ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19. WILL OPEN Women should not wonder at their failing hea th as long as they cun. tin ue to suffer AT NIGHT WHY? PAGE SIX. New York's Famous Rapid Tran sit Subway Opens at Mid night of Oct. 27. DAYLIGHT OPENING RISKY Management llimrd Against a Repetition of Brooklyn Bridge Panle Great Preparations for Notable Event. New York. Oct IS. In order to avert a repetition of the fatal panic which at tended the opening of the Brooklyn bridge, it has been decided to open the rapid transit subway at midnight Of October 27, Instead of beginning its operation at a busier hour of the day, In completing thefinal arrangements Mr the formal turning over of the road to the city and the further" delivery of it to the operating company this was found to be the best way out of a possible danger In the public crush. v The ceremonies will be held at o'clock In the afternoon tn the alder manic chamber. Invitations will be sent to the ' president of . the United States, members of congress, the gov ernor, the legislature, the heads of all municipal departments Judges of courts and heads of relitgous denom inations of the city, presidents of the colleges, presidents of the business as sociations, foreign consuls and (he presidents of all railroad companies having to do with the rapid transit "The company will send Invitations broadcast to the city department and; Others which will be good tor a tree ride on the afternoon of the I7th. and p to midnight In that way it Is hoped the employees will get some Idea of how to handle the considerable crowd without having a rush to con tend with at the outset The trains the next day will run ' on schedule time. FAIL TO CORNER EGG MARKET. As a Consequence Eggs Should Be Cheaper. Chicago, Oct 18. Eggs are likely to be cheaper this winter than for some years. Since Armour's Swift's and other western packing houses have been storing eggs during the summer for winter sale, egg dealers have had to go to them for eggs. The packers have been shipping eggs as meat, getting a lower freight rate by halt and the railroads have been winking at the discrimination. The Independent egg dealers, how ever, laid a complaint before the Inter- THE POWER OF 8TEAM. amy May See Bat It Takes Gealas to Realize. When James Watt saw the steam causing the kettle lid to jump up and down he said "There must be power in that steam that it can lift such a weight" There was. Millions prior 0 htm had - seen : the same phenomenon and regarded It as an unexplained mystery. Recent scientific research has put its linger on the "cause" of DandrufT, Fatt ing Hair, and consequent Baldness, and has unearthed a tiny germ which eats the life from the roots of human hair. Newbro's Herplclde destroys this Term and consequently restores the hair to Its natural state. Sold by leading druggists. Send loe. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit Mich. . . Eagle Drug Store. 351-353 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St, T. F. Laurfn. Prop. "Special Agent" k. V. .. i - Reliance Electrical WorRs H. W.CYliCB, Manager MATTING Jael Received The finest stockf matting in the city, In many patterns and grades- Prices low at 20, 25 and 30 cents a yard. L H HEMNINGSF.N a CO l 504 B0ND n, a,, n. Ubnmnuatri LU. nw, Door to Wellf-F3o Ex. Co. nnnnnnnannannnnaanacttaocaKttoanaotjnn The The " a w a uiuuu Cafe tt8tt888ntt IV ilif Palace (O'Kr aYaSr-' beet remoy iu LH twh e-ssea, It l)..llaN euros ". S R-k.rK Funling SpclU, Fitters Sletpltssntu, Indigestion or DvsMDsla. Trvone bottle. state commerce commission and the railroads huve since refused to carry etra out of their class. Every at tempt of the packing houses to cor- ner the egg market and raise the price above a certain point has proved a failure. This has caused the pack ers to decide to quit the egg busi ness, and a slump tn price this winter Is expected. ; RICH TONOPAH CAMP. Miner Writes Of New Eldorodo. Nevada - W C. Lummlns, in Baker City Her ald "I have been here for a few days. The camps of Tonapah are In fine shape. The railroad is not qul.e ud to TonaDah but will be In a few months. People are rushing Into Gold Fields at the rate of 100 per day. Some of the most wonderful finds In the history of mining are taking place. ' An outfit went through to the railroad yesterday with 190 sacks of ore from ' the lease on the Kendall claim which was worth $1,000 per sack. Had shotgun men with the teams and in the car. That is not unusual tor this section. This was "surface dirt shoveled into sacks, and' they are do ing this in a great many