The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 22, 1904, Image 1

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    ' . . . . 1. i' , , , . , ...... t
' " ... . i . ; ... ...... . . . ,
rOj Jaai I' ; '
Former President the Principal
Speaker at Mass Meeting
Held Under Auspices
of Businessmen.
Discusses the Issues of the Cam-
- palgn From the Viewpoint
of the Democrats.
l rml Tender Win Ovation,
Which Chair limn In t'lmble to
Stop John G. CwrtlHto
AUo Deliver AtdrM. .
New Tork, Oct. II. Attracted by!
the preaenca of Orove? . Cleveland,
thouaanda of people atruggled tonight
to gain entrance to Carnegie hall
where the ex-prealdent mode hla flrat
luid only apeach of the campaign.
'John 0. CrllN, aecretary 'of the
treaaury under Cleveland, waa afao a
peaker, and ahared the great outburtt
of anthualaam at the meeting.
' Long before the doore opened, the
crowds surged around the ou tilde of I
th building, and within 10 mlnutee af
ter th doore were thrown open every
eat wa taken. Several hundred" were
unable to gain entrance. The big
democratic rally wo held under the
auaptcea of the Bualneaemen'a Parker
and Davis Aaaoclation.
Cleveland arrived ahortly after 1 1
o'clock and Immediately upon hla en
trance cheers buret forth, the Aemon
lIMIWtl , WWW. . . w . ti'Wnl .
M AM I..IIHI, . I.UBH MinillMi 'III
died out and then began again with
renewed vigor. When Clevlpd aw
that Chairman 3, Hampden Robb's 'A UUgrwnj, from Mexico blty aays that
forts were. fruit leae In quieting ; the the plea of .JMUaon, Richardson ' and
demonstration, ha arose and held upnae, tXe.-alleged lhauranc awlnd
his hand for silence, but the people!
did not quiet down rot two minutes
afterwarda. f The iormer president was
made chairman. of the meeting.
In accepting the chair Mr. Cleve-
land dlsVussed the lwus of the cam I
palgn from a-democratic atandpolnt.
H was frequently Interrupted with
applause, the audience taking advan
tag of every opportunity , to manifest I
Its enthusiasm. Mr. Carlisle's address
was also liberally applauded. , :
:, ,
Northern Paifie Seotien Crews', Q,i
gantlo Thefts Discovered.
Butt,- Mont., Oct. II. A miner
special from' Garrison says:
Investigation s, by Northern Pacific
detectives of thefts In the recent wreck
In the Dig Bend developes on of the
largest affairs of Its kind In the his-
tory of Montana. It Is alleged hatUulcId at Seattle.
section crews jrarrled off no less than
JSOA hnms- and side (of bacon, many
cases, of eggs and hundreds of pounds
of d reused poultry.
The robbirry was made posalble with
the uae of hand cars. ' The stuff was
all cached In what was conaldered a
splendid hiding place. During the rob
bery, It seems, the men got tor. steal
ing" booty from oil another, result
ing In a general row. '
York And California
, Build Twin Ships.
New Tork, Oct. 21. A shipbuilding
rac between the New Tork and Mar
Island navy yards has begun over' the
construction of two colliers authorised
by the last congress. They are to be
the' largest and fastest boats for their
class in the world. .
Mtn win oe aooui. ouu leet in lengtn
and cost about .11,250,000. One of
the, ships was assigned to the . Mare
Island yard, San Francisco, snd the
other to the yard here.
Diahoneat Offioial 8entenoed to One
Day and to Pay a Fins of $M0. -;
Portland, , Oct . 21. Lee it. Travis,
of Eugene, Ore., today pleaded' guilty
to the filing of .false affldavlts'.ln ob
taining pension claims. He was fined
$000 and sentenced to one day In the
county jail, In ths United Btati dis
trict court today. ;'" , ,
uwn sot for
If iv: - .-
,i United mates dls
try 0" f wovember 21, and ths other
two,, Dffor th United States circuit
court November '28 and December 6.
Font Sent to Interview Armed Pna
man Said to Havt ten Engag
. ad In Llvaly Skirmish.
