ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. PAGE THREE. A lO-INCH WOOD Delivered tit depot, Carload lot. Write or phono TONGUE POINT LUMBER CO. Atto-la, Oregon. For Stylish Men I'o t'lincctly PALMER ON THE BIBLE In Eloquent Address Dr. Ray Pa mer Spoke of Its Value for His tory, Ethics and Literature. Suits with the Snap, Style mid l'minh. dressed. It eosts no more if you w;o ANDREW LAKE JSJ ( oinlili'tclill Sll'eel. n n ti u tt tt it ti it r n u :: u u n n n 0 Our Drugs Are Pure compound prescriptions with great care from ii complete stock of fresh find pme drus. Wo iilso sell nil the standard home remedies and all kind of Proprietary A nicies, Combs, 1'rushes, Razors, Soaps, nil kind of Toilet Articles, Etc. We Charge no Fancy Prices. Corner of Fourteenth and Commercial Street oauonnnnon uuuu nnaannwanunno Hart's Drug Store : Scow Bay iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers of Iron, Steel, lira ami Bronze Castings. General Foundryuien and Patternmakers. Absolutely lirstclass work. Trices lowest. Phone 2451 . Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone Ml. ' Praying and Expressing All iftwwliotliipped toourcare will root-lve special Attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. NEW STYLE RESTAURANT No. 120 Eleventh Street. BEST MEALS IN TOWN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT First Class Chef. Good Service. Carpenter and Mechanic TOOL FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY v 7 B that your ticket road, via th Illinois Ontml It. K. Thoroughly mod ern train connect with all transconti nental Hns at 8t. Pnui and Omaha. It your frlwml. are cumin went let v know and we will quote them direct ,the .peclally low rit now Hi effect from all eaatern point.. Any Information u to rate, route etc., cheerfully glvn on application. B. II. TUUMBUiX, Commercial Agent, 141 Third street, Portland. Or J. C. LINDSEY. T. F. A P. A., Ml Third .treet, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, r. A. P. A.. Di k ELlGIIThUL ROUTE AYLIGI1T RIDE ' IZZY CRAGS 'EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Sea nature In all be glorlou beauty, and then the acme of mun'. handi work. The first 1. found along the line of the Denver & Rio Grand. Railroad, thf latter at the St. Loul. World' i ' Hw tuiV ha An ft hlana. raur. ivui f " ure make the most of It. For infor. nation and Illustrated literature write W. C McBRlDE, Gen. Agt. Portland. Or. &e STAR THEATER ASTORIA'S FASHIONABLE VAUDE VILLE HOUSE IN CONNECTION WITH STAR AND ARCADE THEA TERS OF PORTLAND ,.. Change of Program Monday. Chngt ol AcU Thursdays, MATIN 1512 DAI L V AT 2.4.1 l M MONSTlilt IIIIX WiM'k lieliiniiifr MONDAY MATINEE, OCT.? I THE ALPINE FAMILY The Sensational Wirt Expert, and Ae robat. Direct From th. Hipo drome, London, England. 3AM HOOD The Joy Inoubator. in Black Fac. : Comedy. ' Flr.t App.aranoe In th. Northwest, LOIS MENDENHALL Th. Lady Violini.t. " GILLEN'A GILLEN Nov.lty Club Swinger, and Juggler. ' EDOUARD 8C0TT, In Pictured Melodies, . Singing Harry Von Tilger1. Eastern Sue .ess, "The Spider and the Fly." EDISON'8 PROJECTOSCOPE, Depicting Recent Ev.nt. by Life Mo , tion Pictur... Admission 10c to any .eat. STUDEMS NEED THE BIBLE TckI of Itcllgloii I (n "Tower to M.Uf ItlKl .Mi ll J(I," ONH. smI AloiHt hy I hi ('It riff, linn ICrllyiou. 'j riiiM" tno iiriiva me im lumcucy llf till tt'l'lltlXT to K'J to I'llilK'I H OJKTU limiHi! mi Stiii'l;iy iiftcifindii vvi-n; julv lli-Ki'd t llHt-ii to it ll( our.'K; of the hH;hpnt or.l'T. M;my ri'K'irdcd it the lnnt of the series of excjlent Mi-rmotiH il"llvrt;l by Vr. JUty 1'ulmt: ilurliiK dim Mny In Atrlu. It was truly an liiti-lltt-tual ri tic spiritual fcuHl. Iir Palmer's theme wit. "The lillile," mill whs drawn from Mutt xxlv:3S: "Heaven urid earth shall piiHH away, but my word Khali not pan away." Iir. l'almer treated the nutiji-i t uruli.T three division: First. He Hioke of tho bllde Itself. H":tiii'l. Of the evidence, of ItH In spiration. Third. Of Its ln'lestrutll)lllty. L'lnler the llrnt dlvlnlon the seitker reheiirtted with great power and well choHcii words the value of the bible n.H a hixtory, an a book of ethics anil us n book of the sublimest works of literature. It was written by Inspired men from various wulk of life, such as fishermen, kltiK", priests, lawKlv ers, prophets, tioets, historians and theologians. He said ft was invnlu uble us a text book, and that no stu dent of history could be complete In hln study without n thorough view of the bible, because It was the cradle of h. story. Dr. Palmer suld that the bible had Inspired the world's greatest artist., and furnished theme, for their paintings and stntnes, instancing Ilaplmel and Michael Angelo, The bible also had Inspired many of the world's greatest writers and was quo ted or Incorporated In much of the best literature. Thl. was Illustrated hy the many gems taken from the bible by Hhukespeare, ' the world' greatest dramatist, also by the death bed scene of Sir Walter Scott, the world's greatest historical novelist and one of