The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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    W :
Bryan Explains the Cause Respon
Defeat of the dsndidatr
of the Democracy. .
Says the Opportunity Demanded
t Radical Declarations in the
PartyV Platform,
Outlines tlic Idem Which Muat
B Advanced If the Opposition
It to Hop for Success la
the Mcxt Election. .
; Lincoln. Nov. , W. J. Bryn today
gave out a statament Intended to Mm
at commtnt on tbt democratic defeat
and to answer tht reports connecting
blm with tbt movement for tbt form
Ing of a new party, lit prefaces bta
remarks with tbt atatemtnt that it ta
too early to permit of an analytit of
tbt vote, Judge Parker, ht aayl,
vowed hlmaelf on tht truet queatlon.
and announced hla belief in tht fold
standard, thua turning away tht coin
ait queatlon to which tht so-called
conservative democrats attributed the
defeat of tbt party four and eight yeara
ago. ,
Tht rtturna from tht taat art dlsap-
pointing aa thoat from tht west aaya
Mr. Bryan, benct the dlaalTectlona of
- tht allver element In tht west cannot
L be charted with the responsibility,
Tht result tht statement aityi, la due
, to the fuct that tht party attempted
to be conservative In tht pretence
i of condltlona demanding radical reme.
dies. Tht republican party la con
, servatlve, that fa, defends those who
i have obUUued ...unfair. advantage
through cluaa legislation. To secure
thia position tht democratic party will
- have to bocomt ntort plutocratlo than
' tht republican party, which will loat
, It several times at many lyotes aa U
will win.
Bryan thinks that If tht party la to
win, It muat take tht aldt of tht plain,
common people. Ht la of the opinion
that now la tht time to, prepare for
1901. No matt who tht nomine may
be, tht neat three yeara will develop
tbt man. lit aaya tht party muat con
tlnut to protest agalnat a large army
and navy, support tht Independence of
tht Philippine, oppose Imperialism
and expansion, maintain Ha position on
tht tariff and renew tht demand for
an Income tax, to that wealth will be
made to pay Ita share of tht expense
, of government, Tht party must main
tain Ita position on bl-metnllsm, but
tht question must remain In abeyance.
The trust question presents tht most
aeiite phase. No well-Informed person,
he sitys, doubts that the republican
campaign funds of 1S94, l'JOO and 1804
, were recruited from the trusts. Roose
, velt hns four yeara to demonstrate that
no obligations were' Incurred by ac
ceptance of trust funds, and he will,
Mr. Bryan aaya, disappoint either the
contributors or the voters. If he dis
appoints the contributors, tht 1 ques
i tlon may be put through a procesa of
settlement; If he disappoints the vot
ers, they will hays a chance to set
r tit with his party four yeara hence.
J "Death to every private . monopoly"
,t iiiub, v ; uw iuih , iw yet, j iiiuo.
3 take up the caust of the laboring man
; and overthrow what It known at gov
ernment by Injunction, must oppose
national banks of Issue and continue
' to favor the direct "election of United
Stated Senators. : .r-
Idaho Miner Shoots Portland Girl and
Then Kills Himself.'. ,.
Portland, Nov. 9. George Boyer, it
miner and a resident of Wallace, Idaho,
shot' Marie Bunches,' a "Mexican girl,
late thla afternoon and then killed hlm
aelf at the home of bta sister, known
as Mrs." Minnie Ramsey, who lives In
a. flat at 470 Taylor .street.,
It appears that four weeks ago Boy
er visited bis sister and fell In love
with the Hunches girt, who was In bis
slstnr'a employ,, After hi return to
Wallace, lloyer corresponded with the
girt, and they bf cum engaged. - He ar
rived lit Portland today, but for some
reason the girl refused to become hi
bride, 'A quarrel ensued.' -'Boyer,
drawing a revolver, shot the girl twice
trtthr-efrM, and -then pnt the
weapon tojil own head, killing blmself
Inatanlly..' J f -- :? 4 , I
""The girl will recover? "Mrs,- Ruhisny
Is known In -Butte, Mont., a Minnie
lays Par Eastern Struggle Should Be
ftettletJ by Arbitration.
