saWsMMsaaWsMaWsaaaWsWsaCTWs VOLUME LVIV. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. KUMBER 14. V CULBERSON .., GOES AFTER ROOSEVELT " ., . " Texas Senator Makes r ..d Ca nal Text for AA ' Oeliv ereb at 'A Meeting , H'' tffJew York. f .That "Spirit of Lawless ness" Led President in Nego. tlatlng Canal Treaty. CALLS EXECUTIVE A DESPOT Alleges lie Knew of the Plot to Overthrow the Government tuiel Net Vp ft Republic on the Intimitis. New York. Oct. 20. Under the aua- tlc of th Reform Club a democratic mui meeting wan held here tonight. Charles A. Culberson, of Tesas. Gov ernor Andrew J. Montague, of Virginia, and Borough President Littleton, of Brooklyn, were the speakers. Culber son was the principal speaker. Senator Oulbertaon devoted the greater portion of hla remarka to dlacuaalon of the Panama canal, going Into detalle with the revolution - toy which Panama became an Independent atate and the subsequent negotiations which reaulted In , a canal treaty. Al lading to what he termed "the spirit of lawlessness which led the president In this disgraceful affair," he declar- ed that the tranaactlon "above all oth ers In his care, strikingly typified his contempt of all legal restraint and his Insatiable oasslon for personsJ and arbitrary government." Continuing, Senator Culberson mid: "Choosing sn oecaalon upon which fce could appeal to the avarice of the people and thus . temper thett spirit of resistance to usurpation, he respect ed neljher legal bounds nor nations! good faun, ana as an inciueni iy mvrrvm to Illustrate not only his Imperious nd despotic nature, but the danger to the country which Is Involved In his election. It Is well to understand It, for, beside a want of general In formation upon the subject. Important facts have been deliberately withheld from the public." The speaker said the administration of President Roosevelt was fully aware of the plot to overthrow the Panama overnment for the purpose vof es tablishing a republic. - . PARKER RETURNS HOME. Will Deliver Address Today and An othsr Tomorrow. New York. Oct. JO. Judge Parker left New Tork this evening for Esopus, vhtn tomorrow he will sddress a delegation of democrats from Hudson county. New Jersey, and on Saturday delegations from the Harlem Demo rrstlc Club and Parker Independent Club. . Late today Judge Parker received pulls from General Nelson A. Miles and Hoke Smith, of Georgia. Indorsed by Populists. voric. Oct. 20. Letters were sent today to Hearst. Sulier. Towne, Baker and Laughlan, nominees for mi the democratic ticket, In VVHg))"" " this city, officially notifying them th they were aleo nominated by the peo ples' party. v TROOPS TO BE HELD READY. Italian Oovsrnment Prepsres for Com ing Eleotorsl Csmpslgn. ' Rome, Oct. 20. The war office has ' Is sued Instructions to military command ers for the distribution of troops dur ing the pending electoral campaign. Under these Instructions, should a re quest for soldiers be made by any smaller places In the kingdom, based on the assumption that public order ls endangered, the request must be complied with within a day. FAILED TO THROW HIM. Dsn 8. MoLeod Wins Wrestling Mstch From Wsr Esgls. Vancouver B. C, Oct.. JO. Dan S. McLeod won the handicap wrestling match at the Vancouver opera house tonight. Ha was opposed by War Fugle, the big Ulsckfoot Indian chief. The conditions of the mutch were thitt War Eiigle should throw McLeod three times In an hour. Wnr Kaicle fulled to get a ran, out Mcwoa nearly sue ceedwd twice. MAKES PROHIBITION TALK. Congressmen Shsrmsn Wsnts Liquor in Indisn Territory. Ne Mohonk, Oct. 20, Todity's session of the Mohonk Indian convention was devoted to consideration of problems In the Philippines. Dr. Fred W. At klnson, of the Brooklyn polytechnic Institute, who organised the American public school system in the Philip pines, was the first speaker today. Dr. Atkinson was followed by W. Leon Penperman, of the bureau of Insular affairs of the war department. Brlga dler-Qeneral 0. A. Ooodale followed Mr. Pepperman. An Interesting ad dress was given by Jacob H. Holknder. Hawaii was the test of the evening t the Indian peace conference, which this yesr Is devoting much attention to our Island dependencies. Repre sentatlvs Sherman, chairman of the house committee on