The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 09, 1904, Image 1

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C . I''',. -
6. lily
Expreucs His Appreciation to the
People of the Country (or !
4 the Miinifident Vote
Given Him. '
Regards It u Confidence In Hit
' Endeavor to Look Out for i
Their Interest!. !
(If Ait'V. . . . .
Anaonncea That lie Will Not
Again Meek NomlniUlAn After
Onipltlnf Term He Now
Enters Upon.
Washington, No. I. President
Roosevelt tonight, after tht t lection
ret ami clearly Indicated the remit, U
sued the following statement:
1 am deeply sensitive of the honor
dona me by the American people l' 'expressing their confidence In
what I have 'done and tried to do.
. appreciate to the fulleet tht aotemn
reejioniibility which this confldenct
Impost upon, ma, and' I a hall do all
that U la my power' hot to forfeit It
t "On the 4th Pf next March I shall
tht served three and one-halt ytart,
. an4 thla three and one-half year con-
atttutea my first term. The "wis cue-
loaa which limit, a president to two
f tanns regards substuiioe, not form, and
I under no clrcurnstoncea will I be
J aaadldala for or accept another- noml-
nation." ,...,...
t Saada Early Messaga to the Preeldent
From Roaemount
Eeopus. Nov. I. At 1:10 o'clock
-' Judge Parker sent thla telegram to the
' -; prealdent. , m
. "Roaemount, Eaopus, N. Th Nov. I,
':M'p. m. The President, Washing
..ton: The people by their votes have
emphatically approved your admlnls
tratlon, and I congratulate you..
(Signed.) "ALTON B. PARKER."
i Tha Prasldent Replies.
Washington, Nov. I. President
Jlooaevelt'a reply to Judge Parker's tel.
fgram was as follows:
"Alton B. Parker, Roaamounl, N. T.
1 thank you for yoir cwgratulatlona.
Bryan Hat Nothing to Say.
. Lincoln. Nov. 8. Alton 0. Parker's
roe. .age of eongratulattan to Preal
Ment Roosevelt was shown to William
J. Bryan tonight. Mr. Bryan said it
was too early to comment on tht re
sult, and declined to make any state
ment. Cleveland Also Silent
i Princeton, Nov. I. Ex-President
Cleveland tonight declined to comment
fon, tha result ,ot tt election, j ) 'i 'S.!
Ctrtelytu Wires Congratulations.
I New Tork, Nov. I. Chairman! Cor
telyou, of tha national republican oom
mlttet, sent tht following telegram to
tht president tonight: . .v, ,
; "Tht" country hai given anover-
whelming vote of 1U conftdenct In you
and your administration. " My aaso
'clatet of tht national republican eom
! mltttt Join me !q tha heartiest oongrat
Roosevelt Carried It
S Trenton. N. X, Nov. . The first dla
itrlct polling place, at which ex-Presl-jdent,
Cleveland voted , today, gave
.i Roosevelt a majority' of 181 over Par-
s Wyemlntf
, . I Cheyenne, Nov. I. Roosevelt has
-carried Wyoming by from 7500 to 8000.
:r isiit nrr!?.!. .- , . - .' , -
Only the Solid South Goes for Parker arid
5 ' Roosevelt Will Have 325 Votes in the i
! Next Electoral College.
New York. Nov. 9, 2 p. m.If Maryland has gone republican, as unofficial re
turns nt this hour indicate, the republican vote in the electoral college will be the
unprecedented one of 325 for Roosevelt and Fairbanks to 151 for Parker and Davis.
Not only Is this far in excess of McKinley's vote, 292, in 1900, but Judge Parker's
vote Is four less than that given Bryan four years ago.
It is practically certain that the national republican ticket has carried every
state in the union outside of the so-called solid south. , It may take an ofiiicial count
to decide the result in Maryland.; -'- -'7"i " .'''lt'Z- '
The republican majority in the next house of representatives will be not less
than 50. . : .y-'.
New Tork, Nov. I. The nutlonul re
publican ticket has' been elected by I
volt In tht electoral college that will
txcttd that of til given for McKIn
ley In 1100. Tht result of today's bal
loting tp astounding to even the moat
sanguine of tht managers. Confi
dent aa they were of stK-cesa, they
were not prepared for the astonishing
figure which followed tht closing of
tht polls, bringing to the republican
column not only those statea they had
claimed aa sure for their candidates,
but, with . tht possible exception of
Maryland, every slate classed aa doubt
ful. .r .- . . - ..'.'
