ASTOBIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. PAGE SEVEN. PARKER REBUKED. ft p.mooratlo Ntwipaptr Rapt tha - I'BlathertkiUi" for Inciting Filipinos. I Moiniihin, Nov, 1. TIim liunlt'ni Lip )''! tulmliilnti'tril to I'tukiT wiin f urn thi hum! of nn ulliii-ili'iiiorriillc itlur, There In In the mhuIIiIiiimI no iciro ralililly ilrinoeriillr in"witpiiier tliun till! Mi'liiitil t'oiiiiiii-rrlal Ap pi'nl, yot mi cilltorlul Nulnr In limt jijht rnulHi "TIioho (llNtliiKulvhHd lilnthernklti'n Who huvff been blathering about Fili pino Imlt-iirmli'tice mid corullnry In auiltlua claim to be helping to elpct iuilK Parker. "Governor Wright, who la on the ground and who knowa, Informed thla jfovernment that all theee doclaratlona vera being tranalated and publlahed Itn Tagal nnwapapera and that they are laving a deluding and deleterloua ef- Sect on the natlvea. "Now cornea the report that the old Kltatora and profeaalonal patriot! I V ho hnva been In enforced retirement nj wnomj nenrnmen ore ino neuu liuntera and bnndlta from the moun- ulna, and the bolo men from the bum- ioo thlcketa In the valley hove come orth and propoae holding public "In- li'liendenre' metliiKi In Manila. "If theae fiery exhortera nrouae their inir.tiiiiiKii feliowa tn illminliT and ra- ypliio by their perfervld utfrunceH, and Rlf the tiiMk of governing the la lliendered more dltllcult and expensive. , t . t....t A ... ...... ...III pilir lU'llie-mrii i HHiii-miiri n mi" win iiihi imi hip; hiw iii'ii mm . m'.- I'iu kur with a knife. 'Thla country la engaged In the ao- ill Inn tit linn nf the moat difficult lliroblenia that ever confronted a clvl- lxed eoile and It la bending every -nergy to aolve It wlaely. Every word littered calculated to embaraaa It will 1 re.'iite,l by the aplrlt of the nation which atanda for 'right or wrong, our country." In the democratic plutform and In I'arker'a letter of acceptance will be found that 'blathering about Filipino Independence and corollary Inanltlea." of which the Memphla Appeal com- rlalna. Mr. Parker emphaalxed hla riealre to have It known that he do- manda the giving of an Immediate pro mlae of Independence to the Filipino. I MOONLIGHT ENGAGEMENT. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. MPAftKO BY alana took advantage of the bright moonlight litat night to cannonade the Japaneae from poaltlona on the left wing of the ctn'r? army but were repulaed after an action which laated aeveral hour, during which both Infantry and artillery fire waa brink and contlnuoua until daylight. The Japaneae for the flrat time re plied to the Rumilun bombardment, which haa been frequent for aeveral dayi pt. INCORPORATION FIGURES. New Tobaooo Concern Repretenta Capitalization of $180,000,000. New York, Nov. I. New Incnrpora tlona during October In the eaatern atatea reached a grand total of $215, 600,000 for companlea capitalized at 11.000.000 or more. Of thla aum the new tobacco conaollilallon furnlahed $1X0,000.000. othvrwlae the total would have amounted to only $35,500, 000. Thl In clone to the Auguat fig urea of 32,060,000 the low water mark for a number of yeara. However, not alnce May, 1903, when ihe total waa 1307,(66,000 have laat month'a re turns been exceded. MILLI NE RY Mm. R. ludeton bna opened a fine line of Lmlien' ami Children'! Fall and Winter Hate. Call and nee tlictn. CLOSING OUT SALB Of Liillpi and Chililreo'afnrniiihiiijf good, wimerarebnr aiim hninif iiimleiliiriiiif tbia aale. AIho Hair Hwitohe and Pompadour. ::::::: MRS. R. INOLETON, - - Welch Block. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed Rubber Tiring Haobine of thb lateat pattern I am prepared to do all kindi ot work In that lint tt reasonable prioea. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. i: Rueeiane Watting Powder Japaneae Hold Their Fir. General Kurokt'i Headquartera, O t. SI. via Fuiwn, Nov. 1. The Rub- Diiittrout Wreck. Careleeiineaa la reaponRible for many a railway wreck and the aame cauaea are making human wreck of lufferera from Throat and lung trou ble. Hut alnce the advent of Dr. Klng'a New Dlacovery for Cunaump tlon, Cougha and Cold, even the worat caaea can be cured, and hope Icaa realgnatlon la no longer neceaaary. Mr. Loll Cragg of Dorcheater, Maa., la one of many whoae life waa euved by Dr. King' New Dlacovery. Thla great remedy la guaranteed for all Throat and Lung dlaeaaea by Chaa. Ilogera, Drugglat. Price 50c, and It.OO Trial bottle free. FISHERS' OPERA HOUSE L E. SEUG, Usse mi Manager. SATURDAY, Nov. 5. 1904 First Appearance of JAMES J. JEFFRIES The Champion of the World, as DAVY CROCKETT, Frank Mayo's Idyl of the Backwoods. Supported by a capable company and produced with special scenery. Direction Sam'l C. Mott NOTE For the edification of lovers of athletic sports, immediately after the performance, a physical culture demon stration will be given by James J. Jeffries and Joseph Ken nedy, practically illustrated in three rounds of scientific boxing. PR CES-Reserved Scats $1.00, Gallery 50c. Seats on sale Friday morning at Griffin's Book Store. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to '. Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. H. S ROWE. General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland Y 11 IU1 VI O Beer. "When you have a good thing Advertise It. We do good commercial printing. Bring your printing to the ASTORIAN Office. 1 I' - f Is Your Building Insured? If It is worth owning it is worth insuring. Fires al wars come when and where they are not expected. You can not afford to carry your own risk. We represent several of the largest and most reliable insurance companies In the world. We can give you the best there is in insurance and on the most favor able terms. We handle more insurance than any other agents in the city and are prepared to safe guard your interests. - - - - Call and see us at corner Ninth and Commercial Sts., Phone 1961. EILMORE a COMPANY 1 1 2 :