The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 09, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Appetizing '
Pin Mone PiclUes
Mango '
Qood Qood5 Our specialty.
dld Friday .ftlahtr Tha funeral r will
t held from tha homt at .1:1 o'clock
this fUrnoon, and Interment will be
at Oreenwood.": - ' 'f
The county clerk yesterday Issued
mrrlaje llcsnts to Cbarlea Btorra and
Ida KlemeUa, both of Hammotid. J
The funeral of the late Olof Mof-
tannon waa held yesterday afternoon
from the family residence In upper
town. Interment waa In Greenwood
a . . . - .
Local Brevities.
For rent Nine-room houat, , Inquire
at Attorlt, National bank.
" For RentTwo furntshtd rooms for
bouaekeeplnf. t5 Tenth itreet'
For Rent Large front room, well
furnished. Inquire t Astorlan of-
r :'
For Rent-Nlcely-furnUhed front
ront room. Inquire at W Ninth
commenced preparation of teparate
rolla for the varloua road and school
dlatrlcta. The work will be finished
by the flrat of next month.
A large delegation from the Astoria
lodge la expected to attend the annual
atate convention of Knights of Pythlaa,
which will be held at Seaside, com
mencing October 10.
Mattl Slrlnlo yesterday declared be
fore the county clerk hla Intentloq of
becoming a good citizen of the United
tti.taa anil rannunrail allealance to hla
The steamer Stranger will leave on ,nmn. tnian. A. IJnduulat took
the morning tide for Kalama with ai n-.urajRttton papers
donkey engine
For Rent A few unfurnishtd rooma
over Star theater, chtap. Apply to
manager 8 tar theater.
Wauled, at Once A middle-aged
woman to cook for four people at II
waco beach life aavlng elation. Apply
to Mra. Jeffreys, at Jell's restaurant.
Astoria, Ore.
w.i... rnnaumer will take notice
that Monday, October 10, It tot last
day on which to pay water rajet to
avoid payment of tbt penalty charged
all delinquent!.
The Imperial oytter boutt It pre
r.i to furnish Bboalwattr bay" "ya
t.ra in Quantities of plntt and quarti
...nniv the family trade. Colonial
oysttrt alwaya on band.
servlcet at the Flrat Lutheran
church today aa usual, Thla morning
at 10:45 EngUah aervlcea with Holy
Communion. Evening aere-Mi4
in Buf.tah. Sunday achool, alwaya
in English,' at : JO a. trf l?ff
Rydqulat, paor.
Now that the work of .cornpletlng
the equalised tai roll it finished.- the
force In the county clerk'F)flnka
Tjuni fnanwtnra Edwards and Ful
ler will be In Astoria tomorrow to In
ject the' steamer Bue H. ' Elmore.
All members of the Chamber of Com
merce are requested to be praent at
k. r.ninr meeting tomorrow even
Ing. , ' ,
Sllveralde aalmon are now running
verv well In Oreton ooaet ttreama. The
cannery at Slleta. particularly, recelv
lug a good aupply.
Work on the new Smith point road.
whUh will connect the city with the
territory contlguoua to Young's bay and
the Lewis and Clark, la reported to be
progressing favorably. A force of men
in at work macadamizing the old
Krelg the wartyer; Edward Bcott, the
favorite baritone, and .Edlaon'e pro-
Jectoacope a auperb ahow.
Captain Burke, of Cathlamet, waa In
the city yeiterday. The captain la In
the fun business and aayt: "Fleh are
running better today and are of a fine
quality. I am running two gasoline
launches to purchase allveralde for
the Columbia River Packera Associa
tion, which. It operating Itt cold etor
age plant here and ita cannery at Eu
reka for freezing and packing silver
sides. They are shipping fish from
the Astoria receiving stations to the
cannery. We are paying 2 cents
pound for sllversldes. Llndenbergers
are also paying this rate on the up
river, but we are getting them at 2
cents In Bakers bay.
Tour phone ordert will have our
prompt attention. Call up No. 1.
Our stock of fresh and canned fruits
and vegetables and all kinds of pro
visions It fresh and choice. Our prices
art down to bedrock. Astoria Gro
eery, 621 Commercial atreet
The contract for furnishing the lum
ber and finishing materlala for the new
court house hat been awarded to the
Aatnrin finx Comoany. Tbtt It in ac
cordance with the policy of the co
tractors, who aim to secure In, At
Deputy County Clerk Zelgler was
kept busy yesterday afternoon paying
ivarrmiia to ueonle who had claims
against the county.