London. Nov. I. In tbt course of a
speech at tht lord mayor's banquet
this evening, Lansdowne, speaking
the North sea Incident, said that If the
firing on tbt British flag bad been an
intentional affront It would have been
followed by deplorable consequences,
but. after characterising It as sn un
accountable blunder, ht sold that re
cent evidence satisfied tht British that
tht Russian government believed In Ita
good faith fact different from "what
wt supposed" and that each party
waa convinced of the Justness of Its
own csuse.
Of tht wsr In tht far east, Lans
downe Mid;
"I am sanguine enough to say that
good Is likely to eomt of the struggle
In the far east. It Js my hope and
believe that thia terrible war will give
stimulus to the existing conditions and
for a leas clumsy and brutal method of
adjusting International differences."
The foreign minister made an ur
gent pies, amounting almost to a da
mand that the Ruaao-Japanese quarrel
bt Settled by arbitration. It waa i
carefully prepared statement, made be
fort what was conceded to be one of
the most representative gatherings of
tht leading men of Britain. The speak
er on several occasions referred to
"that great statesman, John Hay."
Breaking of Dim Csusing Large Lets
to Logging Company.
Aberdeen. Nov. I. As the result of
the breaking of the Humptullpa Drlv-
ng company's dam on Big creek, 10,
00,000 feet of logs destlnvd for Aber
deen mills are lying in the mud and
cannot be got at for at b-ast three
weks.T btaam waa he" biggest in
this part of the country and It will
coat 12,000 to replace It. . Men are be
lug hurried to the scene and by hnrd
work It will be rebuilt In a trine more
than a fortnight Thla may ma
Urlalty Interfere with the usual out
put of the local mills. . . '
Crooked Politicians Plan to Tamper
With Colorado Ballots.
Cripple Creek. Nov. I. An attempt
to deport Frank P. Manntx. county
clerk and recorder, a democrat, waa
frustrated today by Sheriff Edward
Bell and a posse.
Three men, two miners and a promt
nent railroad freight agent, were ar
rested and released on bonds of $500.
Friends of the arrested men say the
affair was a Joke, but the democrats
say the attempt wus 'mude with the
view of retting Munnlx out of the
way to permit tampering with the bul
lots, which are In bis possession.
Fifteen Year Old Boy Aooidently
) Shoott Himself. '
Ellensburg, Nov, . Ansell Stlllwell,
fifteen-year-old boy, waa accldently
shot and Inatantly kilted yesterday a
few miles from town. With another
boy, .he had been on a small lake, and
In landing he took bis shotgun by the
muxsle, pulling it toward him as he
stenoed from the boat. In some
manner It was discharged. The entire
load of ahot struck him Just under the
right arm., death resulting almost In
stantly. ' ' ' " '
Convention Is Completed.
Bt Petersburg, "Nov. 8. Details of
the Anglo-Russian convention to set-
a the North sea Incident are com
pleted. ' -
Russia Will Make Amends. ;
St Petersburg. Nov. 9The Russian
government Is satjHflod Russian war
ship fired on a German fishing vessel
In .tbe .JNorth sea, ,ai)d has agreed Jo
make compensation.
Roosevelt Receives 1,500,000 Plurality
in the Nation and Will Have 343
Votes in Electoral College.
Missouri and Maryland Are Very Close, but in Both Roosevelt Has
Probably Received the MajorityPennsylvania Has Rolled
Up 435,000, While New York's Plurality b
174,000-Carries California by 115,000
New Tork, Nov. With election re
turns stIU Incomplete, indications are
that the plurality for Roosevelt will
exceed 1,500,000, the greatest ever given
a candidate.
Interest centers In Missouri and
Maryland. Late returns Indicate that
the former state Is In the republican
column so far as president ts con
cerned, but Folk, the democratic can
didate, is elected governor. Maryland's
vote will probably be cast for Roose
velt ' '
The banner state Is Pennsylvania,
where Roosevelt's plurality reached
48S.0OO. Parker carried Greater New
York by 41,000. but lost the state by
174,000. Minnesota gave Roosevelt
12S.0O0 plurality, and elected a demo-
cratlc governor and a republican lieu
tenant-governor. Roosevelt carried
Colorado, but both sides claim the gov
The revised electoral table, based on
the latest returns, gives Roosevelt 843
and Parker 113. Parker has carried
only 13 southern states, and Missouri's
18 votes will doubtless this year be
cast for the republican candidate.
