ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12. Astoria $AVM9&3l4m Capital Paid in $100,000. ' , Surplus and Todivided Profits 129.000 Transacts a ineral banking busing. interest paid on tUna'denoeita. 1,(11 BOWLB Y. O. I. PETEKSON, FRANK PATTON, J. W. flARJiER, President View President. Cashier. AssUTJashW JftS TENTH STREET. ASTORIA, ORE First National Dank of Astoria K ESTABLISHED 1886 , Capital and Surplus $100,000 Cia. II George, President, X L Hlsgliu. Cihir, (ho. V. Warren, Vkt-Proldertf, C K HIjjIm, Awt Cehlr. The Astoria .National Bank ASTORIA, OREGON. DIRECTORS GEO. H. GEORGE, " GEO. W. WARBEN, W. H. BARKER, AUG. SCHERNECKNAU, : - L.MANSUR. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS." FMt Rational Bank. Portland, Oregon. Continental KaUonal Bank. Chicago. Bank of New York. N. B. A.. New York Crocker- Rool worth Nat. Bank. 8. F. The TROY Laundry is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of "Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and j , Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ASTORIA-IRON WORKS JOHN FOX,Pres,and Snpt T. lm BISHOP, Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice President. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATKST IMPKOVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. -Foe of Fourth Street, - - . - ASTORIA, OREGON. W aOa?-l t- r 4Z? Uager WU 11 Jk l3 Beer. I:' I Is ate tat Filraiaoe Una' on the villa. Mm' ato dawnin' o' creatioa n' the linkin' o' the Milne, Jaa'etaef pwt the Chinea in' the Turks, MmWKwm from prance an4 Borneo a-cirryin tbeir dirk. neatnecttrttu o tide feawi there the kind o if Iktaj .MmdLm VU jo butted when I travel down the Pike. U Bints' of the Pike." br Willice Irwin. Con. httdbColilu'l Wcckljr. PtibluheabjrfemiMlos, 567J To St. Louis and Return tai6,n,tt Joir I,, owt 1, 9, 10, Stptemhef 5, 4, 7J October , 4, J. 1 Ketara limit, ninety eajra. SECOND GAME TO BE PLAYED Multnomah Will Meet Commer "" cial on Local Gridiron in December. LOCALS CAIN EXPERIENCE Saturday's Game Has EUmluat ed Stage Fright and Hereaf ter Commercials Will lie Confident.'" " While definite, arrangement! nave not yet been made, It has been practi cally settled that the Multnomah foot ball team will meet the Commercial Club eleven In Astoria some , time In December. After the recent game at Portland Manager Watklns said he believed the contest could be arranged, but he will not be able to suggest date until after the team returns from California. The excellent showing of the Com merclal eleven resulted In highly com pllmentary notices from the Portland papers, which had nothing but words of praise for the visiting eleven. The Journal says that 18 men were played during the game In order that the coaches might get a line on the various aspirants, but this statement is not correct Dowllng went out of the game because he was unable to stand the racket. When Horan went out he did not know what he was do ing, having received a rap on the head that nearly paralysed him. Multno man used fresh men In the hope of stopping the Commercial team and for no other reason. It Is pretty generally agreed that the nervousness of the Astorlans was In a measure responsible for the only score, When time was called they were up against the first really hard game which they had ever undertaken and naturally were somewhat shaky. When they settled down to work, how ever, they held the home players and not Infrequently hurled them back for material losses. The team work of the Commercials was ruined by the sawdust, upon which the fast visitor's were unable to secure a foothold. This reduced the game to a proposition of plunging and the superior weight of the Multnomah aggregation told for a time long enough to net a score. Football experts agree that Commercial would have won on a field of mud, and there seems not the least doubt of the bility of the Commercials to win on their own grounds. For the purpose of settling the question of the cham m m t-. 