places In Gold Fields. About 6,000 people In and about that camp and still coming. Hundreds have to stand up nights. Can not get ' beds, and one has to stand In line for two hours to get breakfast Lumber Is put Into houses as fast as It arrives and they can not get enough. Tonapah is different but beds are scarce. People who get in' town in themorning take the beds of those who vacate them, but hotels are going up, tent houses and all kinds of buildings. A - great many men from Oregon and the entire world are coming In and the boom has not started. I am looking for good things and hope to get them." Kallunki has fine candles, up-to-date bonbons and fresh fruits. FOR THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE o o Z Obligation Is thraldom, and thral- dom Is hatefuL Hobbes. BREAKFAST. Melon. Cereal. Fried Chicken. Hoecake. Coffee. DINNER , Clara Bop. Baked Ham. Browned Potatoes. Escaloped Tomatoea Vanilla Ice Cream. Coffee. e Vanilla Ice Cream. a o Coffee. o o supper. " o Broiled Fish Cutlets, Green Pea Sauce, o O Biscuit Preserves. O . Tea. o - o GREEN PEA 8AUCE.-Cream one O e tableepoonful of butter with one of o flour, one saltspoonful of salt a very O little DCDner. one teacuoful of milk: O stir until boiling, then add one cup- J ful of cooked peas. Put cutlets on Dot platter and pour sauce around T them. Garnish with parsley and pea J blossoms. o o o We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical installing and repairing.' Supplies in stock. We ' wll the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 116L .423 BOND STREET ' Best Restaurant s Regular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty EverythiBf the Market Affords , . Catering Company ; aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaali Not let the world know you are here? The Astorian will bring you and your needs together. Ixst A gentleman's umbrella wlih heavy burnt-Ivory, silver-mounted handle. Suitable reward for return to Astorian office. Two more rooms for rent over the Star theater. Better have that old hat 'cleaned blocked and re trimmed. It save you money, 433 Commercial tsreet For rent Nine-room house. Inquire at Astoria National bank. For Rent Furnished front room. 140 Fourth street, corner Commercial. 1 For Rent A few unfurnished rooms over Star theater, cheap. Apply to manager Star theater. For rent nicely furnished front room on lower floor. Conveniently lo cated. 177 Tenth street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAY TOTTLE, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UHQEON Acting Aalstant Burgeon C. S- Marine Hospital Her lee. Office hours: 10 to IS s-m. 1 to 4: SO p.m 477 Commercial Street, and Floor. Dr. RHODA O. HICKS, , OSTEOPATHIST Manse U Bldg. 17$ Commercial St PHONS BLACK 2008, C. W. BARR, DENTIST , Mansell Building , 673 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE BED 20C.L Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist ' Pytbian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr, T. L. BALL Dr. f. I. Friedrich, DENTISTS m Commercial street Astoria Ore ' Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST ' 578 Commercial St , Sbanahan Building MISCELLANEOUS. C. J. TKENCIIARI) Insurance, Commission and Shlppina CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paclflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND 8T8. A KILJULEN, Merchant Tailor. Occident Building. JAPANESE GOODS New stock of fancy goods just arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latent' novelties from Japan. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising San Restaurant, r 612 Commercial St. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee. Die. or doughntfts, 5c, at tf. 8. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St PIANO TUNER. For good reliable piano work see your local tuner, Th. Fred rickson. 2071 Bond Street. . Phone Red 2074 WOOD! r: WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood st lowest prloss.. Kelly, the trsnsfer men. 'Phone 2211 Blsok, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house;" ' , ' "'. .. THE NEW NEHALEM HOUSE Cor. Fourteenth and Exchange 8t. , t one block back or Foard A stokes Store. . H. ANSON, Prop.,'v '- Astoria, Ore. K "' Board and Lodifna $1.00 and ud - ; . Clcaiwtt Beds In the City. Fine Tabic Board, New Fnrnitnre Throughout nates maae to steaay Tneetncai Troupes Proposals for Fresh Beef and Muttont Ottlce Chief Commissary, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct. 1. 