t ASTORIA, OREGON,- WEDNE8DAY, OCTOBER L. FISHERMEN ! Wolverine Gasoline Engines Aro Hlgh Grodc. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED fh a 1-2 horse nowfcr fliorHcnowcr cuarantccd, Wolver- t ine Special Engine, is suitable for flnli boats "Will stand hard WOm 1VUI1 ll 110 1101 U US JlU JMUUOV. l tJniifort(iirnr rlnim tdia r-noine UStfg lififl Oil than BnV fngino on the market. Can bo run slow, enough to be used ; handling jour net. Is this true of ANY engine you have seen? See this Engine fit work end be Convinced. N. H. LDNDBERG, Agent. Frankfort, - - - - - Wash. ? PIUEL & COOK TRANSFER CO. . Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goo!hlpped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-713 Commercial Street. rxxxxxxxxtm xtixiTixixirmrrTTrrniiiiri FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENSON $ CO. Emm Ttttmttmrnnniimxnnn NEW STYLE RESTAURANT No. 120 Eleventh Street. BEST MEALS IN TOWN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT First Class Chef. . Good Service. Carpenter and Mechanic TOOLB FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Scow Bay Iron & Brass Worlts Manufacturers of , - Iron, Sleol, Brass aud Bronze Castings. General Foundryuien and Falterumalters. Absolutely firstelasa work. Prices lowest Phcne 2451. Corner EliMccnth and Franklin. m Iinnobt Central R. . -- - 2 train. connect with aU .ranntl nental n at St. rut arid 0maa. . if your Wand, are coming weat let know and wa will quota them direct the apeclally low rta, now In trbm all eaataht polnu. ' i i ' ' . .... . ;' Any Information m to rata.; routa atb., cheirfuhy "jftHii rapiSllCWIoirr i 03, H. TRUMBCLIa Commwslal Agent, llfThtrd .treat, PrUejad. Or. J. C. LIND8ET. T. F. P. A., MS Third atreet, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON. T, k. P. A, DONT 00 TO ST. LOUIS Till you ceTafof write to the' Chi cafeo, MltWaukce eV"SfrW Railroad, OBlce 184 Thlrt '.treat, Portland, Ore, ' LeV rate, to ail point, eaat, In connao Uen with all transcontinental . J H. S. ROWH. General Agent, Se STAR THEATER ASTORIA'S- f ASHlONABlE VAUDE- VILLE HOUSE IN CONNECTION , WITH STAR AND ARCADE THEA TERS OP PORTLAND h k m Chtn( of Protram Monday. Change of Acta Thursdays. MATlNkE t)AlL YVAT2J45 P. M MONSTIS16 BILL Week' Beginning MONDAY MATINEE, OCT. 10 THE 'GREAT WESTIrl The man of many faoea of great men, paat and present, direct" from Koater k Blala, New York...,. ,. PERRY VWHlflWiT Sketch artist. Dealers In Laughing Goods, Singing and Dancing Duo. BELL eVDALTOrT German and Irish knockabout come dians. KATHERINE KRElQ f' Tyrolean Winter, -Astoria's favorite baritone. EDOUARD 8C0TT, , Slngln'ChM. IT. 'Itmark. east- arn 'iucccesai 3ood Night, -Beloved, Good Night" 4 ' . EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE, Deplotlng Reoant Events by Life Mo tion Plotures. J AdoWselon 10c to any aeat WILL BUILD' ' MONASTERY , , t Rev. Henry Pcllctan Buys Land Near Jordan, for Trapplst Fathers. PRESBYTERIANS TO MEET Stabblufr Affrny at Dance Near Waterloo, Linn County-Port, land VruggM Buncoed Other State New. Albany, Ore., Oct. U.r-Rev. Henry Pelletan baa purchased from the estate of the late John Bryant, 185 acres of land located near Jordan. This Is a fine tract of farming land and was purchased by Father Pelletan for & new home of the Trapplst Fathers, who, expelled from Trance have come to this country to found a new home for themselves and others of tbelr persecuted brethren who are compelled to leave Prance. They will build a monastery and probobty a col lege alnillar to the Mount Aifeel Insti tution, and here, In the land of relig ious liberty, found a home for their order that waa denied them In France, the lurid of their birth. This purchase will be followed by further acquire- menta f property aa It Is required for the colony and a flourishing commun ity will soon mark the place where the Fathers settle. PRE8BYTERIAN8 TO MEET. PortlHnd, Oct 11. With the synod of seriously Injured Jesse McKlnney, dar ing t quarrel, and then stabbed Dennis Taylor, who Interfered In behalf of fcKInney, Fltzwater escaped the same nlght.but waa arrested. While the dance waa fn progress Fltzwater and McKlnney became In volved In a quarrel. They seperated, i I but met again and commenced to fight. FlUwater suddenly drew a big knife and .truck McKlnney In the