& Llbboy's CUT , ' V;.- Wedding' ROSS, HIGGINS m GO. 'New Line to Local Brevities. All tbout ths coal, four of this paper. Sse ad on paga Sot rnt Nina-room house. t Astoria National bank. Inquire t For Rent Furnished front room, 140 Fourth street, corner Commercial. , For Rsnt Nlcely-rumlshsd front room. Inquire at 167 atrsst. front Ninth For Rent A few unfurnished rooms war 8Ur theater, cheap. Apply to manager Star theatar. Better have that old hat cleaned Mocked and retrlmmed. It aavaa you money. 431 Commercial tareet. The Imparlei oyatar houaa.ta pre pared to furnlah Sboalwater bay oya- (era In quantities of plnta and quarts to aupply tba family trade. Colonial oysters alwaya on band. Whin In want of aomathlng , aa pwf jgood for the table, eatables thatJ.l not atalo or ahelfworn, ring uif vona IS1 or call at No. 62 Cora metala! street. The Astoria grocery aetla freih groceries, fruits, and vege tables. Juat arrived A naff lot of Imported Mtlchner herring, Norwegian mack erel, etc., at the well-known and pop ular Bond etreet flab, market. No. 417 Bond atreeL A complete aaaortment of smoked, aalt and canned and fresh flub, freah agga, cheese, fruit, etc., etc. A full attendance of the membera of the W. C, T. U. la requested at the regular meeting today, aa delegatea will ..iiiitiMittnmm'mniiiiHiliHimHH! STANDARD GAS ENGINES For Fishing Boats and Launches ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL AND SATISFACTORY Before purchasing do not fail to see . THE STANDARD For further particulars inquire of ' O. M. M'BKIPI?. Headquarters at Foard A Stokes Oo.'s Store. TTTtIgTTTTTmiM" 00000000000000000000l ak o if '- A on homes. Svenson's Booll Store I 9 w 00000000000000000000 Most Serviceable I J ill A '," - r,more. .. . Vilttv?. lALrlrUUlUM Ql 0X31 Astoria s Leading 2: iAS3!3 FOR- v :..r' Presents. Just la." ba etetced to attend the etate conven tion. ': ' ' Say, that old bat can be cleaned, blocked and ictrlmmed to look nearly Ilka new at 411 Commercial treat Dr. J. A. Fulton has removed h!a of- flue from the rooma over Allen's store to mora roomy quarters on the aecond floor of the Star theater building, , Vr, 3. A. Fulton haa removed his of fice from the rooms over Allen's store In. mn',Mil n..nW.r. n h. A - floor of the Star theater building. The tug Vulcan waited all yesterday afternoon at the Callender Transpor tatlon Company wharf for word from the ateamer Fultos. which waa report ed to bo outside the bar, but heard nothing from the vessel. Mayes Eastabrook added to his col lection of animals yesterday by the! purchase of a green, South American parrot Hayes says that the bird Is only 10 -months old, , and, though able to talk, haa acquired only a parlor vo- rabulary a yet The rainy season Is a month late this year.- Consequently we haver In stock thousands of dollars worth of rubber footwear which should have been sold. Only best high-grade goods. We con show you something Interesting In this line now, Peterson & Brown. According to a Eugene dispatch, George Barker, who played halfback on the Commercial team last season, play ed with the University of Oregon team against , Albany yesterday. The con test resulted In' a victory for the var sity team, the score having been 40. Always 'something new at the Star. Every act a good one and no act weari some. See Bell and DaUon, the: funny j chaps; Perry and Whiting, the tramp IHIIXXXIXIIIISXIIIXIXIIXH TO DAY! Come and see -Big Cut Rate Sale w V I iictures. JJecorate your Now is the time. ?; Book Case Made' : This is a picture of The GUNN : SECTIONAL Book Case Fit any place, made, any size, always closed, fine glass front and costs no lloase Furnishers , ASTORIA, (LOON; ana the soubrette; Katherlne Krelg, warbler; the Oreat Westin and others, Thre la a- variety to thla list and v rlety la what the people seek and da' mand. Where are you going? Why, to haa ray hat cleansed, like new at 439 Com mercial street. " Full papers of citizenship were grant' ed yeaterday to Joseph Bernard, a na uve or , France. , First papers were granted to Loula Larson, a native' of Norway. Exalted Ruler C. V. Brown, of the Elks, has appointed the following com mlttea to take charge of the memorial day exercises, which will be held on the first Sunday In December: F. C. Fo F. D, Kuettner, Edward H. Streumeyer