0 i PERFECT To oih Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeta ana purines tno Dre&uu Used by people of refinement lor oyer a quarter 01 a oeuiuiyi Very convenient for tourists, PRIPARKD 8V ; JAPANESE GOODS , . . m M m - , iNew stock or lancy goods jus arrived at Yokohama Bazaar, Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the besi 15-cont meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. ' 612 Commercial St first-class meal pionship, it is hoped locally that the for 15c; nlco (Sake, coffeo, pio, or December match will be arranged. UOUgnnUlS, Oc, at U. b. Kcstaur In the meantime the local eleven will ttnt. 434 Bond St be kept In constant practice. Several Cirs 5V- i 1 1 i i til i am laa tout i iv i iir i it i . - J . Br 1 1 IH '(Lifer f v i i Pears' Soap is not med icated: just good, pure soap. Contains no free alkali to injure the deli cate texture of the skin. Matchless for the com plexion. ' Established In 1789. big games have been scheduled and "stage fright" will not hereafter char- acterlse the playing of the Astorlans. Considering the circumstances, the Commercials made a really remarkable showing. Abercromble, Blair and Regan are experienced men, but Bay, Sutton, Painter, Tallnnt, Graham, uammal, Stockton and Henderson are comparatively new at the game. Most of the nine men laet named took up Cord wood, mill wood, box wood) any with football last season. They must kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, acquire experience, and the Multno- the transfer man. 'Phone 8211 Blaok, PIANO TUNER. For good reliable piano work 8co your local tuner, Th. Fred- rickson, 2071 Bond Street. Tliono Red 2074 WOOD! WOOD! WOOD mah game was Invaluable to them. The prowess of the Commercial team Is a flattering tribute to the en ergetic coaching of C. II. Abercromble. Mr. Abercromble picked up a bunch of "green" players last Simeon and has coached them up to a degree of effici ency that has put them In line for' the championship of the coast Last sea son Multnomah would not authorise a game with Commercial under Its name, although It sent down a team of "all stars? that was made up largely of clubmen. Now, however, Commer cial's name has been thoroughly es tabtlshed, and hereufter the big teams will' consider with due respect any re quest for a game that may come from Astoria. This condition has been brought about by Mr. Abercromble, who Is deserving of the thanks of all lovers of true sport. Barn on house. Twelfth, opposite opera WHAT TO EAT TOMORROW A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and nil points east; Louis ville, Memphis. New Orleans, and ail points south. The only direct route to the St Louis world's fair and the East is via the O, R. 4 N. and Union PacWc, The folowlng rates apply from As toria: To St Louis and return 167.50 To Chicago and return TI.50 To Chicago, returning from St Louis or Tics versa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St Louis or vies versa ,,,, 7I.C0 Returning via California, fliSO ad ditional For furtljer particulars, call on or address Q. W. ROBERTS. Agent O. R. A N. Co Astoria. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- AVENU THURSDAi The chantr of a man's self is a very laborious undart&klaf. Thomas a KempU. EREAKFAJ3T? Crackrt Wheat BroIUd Bacon. Etrgs. Cream! Potatoes. Rolls. Coffee. DINNER. Consomme. Broiled Steak. Fried Bananas. Mashed Potatoes. Carrots. Huckleberry Pie. Coffee. 3 StTPPER. Chicken Fried in Cream. Tea iilecult, Balad. Choooiate Cake. Tea. 0 CHICKEN FRIED IN CREAM.- ' rut a pint 01 rich cream In a frying ' pan over a mooeraie nre tin it be gins to color; dtp the different parts ' of the ehloken In flour, season with 1 a teaspoon of salt, fry in the cream ' on each aide till it is a delicate ' brown. When done put It on a hot ' platter, pour another half pint of ' Cream into the pan, let It boll one ' minute, add a saltspoonful of salt, a ' Oasn or pepper, then pour It over th ohtcken. Serve garnished with sprig of parsley and a dish of puffed potai siloes. 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I The World's Fair Route, Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to ths Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook ths advantages offered by ths Mlssurt PaclHo Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate. ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Routs." Passengers from the northwest take ths Missouri Paclflo trains from Den' ver or Pueblo, with ths choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, Including slectrlo lighted obser ration parlor cafe dining ears. