Andrew John, an ex-presl-dent of the Seneca tribe, they brought the cas. to the attention of congress. end asked for relief. Mr. John came nere rrorn New Tork In 1S0, and he hoe been her ever alnce pfenning hie claim. Through bla representations and the arguments of counsel em pioyea py uie Hix Nations, congreae paaaed a bill appropriating the money to pay the Indiana. Before payment could be made, however, claims were Sled by members of other tribes, who bad been included In the organization of the Six Nations at the time the land In Wisconsin was sold. They were taken before the Court of Claims and payment held up. EMI ttttttttttttttttttntttt attoBBBBatto Our DruES Are Pure BBBBBBBB8BBBB BB8BBB8BBBBBB Drugs s We compound prescriptions with great cure from a complete stock of fresh and pure drugs. We alno ' sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds of Proprietory Articles, Comb, Brushes, Razors, Soaps, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Ktc; We Charge no Fancy Prices. Corner of Fourteenth IWtV DriirY Otnrn and Commercial Street flail S Ulllg OlQlB Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works RlanafactBitrs of Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundrymen and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goods shipped loour care will receive ipeotal attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. I FISHERMEN The 3 horse power (horscjwwer guaranteed) Wol verine Special 4 cycle gasoline en gine is absolutely the best engine for a fish boat because you can run it slow enough to be used in handling you net. Can you jsay this of any other engine you have seen? Uses to M s i Ban Framlseo, Nov. I. Large re publican majorities have been rolled up over California and from present Indications the vote will be the heav iest ever cost in the state. The plurality of Roosevelt, It Is estimated. will be 76.000, an overwhelming ma jority, with clean republican sweep of all the more important offices, Eight representatives have been elected by the party vote a solid re publican delegation. In the second district, which was considered doubt ful, D. E. McKlnlay, the republican candidate has been elected by a ma jority of not less than 800. In the fifth district, also where a strong fight wna made, E. A. Hayes, rep., scored a majority of 4000. The returns already in for this state senate and assembly show that the republicans have received lurge ma jority in the legislature. Eighteen out of the 23 state senators have been elected and ti out of the 80 assembly men. The magnitude of the republi can victory can be better understood when it is shown that even counties which have hitherto been Invincible a democratic strongholds nave given way and returned a majority for Theodore Roosevelt ORDERS ORPHANS RETURNED. Children Sent to Ariiona by Sisters of Mercy to be Reclaimed. Prescott, Arias. Nov. I. Attorney General Wells, of Arizona, has received a private letter from Phoenix saying that Governor Brodle has quietly left there for Clifton and Morencle, under orders from President Roosevelt, to gather together the forty orphans re cently taken from the Sisters of Mercy and to prepare at once to re turn them to New Tork. Since the Sisters were forced, a few ; weeks ago, to give up the children to Clifton and Morencle white people they have taken the matter before the president. They allege that a major ity of the forty orphans are now In the custody of disreputable persons. The orphans were brought from New Tork to be placed with Mexican families. They were taken by force from the Mexicans by whites, the latter threatening to lynch an agent of the elsters. The governor Is said to fear trouble when he tries to take the children, and has Instructed Captain Rynnlng, of the Arlsona Rangers, at Douglas, to be ready to quell any possible dls turbance. and is now well out of the state. a gan, disguise J as a prospector, with an old pack mule loaded with tools and provisions, tramped out of the Uole-ln-the-wall country, past the two posses, and made bis way to Casper, where he took a train. 