the world', great poet., who said when dying: "There Is but one book and that Is the bible." The Bibl. Needed in School.. Pr. Palmer .aid that the bible was needed In nil our public schools and colleges an n text book In history, literature and ethics, and that we ought not to ollow the devil or any body else to keep It out of our schools. He would not teach sectarianism in the public schools, but the morals of the bible were needed as well ns Its historical value and literary worth. Under the second division Dr. Pal mer compared the evidence, of the Inspiration of the bible with the evi dence, of the inspiration of the Koran, the Veda, and other great religions. These all claimed to have come di rectly from the greatest God of the universe while the bible claimed that it was written by' men inspired by Ood. The mere claim of It. divine origin, which it held in common with other sacred books, wa. not sufficient to satisfy the skeptical inquirer. A Challenge Test. The flnnl test to which he challenged nW other religions to meet Christianity j was "the power which the blhle had to make bad men good." In this chal Icnjte, he Included Monnunlsm, Confuc ianism, MohenmiedanlHin and all oth ers. He clte-1 the condition of Mor mons and their practices a. evidence of their failure to meet this 'est, Dr. Paltn'r cl ilmed that the heathen darkness of the lands where the Koran and the Wdns were taught and obeyed Is sufficient proof of the falsity of their claim to divine authorship. . Under the third division Dr. Pulmer showed the Indestructibility of the bible by the fulfillment of the prophe cies concerning Egypt. That at one time It was the center of the world In power and learning, but now inslgnifl cant except for it. ruins. The bible foretold that It would be one of the least of the nations of the earth Through thousands of year, the bible had stood firm, although kingdoms had arisen and decayed. To Outlast Gibraltar. The 'speaker .aid the time might come when even Gibraltar might be washed away by the sea. but even then God's word would stand more firm than ever. Dr. Palmer closed with two touch ing scenes from his own life, one when a little boy ho stood at his mother's deathbed. She died at the age of 22. ghe kissed her husband and nix chlMren goodbye and then sang a hymn and piuised Into glory, by thin h'f know that th bible stand, firm even In death and defies It. terrors, Again, many years after he and his brothers, two beside himself being minister, of the gospel, with his sis ters, gathered at their father', death bed, Although i2 yeuT of age, his head white as the snow, he died with the bible as his guide to glory and the triumph of Christ's salvation as his crown of life. rices World's Record Breaking Dinner Sets China Crockery Glassware Ornaments Prices never so cheap Need the room for New Holiday Goods Come early just to look. Great American Importing Tea Co. Money Saving Store. Siiclt b'Kiks us (Jraimtark, lJoaurn-ctioii, Right of Way Wtlfvilln Nijm. nn'l Miiiijii p.iili'jle, were BARGAINS nt one Asturia store this week. (Our rkv 75c. No window display. J ust our regular price on these looks.) J. N. GRIFFIN MATTING JopI R. ceived -The finest stock of matting io the city, in many palterna Bbd grade- Prices low at 20, 25 and ,'i0 cent, a yard. L. H. HENNINGSEN H CO. Z'ZVSr 5;i Commercial 5treet, Astoria. Dr?C. Gee Wo VONDERPUL HOME TREATMENT TU. wnimM CM m aoeMr hi mO4 eeopta wlitiit apm um Ibat angtvm to dla. Ha cum vita Umm wmxlerful Chi nas aorta, root, tnxta, bark, aad a4aMai am Mttraly ao- tnm la this Tarawa la as tt knows Uas aoUoa ml mr ioa slOanal ntlas, srbJeh as saneaastaUy aasa la .lasrsat viaiSHHS, am a-sarsilMes is ears ma. Inns, throat, raawalaaa. UKnsco, BTsr. kiaasra, sta.i hat a txsUinmttaia. Charass amiscaia. Call sna alaa. rattsaa sol sf blanks an. etnmlais. flrnfl naaia OUJUtOL TATIOM r&KS. ADUMKra) TheCGWoCHntlIdktacC. Hi Aider aVMsouau aaaar. ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN FOX.PrfB.and gopt. f. L. liWHOP, Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice PresldMit. AMTUKIA HA IMJS bA.NK, TreU Designers and Manufacturers of v THE LATK8T IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fonrth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON. 0O3O$ooooooooso; o o o o o o o o o o iO00000000 o lei h. o 1 e s a CIGAR5. PIPES, TOBACCO, ETC. WILL MADISON 630 r 03IMFKCIAL ST. :-: 114 ELEVENTH ST. O0000000000000000000 HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. This is the Stove Season I We buy Stoves and Ranges of the best makes by the car load direct from the factories and we cannot be undersold. Every Stove or Range warranted as represented. Cook vStoves, Ranges. Heaters. Wood and Coal Burners. We have on hand the largest stock ever brought to Astoria.' A handsome warranted coal or .wood burning heater "Tho Arid Hot Blast" Now only $6.50. Do not fan to see onr large stock of ?ange. We sell on easy payments. Your credit is good. Now is the time to select. H.Z A PP, Commercial St. The Leading House Furnisher. H o 9 O o o 0