State Wilt Give Republican Candidates
Between 60,000 and 70,000.
Seattle, Nov. 9. Latest returns from
all but 14 counties In Washington give
Roosevelt 61,000 majority. The remain
ing counties will Increase this to be
tween 00,000 and 70,000. "
Mead'a majority Is now floured at
14,000 by careful estimates of the miss
ing precincts. The congressional tick
et Is close to Roosevelt and the state
ticket hus a larger majority. There
will be less than 10 democrats in the
next legislature.
King county gives Roosevelt about
15,000 and Mend about 6000.
The Vote In Pierce.
Tacoma. Nov. . With three county
precincts missing, Pierce county gives
Roosevelt 9863. Parker 2314; 'Turner
6838, Mead 7086.
Charge That Election ' Frauds Were
Committed in Denver.
Denver, Nov. 0. Later returns In
dicate that Roosevelt has carried Colo
rado by 15,000. Republicans apd demo
crats claim the election of the gov
ernor. The Times says that Adams,
Resigned, but Objected When Counoil
Wanted to Acquiesce.
Roaeburg, Or., Nov. 9. Dr. E. y.
Hoover ts still mayor of Roseburg. A
tale of a resignation In an hour of pique
and of a stormy council besston hangs
on the above' commonplace assertion.
Dr. Hoover' says he 'Is going to con
tinue mayor, too, until the courts put
him out' v "h " ' ''- - - I
Dr. Hoover tendered his resignation
in writing swblle In a resentful humor
over certain council proceedings. The
council laid tht matter on the 'table,
and it came up Monday night. 1
Councilman West moved at the meet
Ing then that the mayor's resignation
be taken up for final disposition.. Dr.
Hoover thereupon Insisted that he had
withdrawn It and that Councilman
Weat waa out of order. He called on
the marshal to enforce his ruling.
This brought forth a storm from the
council chamber, another member of
the body moving that the mayor's res
ignation be accepted.. The motion was
seconded and Dr. Hoover refused to
put it to a vote, and declared that he
would occupy the chair until ordered
to vacate It by the courts,. Order was
finally restored, but the question of the
resignation was left over. '
democrat will carry the state by 10.
000. '
Tht republicans threaten to contest
tbt entire state election because of al
leged frauds In Denver. '
8hoe Msn Elected Governor of Massa
" shutetta Over Bates.
Boston, Nov. (.Complete returns
show that tht republican electors re
ceived a plurality of 36.240. Roosevelt
received 104,522, Parker 166,273; Doug
las, democrat for governor, 346,311,
Batee 1JS.60I.
But Maryland Hat Probably Given Ma
jority for Roosevelt
Baltimore. Nov. Unofficial returns
place Maryland In the republican col
umn by a small majority. An official
count may be' required to decld the
result ' ' ' ' - .' ' '
Missouri Hat Given More Than 10,000
Plurality for Roosevelt
Kansas City, Nov. 9. The Star
says Roosevelt will carry Missouri by
10.000. Folk Is the only democrat elect
ed. His plurality In the gubernatorial
fight Is 25.000.
Closs for Governor.
Omaha, Nov. 9. Probably complete
returns will be required to determine
w ho Ja elected governor. The repub
licans carried the rest of the ticket.
Roosevelt carried Nebraska by 75,000.
Reno, Nov. 9. Returns from the state
are alow. ' Out of 176 precincts, 78
have been heard from. It la estimat
ed Roosevelt will have 2000 plurality.
Milwaukee, Nov. . Roosevelt's plu
rality Is estimated at 60,000 to 75,000.
Lafollette Is re-elected by a plurality
of 50,000.
San. Francisco, Nov. 9. Roosevelt's
plurality In California will be nearly
115.000. '
Salt Lake, Nov. 9. Utah will give
Roosevelt 15,000 plurality.
Arrested Because of a "Spree" He Is
62 Yeara Old; Father 91.
New Brunswick. N. J., Nov. 9.