The steamer W, H. Harrison left
I.. -J la.
out yesterday morning ana srnv ... materia), posslblt.
Tillamook bay at 12 o'clock, where
she Will tow OUl a lumoer ecu.,. -,.. , whnm th.
I JVC Y mi aUtMIVIIH, w - r-
, . Congregational church baa decided to
Rev. W. S. Grim. will preac mei - - v
, i lASiiv m mil o vr ywi, wv.
nrst sermon in nis iwn. - -, lmmt nlaM ,n(1 ,, nreach
torate at the First M. E. church thta ' i
. rirlm I. a atrona- and " lu" " ---v
..,. ....... - - i odAV. The subject , of tfce morning
sincere preacner anu
ra (renarullv pleased at his return
to the charge for anojher year.
AJ' J 11 1 ! 'S
sermon will be "Christ ana un
clples," Rev. Mahont has been . In
Portland making arrangements for
. , M movinf mi rein" -
tayor ou,.rc., m MPvlra. in hIs church last
terday afternoon from Beanie, wnere
..n.1..1 ha launchlnc of the bat- ... t
. . . ..!.. ..loaf l
tte-nip eora-a., -w . The .on of Captain Jrr.
over hit trip . He Is grateful to the . . pllrt, llfferd .
iSto V Seattle for courtesies "M"": afternoon
i. . . W attAntntj IhAl wivnvi. ----- .
tennea Asiorian. wn . k.. ... . . k..ii,,. n t th
U W I H I I 1 1 IK Ull. B, UUIKIIIW va .
sidewalk seven feet below. ' His' In
I . -4 A .nt th lit
Kinu iunna. . . nnnrt.A ta gtlnt
... m t ..tA'n I iio swt i -
Mrs. Charles Tunna, oi ,..,, w. atlmulated
caoii - --" t
by the example of his father, waa
trying to learn to be a sailor. H set
sail In a wooden box, which was placed
on the bulkhead, and, the .eaa appear
ing rather too calm for a real sailor
man to enjoy, rocked the boat, with
the result that it toppled over , the
CUB". - I,
While the steamer Eclipse waa tow
Ing a large raft up to the Hume mill
yesterday afternoon with a strong flood
tide, the current set tne ran over .10
the north side of the channel while
passing the city, with the -result that
it came in collision with No. S black
buoy. The raft managed to straddle
the buoy, which waa soon hanging to
the boom chain at the after end of the
raft, and it was carried up opposite
' . . . . i j mu
q AluerDrOOK oeiore onmg reieaaeu. fui
steamer Lottie assisted In letting, go
O of the heavy buoy and In gathering up
.v.. lnoa mY,rh hnil (rfitten away from
I.) I ma ih
Mr. A. S. Howard, Jr., of Portland,
it In the city for a week. '
Hairy Mix la in Portland, where he
la spending the week with his mother,
Mrs. Fred. Sherman hat gone to
Stella, Wash., where she is visiting
Mrs. J. G. Fulton and Mrs. J. A.
Fulton returned Friday from a visit to
Portland. -
Miss Harriet Kinney, of Portland, Is
visiting her aunt, Mra. August Kinney
at The Cole.
George W. Hume, who has spent a
Astoria, will return to San Francisco
this morning.
Miss Myrtle Wlllsom, daughter of
J, E. Wlllsom, of Portland, Is visit
ing relatives In Astoria.
Mrs. Fannie Boodashoff of Odesssa,
haa arrived In storla and will take up
her residence with her ton. A- Jaloff
Miss Laura Fox, formerly a resident
of Astoria, who now makes Portland
her home, la visiting friends In the
Mrs. M. J. Fox hat returned home
to remain, her residence being at the
Holden House. Mrs. Fox spent the
summer vlsltmg relatives in Califor
nia and In Victoria.
Contain and Mrs. J. J. Reynolds
passed through the city on Thursday.
They came up from California on the
Columbia, and will be in Portland dur
Ing the remainder of the winter,
City Treasurer Thomas Dealey and
Police Judge Olaf Anderson were
among those who went to Portland
yesterday to watch the football game
between the Astoria 'Commercial Club
and the Multnomah team.
Graduate Optician
l ' l ''' l' i i '' ' ''
At the Owl Drug St we
8upday hours 12 to 2
No Charge for Examining the Eyes
We do not advertise, but when we have a good
Six Hole Range for $22.50
.' ' We think the people should know it.
