The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 16, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    .PAGE SIX.
Idaho Man, Promoter of Mining
Scheme, Imprisoned on
Civil Order.
out this Industrious, moral , Intelligent,
population Is only equalled by Us per
fidy. Its loss Is our gain. We wel
come such accessions.
Claimed He Obtained $"."00 to
Invest in Mining Scheme -Funds
Tied l by At.
tach incut Writ.
New Tork. Oct, 15. Frank S. Hobbs,
a mining engineer of Boise City, Idaho,
who was committed to the Ludlow
street Jail on a civil order of arrest 10
months ago, and who has remained
there since without a hearing, has been
brought before Justice Dickey In the
supreme court, Brooklyn, on a writ of
habaes corpus. The plaintiff in the
writ is Edward B. Tuston, president
Of the-natlonal bank of Bloomsb'urg, Pa,
Hobbs was arrested on the affidavit
of Tuston that Hobbs had obtained
17500 from him by fraud to invest in a
mining scheme; and the further af
fidavit of Charles W. Ray, a promoter,
that he believed Hobbs intended to
leave the state. The suit was to re
cover the $7500.
Witnesses stated that Hobbs had re
ceived no part of the IT500. but that It
ms paid over to the treasurer of a
Stockyard Employes Have Arm
Scratched by Wholesale.
Chicago, Oct. 15. One case of small
pox has caused the vaccination of 1700
I men employed at the stockyards, and
more ore to be treated. The vaccina
Hons are only a precautionary measure
and not because there is any serious
danger of a spread of the disease,
The 1700 vaccinated were all em
ployes of one company. Four physl
clans went through one part of the
packing plant, leaving behind cattle
killers, sheep-butchers, laborers
Builders Vote to Lay Plan Before
Their National Organization.
Secretary of Contractors' Conn
ell Would Favor It If Other
Hiiildiugl'rades Would
Come in.
Chicago, Oct. 15. leaders in tlv
Structural Building Trades Allium-
und wl" 'ay ,hel1, ,,'1U1 ' comPuleory ar
foremen with sleeves rolled up and titration before the national organlia
arms "scratchd." The wholesale vaccl- tlon of contractors. This has been do
nation was caused by the fact that J termtned upon at the closing session of
smallpox patient had been taken to the ,he .j or governors, following
Isolation hospital from a Slavonian set
tlement In which thousands of stock
yard workers reside.
conference with the representatives of
Chicago contractors' associations.
President Frank Buchanan,. of the al
liance. presented the proposal to the
contractors, about 30 of whom were
present at the conference. The con
Prices Have Had An Upward tendency . tor- alfreed to take up the matter
During Week. wlth the founding contractors' coun
Xew Tork, Oct 15. Prices have cJ1
worked rapidly upward this week in
the stock market with occasional Ir
regularity and wme heavy profit
taking. The absoptive power and the
Secrtary of F.dward W.'Crnlg. of the
building contractors' council, said:
"The plan seems a good one, but I
see one objection. We should hesitate
to enter into agreements unless every
apparent failure of all offerings to In- one ot tne basic building trades was
crease the floating supply of stocks a party to the agreement,
have maintained confidence In the
stability of the market All grades of BERTHA PARKER HALL
N - - "
i " . , 4 ' t
' ' - ' 'I
the Dft-htr of Jnd Altom B. Fu
ker Bad Her FamUr, -
Although Judge Alton B. Parker was
not present at the Democratic nation
al convention at St Louis which nom
inated him for president of the Unit
ed States, the triumph of hit candl
(acy at the convention was witnessed
by his daughter and there was an em
The goodness in Pears'
Soap is au antidote for all
bad complexions.
For goodness sake use
Sold In America tnd t lwhre.
action. A ftirtlicr Improvement ot tto
device sets the elivtrlc brakes on tut
eiiBlno or entire train slmultnneous'7
with the nlarm signal which soundi
the bell and lights the red lump.
"The apparatus la so ndjusted and
arranged that the euKlneer enn at anj
moment by touching a lover satlafj
himself that U is In full working con
dltlon. The recent tests were con
ducted on the main line from Frank
fort to Hanau, and a translation of th
official report will Illustrate concisely
the working of the apparatus.
"Two locomotives had been equipped
with the new device. Englno 200,
drawing a special train and approach
log Sachsenhnusen station at full
speed, received the danger signal and
came to a full stop. The engineer ot
200 then asked by telephone the cause
of the slguul and received from the
keeper of a grade crossing half a mil
In front word that a wagon had broken
down in crossing the track nnd oh j
stmcted the line. After ten minutes I
wait the engineer of 200 received wort
by telephone that the obstruction had
been cleared away and thereupon re
sumed his trtn.
ttnttuuttnnnu ttntttsttttttitntttttttt
Our Drugs Are Pure
W compound prescriptions with great cure from a
complete Block of fresli and puro drum We also
xell nil tho standard homo remedies and all kinds of
iYoprii'tnry Articles, Combs, HriiNhes, Itiuors, Soups,
ftll kindH of Toilet Articles,
We Charge no Fancy Prices.
and Commercial Street Hart's Drug Store
'ttntttsttBttttttunna nnnnnttunttttRttn
Mrs. R. Iimleton has opened a flno line of l.nilioV and
Children's Vail and Winter Hats. Cull ami lee them.