"Papa will worry," said James j -K.
Brown, a farmer, living at Morganvllle,
in MonmOUth county, when he woke up
in the Middlesex count Jail here yes
terday afternoon, on recovering from
a '-spret.- He is 61 years old. ' 1 1
"Where be weT" asked the gray-hair,
ed farmer, addressing Warden David
Messier. "It looks like a stable, with
big stalls, but I don't set no hoases." ,
" "This is tht famous Middlesex coun
ty Jail," replied the warden, "and you
art likely to stay here aa long as the
roof holda out"
"I can't stay here," said the farmer.
"I must go home. My father will be
worried about me. He never allows me
to stay away over night." , (
"Tour father!" exclaimed the war
den. "For the land's sake, how old is
"He's 91, and as spry as -the next
one," replied the farmer.
"I hope your grandfather Is enjoys
Ing good health," remarked the warden".
"We will try to get word to papa, so
that ht will not worry." - f
The farmer said that he lived 14
miles from here. He arrived with a
load of pears, accompanied by Daniel
Brannan, 33 years old., whom be re
ferred to as "the boy.". The two farm
ers were found asleep in their wagon
and sent to the Jail.
It was learned that old Mr. Brown
had been greatly xerclsed over his
son's absence.
Tokio Hopes Ht Will Capitulate, as
Japan's Soldiers Are Inflamed -'
and Massacre Is Comid-.
sd Likely.
Tokio, Nov. 10. It is reported that
Stoesset commanding at Port Arthur,
has asked the Japanese" for an armis
tice, the purpose of which Is not stated.
Confirmation of the report Is unob
tainable. It Is hoped that Stoessel will capitu
late before the city proper ts taken.'
The ' Japanese soldiers are angry and
Inflamed. Under the conditions It
would possibly be difficult to prevent a
massacre when the troops meet m final
Garrison Has Held Out.
Chef oo, Nov. 9. A Junk which" arrived
from Port Arthur November T brings
the news that the garrison has bo far
repulsed all Japanese attacks.
Both Armies Preparing..
Mukden, Nov. 9. All la quiet on both
the Japanese and Russian lines.. Both
armies continue to Intrench. Rein
forcements are rapidly arriving..
Annual Session of Degree of Honor
Closed Last Night
Eugene. Or.. Nov. The Willam
ette Valley District Convention of the
Degree of Honor me tn this dt y' yeo
terday afternoon In annual session.' A
business session was held yesterday af
ternoon, and In the evening a public
session, at Which fc program was ren
dered, followed by - an pen session.
Todaywa taken up with " business
sessions, and the--convention elosed to
night when a banquet was given the
delegates and other visitors. The Wil
lamette Valley1 district comprises the
counties of Lane, Linn and Benton.
The list of delegates In attendance Is
as follows:' Grand-Chief of Honor
Sarah A. Fastabend, Astoria: Grand
Usher Sadie EX Moore( Corvallla; Julia
A. Horning, Kate Meyer, Corvallis;
Elisabeth J. Barker, Lillian Crawford,
Mary Veal, Albany: Arvilla Powell,
Mrs, S. L. Moorebead, Mrs. N. I Lee,
Mrs. R, A. Baylor,. Kittle Million.
Georgia Nlelson, Delia Holm, Junction
City; Louise Maxon, Maggie Cart
wright Harrlsburg; Mabel McClure,
Jefferson: Mary E. Saltmarsh, Leb
anon; Mrs, Apperson, Emma Sly, Iro
quois, S. D.; Sarah" Barrfnger, Geneva,
Crooker Lowers Automobile
Record at New York.
New Tork, Nov. 9. Frank Crocker,
driving a 75-horsepower racing car, I
has made a new track record at the
Empire1- City track for from one mile
to 12, in a 20 mile trial against time.
The first mile was made In 6' sec
onds; eleventh mile '56 S-5 ;1S miles
11 minutes and 32 J-5. seconds, t
Frank Kullck, yvlth af 20-horsepower
car, made new records lor two ana
three miles, 1:54 and 2:61.