W. C. LAW5ffl CO. K
For Fishing Boats and Lanncnes
.Before purchasing do not fail to see '
' For further particulars inquire of
O. M. M'DUIDE, Headqatrtert atToard 4 8loket Co.'t Store. ;
1 KJ Uf ttL I
Parker House.
Rev. A. C. Mclver wife and family.
Glenburn, N. D.
John Johnson, Kalama.
H. Hansen, U. S. S. Perry.
K. Hansen, U. S. 8. Perry.
Oscar Johanson, U. S. a Perry.
' Richard M. Scott. Fort Stevens, Ore.
Lee a. Berry, Fort Stevens, Ore.
Andrew Toung, Youngs river.
E. H. Crandall, Fort Columbia,
Thos. H. Allman, Cathlamet
Chaa. Martinson, Cathlamet
F. S. Wilson, Fort Stevena.
H. Venning, Fort Stevens.
H. Nasslgll, San Francisco.
J. M. Roberson. 1
J, V. Kline.
Ki Vlncy. Uttle Falls.
W. Saarclo and wife.
Come and see
Dirf Cut Rate Sale
on Pictures. , Decorate your
homes. Now is the time.
Broke Into His House.
S. 1 Qulnn of Cavendish, Vt, was
robbed of hit customary health by In
vasion of chronic conatlpaUon. When
Dr. King"! New life PHlt broke Into
hit house, hla trouble waa arrested and
now he's entirely cured. They're guar
anteed to cure, 25c at Chat. Rogers'
drug store.
S v e n s o n ' s B o o K S t o r e
t ..' ) L ;il i -.: ' " aV
I People of Moderate Means :
Who contemplate furnishing a new home
, or remodeling an old" one should 'investi
- - ; gate the ' K
when the natrons of th Star thea
ter gather on Monday afternoon for
Qlthe matinee tney win nna me nupumi
I playhouse furnished wltn too. peauu-
So0000000000000000000 ful new opera chalra. A force of eight
men aim uuj a o,'v,,w - "
the chalre together and the force was
Increased to twelve at night. Manager
Gevurti tald yesterday that he rould
' . - - a. ' 1
keep the force at wotk an nigm ouu-
day, and if neceeary work the men
during the day alto, in order to make
sure that everything would be In read
iness for the Monday matinee. .Man
ager Gevurta haa made! arrangements
for selling the old chalra, ' '
. .
Westln, the Great, is the headller
o th star theater on me new dju
to commence with' Monday's matinee,
Westln is the man- of many face, Im-
nersonatng to , perfection the great
men of the past and" present ' So well
In fact does Westln represent the well
known" men of history that to see Wes
tin Is, in most instances, much more
Interesting and -enjoyable tha"n to have
aan the orla-tnal. Westln comes dl
rec from Roster ft Blal's, New York
City, : RaU ft Dalton are high-class
comedlant in German and Irish. They
reamlar slde-splltters, furnishing
more genulnt amusement In an even
ina than some people ver eitperlence
Then there are Perry' and1' Whiting
daalers In laughln goods; katherine
Carried by us,1 because there is a great
iavlng to be made in each purchase. When
you see our stpek and learn of our reason
able prices you will then know; how well
we can' please You. : : : : : : f
f r.
Astoria's ' Leading House Furnishers
Correct ClothesfirMm
The taste, fitness, and Banner of
wearing your cwthea,
. Lord Chesterfield tohtton.
v -.... I a t V, a a ytr i 1 1 v
always be in good
taste, fit you per
fectly, and give you
long service1 if they
bear this label
J Equal to fine cuslom-made
in all hut nrirc Q The makers'
guarantee, and ours, with
every garment. J We re
Exclusive Agents m this city.
i ii a stasia.
Warner's m
V Corsets
1 .
' Our strongest argument in favor of "Warner's jRust Proof
' Corsets ia the CORSETS THEMSELVES. .' : : :
The Newest Shapes
are in our stock anxious to speak for themselves. BE
FITTED and feel the persuasion of their argument.
Sole Agents.
"Wo have made especial preparation for supplying
the needs of workingmen in footwear. We invite
. you to inspect a complete assortment of highest grade :, ,
Shoes for Loggers V ;
- Shoes for Laborers
Shoes for Lumbermen i;
Shoes for Teamsters
Shoes for Mechanics
Shoes for Everybody
" Strictly one price to all and that the lowest Every
- ; .customer satisfied is the rule with
Wherity, Ralston &. Company