ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. PAGE SEVEN. r 'I I o ?l 0 n o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 o 0 o o o o o O00000000030 o w o () o s o w o o . w o o o 6) o 00 o o o CO o o o I 9 o (4 O s ,' o Readers Get All The World's News All The Time In 56e Morning' o o o CD o (J o o o e o ffl o o o o o o o o o 2 Astorian ! 5$00&0000p0OS o - o 0000O0000 o o o 9 o (e) Adver tisers Reach1 The o o o o 1 Purchas- i o 8 ine' Public By Using' The Columns o o o o Of Morning' Astorian o o o o , o o o o o 0)0000Q00000 GOING EAST TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago and New York 4 via WASHINGTON, V.C. Finest and Fastest sorics of trains in the world. Palatial Coach cm, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawing Room Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service In the World. Ia operated by tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. B, HI, AUSTIN, General Pass. A$t- - Chicago, III. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. n. S Rove. Central Ajtnt 134 Steamer "SUE H. ELME" Leaves Astoria Every Wednesday Returning Saturday The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Bestof Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between A STO R I A TILLAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River 11. R. for Portland, ' San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore 0 Co., Gen'l Agts., Astoria, Ore. on to A. &C. It. II. Portland, Oregon Pacific Kavngatlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. It. & N. Company, Portland, Oregon To an 71 an IB V: I mm . Am . t&mm)' Full Informidon 00 request CiUoi write. A. H. McDonald, General Ag't, 140 3rd Street, cor. Alder Stmt, Portland, Or. Third Street, Portland It auM b kind ' pkooejr, Like ia eddrcetel Coney , Or MlU nil o' Hiram, iff Ukt Anil feel tell vew, by Jingo. , l a t boplo' that I km go Fm I .week or M lo rubber o the Pike. i-J'A BtllU of the Pike " by Wtlltc Irwla. ' Copy." righted by CoMer'i Weekly. r-uolUhed bjr peralHtoe. St. Louis and Return 16, 17, il J0I7 1,,3, Auutl,9,io, lepteabtrf, October j, 4, j. Ream Halt, ninety itjt. The Rock Island System offers two route to the World'i Fair City v! St. Paul Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado. No change of can, Ogden to St. Louis and St. Paul to St. Louis. ,. 1 Proposal for Fresh Beef and Muttoni Barrack, Wash., Oct L 1904 Office Chief Commissary, Vancouver Sealed proposal for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for alx month beginning January 1, 1905, will be received here and at oftlcei of Commlesarle at Fort Stevens, Ore., Bolae Barrack, Idaho; Fort Casey, Columbia, Flagler, Walla Walla, Ward, Wright, Worden, Lawton and Van couver Barrack, Wash., untU 10 a nt., November 1, 1904. Envelope con taining proposal should be Indoraed "Proposal for Fresh Beef and Mut ton," and addressed to commissary of post, to be supplied, or to Major George B. Davis, Chief Corny. Office Constructing Quartermaater, Atorla, Ore., September 24, 1904 Sealed proposal, In triplicate, will be received at thla office until 10 o'clock m., October IS, 1904, and then opened, for clearing, grubbing and grading of timber land on Military Reservation of Fort Steven, Oregon. United State reserve the right to reject an or all proposal. Plat of area of work can be seen and specification obtained at thla office. Envelope should be mark ed "Proposal for Clearing and Grad Ing" and addressed Captain Goodale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore. SON Q TO THE FAIR. What to Do If You Desire Praetteal Information. If you contemplate visiting the St Loul Exposition, to secure reliable in formation as to railroad service, the lowest rate and the beat routes. Ale? a to the local condition In St Louis hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undersigned, stating what Information you desire the same will be promptly furnished. If w do not have It on band, will secure It for you If possible, and with out any expense to you. Addre a H. TRUMBULL. Portland, Or. NORTHERN PACIFIC rims Card ol Train PORTLAND betvret) Antr suget Sound Limlted.7: am l:U pn Kansas Clty-8t. Louis Special 11:10 am 1:41 pa North Coast limited t:N 9 m T: a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:46 pm 1:01 pi Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Grays Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited (or Otyn pla direct Take Puret Bound Limited or Kam- sa Clty-Bt Louis SpedaJ for poUta on South Bend branch. Double dally train eerrlo on Gray Harbor braach. Four train dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle- Of New IMMBEIO W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast for twenty-five years. ELMORE CO., Sole Agents Astoria - - Oregon. You Can Be Cured. No.UCdrTTo, Hot Bfmmos, Am., April , IMS. When 1 was flrst married I found tht my strength and health vera gradually diminishing. I beenm. n.rrous and Irritable, and was in bed a week and sometimes ton dan of .very month, and had Intent, bearinf down paint. My hntband had tht bee. phrtioiaa for in. and I eel his mtdloln. for nrly fonr months, bt I gradually rrtw wort., had leu strength, and anally, I was unable to rear, my bed at all. . . ... , A friend who was calling on me brought m a botUt pf Vina of Rardul and was so loud in iU praise that I told her that I would