1904 f Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning January 1, 1005, will be received here and at offices of Commissaries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boise Barracks, Idaho; Forts Casey, Columbia, Flagler, Walla Walla, Ward, Wright, Worden, Lawton and Van couver Barracks, wash., until 10 a m.. November t 1804. envelopes con taining proposals should be Indorsed 'Proposals tor 'Fresh Beef and Mut ton," and addressed to commissary of post, to be supplied, or to Major Oeorge B. Davis, Chief Corny. Proposals for Potatoes and Onions. Office chief commissary, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct 10, 1904. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering potatoes A onions for six months be ginning November 1, 1904. will be re ceived here and at offices of commis saries at Forts Columbia, Walla Walla. Ward, Worden, and Stevens, Oregon until 10:10 o'clock a. m., October 10, 1904. and then opened. Information furnished ' on application. ' Envelopes containing proposals should be endors ed "Proposals for potatoes and onions" and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied Or to MaJ. George B. DaVis, Chief Corny. -i - The traffic' department of the A.' A v uy esewe w announces that effective C. R. R. sines October 1st they -art "lni through tickets over their line from Astoria In connection with the O. R. A N. Co to all local points on that com pany's lines in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as ell as all eastern and European points. In addition to tickets via. the Northern Paclflo railway, thus giving passengers the choice of routes to any part of the east and Europe at the same rates as are In effect from Portland. Tickets, rates and general Information can be ob tained at the city ticket office In the Page building. The World's Fair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip. or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the MIssurl Pacific Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately nam) "The World's Fair Route. Passengers from the northwest tak the Missouri Pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kanxas City. i via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver ana Pueblo to 8t Louis without change carrying all classes of modern iulp- ment Including electric lighted obtwr vatlon oarlor cafe dining curs. Tei dally trains between Kansas City au St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McDrlde, Ken eral agsnt 124 Third street, Port'md for detailed Information and lllustrat ed literature. OONC TO THE FAIR. What to Do If You Desire Praotleal Information. If you contemplate visiting tbs 8t Louis Exposition, to secure reliable in formation as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. A( as to tha local conditions Ip St Louis hotels, stc etc. . , It you will writs the undersigned, stating what Information you desire the same will be promptly furnished. If wo do not have it on band, will secure it for you if possible, and with out any expense to you. Address B. H. TRUMBULL. Portland, Ore, DONT QO TO 8T. LOUIS 'Till you csU at or writs to the Chi cago,. Milwaukee A St Paul Railroad Office 134 Thlrt street, Portland, Oro Low rates to all points east, in connec tion with all transcontinental. , , , H. B. ROWB, , , i:-,, 't-l.,innf'- s., , BAT, VIEW .BOtEL',. - . E.3LA8EB, Prop.'l .v j Home Cookln j, ComforUble Bedi, Reuon sblc fries and Nice Treatment ' October 27, 28 and SB. ' World's fair excursion tickets to Chi cago, St Louis and all eastern rltle will be sold by the OBKAT NORTH ERN RAILWAY on October 17, 18 and 29, In addition to October 1, 4 and Apply to, any Great Northern agent for rates and full Information. A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all points east; Louis ville, Memphis. New Orleans, and all points south. The onty direct routs to the St Louis world's fair and the East via the O. R. A N. and Union Pacific, The folowlng rates apply from As toria: To St Louis and return ..147.60 T6 Chicago and return 7S-50 To Chicago, returning from 8t Louis or vlc versa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via 6t Louis or vice versa 71.(0 Returning via California. 313.