Colon, Oct.. 21. News reached here
thla evening that about 200 armed
men, thought to ha malcontent Fana
man rather than Colombian soldiers,
have been Been In the neighborhood
of Culsbra, , threatening hostilities
against th Panama, government
Aa oon a the American authorltea
became cognlmnt of the preaenca of
,hIi forM ro,rnM wer, gent to a
certain Its purpose. . It Is rumored
that a skirmish occurred and that sev
er si were killed, but there is no con
firmation, of the report. '
No Official Advloes.
Washington, Oct. 11. Assistant Dec.
retury Durllng tonight said that as
far as he was awars no advices were
received at th navy department of
the reported skirmish between United
8tstes marines and Pansmuns on the
Isthmus. If dispatches had been re
ceived, the asaiatant secretary added.
they would In all probability have been
sent to th department and not to be
delivered to th officials until morning.
At this tlm th navy has about
459 marines on th isthmus,, t sufflc
lent force, In th pinion of th admin
tstratlott, to cop with any difficulty
that la likely to develop.
Were Charged With Death Of Insured
I y . .... . v. ...
Chicago,. Oct. 21. A dJapatch to the
Tribune from El , Paao, Tat., aaya
Ws .has .been Jftttflttd and that the
I Supreme court has ordered the men
hnt free. Maaon . and Richardson
J whose nmca are , Mitchell and Hur
lebu 6f Rochester, N. Y were sgenU
of the America Insurance company, at
Chihuahua, and In connection with
ii . . . .
Dr. C. 8. Harler the company's
physician In that city, are alleged to
have Insured and poleoped Mltcholl a
brother and an old man named
Devers. j .-. ,
After th arreat, iif ,ths trio and the
confession of Hurl, the bodies of
Devers and Mitchell were exhumed at
Chihuahua and on chemist found
poison, but later a government chemlat
declared there wks none, and th
der la th result.
Harry McTler of Pecos. ..who .was
special commissioner In ths case, or
dered their extradition, nd a short
time Utter Is said .to have committed
Fresno Raisin
Crop Suffsrs
Fresno, Cal., Oct. 21. Fire has de
stroyed the new steel. Iron and brlck
drying and seeding plant of the St.
George Vineyard, five mllea from town,
containing 200 tona of aeeded raialns.
Th building and contends were Unin
sured, snd the loss, it Is estimated,- will
approximate 130,000 on tha raialns
alone,', , The St. George vineyard ' has
been unfortunate with this , year's
raisin crop of (00, tons, as S00 tons
were damaged by recent rains, 200 hav
Ing been consumed by fire and the re-1
malnder . will suffer depredation In I
value as a result of the destruction of
the' plapV the, seeder being the only
Independnt, one In the country. The
plant building was considered flrtproorl
and this is tne reason mere was no in
Cleveland Man. Mat Dssth In Nsw
..;! York.
New-York, Oct 21. A body partially
Identified as that of Rudolph U
Flscihel, 826 "Kennard 1 StreV Cleve
land, Ohio,, a law student at Western
Reserve ' university has been found In
the Harlem' rlvfer, Fisohel is known
to hsvs - come
ago On a vlBlt.'
city a week
Oyama's Men Will Advance and Assume
the Offensive Against the Russians
' on the iShaKhe River.
Fine Weather Now Prevails In the Vicinity of Mukden, and When
the Roads Are Dry and the Men Rested, Hostilities Will f
Be Continued by the Opposing Armies DesuN ''
tory Skirmishes but No Definite Results.
Bath armiea ara awaltina th An
, lh, . h . . .
mpMMb f,r'rl,tofy tnj
vn .for Infantry by the recent heavy
rains. Mssntlm th correependents
at th frent report only desultory an
nonading and unimportant skfrmlshee.
Th report that th railway station
at Shakhs was ratsksn by th Rus
sians and that railway traffic between
Shskhs and Mukden would be rtor
d at one la erroneous. The plao is
still in ths hsnds of th Jspaneee. Th
Ruaaian government is hasting ths
ditpatch of troops to ths for seat to
eonstituts ; ths- second Msnchurian
army. '
from Toklo by way of Undon it ia
reported thst th Japansss are prepar
ing for another advance and that
great battle is probable.
Japanss Ar Prwparing for Advano
upon th ptutilsns.
London. Oct II. The Jlmos' Tokjo
correspondent ' sayW that dispatches
from Oysma's headquarters ' Indloate
that th flhakh rtvf -wlui th Imm-
dlat objective of the brlglnat advance
and that appearances suggest' another
great battle Immediately In which the
Japanese wiU aasum the offensive.'