Pemocratlo successes art confined to
the solid southern statea In which Ken
tucky Is Included, and Judge Parker
has not carried a single stale which
did not give Its vote to Bryan four
years ago, Unofficial returns indicate
that he has lost some of those which
tht Nebraska, candidate held for his
parties. . The official figures from some
of the northwestern states may slight-
ly' change the totals, bur the returns
available, at a lute hour tonight Indl
cat that tht electoral vote stands aa
Dem. Rep.
.. 11
.. t ..
California ...... ......k'...... ..
Colorado .'
Connecticut . . .
Delaware ..,
Florida ...v......... .......... t
Georgia, 1.
Idaho ...f.,..C.,.,.. ....... .w. ..
Illinois ..:
Kansas ..
Kentucky IS
Mains ..
Maryland -
Minnesota ,
Mississippi 10
Missouri 18
Nevada , .
New Hampshire 1
New Jersey
New Tork, v. ..... . . . f
North Carolina 11
North Dakota i U . ; 1. .'i. .'. i.k, i.'
Ohio ; '..j;
Oregon f
Pennsylvania .,. J
Rhode Island w '..V
South Carolina ,
Bouth Dakota ,i.i(.vw.!,.i
Tenneaset , , , . ... . . ,
Ttxas . . ... . ..... .. 1
UUh ..
Vermont . , i
Virginia. ...x.. 1
Washington -West
Wisconsin ...
Wyoming . . .
Totals v .
..161 125
! t I f, S Pennsylvania.
1 phllitdoiphia, Nov.i 8. The republi
cans mode an almost clean sweep o
Pennsylvania," carryfiig the etttU for
Roosevelt by over 100,000, electing two
of six. stute senators and ' Sf of 12
congressmen. They have also elected
about 175 of the 104 members of the
house of representatives. This gives
them control of both branches of the
legislature by a large majority, I usurp
ing tht election of Governor, Penny
packer's appointee. A. O. Knox, as
United States senator to succeed the
late Mr. Quay. ;
1 ' ' .
Roevlt Will Have Lead Over, Par-,;
her ef 185,000 Votes.
New Tork, Nov. 8. Theodore Roose
velt's plurality In his native state Is
second only to McKinley's plurality of
268.000 In 1898. It exceeds McKinley's
In 1900 by about 41,500. Late returns
show that there were cast for him In
New Tork state about 185,000 votes
more than were cast for Parker. ' Not
only was hla vote heavy In the country
districts, where the republican strong
holds are, but In Greater New Tork,
traditionally -democratic, he run much
closer to Judge Parker than had been
expected, even by his own campaign
managers. In Greater New Tork Par
ker's plurality was from 12,000 to 14.000
larger than Bryan's, but In the Mate,
according to latt reports, his total1 vote
fell 18.000 short of Bryan's. v;' .'
The small plurality for Parker in
New Tork city cased great astonish
ment When reports came In showing
that he would lead Roosevelt' by ' only
40,000 they were received with amase
ment. Parker's plurality In tht city
Is 25,000 less thsn that given for Her
rick, democrat, for governor. There
was great surprise at tht proportions
of tht vott tor Higglns, republican,
for governor. He Is running ahead
of Odelt's vote In many counties, win
ning by about 85,000. Herrlck did not
carry Albany, his home county, nor did
Parker carry Ulster, in which he lives.
Tht results of the election were cele
brated in New Tork In tht demonstra
te manner characteristic of the city.
8tatt Gives Him 10,000, but Adams Is
Elected Governor. .
Denver, Nov. 8. Estimate at mid
night from .scattering and Incomplete
returns Indicate a plurality ot over 10,-
4loo6 for Roosevelt In Colorado, ( In 130
precincts ouiaiae oi twnver. rwwraj
received 10,069 votes and Adams 10,
015, with 1188 scratched ballots un
counted. ... , ., , ',- '..'! !
Tht scratched ballot In tht entire
state art estimated at, over 40.000. The
scratched balolta In Denver which have
been counted run in favor Of Adams
In tha ratio of, 1 to L. ,
Th Times, democratic, concedes
that Roosevelt carries Colorado by
5000 or 8000 plurality, and claims that
Adams, democratic, will havt 8000 ma
jority over Peabody for governor."