Indian affairs, took occasion to declare that the next Im portant atep m the solution of the so called Indian question wss to Incor porate In the enabling act admitting the Indian Territory Into the union as one or two states a clause Jorever excluding the ssJe c? Intoxicating drink In the new state or states Professor H aimer, of Amherst, for merly president of Oahu college, spoke strongly In favor of the so-called mis sionary party In Hawaii. ' He was fol lowed by W. N. Armstrong, formerly attorney-general of Hawaii. ALARMING RUMOR CURRENT. Cslembisns Said to Is Preparing for Attsek sn Panams. Colon, Oct 10. A rumor Is current that a large body of armed Colombians Is concentrated near Culebrs, with the Intention of making an attack on No vember t. the first anniversary of the secession of Panama from Colombia. The canal sons authorities ore Inves UsaiUif titfri?jUiou'i.not much Irriportanra nel to Ih rumor, the. origin ,tk which Is, attribuuted to malcontents Jin the republic. epwi "pro Raartw far "Trouble. ' Washington Oct. iA-Amerlcan ma rines are to retained? on the istn- mua of Panaiu prepared for any emergency whfch may .be caused by the disgruntled dements of the repub V,: lic. ' ' ' ENLISTMENT TERM LO (NIGER. V British Colors Must Hereafter 'Enlist for Nine Years. " . London, Oct JO. The British army council has Issued an order urider which. Instead1 of enlisting for three years with colors and nine In the re serve. Infantry-of-the-llne will In the future enlist for nine years with col ors, and three In the reserve, thus abolishing the short service system. JUMPED TO HIS REATH. Aasiatant Surgeon-General, Commits Suicide at Phllsdelphls. Philadelphia, Oct. 20. Suffering from acute nervous aisoraers, wr. George H. Furvlance, of Washington, n p assistant sura-eon-general of the marine hospital service,, jumped from a fourth atory window at the Orthopedic hospital In this city to nlaht and was Instantly killed. He was 63 years of age. Freight Train Wreoked. Sacramento, Oct. 20. A freight train was wrecked today near Calvada, Nev., near the California line. Twenty load ed cars were derailed, 18 oeing pre cipitated Into the Truckee river. Two tramps were seriously ' Injured. The wreck Is said to have been caused by the breaking of a wheel. . ' , f . ft Prinoe Charles at Dalny. Chefoo, Oct, 20. Prince Charles An ton von Hohenzollern, the representa tive of Emperor William wim we Japanese army, arrived at Port Dalny October 18 and was received with great ceremony. , ... Matoh for Turner. . Taooma, Oct. 20. The referee pre vented Rufe , Turner from alaughter lug Charles Levers here tonight by stopping in the third round what was to have been a 20-round match. Le vers was clearly outmatched. FIFTY THOUSAND. JAPANESE SAID TO HAVE BEEN KILLED IN PORT ARTHUR FIGHTING Fearful Slaughter of Brown Men Is Re ported by an Attache Who Has Been With Besieging Army. Heavy Fogs Have Enveloped the Country Around. Mukden and Operations Have Been Temporarily Suspended Until the Blanket of Mist Shall Have titled-Germany . Refuses to Further Arbitration Idea. With the country enveloped in thiok fogs snd the reads in wretched condi tion, activity is for the time being im possible by either the Jspsnese or the Russisn srmy south of Mukden. There have bsen several brisk skirmishes snd soms surprises of minor oharseter,! but the lifting of the fog must pre cede sny notable conflict of the hoe tile foroes. Ne effloisl report from the eommsndsr at Pert Arthur Ister than Ootober 10 rise reached St. Peters burg, t .', ,. . , It la reported that 50,000 Jspsnese were killed in the fighting before Port Arthur.,, .. . , ' , .. FRIGHTFUL LOSS REPORTED. Fifty Thousand Japa Killed Before Pert- Arthur Forts. Chicago. Oct. 20. A Dally News special from Cbefoo says a camp fol lower with the Japanese, army besieg ing Port Arthur who is at present m Cnefoo Is authority for the statement that the Japanese killed before the1 forts numbered 60,000. Reports are current among Japanese troops that an attempt will be made to carry the citadel this month. GERMANY'S POSITION DEFINED. Will Net urdiZMosmnv&L&klna '"' to Par Eastern Pesos, Cologne. Oct. So. -Discussing media tion between Russia and Japan, the Cologne- Oasette, the reputed organ of the German foreign