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Writs or call on W. C. McBrtde, gen era! agent, 121 Third street, Porthnd, for detailed Information and illustrat ed literature. . JAY TUTTLE, M. D. rnieiciAN and bvhoeon .' Aetlug Aeilitaut Surgeon U. a Marios Uoepltal Hervlee. umoo noursi ie to 11 a.m. 1 to :io p.m. 47? Commercial Street, Ind Floor. Di RIIODA 0. HICKS OSTEOPATH 1ST . . MansellBldg. ' STS Commercial It PHONE BLACK k O. W. BARR, DENTIST Msnsoll Building 673 Com merclal Street, Astoria, Ore : TELEPHONE BED 20flL Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Fytbian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. CAM Dr. F. I. Friedrich, DENTISTS tU Commercial street Astoria Or. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial Bt , Bbanalian BaUitfag C. J. TRENCIIARD insurance, commission and Shlppfig. CUSTOMS HOUSI BROKER Agsnt Wells-Fargo and Norther v Paclflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND ITS. Oregon " Show like UnionJPacific 70 hours from Portland No changs of ears. to Chicago Depart Chloago roriuua ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKET5 The Rock Island System offen two routes to the World's Fair City vis St. Psu7 jllmnetpous, and through Scenic Colorado. No change of can, Ogdcn to St. Louis and St. Paul to St. Louit. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE. L. E. SEL1G, Lessee and Manager. Week Commencing Monday, Oct. 17, 1904, First Pacific coast tour of THE HUMPHREY-CHAP-MAN CO., introducing Mr. Orcal Humphrey Supported by an exceptionally strong rpportoire of metro politan plays. Opening performance, BURIED AT 5EA" .VIA Full Informadoa Call or Write. - A. H. McDohald, General Ag't 10 3rd Street, cor. Alder Street, Portland, Ore. Special cencry M arvclous echonical Effects To' Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chlosgo, St Louis, and all points east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY (J The Flyer and The Fast Mall i IMPORTANT Rock Island Frisco Systems have arranged for sale of round Srip tickets to Chicago and St. Louis ' October 27, 28 and 29 These are the last days on which special rate tickets may be! yorchased account World's Fair. - Every detail of the famous , New YorK produc tion faithfully carried out. nOPULAR Reserved Seats 35 cents Gallery 25 cents . . , , . I ...;. r Seat sale opens, at Griffin's store Saturday monilsg RICES JREYAIi SPLENDID SERVICE UP. TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip soross ths Cssesds and ' Rooky Mountains. ' For tickets, rates folders and full ln I formation call on or address H. DICKSON, ' , City Ticket Agent 1121 Third Street, Portland, Or. a O. YERKE3, O. W. P. A, til First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED 8ERV1CE ON FREIGHT ROUTtt YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent. peolal Ah A. Atlantle a sprees t:IS p.m. via lluntr- luftoa TIMEHTHKDULKH from POKTLAND Halt Ijike, Henver, Ft worm, uiiiaha. Kan t. f)l I . Ul Inul. via lIu!ilrU:tiiuQand tne Kast losmn t. Paul Kat Mall :lip. m. Halt Lake, Denver ti n vnii, umaiia, kan a City. HI Lmila. Chicago aud the East Walla M-alla. fern-la. Ion, Hpoaaoe, Mlnne- apolli. Ml Haul. Duluthl .iii i . . . . i iiwiui Be. Ljnicajro. andat Arrive flftpm T aft a m tMpm OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco ovary five days. Dally ei- oopt Hun day atrani Columbia River to i-omana aua Way lAiidlugi 4 am Daily ex-oeptMon Direct Line to St. Louts! World's Fair. Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on the tide DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOIt ILWACO, connecting there with trains for Long Deach, Tioga and North Beach points. ' Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening. rhrough tickets to and from all prta olpal European cities. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Ore. n r h V by Test" t A trans continental trav eler says: I've tried them all and I prefer the North- Western Limited ! It's the best to be found from coast to coast." -, 4 It's ' The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, 6t. Paul and Chicago. ' ' i Before starting on a trip-no matter where write tor Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. H. L SISLER, General Agent ' 132 Third St Portland, Oregon, T. W. TIA8DAL1. General raMeneer Agent, feat I , roniano, wre. i3