Ar Waiting frrh Roods to Dry Be
summg Wrshrdlutaoinhrdl
for Rasuming War. '
, Bt' Peteraburg. Oct. H.-U-The "rival
nrmiea or Kusaia and .Japan are
entrenched a short dlstano from each
other south of th 8hakne river, and
are forced to continue inactive until
th fine weather now prevailing dries
the dden and the ,tlred ar.
Mors ore auftlclontly rested to te
time operations. ..." ' "
A dispatch from Mukden tth A'
soclated Press reports that :th Rus
sians yesterday confined themselves to
bombardment of Shakhe station and
tn moinlttg TlIUt, of matun(ri
Japsnese feebly responding. This
news shows that Shakhe station Is
not held, by the Rusalamv ,
Russian correspondents report that
there have been.liaht sklrmishea on
th 'advance line the post tew days.
Russisns Trsin Ouns on Jspsnss Out
post, Without Rssul'ts.
Mukden, Oct, 2LTh Russians on
Thursday opened an artillery fir on
Amsriesn Born Bui ' Spent
Hi Life
' . '.- InXhina. '.V.'.'" f"
San Francisco, Oct 21. A. quels
tion of cltlsenshtp Is before United
Sttttea District , Judge' De Haven
Tlm Fong, a Chines' born in Oakland
s6me ' twenty , years ago; . claimed
citisenshlp In the United States after
having spent his life from the age of
four to hla mstoritv in rhina Th.
government asserted that owing . to
Uls'long residence abroad he had for-
felted - r,rht ta turn t0 Amer,pa.
rlmiiM. -ts.1. . .'-
him for landing some days ago and
Judge De, Haven confirmed his recom
mendatlon. . The case will be taken,
on th part of the government, to ,the
circuit court of appeals. '.'? ,.;!' ,
Alabama Town Destroyed. 1 ,
Columbus, Ga., , Oct 21,-The- town
of Gordon, Ala,, has been destroyed
by fire and 400 inhabitants of ths place
are homeless. ; , -
, J. Tsnnsssss Town Wiped Out.
Gallatin, Tenn.,v Oct"2t.r-Bran8fc-rd,
on the Chesapeke & Nashville rail
road, was destroped by fire tonight
Shakhe 'station, where' there seemed
to be a Japanese outpost watching
th Russian movements. The guns
wer then trained on the village of
Lamatang, a little east of the station.
Th Japanese replied languidly.
Tb weather today Is fine, with a
cold, bitu.g wind. There was severe
frost last night. , . . . 1
- ' - '
Report to This Effect Hss Rssehd ths
' ; Russian Capital.'
St. .Petersburg, Oct" 21. SaUsfac-
tory' report have been received by the
admalty here of th progress made
by the Baltic fleet.' The stoppage off
th Swedish coast was due ta the nec
esslty f filling the hunker for the
lont trip through th North sea, to
th Atlantic, where the fleet will not
And a , convenient coaling point.
Neither the next stopping nor the
rout has been revealed. "
Th. Bourse Gasette's Mukden cor
respondent, who yesterday reported
eerie of victorious engagements and
that ? the Japanese retreated "today,
says there ha been no fighting for
tnre aays. Hs adds that the Japa
ns,sr displaying activity and that
a lapanes prisoner declared that they
wtr ere paring to retreat on the whole
1 '.V' M l
.4 .it.
Appear at Suburb Seaking Trac of
f ' Jsp Torpodo Boat.
Spokane. Oct, 2L Advices to the
Chronicle .from Hillyard convey the
Statement that it l believed that Rua
slsn spi.. wer-.-an at Ihe Great
Northern railway r yards Wednesday
night, apparently seeking for a trace
of a shipment - of Japanese torpedo
boats en route to the coast. r
Early In the. evening- a party of
rough-looking, stranger appeared In
th yards, and Inquired for the car.
The yardmen refused to tell, but It was
learned that, tb boat had arrived
that night When th boats arrived
the men- reappeared, looked at the cars,
took the car numbers- and disappeared.