Estimate From Returns at Hsnd Plaot
It at Fully 40,000.' ' l
Portland, Nov. .:-The Oregonian es-
tUnates from complete and Incomplete
returns at hand that Roosevelt has
carried Oregon by 40,000. '
, Returns from 288 precincts' In 22
counties In Oregon outside of Mult-
notnah county, give Roosevelt 24,024
Parker 8128, Watson 271, scattering
2619. Thest counties entire in 1900
gv McKtniey 10.767, Bryan 24.004.
Lane county goes republican by nearly
2000. Twenty-six out of SO precincts
give Roosevelt 2218, Parker T45. ..
Return from II precincts la Mult'
nomah county out of a total of 81 pre
cincts give . Roosevelt' j,574, Parker
23i6,scattering i42L 'Tt 'vofe"foif pro
hibition was 4684, agnlns prohibition
12,271, Two missing precincts can not
be obtained tonight In 1900. the coun
ty gave McKinley 9948, Bryan 4436. ;
Republicans Say Turner Will Be Un-5
' ; .ku rw. Hi-. , !
Seattle, Nov. I. Chairman Palmer,
of tht state .republican central com
mittee, says that Mead, republican can-
dldatt for governor, has ' carried the
state by a comfortable plurality. The
race for governor Is close, however,
and the result will not be known un
til further reports art received.' Re
publicans art confident that Turner
will not be beaten, while democrats
art . equally confident- Turner's
strength lies west of tht mountains. !
Complete and Incomplete return from
It precincts In King county give Mead.
the republican candidate tor governor.
2944; Turner, democrat, 1338.
At 1 o'clock a. m. but a small por
tion of the vote on the state represen
tatives in Washington had been count
ed. If the present ratio continues, both
houses will bt strongly represented by
republicans. '
Palmer Claims 40,000.
Chicago, Nov. . Secretary Dover,
of the national republican committee.
has received the following telegram
"Tht democrats concede Washington
to Roosevelt by 20.000. We claim It by
40,000. ' . PALMER. Chairman."
. i. . , ' f
Warring Faetiona Sanguine Over San-
c - .t v'forship Struggle. . ; , j
' Wilmington Dtt, Nov. 8. Tht ' re
publicans claim .they will have 40 of
tht 52 members , of the legislature on
Joint ballot ' Members of tht Addlcks
faction of the party claim a majority
of tht legislature for their leader on
Joint ballot and any they will elect
Addlcks to tht United' Statet senate
In January ' to succeed Senator
whose term expiree' next March.
The state goes for Roosevelt.
Boston, Nov. 8. Sufficient returns
from today's election have been receiv
ed up .to 11 o'clock to indicate that
Rooeevelt and. Fairbanks have carried
tht state, and also the defeat of Cov
ernor Bates (republican) for re-election
by William "Douglas.
Complete returns from the city of
Boston for' president give Parker 49,-'
483, Roosevelt 18,559. . The total vote
for governor in Boston 1C Bates 28,'-
578, Douglas (2.819.. . 4 -,..' -
Parker carried the city by 10,874 plu
rality. Douglas carried Boston by 14,-
041 plurality. .. .
' "''- ' '5.- Maryland.
Baltimore, Nov. . The Sun, which
supported tht democratic presidential
nominee, concedes at 2:10 a. m., that
Roosevelt has carried the state by
about woo. " 'r ; " "" "
Though returns from all the counties
ofMarjclan( are Incomplete, .those that
have been received Indicate that Mary
land has gone for Roosevelt by a small
probably a few hundred
..." '; : ' , -
St P?trt,Nov.: 8. Roosevelt received
t M, . .,-,-., . ...
ota, r-lng far beyond McKlnlex'mar-
! j gin of 77,000 four years ago. On" the
fact of the returns so far as received,
the republican electoral1" ticket has a
plurality of over 100,000. Parker's vote
was much smaller than that received
by Bryan four year ago. . ,
.. Tsnntst. A,; ......
.Nashville, Nov. 8. At 11 o'clock both
democratic and republican chairmen
art claiming the state. Returns re
ceived by the American indicate 15,
000 plurality for the national demo
cratic ticket and protibly ' 1600 less
for Fraser, democrat for governor. .