left aide below the fourth rib. McKlnney went through a door near by, with Fitzwatet pursuing him. Taylor attempted to stop Fltzwater, but the latter, with the knife still In his hand, slashed Taylor across the left wrist severing the muscles and tendons. Fltzwater then escaped in the darkness TnEREIGfJOCUDjmWfEFC.l DIES ALONE IN CABIN. Baker City, Or., Oct. 11. John Schaffner, an old pioneer of this county, was found dead In his cabin, about six miles from tbla city yester day afternoon. The last seen of him waa Thursday of last week, when he came to town with a load of wood. He evidently had started to prepare his dinner when be waa stricken with heart disease. He had lived alone on this ranch for several years, having aeparated from hi. family year ago. 8AY8 RACE WAS FAIR. Salem, Or., Oct. 11. J. C. Ryan, charged with absconding with a stake of about 12000, placed on an alleged fuke'footrace here two weeka ago, In which John F. Roth, a Portland drug gist, claims to have been buncoed of that amount, waa arrested at Rose burg and brought to this city yester day. He has been placed under $500 bonds to appear at 2 o'clock thla after noon, At a late hour no disposition Oregon In Its 14th annual convention had been made In the case, but It will " Mini vy--m-- : ARMORED MOTOR AMBULANCE CAR. . f It bu long btes noognlwd that the highest type of b.rm.ra d'upUred on the battle-' Said la that shown by the members of the uubulano. eurpe, thousand, of whom are killed by stwT bullets in everr war. Aa Englishman h.s lnrnted the anuored motor w shown in ths tilu.amtioa. This Is now in ass in th. Russian army, the member nf the Red Cross being enabled to travel la it in eotuparative safeir from one portion of the soene of eou flict to the other oaring for those who bar been wounded, and, when necessary, transport ing thsm to the field hospitals without delay. ) . at Calvary Preabyterlnn church next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, it (a expected that nearly 100 delegates from all parts of the state will be In 'attendance. The mem ber of the congregation have com pleted arrangements, and during the stay of the delegates they will be en tertained free of charge. The neces sary funds have already been raised and are In the hands of - the pastor, nev. William S. Gilbert ' - At the convention some Important matters relative to church work . will be discussed and finally acted oa During the session addresses will be delivered by some of the . most ' able ministers of the state. Next" Sunday will be a. day of wor ship, several meetings being held throughout , the day. The visiting pastors will preach at ' the different Presbyterian churches of the : city ; at the morning eervlcea. , ; STABBING AFFRAY AT DANCE." Albany, Or., Oct 11 At a dance at Clark' Mill, near Waterloo. Linn county, William Fltswater atabbe'dand UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Nea and Women Vnanlmaon Aakt' It' Many 'women 'weep and 'wall and fefase to be comforted because their once mag nificent: tresses hare 'become ' thin ' and faded. Many men Incline to profanity because the the 'bite through the thin thatch on their cranium. It wf.I t food news to the miserable of both aexes, to learn that Newbro's Herplclde has been placed upon the market. Thla la the new scalp' germicide' and ' antiseptic that acta by destroying the germ or microbe that U the underlying cause of all half de struction; Herplclde Is a new prepara tion,' made after a new formula on an entirely new principle. Anyone' who ha tried It will testify a to Its worth. Try tt yourself and be convinced. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOe. In alamos for. eample to The Herplolde Co., De troit Mich.,- ; ,., v . , Eagle Drug Store, 151-352 Bond St, Owl Drue- Store.' 