and.W. F. Oratke. The funeral of the late Victor Llrid Parker West, who woe killed while at work on the Cullaby lake canal, was held yesterday. The Interment was at the old Pioneer cemetery, and many friends of the family 'followed the re mains to the grave.' The four masted schooner Honolulu, which arrived yesterday Hrht from Ban I , " ' " Francisco for a cargo of lumber, 4s reported to have had a remarkable pas sage up the coast. Leaving San Fran clsco at 2 o'clock lost Saturday after noon, the vessel arrived off the bar at the same time Tuesday afternoon, having been driven north by a southerly gale. Last night's session of the Foresters was one of the most enjoyable ever held. A large number of new members were seated and the occasion was enlivened .'with a banquet The attendance was very large. Lnd u WB mldnlfht when the meeting eillrlll-lA Th- ltiAn ,n flnur. Ishlng condition and anticipates build ing a borne on Commercial and Eigh teenth streets. The funera lof the late Victor Llnd strom, who was killed by a train near EYirt Rtamna Rundav nlrhf - u hold vterday from Pohr, undertaking par. lore. The Interment was In Green wood. The Jury Impaneled to Investi gate the cause of. death returned a verdict that does not throw any light on the matter. The verdict Is merely to the effect that Llndstrom waa kill ed by a train. Mrs. Dragollcb, a resident of the east end, waa arrested yesterday on com plaint of her huaband, who charged that she waa Insane. The woman was examined by the aanity commlston era, but her mental condition did not Justify ber committment She waa given over to the care of her family, and If there la Improvement In her con dition aha will not be sent to the state hospital for treatment ' Police Commissioner Cook, who Is In the city, stated yesterday morning that he bad no Intention of resigning as a member of the board. Mr. Cook la mere ly spending the winter In Portland, be cause of business arrangements. His residence will be continued In this city, and It la his Intention to return In the j spring. Police Commissioner Barker 4s away on a similar visit but as lit tle Is going on at present Com mis - Bioner Gordon la fully prepared to ban- die the situation. The statement of postofflce receipts for the fiscal year ended June 30 shows a very material Increase In the receipts of the, Astoria office. The statement has Just been completed at Washing ton. Astoria's Increase over lost year Correct CtotkesfirMm Pray be not wily well dressed, but shining in your dress. I do not mean by a clumsy load of gold and silver, but by the taste and lasruon or a. Lord Chesterfield to tit ton, The taste and fashion' of fine custom-made are m the 'clothes bearing this abel JJIJrtclpcnjaminAO 9 MAKERS NEW yRK I Equal to fine cufionvmade -in all but price. 1 The makers' " guarantee, and ours, with every garment. I We are Exclusive Agents in this dry. MA Jit THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13. was H732, whllt the Increase of Baker City, the town making th next best showing, outside of Portland, was $1474. Eugene'e Increase was $1309, while Sa lem's waa but tan.' Portland'a re ceipts shor an Isirose of 151,854. The presidential poslofflces of this state raade a total gals? of 7,905. Meager reports from eoast streams are to the effect that the run of salmon Is very light except In Coquille river. At other coast rivers there are prac tically no fish and the pack Is only about Ohe-thlrd of what was exDected. Th4 C6nt!nud dry spell Is blamed for th scarcity salmon, With the ad vent of the rafny season the run will jloubtless Improve, and cannsrymen are hopeful that a fair pack may yet be secured. The run on the Coaullle river Is reported to be very good. It Is understood that the O. R. k N. Co. Is seriously contemplating the con struction of a new steamer to ply be tween Astoria "and Ilwaco. The Nah ootto, at present on the run, is re garded as too small to handle the traf fic, and If rumor can be relied upon the company will build a much larger steamer. The Nahcotta has been a serviceable boat under the efficient management of Captain Tom Parker, but she is hardly large enough to care far the business. Whether or not the company will build the new steamer before the next summer rush could not be learned yesterdaj