office, says that even in a most modified form. the proposal In the direction Indicated would be looked upon as an unfriendly act. "The atatement that Germany - Is sympathetically Inclined toward the peace congress and would" take the step rn that direction In conjunction with America la absolutely false,, and It Is equally false to say that Germany has concluded or Is considering any agreement with Russia Incompatible with Germany's neutrality." .i ... OPERATIONS 1 ARE SUSPENDED. Opposing Armies are Inactive in Vicin ity of Mukden. St. Petersburg, Oct. 20. The suspen sion of operations below Mukden con tinues. It is hinted In military circles that the next developments should be looked for eastward, but whether on the part of the Japanese or Russians Is not revealed. No news has reached the war office of the reported annihilation of a Rus sian battalion while crossing the Tattse river. A dispatch from General Sahkaroff, dated last night, reports that all was quiet along the front, yesterday and that in spite of the' soggy condition of the country roads, which are descrlb ed as seas of mud, the , Russian scouts continue to show great enterprise In examining the Japanese positions. ' A detachment of 400 Cossacks Tues day might reconnoltered the Japanese left southeastward along line extend ing westward from the railroad where It crosses the Schill river, through the villages of Haltsantal, Tadousampu and1 Sandepu, the latter IS miles west of the railroad. The Japanese sentir nels fired and retreated aa the Cos sacks rode rapidly along the line, but near Sandepu the Cossacks unex pectedly ran Into a good-stsed Japa nese force with machine guns. The latter opened a murderous fire on the Russians, killing many horses and mor tally wounding Captain Turgenieff, but all the Cossacks succeeded In getting away. No one ' was killed on the field. ' ' No statement Is made as to what Is transpiring on the Russian left. ' " ." The war office is now disposed to believe that the Toklo report of the drubbing given to General Tamada'a brigade Is the Japanese version of the capture of Lone Tree hill, nicely turn ed to minimise its Importance. The reports that General Rennen kampff and Meyendorf are wounded are denied. The former's chief of staff, Colonel Rosslsky, was wounded. ." RUSSIANS' LOSS TERRIBLE.. Believed . 25,000 Were Killed, Wounded Nesr Ysntai. and With Qeneral Oku's Left Army at the Front, Oct 1C 4 p. m , via Tlen Tsln. delayed. The aeven days' battle north of Tentai was the heviest blow yet struck the Russians by the Japa nese, So ut m loss of life Is con cerned. The left Japanese army- dur ing the week buried 4100 .Russian dead left In jtront of its lines. .A vil lage in front of the left wing contains many Ruasisa dead, but the shell Are of. the retreating Russians prevents the Japanese from reaching them OonBervatiye estimates place the Bus slon casualties at not less than 25,000. Probably fhaity more dead are on . the Held In placejf not yet searched. The Japanese report their, total cos ualtlea at a lime. over S000 killed, and t wounded, v Ttje principal Ausnan ras ualtlea occurred In etermIalnrcouitr tee attacks against each village cap tured by the Japanese. The Russian attacking parties were In. many .cases entirely annihilated. For the first time the Russians have met the Japanese on an equal footing, not having strong defensive ' positions to depend uponj and for the first time they attacked the Japanese In their own trenches. The Russians everywhere fought bravely, but they were unable to, drive the Jap anese out or to hold their owa post tlons against fierce charges. Almost In every cose . the Russians retired from thelr5posltlpns at the . first charge;' then made repeated attempts to recapture them. " t The Japanese left army, with a front of nearly 10 jnlles, moved forward about five miles,., fighting, over, every Inch of ground. The final retreat of the Russians was almost a rout. The Japanese extreme left advanced, driv ing the remnant of the Russians be for them. The Russians covered their retreat well with artillery and tarried away much baggage and many wound ed. At 7: SO this morning the Russians made a 'determined counter attack at Lumutlng, with two regiments of in fantry and two batteries of