President Will Ask Powers to Nam
New Peso Delegate. ,
, Waahfngton, Oct 21. Inside of two
days' the president will dispatch lnvl
tations to the powers to name dele
gates to a . new peace conference at
Th Hague,
Rev. Ray Palmer Dwells Upon th
, Christian Character of President
Roosevelt and W. J, Bryan. ':
"I am not a republican," said Dr.
Ray Palmer, at -. th. ' Presbyterian
church last evening, "but 1 have
roeasag for you from th Ufa of our
justly beloved president:," and the ad
dress which followed held every per
son in the larg audience with Intense
interest unto Its close. Dr. : Palmer
spoke of Mr Roosevelt as a patriot, a
man of common sense, a man of .en
ergy and enthusiasm, a husband and
father, and as a Christian. It I safe
to say that no person who heard the
sermon but was fired with ambition
to emulate the virtues of the presi
dent Dr. Palmer also paid a tribute
to the Christian character of William
Bryan, whom he knows personally,
The union revival meeting are ln:
creasing In Interest and attendance.
Several . have been converted, both
adults and children. ' There will be no
service this evening. On Sunday af
ternoon a mass meeting will be held
In the, opera house, when Dr. Palmer
will speak on "The World's Greatest
Prlsefight," and he partlcularly dexlrea
all the men to be present who can.
Th meeting will be held In the Meth
odist church on Sunday evening, and
a rally of the Sabbath schools will be
held In th. Methodist church at 1
o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Those
who mlasi hearing Dr. Palmer will
deny themselves a real treat, as he is
one of the' most wrtty and eloquent
speakers woo has ever ' been .in As
toria. He uses no methods which em
barrass an audience, but Is an earnest
preacher and a charming speaker.
British -Bark Eivion .Dsstroysd .sf
tsr Long Vsysge. '
New Tork, Oct 21. After battling
with winds , and . waves for four
months the British bark Eivion has
at last been destroyed' by flames.
Word has Just reached London- that
the ill-fated ship, which has' been
overdue for several ; weeks, was
burned in mid-ocean. ' '
Few details of the disaster have been
received, but it is supposed that . both
vessel and cargo are lost Whether
any of the crew escaped is not known;
' The bark Is owned by R. Tbomas A
Co. of Liverpool. She left that port In
command of Captain Thomas on June
14, Six days later she was spoken
thirty-eight mllea north by northeast
of Smalls, a port , In th4 English
channel No further word was heard
of ber until the simple news - of her
burning was received In London, ,J
The Einion was bound for 'Val
paraiso with a cargo of merchan
dise. About' a week ago the Lloyds
posted her as overdue and 6 per cent
was paid for reinsurance. " "
j Soon after the news of the burning
of th Elvlon was received relnsur
ance on,, the overdue German' veogel
Slrene. 129 day from. Liverpool for
Valparaiso.' rose from (0 to0 per
cent, and that ' of th Andrata, , 16
days from Fdlmouib, fratTSS o 15
per .cent. - ' , . -
Plucky Woman , Ravrs,-
- Goods From Tramps.
1 Lkiah, Oct 21w Mrs. Arthur Nolan
of Curry's Cov Is a. heroine. And
all on account of an encounter with
housebreaker ah had a few days
ago In which ah came off victorious.
Mrs. Nolan had been stopping with
her mother during as few . day's- ab
sence of her husband, and returning
to ber home foundthat" - the1' house
had been broken Into and " numerous
articles of value stolen. Having seen
three tramps on the road she con
cluded they were- th thieves and
harnessing her horse, started to
overtake them., . --"v" V1
After she had driven several mile
shs came upon the tramps; " one of
whom was armed with a Winchester.
Undaunted, ahe poured out her wrath
and charged them with a buggy whip.
The men were paralysed at her auda
city and, finding that she - was not
afraid of the gun, meekly returned
the stolen articles and Mrs.
aJa knM. I t.t W '
Degenerate Minister Commits Suicide!
. In San Francisco.
New Tork. Oct 21. Revv Charles '., G.
Adams, whose suicide Is reported from
San Francisco was at one time a pul
pit orator of-, power and ' prominence
In the east ' . :
He was born in Delaware county.
New Tork, 57. years ago; and was or1
dained , an Episcopal minister in
i a't Catsklil. Owing to his bril
liant oratorical powers, his rise, was
rapid; but reports that he had; be
come a drug victim ' finally led to
Adams leavlrtg the , pulpit, "J and
removal to California, where he was
tried a year ago for killing Dr. J 'Q.