649 Com.' St.' TF. Laurin, Profc'S pedal Agent" probably be aet for hearing next week. The defendant It la understood claims the race' a fair one, and ' that he turned the stake over to the winner, Morris. . " : Filling Guild Lake. Portland, Oct. 11. Guild's lake Is be ing filled with water with a view to determining how great a depth may be obtained. Two centrifugal pumps, having a combined capacity of 24, 000,000 gallons a day , were put into commission yesterday morning on a scow In the Willamette. These" pumps will be used until a depth of four feet has been obtained. This test Is necessary in order to decide what work must be done In getting the lake Into shape for naviga tion. Canoe 'connectlona are to be ea tabllahfid during the fair between the main land and the peninsula, where the government exhibit Is to be located. It 1. estimated that four feet of water will be required for thla purpose. The ordinary depth of the water la about two feet . The canoes are to be a distinctive feature In themselves. They are" to be prllmtlye craft such as were used by the Indian tribes of the Oregon coun try In the day. of Lewta and Clark's arrival here; ' An Indian from each of the tribe with which Lewis and Clark came In contact in their explorations will be selected to paddle the canoes. SALMON NOTES. Market Steadying With Prioea Well i Up And Firm. : Seattle Trade Register The salmon . . ... situation Is quieting down some since the markets have become acquainted with the 'real situation and realize i that firm price, 'must rule ' with ad-1 Vance, probable. The principal fea-J IP Absolutely Pure IT ID A HATTER OF HEALTH turea are the strengthening of prices on red and pink grade and the court sales of the P. P. A N. Co', properties at Belllngham, Nov. 12, by Master In Chancery Eben Smith of Washington district and Walter S. Constant of Alaska district, under order, signed by Judges Hanford and Brown. J. K. Armsby Is quoted by New York papers aa saying that there has been a great deal of salmon sold with in the past month, the price being very satisfactory to the trade which ha Induced them to push ' sales. A great proportion of the pack has been sold. Many of the packers who made lower prices had to sell for financial reaaons. The pack of aockeye, me- well a. the Columbia river pack, Sa p radically all gone, and the stock C pink la' so small that It doea Dot count A coast combine 1 said tat bei figuring to bid in the P.P. & SC. Cola properties In opposition to J E. Morgan, Richard ' Delafietd, Aogaat Belmont and other eastern capitalists A run of black salmon waa reported ' at Grays harbor hurt week, which wast expected to last till Dec. 15. but may run out before that date. Liverpool reports Alaska somewhat quiet as a result of the London salvage auction of nearly 16,000c. by R. Lroa & Co., Sept 15. Best salmon baa dium red, cohoes and king salmon, as advanced. aaattttannananaatr, n Our Drugs Are Pure We compound prescriptions with great care from a , complete slock of fresh and pure drugs. We also sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds of Proprietary Articles, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Soaps, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Etc. ,.' We Charge no Fancy Prices. , a" 8 U 8 8' 8 8 ' . n .e ti i ii- a s - o& 4 . a and Commercial Street Han S UlUg OlUlO 8 B8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 888 88 8 8 8 8 88 88 NEWMUS 5ee the Shbw'WIndow; J. Nv- GRI IN J When You Want a Roof, fegSS; ROOFING is the most durable rooting material known. It is not affected by heat, cold, exposure to any climate, acida or salt log. It Hecore for your bond ing, the same insurance rate at metal atd tile will. Twelve years of constant service have proven its efficiency. Write for prices. We can interest you. The Elaterite Roofing Co. "SI ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having ipelalled a Rubber Tiring Machine of tb latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that lino at reasonable prices. Telephone 29L CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. Heating Stoves; Ranges, Cooking ' Stoves, ron Beds,' Springs, Mattresses To order. All kinda'of furniture. The cheap- eat place in the city ie - jst ;? u: L. H. HENNING5EN H GO. i 504 BOND STREET. Next Door lo WelW-Farjo Ex. Co. r PHONE. RED 2303 ; Mrs. R. tnjft'eton'ha. ripened a rflnr line of LadWand " : Children'. Fall and Winter Eat Call and see them. CliOBlNG OUT SSXCB Of Ladies' and Children' fiirqiBhing goods, nome rare bar-1 - gains being made during this wle." Alao ' Hair Switches , , and Pompadours. ( ! s : . : j : : , MRS. R. iNQLETd, V - Welch Block'. fx ' f l ' - ; '' CENTRAL MEAT MARKET . G. 'W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprietors. -ti CHOICEST FEES 3 AND SALT MEATS. PROMPl' DELI V KBIT s 54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321.