artillery, They were repulsed after a half hour's fighting with heavy loss. The Japa nese left army during the past seven days' fighting has captured Si' guns, a large number of rifles and overcoats, and 100 prisoners. The strength of the Russians opposed, to the left army was three corps and SO companies of artillery. All but a very small part were newly' arrived troops. ' ' , The Japanese soldiers were practi cally the same that fought Tefore Liao Tang. Chinese,, report that heavy works are ready for the Russians along the Hun river. The Japanese are undecided where the next stand will be made.' , ' Details of the operations of the right and center armies are not ob tainable! HEAVY RAINS IMPEDE TROOPS. ' j - ' Y Both 8ldea Lost Heavily in Recent Battle. Toklo, Oct 20, Noon. Reliable re ports received from private sources es timate the losses of the Japanese left army during the recent battle at about 5000." ' The number of Russians dead - Is largely Increased by the further discov ery of bodies, notwithstanding the nightly removals by lantern light. The Russian forces have been rein forced by. about 20,000 men of the Sev enteenth corps, a large portion of the Tenth corps and portions of the Fifth and Sixth Siberian corps, which recent ly arrived. In all six divisions of the Russian army now confront the Japa nese left army. Heavy rains have Impeded the movements of the opposing forces since October JL1. J , , 1 j Fog Prevents Operations. Mukden, Oct. 20. The hostile armies were today concealed from each other by dense fog, and all operations are suspended. . Neither cannonade nor musket firing has been audible. SHERIFF WORD STEPS IN. Will Not Allow Poolroom Operator to D Business. Portland Telegram: Sheriff Tom Word has declared war on poolrooms and will proceed against them on the ground that they are a public nul sance. No sooner have the champions of chance succeeded In getting the pool room license ordinance through the city council than there arose on the field of conflict another element, and that is the declaration of Sheriff Word that he will arrest and cause to be prose cuted the first man' In the city of Portland who opena a rendezvous for betting on horse races. ':, When the attention of the sheriff was called to the fact that the pool room license ordinance had. passed the council, he looked up the law In the matter, conferred with legal advisers and was by them assured that there is plenty of room under the atate laws to proceed against a man for running a poolroom the same as there la against a man who runs faro table. - This morning he gave instructions to Chief Deputy Sheriff George Morden to notify the Portland Club, the War wick Exchange and any. other estab lishment that might open Its pool rooms, to the effect that the ' sheriff of Multnomah ; county ; wouldi 'arrest them and take their, paraphernalia, in hand. CSief Dejnrt- Mordent - serted ridHce oiv the proprietors of the various houses what their fate would be. In the event they undertook to avail them selves ef the beneficence of the city coubcil and against the ultimatum of the sheriff, and the sheriffs office awaits developments. S ' , 'There appears. to be no provision In the Oregon gambling laws under which a prosecution could be held with assur ances of its being sustained by the courts, where technicalities would pre dominate, and so the sheriff, with the counsel of his legal advisers, has con eluded to proceed against them on the ground that they are :a public. Qui- sance.. He finds statutory support for such action In section 1930 of the Codes and Statutes of. Oregon.' which pro video, as quoted In the foregoing, that acta-- which serve to corrupt the pub lic morals shall be punishable. This is .the same statute under which pros. ecutlons and convictions of proprie tors of slaughter-houses within the city limits have been had,' on the ground that they were injurious to the public health and decency. On the same basis of reasoning the sheriff holds that poolrooms are injurious to the public morals, and hence are in dictable under the statute as a public nuisance. ..,...,,..,, , .. t In announcing his determination to enforce the state laws against nul sances the sheriff commented rather sarcastically ffti the contention of the champions of the measure that it was necessary 'a a means of public reve nue. If 'Portland's- police force need ed the paltry sum of 1300 a quarter to maintain Its efficiency for service dur ing the fair, and only needed such an increase. In the force as the,, license would amount to, . there .appeared no reason w.hy there .should he- any add! tional force at' all; the sheriff said.; Ambassador McCormlck Home. V New York, Oct.' 20.