Of ladles' and Chililreu's fiiriilshing goods, mniiu rsre imr
guins being iiisile during this sale, Alco lliiir Swilclu-i
and rompailiiurs. : : : : : : :
MRS. R. INQLETON, - - Welch Block.
Ootob.r 27, 28 and 29.
World's fair excursion tickets to Chi-
ago, St. Louis irl all eastern clttes
will be sold by the GREAT NORTH
ERN RAILWAY on October 27, 2S and
29, In addition to October i, i and 5-
Apply to any Great Northern agent for
rates and full Information.
Youngest sketch team on the Vaudeville Stage appearing at the 8tar
Theater this week.
company organized to exploit the prop
erty, a mining claim located by Hobbs
in Idaho. A disagreement, arising
later as to the value of the mine re
sulted In the Imprisonment of Hobbs.
Sheriff Erlanger heard of the prisoner's
predicament, Hobb's funds having been
tied up in a bank by writ of attach
ment when he was arrested, and secur
d counsel for him.
The taking of testimony has not been
concluded, and the sheriff was directed
to produce Hobbs in court again next
From The Woman's Journal. Rus
sia may hold the soil of Finland, but
the United States will have the Finns.
Two hundred thousand of these brave,
Industrious, Intelligent, liberty loving
men and women have found homes In
the new world since Nicholas II de
prived Finland of Its constitutional
lights. Lutherans In religion, Scan-
llnavlans In cultivation, they here be
come laborers In our copper and Iron
mines, seamen, bridge builders, car
penters, farmers and fishermen. Alike
on the skyscrapers of New York city,
In the collerles of Pennsylvania, on
the ranches of Wyoming, In the sal
mon fisheries of Oregon and the pin
eries of Washington, they not only
make a living, but build churches and
establish schools. Everywhere the
Finn is a tireless Worker. Exempt
from military conscription and Rus
sian tyranny, he makes the best cf cltl
sens. Massachusetts already has 10,.
000, Michigan 16,000, New ' York 7,000,
and even Alaska 1,000. The folly of
the Russian bureaucracy. In driving
the ad-
specialties have shared In
The government crop report relieved
fears of any serious shortage of grain,
wnue tne continued ease of money
was accepted as assurance against
tlonal scene when the nomination wai
announced and a woman friend took
the candidate's daughter lo her arms
and kissed her. Bertha Parker Hall Is
Jndge Parker's only living child and
Is the wife of the Bev. Charles Mercer
Hall, rector of the Chnrch of the Holy
Cross at Kingston, N. Y., where the
Judge attends chnrch. She is a charm
big woman and resembles her father,
as does her little boy, Alton Tarker
Hall, four years of age, of whom the
candidate for president Is especially
fond. She has another child, Mary
McAllister Hall, about two years old.
BUnroa4a Will Be Safe If Raw 0
mam Device Works.
The magnates of American railway
svstems are much Interested In a re-
danger ot stringency. The revival in port of Frank H. Mason, consul general
demand for iron, large buying of of the United States at Berlin, to the
copper, Increased railroad earnings and Interstate commerce commission. The
reported large movements of all
classes of merchandise kept alive the
demand for stocks and bonds.
Continue To Hold
Against Strikers.
Pittsburg, Oct. 15. A meeting,
seemingly of great Importance to iron
and steel Interests, has been held
here.' Heads of all the United States
Steel . corporation's subsidiary de
partments were present from various
parts of the country.
For two hours the steel manufac
turers discussed business and from one
of the conferees it was learned that
the strikes at Youngstown and Gir
ard, O., were the principal topics.
Nothing definite was given out but
It is said that the fight will be con
report describes a novel safety device
for railways which Is being tested by
the German authorities. ,
It Is the joint Invention of Hubert
Pflrmann and Max Wendorf, and Its
construction end operation are thus de
scribed . by Consul General Mason
"Midway between the rails Is laid a
light third rail of the ordinary T pat
tern, the Joints of which, are so con
nected as to form a continuous con
ductor. ' Midway under the forward
part of the engine is hung the work
lng Instrument an electrical apparatus
Inclosed In a square case or Jacket oc
cupying a cubic foot of space. The in
strument is connected with a contact
shoe which slides along the third ral'
and by wires with a telephone and
electric alarm bell in the cab of th
locomotive and a red incandescent
lamp which is lighted by the same
impulse that rouses the al&nn bell into
Valuable Hunt Dogs Had The
Philadelphia, Oct. 15. Owing to an
attack of rabies It has been necessary
to destroy the hounds of the Chester
Valley hunt, said to be one of the most
valuable In America. One dog that was I
afflicted, it Is learned, bit the dthers in
the pack.
Women should
not wonder at
tbeir f illns
; health as long
as they con
tinue to suffer
PsJ'Xbestrem'dy in
What to Do If You Desire Practical
If you contemplate visiting the 8L
Louis Exposition, to sec ure reliable in
formation as to railroad service, the
lowest rates tnd the best routes. Ai '
as to the local conditions In St Louis
hotels, etc, etc.
