PAGE SIX ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23. HEROES ARE OF THE WEST Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis Tells New Yorkers of the West The Land of Workers. LUXURY OF SERVICE REAL "I Am a Muii Who Spend His Time Trying to tiet t'p an A p. I petite ill Yon Who Are ' j Gorged to Glutton j." ! New York. Oct. !4. In a sermon on the work of missionaries in this country during the last 100 years, the Rev. k Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis. in Plymouth church, Brooklyn, has de clared that the men of the west are the true moulders-of the nation's des tinies. "So accustomed are we to thinking that Athens made Greece, that Rome made Italy, that Pans made France, that England is London." he said, "that ' we believe now that as Mew York goes, so goes the destiny of the United States. I do hot mean that New York has no influence, but we have come to over emphasize our selves. "The boy who is nourished in the city, who all his life has breathed only the tainted air of the city and has been f ramped by his surroundings, has no character. It is the boy who has been reared far trpw the complex ity of city life that does things. Here a man loses his individuality. The jnen who will make themselves known 0 years hence are how husking corn in NebraskaV The real preachers, Dr. Hillis went on, "are those whose work Is done In the west." and he contrasted tny. field with his 6ri, saying! ul airi a man whd spends his lime mixing "tonics, trying to get up an ap petite in you who are gorged to the point of gluttony. "There Is no pessimism beyond the mountains, no talking down of the In stitutions of this country. Those men have now begun a revival of patriot ism to oppose the pessimism of you men of New York. It is the west that has furnished the heroes for the last two or three generations. "Here you are eating many kinds of foods, pouring rich wines down your throats, saturating yourselves with all kinds of ease and luxury, and then preparing to die out of life when God has put you here for something bet ter. You are not happy, but In seven days I could make you happy. Or ganize the resources of life In the in terest of the poor and weak, and for misery you'U have happiness, for sel fishness that corrodes, you'll have a blade that flashes more and more, and then you will know real luxury the .luxury of service." . i 'FACTS WORTH' REMEMBERING. Culled From The November Issue Of ; "Success." There are 30,000 dry goods stores In the United States. ; The population of the world is now estimated to be 1,503,300,000. ; Waste leather Is no longer thrown away. Manufacturers use It, In a compressed form, Instead of Iron, to make cog-whels. .The Ambidextrous Society, of Lon don, has been formed with the object of encouraging people to use both hands with equal facility. Ants are the most brainy of all creatures. In proportion to its size, a.n ant's brain is larger than that of any other living being. More than two thousand skilled workmen have left the French silk factories of Roubalx and , Turcolng, within a year, for the United Staes. I ; The countries that have the largest population, China, India and Russia, are not the strongest nations, either inrtHKtriRllv. commercially, or in any other way. Five women at Washington, D. C. are'etill drawing pensions as widows of soldiers who served in the War of tha Revolution, which ended One hundred and twenty years ago. Tihpt'a nix million neonle have to support an army of four hundred nd thirty thousand priests, who pro duce nothing but the sacred writings. They hold all the public offices. I The number of timber sleepers on the railways of the world is calcu lated to be about 1.494,000,000, and their value . is estimated at - about 4900,000,000. ' This . Item makes a eer rtrnin on the timber Supplies Of Jthe world. j 4 Though the ocean covers about !hrpp-fourth a of the surface of the earth. It does not. In the same pro portion, provide for the wants of man. It Is estimated that only ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE. BUlogy has Prove tkat Damdraff Is Caaae by a Geraa. Science l donig wonders these days In uoJIclne as well as in mechanics. Since Adam lived, tha human race has bees troubled with dandruff, for which no hair preparation has heretofore proved a auo aessful cure until Newbro's Herplctde was put on tha market. It Is a scientific prep ration that kills the germ that makes dandruff or scurf by dlKtfing into the calp to get at the root of the hair, where it saps the vitality; causing Itching ax-alp, falling hair, and Anally baldness. With ut dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. It is the only destroyer of dandruff, bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to Tha Herpl- cide Co.. Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store. Jil-S53 Bond St.. Owl Drug Store. 