-Robert S, ,Mc- Cormick. .American . ambassador, to Russia, arrived here today. He Is home on a leave of absence to attend to ur gent private business. He will remain In this country for a month. : 1 ; Cause, of Disaster Ascertained. Seattle, Oct 20. The sinking of the steamship City of Topeka is now be lieved to have been caused by an over flow In her fresh., water, tanks and a stream that flowed In through the open deadlight after she had sunk that far. COMPROMISE PROPOSAL DECIDED Orf W'f - Episcopal House of Dep"JesjON fers Remarriage Measure That y May Find Favor With I . r the Bishops. Prohibits Remarriage Wijhin One Year After Decree of Civil , Court Is Handed Down. POWER VESTED IN MINISTER Hay Decline to Perform Cere mony for Divorced Pemon,' Without Subjecting Him self to Discipline. Boston, Oct 20. If the house of bishops concurs in the action taken today by the house of deputies of the Episcopal general convention, now In session in this City, the church will have taken a. long step In the direc tion of restricting the remarriage of divorced persons. The house of depu ties has agreed upon a compromise proposal that Is sweepfng In its terms, and, as the house of bishops favored a canon making it absolutely impos sible for divorced persons to remarry, it is thought not Improbable that the compromise , will be enacted. ; t The compromise canon was adopted by the deputies by an overwhelming majority. The divorce question has been the most important before the convention and the action of the depu ties today was. followed with great In terest,. Should, the , compromise i be agreeable to the bishops, the matter win have bees disposed of for at least three years. 'JJ:4 ' ;i ' : ' .;. ' t The compromise measure, like the old law, permit the remarriage of an Innocent person divorced for the fcause of I i, but 1t . further provides that ,"riarriage hall be allowed within one'-, year after the decree of -divorce has been issued by the civil ' court Satisfactory proof of the In nocence of- the applicant for remar riage must be furnished in the ahape of court -records, and. after the con sent of the bishop Is obtained by such applicant for remarriage, - the clergy man may refuse to perform the cere mony, without subjecting himself to censure or discipline.' , ' The measure agreed upon ty the deputies will be submitted to the" bishops Immediately. KILLED BY COLORED TROOPER. White Soldier Shot to Death in Men- terey, Cal. . Monterey, Cat. Oct. 10. Sergeant Tooley, of K troop, Fourth cavalry, vas shot and killed at a house of lit repute, and another member of the same regiment whose name Is not known, was dangerously wounded. The assailants were members of the first squadron of the Ninth cavalry (colored). An hour after the shoot ing the house in which it took place was fired by a mob of 100 soldiers and burned to the grtjund.- V Early last evening, about 250 mem bers of the Fourth caval'ryy which Vnl , relieve the Ninth, cavalry , rrlyed,bj train. Some were reported under the ' influence of .liquor; " About midnight several members of the Ninth cavalry (colored) attempted to force their way. Into a notorious resort . Members of the Fourth cavalry and the Fifteenth Infantry whe were In the place re sented the Intrusion. A fight follow-.' ed and finally the ' negroes, left the house. They deliberately fired into the crowd.. t vOne . s,hol killed Tooley, while a second fatally Injured another mem ber of the same regiment. The mem-' bers of the Fourth cavalry became so . incensed at the killing of their com rade, It Is alleged, that they set the house on fire. The flames spread to an adjoining house and both were de- . stroyed, the inmates barely escaping.- I The men who did the shooting are Still at large. , . ' Pacifie Coast League 8cores. ,' At Portland Portland 7, San Fran cisco 3. land 2. ,;. S i.