If you will write the undersigned.
stating what Information you desire
the same will be promptly furnished.
If we do not have It on hand, wll'
secure It for you It possible, end with
out any expense to you. Address
Portland, Ore
Proposals for Potatoes and Onions.
Office chief commissary, Vancouver
Barracks, Wash., Oct. 10, J904. Sealed
proposals for furnishing and delivering
potatoes & onions for six months be
ginning November 1, 1904, will be re
ceived here and at offices of commis
saries at Forts Columbia, Walla Walla,
Ward, Worden, and Stevens, Oregon,
until 10:30 o'clock a. m October. 20
1904, and then opened. Information
furnished on application. Envelopes
containing proposals should be endors
ed "Proposals for potatoes and oulons"
and addressed to commissary of post
to bt supplied or to MaJ. George B.
Davis, Chief Corny. . ,
. :
iMa4 m tMt iimtl
On y 4lky Ainu ir.xl
)l Ml. McuitlaM M kUit
Wton I'll U Int tmppwu'.-.
Ant I rtckon mmMMNlkt Flk
Futility y
CaUMi'i Wftkif.
"A B.1U4 of Ik. rik.," kf Willm Irvta. Cff
To St Louis and Roturn
juMia, i7.iit Jain.. Ami i, 9ii fmkm J
4,71 CHt.b.i 1,4.1.
Stim Uall, 1mij Jipi.
The Rock Mind System ofTcn two routt
to the WorlJ'i Fiir City via St. Piul-'
Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado,'
No change of can, Ogdcn to St. Louis tnd
St. Paul to St. Loub.
Full InKintutiga so repot
Cillot writs.
A. H. McDonald, OmmtsI AeX
140 3rd Slroct, cor. Aldor bint,
1'orUmJ. Or.
ttock Ixlunil Frisco SyHtcins linvo arranged forsnloof round
trip tickets to Chicago and St. LouU
October 27, 28 and 29
These aro the last days on which Hjiecial rato tickets may bo
purchased account Worlds Fair.
A. & C. R. R.
Leave PORTLAND Arrive
8 00a.m i PortlHDil Uiiiol( 11.10a, m
7,00 p.m i depot for A torisl 9.40 p. m
Leave ASTORIA Arrive
7.45a m j for Portland aud"Ti 1.30a. m
610 p m ( way points 1 10.30 p ro
Leave ASTORIA Arrive' for HemMe Direit bSQ pro
Leave ASTORIA. Arrive
t8.15a.m ( for Warren too, ) 10;45a.m
Hammond, Vi -
5.50 p.m (Stevens. Seaside 7:40a,m
Leave SEASIDE Arrive
4 :30 p m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :3tlp m
Leave ' . SEASIDE. Arrive
6.15 a. m I for Warrenton Ft") 925 a.m
Stevens. Ham-
980a.m ' mond, Astoria ) 7.20 p.m.
When you have a good thing
Advertise It.
U'e do good coinmerciul printing,
liring your printing to tho
fcBTOMACM -,ble
ittehs s
Fainting Spells,
bleepleiHMM, - i
Indigestion or
rpeptla. -
Try one bottle;
Additional train leaves Astoria dally
at 11:30 a. m. for all points on Ft.
Stevens branch, arriving Ft. Stevens
12:0 p. m., returning, leaves Ft, Stev
ens at 2:00 p. m arriving Astoria 2:45
p. m.
Sunday only, , ,
Through tickets and close connec
tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and
Goble and O. R. & N. Co., via. Portland.
J. C Mayo, Q. P. A.
The traffic department of the A. &
C. R. R. announces that effective
since i October 1st they are selling
through tickets over their line from
Astoria In connection with the O. R. A
N Co to all local points on that com
pany'a lines In . Oregon, . Washington
and Idaho, as veil as all eastern and
European points, In addition to tickets
via, the Northern Pacific railway,
thus giving passengers the choice of
routes to any part of the east and
Europe at the same rates as are in
effect from Portland. Tickets, rates
and general Information can be ob
tained at the city ticket office in the
Page building.
H. B. PARKER, Proprietor
Free; Coach
Large Sample Rooms on
Ground Floor.
Roams 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50
per Day.
foot of Ninth Stmt ASTORiA. OREGON '
Every Vontan
, if iDMreruM una mould tnnw
bout l woijilprlill
MARVEL VMiirlina Spray
Tb mw Syrian. Injrf
JHnit cmiventenl,
iw nwliwiklfcrH. V 7
If h cunnol.upplj 111
jnnv ki,, ,i no
olner. but wnd lain tot
fuHy.rtlcul.r. nnd rtlrrrtlemn In-
toll's SasteJ-ffpsfii CspsDles '
M ft
t'CSSTIve enra
f,n,.,B Jtmmiitloii or O.I-ri
Bnatif in, worU ttM
SO Bai t r .f how Jon, nmt.
i iijf'f!. pottp)U4
tLksrCMiroaB. .u.
old by Chas, Rogsrs. CnmaiereW