549 Com. St., T. F. t-aurln. Prop. "Special Agent" about three per cent of the people In the world obtain their living directly from the sea. . An English naval cadet who, on his training ship, took eleven first prises. and In the first examination obtained ninety-seven and six-tenths per cent, was rejected at the medical ainination on account of a small feet In one little toe. The development of the dairy ex' de- in- dustry In the United States Is scarce ly realized by business men. In 1S98 the butter haul over the Minneapolis and St. Louts railroad was four thou sand pounds. Last year It was nearly fourteen millions, the gain coming wholly from developments of cream eries along that railroad. Last year coal constituted about forty per cent of the total tonnage of the American railways. To carry a ton In England from the Yorkshire coal fields to London, a distance of 158 miles, costs S1.S7, while coal Is carried from the Carbondale conl re yloii in Illinois to Chicago, 276 miles, for twenty-two cents a ton. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox of Wake, Ark.. writes, "For 12 years I suffered from yellow Jaundice, I consulted a hul0" W of physicians and tried all aorta of medtelheSi but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitter and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in Us grasp for 12 years." If you want a reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bit ters. It's guaranteed by Chas. Rogers. Only 50c. FOR THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE ' m. mm. m m ' ' J Pleasure Is far sweeter 1 . as a recreation than as a i f business. Hltcncoc. BREAKFAST. Cornmeal Mush. Steamed Eggs on Toast Brown Bread. Coffee. DINNER. Tomato Consomme. Mutton Chops, Tomato Sauce. Potato Souffle. String Beans. Charlotte Russe. Coffee. SUPPER. V.rcn Chicken. Tropical Toast. Lettuce. Coffee Jelly. Whipped Cream. Tea. T TROPICAL TOAST.-Cut rounds of crustless bread one-fourth of an inch T thick. Beat one egg very light and T gradually beat it into a cup of milk. Lay the rounds on a platter and pour T the mixture over tnem. mrn mm i SO as lu utuisien wvwi ti v" . . . . .i t - it,, i- k Kut .or tin. T sauie innn in inn. uui wm.h. til brown. Serve with the following T sauce: To a cup of seeded raisins add T two cups of water; cover and cook T innriv half n hour, then add half a T ' cup of grated pineapple and half a J ' cup of orange pulp cut In small I 5 pieces, uerve epouiuui ui un in each round of toast. 4, "I bare bm ntlnr Caatarrta for Inioanl. with hlc I bava bees afflicted forever twenty l'n, and 1 en ear that I'aacarata have g1re mora relief than any other remedy I have ever tried, I hall certainly recommend them to my friend! aa fcalBf all they art represented." Toot. Olllard, Elgin, 111. Best For Pleaiant. Palatable, Potent. Tente Good. Do flood, Jfever Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10c, &c,Mc. Unrei old In balk. The cenaina tablet aUmpad COO. Ooajentead to eura or your mouey back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 597 AXXUAL SALE, TEN U1LU0M BOXES Scoirs Capsules a FOsmvK cur E WwlBSanrnJ'tioiiO? Onta-r Of the Uiaddi r r.ud lli.m. M Kidneys. "So tuf; hi py Curt l quickly aad K.'iu ncnlly the worst eaeea ot CoiuirrUex a) and O.eet Bo mail r of how loon ete4 inc. Abcolniely barmlraf H& by oofdta. fri II 00, cr by wall. poctoaH tlM, I cn sAnai-pspsiN oa Sold by Chas. Rogers, 451 Commercial i afta i Not let the world Know you are here? The Astorian will bring you and your needs together. M. Egger has opened a ilower store in the Astor house building, where he has for sale choice cutowers, grow ing plants, ferns and shrubs. Floral designs furnished. For rent Two nice, furnished rooms. One suitable for two persons. Address "A." care Astorian. The original Jno. A. Moler hus opened one of his famous barber col leges at 644 Clay street, San Fran cisco. Special Inducements this month; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write correct num ber, 644 Clay street, San Francisco. Vocal Instruction Mlsa phone main 2891. Hobson. Lost Case containing pair of gold rimmed spectacles; case marked with maker's name, "L. C. Hendrickson," Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Oriel house. Two more rooms for rent over the Star theater. Better hava tn old hat cleaned J blocked and retrimmed. It savea you money. 433 Commercial Wl- For rent Nln-rP9m house. Inquire ( Aatorla National bank. For Rent Furnished front room, 140 fourth street, corner Commercial For rent nicely furnished tront room on lower floor. Conveniently lo cated. 377 Tenth street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8 U KG EON Acting Assistant Surgeon U. 8. Marlue Hoapltal Hervlce. Office hours: 10 to 1J a.m. 1 to :Q pm 477 Commercial Street. 2nd Floor. Dr. RHODA 0. HICKS OSTEOPATHIST Mansell Bids. S7J Commercial 81 PHONE BLArKaXtt. 