Jessup, who had frequently betrlejided
jessup interfered: while Adams was.
beating his 14 year" old ' daughter.
Hs was sent to an asylum and - later
released. . v : " "'
' Olympia Haa Rough Trip.
Seattle,'. Oct. 21. The steamship
Olympia, which arrived today from
Nome, had one of the roughest pas
sages ever experienced by any vessel
returning from the gold fields. Seven
horses were killed, Steerage Steward
Hogan, while Intoxicated, jumped into
th sea the, first day out. The body
was not recovered.
' . ' - ' ' . -.I.,...--,.. . . ..... , .
St Louis Officers' Shot Dowi s
; While Undertaking to Arrest - !
; Men Suspected of Illi
nois Crimt i
r .. -v aMsssssaassksBF' ' " 8
Fusilade Greets Them When Thiy )
Enter th House Where the r
Men Were Hiding ' , '
Detectives Return the fore, KUt
tag One and Critical!
Wounding: Two Ota- ,1''
r of the Party.
. St Louis, Oct 21. Two city dcte
Uvea are dead and another la expected
to die, while on train robber suspect
is at th morgue and two other turn
In the city hospital, on probabhy fis
tally ' wounded and th other badly
beaten up, aa the result of a .desper
at battle today between five officers
and three men whom they tried ta aw-
The dead: John J. 8hea, 'a detse
tive; Al Boas, ,, a suspect; Tboaosat'
Dwyer, detlv. ; , ;
The wounded: James McClaslp8T.
detective,' crUlcally;; C.. C BlsJr, e fa- .
gltive, criticaHyi . HartyH., Vasudssk
a' tuglUve.;..''',;.;'-.' t
- The fight occurred In a frmrt nmn '
at a house on Pin street Mai the
men whom the detective sougtu)' to ar
rest wer suspected of being Impli
cated in a train robbery at Centralist, :
IH, a few week ago. The house
been unW police lurveitlanc for '
Wytr66S.'1b4lme,, "
anf suspect had ' been seen to enter
or leave.'' A few mrrmtes Tiefore th
fighting occurred Vaiigaa JeJt ta
house. ; The detective rtoeed ia jsog
arrested him. Accompanied by Out
prisoner, tb detectives returned tsrtM "
house, Bhea, McCIuskey and Dvjrer
leading, while Boyle and James srei
behind with the prisonec .BasOly luid
the detectives entered - the . twos
which Bos and Blair wer aeoUS
when they were met with -a volley V
shots from a hesicA13lkrim.CjSlha
sank to the Beer ssl Dwyer 7ollow
almost instsjntbe. j
By That tlm' the detectives taS
drawn revolvers and there was m stasu
enlng eschang of shots for sevts-sQI
seconds, each man pulling tb trisxcs
of his weapon as rapidly as possiblL
During -the excitement Vaughis at
tempted to escape and assist Kose ufl
Blair. Boyle and James, however, best
th prisoner over the head an tit he
was unconscious, and then went to th
aid of Shea, Dwyer and McCIuskey.
the latter having in the meantime sunk .
to the floor with a critical wound la
the stomach. The wounded officers i '
and the suspect were taken to the city
hospital. . . j '
rainier soap works.
Gazette Says It IS Best Ciesnstr oir tmt
-'"."f " Markst '..
Rainier Gaaette:,, The plant of the ;
Preston Manufacturing Company, man- j
ufacturers of the Rainier Mineral Soap.
la nearing completion. A galvanlarid
iron root la being put on, and aa fast I
ss the lumber can be supplied th
factory .will be' enclosed.-- The machln-
ery arrived In Portland Wednesday from
Buffalo, N. Ti nd will be deHwre"it
here the latter part of the week. It J
Is now only a matter of a few w.eehs s
till the factory will be in full opera )
tlon. Mr. Thomas, the superintend- :
ent of the concern; expects to go east
soon to see about placing the product j
on tbe eastern market, Their soap rs j
the best cleanser that ever came Ir.t '
a print shop and We are sure that ' j
ft will meet with a ready Sale.
Jeffords Lasted Thres Rounds. t
Jack O'Brien knocked out Jim Jef
fords, of California, In the third round
of . a 15-round bciing . contest .t-