(0 ad dltlonaL For furtlier particulars, call on or address , , q,MW. ROBERT , (. Agent 9. R., A N. Co. Astoria. NORTHERN PACIFIC . ... .' rinjo Card ol Trains PORTLAND Leaveo Antral Aiget Bound Llmlted.T:3 a m 1:41 p b Kansas Clty-8t Low la mwi f an ltAta. IH WeW p North Coast Limited I t 0 m 7:0 a Special ., .,.U ill am s;4f pa Taoomn aad Seattle Night 1 ,4t press ,t; Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Bound Limited for Otrs pla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kaa tea City-it Louis Special for aetata on Boutn Bend Branch, Double dally train servloe oa O ray's Harbor branch. Four trains daily between Portland, Tacoma ana, oeawa- D ELIGIITFCJL ROUTE AVLIGI1T RIDE IZZY CRAGS F.EP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Set nature In all he glorious beauty. and then the acme of mun's hsndl work. The first Is found slong the line nf the Denver A Rio Orsnde Railroad, th latter at the St Louis World's Fair. Tour trip wll' be one of plena ire make the most of It - For Infor. .latlon and Illustrated literature write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Or. A. & G. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECriVE SEPT. 4, 1904. Leave , , PORTLAND , Arrive 8oOa.m t I'ortJHixi Uniou 11.10a. in 7,00 p.m ) depot for Astoria! 9.10 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive & if .'j. ' .: ,. J 7 45 a'm J for Portland Bud"TllT80a.m 6 10 p.m way points 1 10.30 p m ' - SEASIDE - DIVISION . Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11 ijSa tn ' for Dire:t 6:20 p m Leave' j' jASTORlaj t. f Arrive t8.15a.m for Warrenton, 1 s HuminoDd, Ft 5.50 p.m Stevens, Swaaide) 7:40a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4:30 p m for Astoria fJirect 1 12 :30p,m Leave ( SEASIDE. . i Arrive 6.15 a. m (for Warren ton TFt) T26im , Stevens, Ham- ' -, 9.30a.m r mond, Astoria ) 7 20 p, m. Additional train leaves Astoria dally at 11:30 a. m. for all points on Ft Stevens branch, arriving Ft Stevens 12:30 p. m., returning, leaves Ft. Stev ens at 3:00 P. m., arriving Astoria 2:45 m. Sunday only. J 4 ' , " . -Through tickets raiid close connec tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and Coble and O. R. & N. Co., via, Portland. J. C. Mayo, a P. A. .Oregon Shorj Line and Union Pacific TO hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. . TIMKHCIf KDU1.KH From l"OUTI,ANU Depart Arrive tttlcago rorilmul HikwImI Mi, m. lt Tak a, 1 tan ver,' Fl nonu, uiimba, Knu- nm fill. Ml I tittpu via HuuH Uliicmso and the East mgton Atl.uUo hxpreM Jail take, itanvnr r Worm, Oiimlm, Kan. silo p. m. HID P. Tilta iu VIS llUIlt- MM UltV. Mt IjiIm lugtou MtU'exuaud UieJCaM st Paul rst Mail IP. III. via BM. kane 'Welle Walla, r wls. tou,MtMikKua.Ulnu. jaiMlla Hi IW, DulutlJ l:0pm and icaal OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE .. . From Astoria All sailing dates subject to change. For Sao Francisco every five days, Itally - Columbia RWerto 4 am Daily ea eeplaloa eepfc out. dHjr alTain runiMiu sua Way IJMItllllf Direct Line lo St. Loutf World'i -. t ' i, . i Steamer Nahcolta Isavss Astoria on ths Uds DA1LT EXCEPT BUND AT. FOR JLWACO, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North IJeach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria asms evening. fhrough tickets to and bum all prts clpal European cltlee. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Pro." Sss that your ticket reads via tho Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod- srn trains connect with all transcontU nental lines at St. Taut and Omaha. ' If your friends are coming west let as know and we will quota them direct the epeclally low rates now tn effect from all eastern points. Any information as to rates, routes. etc, cheerfully given on application. B. ' II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent lit Third street, Portland. Or. J. C. LINDSET, t; F. P. A., lO Third street, Portland, Or. , . , P. B. THOMPSON. V.V P. A ASK THE AOENT FOR TICKETS To Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chiosgo, 8t. Louis, and sll ,. points esst snd seuth. Q OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY (V L The Flyer and 1 he Fast Mall i BOBMsaasSMSBBBBB "" "''" SPLENDID SERVICE , UP, TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE) Daylight trip serosa ths Cssosds and Hooky Mountains. . For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address L H. DICKSON, . s"tAa mi .1 A ? ":.;''' .! v"' ei agent 123 Third Street, Portland. Or. a O. (TERKE8, Q. W. P. A,, 1 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED" ' V ' -- SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 8HIPMENT8 ' VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, Gsnsral Agent. ' ' Portland, Ore; i.' , .Every 7oman h uwrtMwi nn ihould know u . '?!! womtorli mawTLtj whining bprey htm and 4rfcTt-'sir- moai (jon,iiMit. It Ullllll U.UMJ,. MslPSlrfjMl.lStaei If hft OAH til if Bai,,0ri,,Vi;o otlwr, bill wnd lump for UQWraUKibaiik-mf. Itftnt full imrUeultmnd itirmimn In. WW SF0 N SI rarkBew, Sew lrk,