0. W. BAKR, DENTIST Mansell Building 673 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or TELEPHONE. KED 2W1. Dr. VAUG1IAN, Dentist . Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. BAI L Dr. F. I. Friedritb, DENTISTS 524 Commercial street. Astoria Ore Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST 678 Commercial St . Sbannlian tl'iilding MISCELLANEOUS. C J. TRENCH A R I) Insurance, Commission and Shipping CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Welis-Fargo and Northern Paclflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND 8TS A KILJULEN, Merchant Tailor. Occident BuiUliug. JAPANESE GOODS New stock of fancy goods just arrived at Yokohama I'azaar. Call and see the latent novelt ies from Japan. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 Commercial St. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur-' ant. 434 Bond St ' W H Y ? SB Proposals for Frash Btef and Mutton Office Chief Commissary, Vancouver Barracks. Wash., Oct. 1. 1904 Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning January 1, 1801. will be received here and at office of Commissaries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boise Barracks, Idaho; Fort Casey, Columbia, Flagler, Walla Walla, Ward, Wright, Worden, Lawton and Van couver Barracks, Wash., until 10 a m.. November 1, 1904. Envelopes con taining proposal! should be Indorsed "Proposal for Fresh Beef and Mut ton." and addressed to commissary of post, to be supplied, or to Major George B. Davis, Chief Corny. OONO TO THE FAIR. What to Ro If Veu Desire Praotloal Information. If you contemplate visiting tha 8L Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In formation aa to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Ait ' as to the local conditions In St Louis hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undersigned, gIutng Information you dslr the same will be promptly furnished. If we do not have It on hand, wll' secure It for you If possible, and with out any expense to you. Address ,., B. H. TRUMBULL. - ' ' ! rortlanJ. Or DON'T C.0 TO 8T. LOUIS . 'Till you ca'l at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railroad Office 134 Thlrt street, Portland, Ora Low rates to all points east, in connec tion with all transcontinental-. H. 8. ROWS. " ' OTieral Agent, World'a Fair Rates Extended. Through the efforts of the GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, world's fair excursion tickets will be, sold on Oc tober 27, 28 and 29. In addition to Oc tober 2, 4 and 5. For full Informa tion apply to any Great Northern agent PIAXO TUNER. For good reliable piano work see your local tuner, Th. Fred ricksou. 2071 Bond Street. Phono Red 2074 WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mill wood, bo wood, an kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blsok ' Barn on Twelfth, opposite tper house. BAY VIEW HOTEL E. G LASER, l'iop. Homt Cooking, Comlortablt Btdi. Rtsion tMe Rate and Nice Trtlmtrt THE NEW NEHUEiH HOiSt Cor. Fourteenth and KxcIihiibp Mia. line block Iwt k of Kiuirtl & ukm Hlore, . n. ANSON, Prop., - Astoria, Ore. Board and Lodjlnf $1 00 end up Cleanest Bcd In the City. Fine Table Board. New Furniture Throughout. ILiU-ii made to U'ty I lii nlrl-iil Troupoa ASTORIA HOTKL Corner Seventeenth and Duane Sti. 75 cents a dav and up. Aleals 20 cents. Board and lodging f 4 per week, , . PARKER HOUSE H. B. PARKER, Proprietor Free Coach Large Sample Rooms on Ground Floor. Rojms 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per Day. Foot of Ninth Street ASTORIA. OREGON - r- TTTTTTIIITTIIIT7TT?rTYI?M KAMONA SALE. -V . I have plaoed on sale at t re duced price my select etook of home-made Wrappers and Ka monas. ' 420 Commercial 8t Astoria. J. Y. KWONQ CO. Tha World. Pair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip. or visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at Bt Louis, cannot afford to overlook tha advantages offered by tha Mlasurl Pacific Railway, which, on account of Ita various routes and gala ways, haa been appropriately named -Tha World'a Fair Routa." Passengers from tha northwest take- in a Missouri Paclflo trains from Dan var or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Bill. Two tralna dally from Denver and Pueblo to 8t Louis without change, carrying all olaasea of modern equip ment, Including electrlo lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Tea dally tralna between Kanaaa City and Bt. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen eral agnt, 124 Tnird street, PortUnd, for detailed Information and Illustrat ed literature. A DIRECT LINE to Chlcaco and all points east; Louis- vllie. Memphis. New Orleans, and all points south. The only direct route to the St Louis world'a fair and the East la Via the O. R. & N. and Union Pacific. The folowlng rates apply from As toria: ; To fit Louie and return........ 