Prohibition Downed in Umatilla.
Pendleton, Ore, Nov. 8. Umatilla
will give Roosevelt 1200 majority. All
but a few county precincts are' In.
Pendleton gave a majority agalnat pro
hibition of 458 out of 1018. The county
vote against prohibition will be 1000
majority. ' ,. - . ; 'f .
Ohio. ' " ."
Columbus. Nov. I. Based on returns!
received at 1 o'clock a. m.. If the pres
ent ratio of- gains Is maintained for
the unreported precincts, Ohio, will give
Roosevelt 200,000. Indications are that
tht republicans will elect 30 ot 21 con
gressmen.. 17 ;;- V'V.'.-V:"a
.Rhtdt Island.-'-'
Providence, Nov. . Indications at
midnight are' that RKjevelt Itag 'car
ried Raoda-Island bx urallty ' of
over 6000. The result for governor is
still In doubt, ' with Utter (republican)
slightly In the lead.
..' Mithigsrt
. Detroit Nov.-' .Tht statt rtpab
llean central committee announes
that tha return indlcatt that Roose
velt will havt a majority of from 125.-
oo to 110,000, " ' ' ' '
. Missouri.
Nov . At
fet Louls,
1 o'clock tht
results of the election In Missouri are
In doubt ''." " , ' . .
Chicago, Nov. 8. National Commlt-
(Conanued on Page 8.)
'i (
Having Defeated Parker, Radial
Democrat and Populists Will
Now Organize New Po
litical Movement. ' '
Announcement Comes From Mas
Who Managed Campaign of
. Populist Candidate. , .
Hearst, Bryan and Watson Wia
Meet at Stew York to Discus
. .a Scheme for Launching f
the New Organization. '
Washington, Nov. I. As a dramalle
climax to tht sonsatronal maJoriUea
given him, cam President Rootevett'a
formal announcement that he would
not be a candidate for re-election,
lending the only txcitlng aspect t aa
election night otherwise so one-sided
that it is impossible for even tht vic
tors to attain that degree of enthas-
im- that - osmHy msrko- the oasts-"
Ion. ' -v. " -;
Late In the night came' the an
nouncement from St. 0 Palllser, man-
ae0C.tJl ?arnpalgBLJW,,lJipaai ;JB.
Watson, candidate otthe peopled,
party, that as a result of ti over-:
whelmrng democratic defeal alepo
would be taken to form a new party.
TO this end,' according to the an
nouncement given, out Mr. Bryan, Me.
Watson and William R. Hearst wfll
hold a conference in New Tork in about
a week's time. ' " T
Tht period of suspense following the
closing of . the polls waa not prolonged.
In no election In recent years ha4 Om
result been definitely known s
(Astorians will 'doubtless recall that
tht statement was recently made tm
this paper , that steps looking la th
formation of a new 'party had beea
taken, and that" the plan waa knosra
to local leaders. The above dhtpatck
would seem to bear out The Astoriaa
article, which, however, limited the near
organization to' the states west of tha
Missouri. . That Parker was - knifed
yesterday by the reorganisers admits
ot .no doubt) .. : v '
Republican Secretary Says Result h
' . . Compliment to President
Chicago, ; Nov. 8-Secretory Elmer
committee, says Roosevelt will , have
have 117 electoral votes, which la six
more than pre-election estimates, ' Ho
said; ' ' '$ "
'"."Owing to differences In time and
great distances in the western states,
tht returns art more meager and In
complete. c We have carried , every
doubtful state. In addition to party 'en
dorsement, this victory la a great per
sonal triumph for Theodore. Roosevelt?
Legislature Will Elect Two Rpub
, ana, to United Statst Ssnata,'
Indlanapolii. Nov. a. NatkmaDemv
ocratlo Chairman Taggant concedes
election of RooseveH and a)rbank
and hat telegraphed - his congratula
tions to National Republican Chalraiaa
Cortelyou. , ,
State Democratic Chairman O'Brien
concedes that the republicans have
carried the state by - 30,000 or oveti
He concedes the legislature to the re
publicans, and this Insures the elec
tion of two republican senators to suc
ceed Senators Fairbanks and Bevar
lilge. ' '- -"'"'' A 1