Chehalia Saloon Burns. '
rhehalla, Nov.. 9. This morning at
1:20 o'clock flrt was discovered in the
Columbia . salqon. located' near the. de
pot The fire department held the
flames In check, but the stock spd fix
tures were ruined. , 'J i
John Slegworth, proprietor of the
saloon, sustained a loss of 11,500,
partly covered by Insurance. . : , ..'
The building was owned by the Co
lumbia Brewing company of Tacoma
whose loss Is 3500. , t
Stole Potatoes From Car.
Hoqulam, Nov. 9. Jack Hurley, who
was arrested last night for breaking
a seal on a Northern Pacific car, steal
ing two sacks of potatoes and selling
them at a restaurant, pleaded guilty
today and was taken to Montesano.
where he wlU be sentenced this week.
Oregon's Plurality for: Roosevelt
r t' a a a A a si a I'--
exceeas w.wv and May At-
tain the Remarkable fig- f
ure of 45,000 Votes. r
Every County Has Gone for Him,
While Five Went for Bryan
Four Years Ago.' ;f
Dbs Will Receive Fnlly 70OO, It
la Clalmprt Sereu Counties :
for Prohibition, Sixteen v -
U- ..:,-.. .Ag&lmt It.
Portland, Nov, .The Oregonkm
says that Roosevelt's plurality tn Ore
gon win exceed 40,000 and may attala
the remarkable figure of 45,000. ' .
i Republicans carried every county la
the state, whereas In 1900 Bryan carried
five , counties. The total vote cast
will exceed 87,000, of which Parker
received about 15,000 votes and Out
other candidates for president the bal
ance. - ' . . " , ' . :
Debs made an amastng run In tbls
state, in some sections passing Parker.
It la said the socialist party has polSeg.
over 7000 votes.
Multnomah county, complete, gives)
Roosevelt 12,702. Parker .2424. . Debs
1849, Swallow 620, and Watson 73.
Prohibition was submitted to voters
tn 23 counties, of which seven voted
for and 16 agalnsf 'The dry counties
are Gilliam, Coos,' Tllbmook. Curry.
Yamhill, Jackson and Benton. -
; In Multnomah ( county 4698 votes
were enrolled for prohibition and 1X433
against It. ' """"
Exact figures will not be obtained
from -several Interior counties for sev
eral days. , . ,. ';. : . '.
But Saloon Element Worked and Woa
' '"' In" Linn County. I
Albany, Or., Nov'. 9 A novel feature
of yesterday's election was a continu
ous prayer meeting in the Interests oZ
prohibition, and while the men were
voting at the courthouse a number of
women were praying In the First
Presbyterian church adjoining.
Twelve out of 90 precincts voted for
prohibition, but. the only town which
will be effected la Lebanon. South Le
banon will henceforth be "dry." The
three saloons In that 'city are alt 'In
South Lebanon, and will have to move
several blocks Into - North Lebanon,
which' failed to vote for prohibition.
The prohibition campaign overshad
owed the national Issue, The precincts
voting "dry" are: South Brownsville,
Crawfordsvllle, Hul.tey. Lacomb, South
Lebanon, Orleans, Price Rock Creek.
Shedd," Sodavllle, Sweet Home, Tan-
Wet" Albany, East J Albany.
West Albany, North Brownsville, Cen
ter, Foster, Fox Valley, North Harrls
burg, Soutb Harrlsburg, Jordan, North
Lebanon. .Santlam, North Sclo, Sobth
Sclo Shellburn, Syracuse, Tailraaa
Waterloo. - ".-'. - 1 :'
Before the election conservative es
timates gave Roosevelt 250. He got
Ull I
I : ! t 1 i . J t . . -
Great Britain and Mexico to Follow tht
r ; r r Lead of France. , j
i Washington, Nov. 9. Secretary Hay
has received assurance from Great
Britain and Mexico that they art pre
pared to negotiate treaties on the lines
of that recently concluded between JthM
United States. and France. t
Bryan Congratulates Adams.
Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 9. Congratulat
ing Alva Adams upon his election; to
the governorship, William J. Bryan tel
egraphed as follows: t
"Accept my congratulations both up
on your personal triumph and upon t'ae
triumph for constitutional govei
ment" . '.