167.110 To Chicago and return 72.50 To Chicago, returning from St, Louis or vice versa , 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St. Louis or vice versa 71.50 Returning via California, $13.60 ad ditional. For further partlculara, call on ot address 0. W. ROBERTS. Agent O. R. ft N. Co, Astoria. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Curd ot Trnliia PORTLAND Leavers ArrtTea rvget 8ound Limited. 7;H a m p m rCunaae Clty-8k Loula ttoecial 11:10 am i:4e pn North Coaat Limit! 1:10 tn 7:01 a aa racoma and SeatUa Want Waitress .. ...... 11-46 pro 1:06 m Tak Punt Bound Limited or North Joasl Limited for Graye Harbor polnu 1'ake Pugei Hound Limited tor Olyn ola direct. - Take Puffat Bound Limited or Kaj- 4s City-tit Louis Special for ooIbls in South Bend oranih. Ooubie dally train eorvlce oa O ray's Harbor branch. Pour trains dally between Portland. Taroma anil rWMI A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE 8EPT. 4, 1904. Leave PORTLAND Arrive 4 (Hi 4. in I I'ori Imxl 1'iiHtii I H.KIh. ii I'onliitxl I'iikiii i H.IUh. hi 7.fOpin I ilt i for A'loruil l. in ji.ii .in Leave ASTORIA Arrive 7 45am J for P.7iIhii1 aul Ml 30 am HIP p m I why jmititw )(.!10 P'rn BEASIOE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive iTffi ni (r Sn mi liiTTirw t jfi:20 p ro i Leave ASTORIA. , Arrive taija in I lor Warrenion, ) lliiimond, Kt li.50r.rn (.Stcvfiis, Braiile 7:-i0a,m L"BVt" SEASIDE Arrive 4 p ui l-ir a-i-i, m Direct h' ;30p m Leave SEASIDE. Arrive 6 IS a. ni l for Wtirrenton Ft J 8tevfii8. Ilaru 9 3()u.m ' luond, Astoria 9 25a.m 7 20p m Additional train leaves Aitorla dully it 11:30 a. ni. for all points on Ft. Stevens bi n ric h, arriving Ft. 8tevena 1 2: 3D p. m., returnlnir, leaves Ft. 8tev- im at 2:00 p. tn.. an ivliitf Astoria 2:45 p. m. Sunday only. Through tickets and close connec tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and Ooble and O. R. & N. Co., via. Portland J. C. Mayo, Q. P. A. Ootob-r 27, 28 and 29, World'a fair excursion tickets to- Chi cago, St. Louis and all eastern cities will be sold by the GREAT NORTH ERN RAILWAY on October ?7, 29 and 29, In addition to October J, 4 and 6. Apply to any Great Northern, agent for rates and full Informatloa OREGON StioriT Lime and Union Pacific 10 hour from Portland to Chicago. No Change of cars. TlMKHHIKDUUM 1'OHll.AND Pepart Arrive Chlntgo I'orilaud HuvIhI III. Halt Uk, ixniver, Kt Worth, (liimlm, kali an, fit J. Ht aim u C'hicHiiu mid His Knal t:Wpm vl 11 Ullt-I A linn tic r i iirnaa Hnlt Use, liniiver ril IMA p. m. Tilt ant em iiiiiiv- ;uy, m ixiula, Inglou .Chicago aud the east Hi. Ilul I Walls WnIIh, I ewla- rviuii u, nixiaann, Minun-l-lt . lu. siM'lla HI ftul, HullllH IWpro sua 'sua (Ml OCEAN AND RIVER BCUEDULB From Astoria All sailing datea subject to change. For Ban Francisco every five daye. Dally ft- k'olumbU Rlvr to tiki Daily M't Muii. ri'I't Hun u ntluiu i-uriiHiiii ana Muy Umlltifc-a Direct Llneilo St. Louis World's Fair. Steamer Nahrolla leavea Aatorla on the tide DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR ILWACO, connecting there with trains for Long Beach,' Tioga and North Reach point. Returning at rives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prln, olpal European cities. , O. W. RO HERTS, Attend , , , . Aatorla, Or, V ; See that your tfcfce reada via the) Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod ern tralna connect with all transconti nental lines at Bt. Paul and Omaha. If your friend are coming west let know and we will quote them direct the specially low nta now tn after from all eastern points. Any Informatloa as to rate, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent, 141 Third street, Portland. Or. J. C. LIND8ET, T. P. A P. A.. 141 Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON. P. A. P. A.. ASK THF. AOKNT FOR TICKETS 1 , r 1e, bu r'aul, Mmn.oiis, Duluth, Chioago, 8t Louis, and all points east and leuth. Q OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY (V Z The Flyer and The Fast Mall L SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT . COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip aerose the Caaoade ani Rooky Mountains. For tickets, ratea folder and full ln tormatloa call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket AgenU 121 Third Street, Portland, Or, S. O. YERKE3, Q. W. P. A., 112 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS i VIA GREAT NORTHERN) Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent, Portland, Ore. Every Woman lflinUrj8LtHl unit ihrititd krtot alNiiit LdNs .little rftlti MARVEL Mbirlino Sorov Hun ! .larika. Km -Harv -.Miial Ootivefilni. ' IIUMawali..lllf. 1.1 mrlmW hr H. It lie PKminiaiipiilT ih. Mailt Ml.. a.-.-Bi.t no oilier, uiti nil lump fur llluxtrau-it l...c-w.M. Hdrx full DnrUcNlaraan.1 illrmHlnn. In. THlunlilr lo Inilici 91 a H V i.0. wwa wtn, lavw aw. if ill :i