Nels P. Kelson, aged 60 years, was arrested yesterday for larceny. He had been rooming with another man in the west end and his roommate placed $25 In Nelson's trunk for safekeeping. wnen ne wantea nis money it was missing and Nelson was arrested for having appropriated It. Before Justice Goodman he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a county Jail term of 25 days. Nelson formerly lived on Grays river and was quite well to do. . He separated himself from a considerable sum in an effort to demonstrate his affection for a woman who had prom Ised to marry him. Since then he has been dependent The' traffic department of the A. A C; R. , R. announces that effective since October 1st they are selling through tickets over their line from Astoria in connection with the O. R. & N. Co to all local points on that com posy's lines. In - Oregon, Washington ani Idaho, as weU as all eastern and European points, In addition to tickets via. the Northern Pacific railway, thus giving passengers the choice of routes to any part of the east and Europe, at the same rates as are in effect from Portland. Tickets, rates and general Information can be ob tained at the city ticket office in the rage building. ? The. result of the Stanford-Mult' noman game yesterday 0-0 Is the source of gratification to local .foot ball enthusiasts, who Insist that their statements as to the strength of the Commercial eleven were not ' over drawn Stanford enjoyed the advan tage o playing on Its own grounds, and its failure to score against the Mult' nomah' .eleven means that the Port land bunch Is not as "soft" as some Qf the Callfornlans supposed. Mult nomah's victory over Comerctol is flg- ! ured . out to mean that the Astoria eleven is about as good amany ether team oh the coast, and already it is being planned locally to try next sea son forjthe championship. United States Senator Fulton has re turned to the city, after a tour of sev eral western states with Senator Fair banks, republican candidate for vice president Senator Fulton left the par ly at Cheyenne, Wyo and came direct ly home, He states that in all of the states In which he spoke the prospects were exceptionally bright for repub lican success, and he seems confident that President Roosevelt will be elect ed by a large majority. At San Fran cisco Senators Fairbanks and Fulton spoke to, a crowd estimated at 15,000 people. It was the biggest crowd Sena tor Fultoh had ever faced. The sena tor's voice denotes the strenuous char acter of his campaigning, but otherwise he Is feeling Well. Senator Fulton will not leave for Washington until late in November. Congress will convene In December' and the senator Is anxious to remain here as long as possible. Re will not come home during the holi day recess. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. . Parker House. E. H. Fuller, Portland. Harry Wlllard, Portland. Arthur Melllck, city. Earle Evans, Marysvllle, Ohio. Max Anderson. Fort Stevens. Chas. Ward, Portland. A. ' S. Slaley, Portland. .Thos. Varwlg, Portland. . B. W. Strong, Roseburg. 3. F. Templln, Roseburg. s R. 3. A. O'Rlley, Portland. W. 6. Webster, Seattle. Alex Trumani Seattle. 3. Cheholta, Castle Rock, Wash. KATHERINE WADE At the Owl Drug- Stare Sunday hours 12 to 2 No Charge for Examining the Eyes AS A RULE We do not advertise, but when we have a good Six Hole Range for $22.50 We think the people should know it. W. C. LAWS a CO. SSL FOARD & Warner's Rust Proof Corsets . . ,t , , , Our strongest argument in favor of Warner'aRust Proof Corset3,is in the CORSETS THEMSELVES. V : : The Newest Shapes are in our stock anxious to speak for themselves. BE FITTED and feel the persuasion of their argument. : " : EVERY PAIR 1 GUARANTEED FOARD & STOKES GO. Sole Worii We have made especial preparation for supplying the needs of workingmen in footwear. We invite you to inspect a complete assortment of highest grade Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes . Shoes Shoes for for for for for for Strictly one price to all and that the lowest. Every customer satisfied is the rule with Wherity, Ralston Company THE LEADING SHOE DEALEJ2S ' o-PAOE FIVE. ..." . '' - t - r T Graduate Optician STOKES CO. RusT-Moor; debutante! Agents. Shoes Loggers Laborers Lumbermen Teamsters Mechanics Everybody N