1 f The balance of the gang split up, two disappearing completely and two more doubting back Into the mountains two miles from Thermopolls. The latter are well known to the officers and their capture will be effected within a few days. One of these men was with Logjn In the descent on the bank. iT M Beeard tLooees ru Sftc STAR THEATER - ASTORIA'S FAJKIONABlf VAt!t VILLE MOUSe IN CONNECTION WITH STAR AND ARCADE THEA TERS Or PORTLAND . . Chenfc of Projraai Monday. Change of Acta Thandiys MATINEE DAILY AT 2-43 P. 11 CODY BANDITS ESCAPED. MONEY FOR SIX NATIONS. Ovsr $2,000,000 Involved In Court of Claims Decision. Washington, Nov. . The Six Na tions, the big corporation of Indians of New Tork state, are anxiously awaiting the decision of the Court of Claims in regard to the distribution of the money paid to them far lands taken by the government and after- j outwitted the officers and made his es- wurd opened for settlement Morel cape out of the country last Sunda; than 12.000.000 Is Involved and the Logan Outwitted Officers and Passed : Them By in Disguise. Denver, Nov. . A special dispatch from Thermopolls, Wyo., says: Sheriff Penton, of Big Horn county. and posse, with Sheriff Stough, of Fre mont, have returned from the chase after Harvey Logan and his gang of Cody bank robbers, and reports thai Logan, by the boldest piece of daring ' tr.i ' vaiuo 35 & 40c Cote Our Top Quality are so good that you will want more. Fresh Coffees 15,23,25,30 05. We are givin Free Double Premiums. Come early just to look. Great Aoiricaa Ic?or1inr TeiCs. Monej Sarins' Store. (71 Commercial Street, Astoria. MtmTEIi BILL ' - Week Betrtnaiiifir MONDAY MATINEE, NOV. 7 THE STAR TRIO ,. Jennings O'Brien, Mann & Franks 4o : troducing their Original Sketch, entitled, "Our Unele." JUMPING DE ONZO The World's Greatest Barrel Jumpee, NEFF & MILLER Comedians, Singers and Daneera. KATE ROCKWELL Spectacular Dancer. EDOUARD SCOTT, . 8inging New York'e Greatest 8uosea A Littls Boy Called Taps." Published by F. B. Hav land, New York. EDISON'8 PROJECTOSCOPE, Depicting Recent Event by Life Mo tion Pictures. Admission 10c to any seat f flUL D IE fflSUBANCE GOUPM Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast for twenty-five years. ELMORE Q CO;, Sole Agents Astoria - - Oregon. . less oil than any other engine on tho market SATISFACTION1 GUARANTEED. N. II. LUNDBERG, Agent, Frankfort, Wash. 9 "When you have a good thing Advertise It. ' I ' , - ' ' . , We do good commercial printing. Bring your printing to the . ASTOIUAN Office. money to pay them has been appropri ated. The Anal settlement has been held up, however by the action of some of the tribes formerly associated with the Six Nations in presenting claims for a share of the money. The esse was argued before the court of claims on Monday and Tuesday, ana it is expected that a decision will be hand ed down soon. The story of the claim of the Six Na trons la an Interesting bit of history connected with the manner In which the Indians have been dealt with by the government. The nations now In cluded In- the corporation are the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora tribes. Up to 171S only the first five tribes were In cluded In the organisation, which was known as the Five Nations. The Tuscaroras were hostile to the others, and in the numerous fights that oc curred before the opening of the eigh teenth century they were so depleted In numbers that their foes took pity Ion them and magnanimously admitted them to full fellowship. That, at least, Is one side of the story. These Indians all had valuable land in New Tork state, and, unlike many other tribes, were Industrious, Intelligent and thrifty. The value of their prop erty Increased many times, and when the government desired to secure some of the land for settlers, hundreds of acres were sold at high prices. With the money thus obtained i valuable tract of fmber land In Wis consln was purchased by the Six Na tions. It la understood that at first it was the Intention of the Indians to re move to their new land, but they had retained possession of a large tract In New Tork. end after the purchase of the Wisconsin land it was decided to remain where they were. In time the value of the timber land became ap parent and the government offered the Six Nations Inducements to give this up. They agreed to sell It and take In exchange a tract of over a million and a half acres In Arkansas. This land Is not so fertile , as that owned In New Tork, and therefore the thrifty red men determined to stay where they were. It was not long. however, before the government, through an error, threw the tract In Arkansas open to settlers without say ing anything to the Indians owners about it. Settlers came In and made the tract a fertile farming country. This is the Stove Season We buy Stoves and Ranges of the best makes by the car load direct from the factories and we cannot be undersold Every Stove or Range warranted as represented. X jjprn f?!-S! m m, a Cook vS toves, Ranges. Heaters, Wood and Coal Burners. This handsome warranted coal or wood burning heater "The Ariel liut Wast," Now only $6.50. - We have on hand the largest stock ever brought to Astoria. Do not fail to see our large stock of Ranges. ' 1 We sell on easy payments. Your credit Is good. Now is the time to select. H. H. ZAPP (630-634 Commercial St. The Leading House Furnisher. Then the members of the Six Nations sat up and took notice, as It were.'