take It to pleat, her. ' ., I was surprittd and pleand that Ufore I had ated U bettls I tetOly felt bettor, so 1 kept on utlntiU KlffhS bottlet brought back my lott health f tt ttJLQ etXVl nndttrengtiandlhaTeaothada Sf V slok day ia tut months. (J TmmuvBsa. It. AJisaawl' Bmswr. ' . - .v ; ; K - . , ....... ... . Mrs. Finnegan had little hope of relief because she knew that svetj time she had those spells of menstrual (uffering with attendant bearing down pains she was weaker. And every month the pain was growing more severe. . . . - '' But Mrs. Finnegan was cared by Win of Cardui. She is new so well that there are few women who would not be glad to have the health she has. And any woman who has those dreaded bearing down pains can have the same relief. Tou can be free from menitrsal Irregularities if you take this purs . vegetable wine. Why don you take it when you see what it has for others? Secur a bottle of Wine of Cardui today. ' Tour druggist ha $1.00 bottle. HB9 mooes "I here tiea your e1otble Cuetmte and tnt Sbem perfect. Couldn't do without than, hurt ft4 lhn t'it eon kin for IndlgPMtoit an4 bll louneee end ete new eoniplVil, cared. keeoin. BBena Ui4m lo everyone. Once tried. fo wUl ever be without tbem In the famllr." t4wu A. Hen. Albne, .T. PteMnt. Pnlntnble, Potent, TmU Good, DoOoci, Ferer Hlrken, Wenaen or (irlD. W, SFe.we. Merer old In bulk. The f.onlne tnlilet numpeid CtO. (tnuentuwl to enre or jonr atonef beck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. Sot AIXUAL SALE, TEN K'LUOI BOXES Scott's SafitJ-Fepslo Capsules A POSITIVE CUCE For Icflunnwiloa or CiUrrt tbe BiuSder ncd I)Imk4 hjt. yia cur bo pj Can i oalcklf nad Perne, BeoUy loo wont cm of Oonnrrho. t njvl ho BuJi' rof bow Ion it etnueV torn. A'jeolatelr bnal Uoil fey draiKlet. trie. ma", (lM,tlMiea,n.i(. IF -4-5. TllE Al7Al-fI?!l Ca cixcroMTatNa. OkM Hold by CbM. Roirers. 4U Cmnmerclat A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. . EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. f vJ The Bowel , camov cathartic Leave ' PORTLAND . Arrive 8 00a.m i Portland Union 11.10 a. m 7,00 p.m 1 depot for Astoria) 9.40 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive 7 45 a'm j for Portland and 11.30 a.m 6 10 p.m way pointa 100 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11 35a for .Seaside Direct 5:20 p.m Leave ASTORIA. vAiTtve t8.15a.rn i for Warrenton, ) l0:43a.ui ' Hammond, Ft V 5.60 p.m Steven. Beaaide) 7:40a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4 :30 p m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30p.m Leave SEASIDE. Arrive 6.15 a. m ( foTWarrenionTtl 925 a.m ' Stevens, Ham- 9,30a.m ' monrLAstoria ) 7.20 p.m. Additional train leave Aatqrla daily at 11:30 a. m. for all points on Ft Stevens branch, arriving Ft Steven 12:30 p. tru, returning, leaves Ft Stev ens at 2:00 p. m,, arriving Astoria 2:45 p. m. Sunday only. All trains make close connections at Goble with all Nortbarn Padfle trains to and from the East and Sound pointa, I. X MAYO, General Freight and paaeenger Agent Zealand MS GE GO MI WOULD STOP AUTO RACES Further Objeciion Raised to 300 mile Contest for Vander bilt Cup. INJUNCTION IS ASKED FOR People's Protective Association of Nanwaa County, X. Y. Starts Agitation. Claiming Un constitutionality of Law New Tork, Oct. 7. Judge Wllmot M. Smith, of tbe aupreme court sitting In Brooklyn, ha granted an order to show cause why an Injunction "should not be Issued against the Automobile ' Association of America and tbe board of supervisors of Nassau county an nulling the -privilege to bold motor car' races upon the roads of Nassau coun ty. A subpoena was served upon Pres ident Whipple of the association, com mandlng him to appear. Should an, injunction be issued it will interfere with the planned 300-mile race to morrow for a cup offered by W. K. Vanderbilt Jr. Tbe motion for the. order was somewhat unexpected to the race promoters, who believed that af ter the hearing at the Nassau county court house at Mlneola last Tuesday, they had effectually disposed of all opposition. The motion for the order was presented by counsel for Secretary Bennett of the People's Protective As sociation of Nassau county. Judge Smith said that he had. granted the order and made It returnable today sot that both sides might be argued and the set for hearing the contest He said, that so far aa the board of supervis ors are concerned in giving the road privileges for the race they had appar ently acted upon the law enacted last winter for the provision of allowing motor cycle races upon the highways. The constitutionality of this act is questioned by Secretary Bennett BURGLAR CAUGHT AT LAST. Women and Children, Effect Capture of Harry Russell. Chicago, Oct 1. Pursued by two women and a score of pupils of the Marshall high school, Harry Russell, whom the police call the "Gentleman . Burglar," and who has been sought for weeks, has been captured after a chase covering several blocks. The pursit was along the streets of the residence district about Garfield park and fol lowed an attempt at burglary. When arrested the man wore kid gloves, patent leather shoes, a light overcoat of expensive make, and car ried a sliver-headed cane. When slei ed he protested with indignation against the arrest The police were puzzled for a few moments, but the in- slstence of the women pursuers con vinced them and Russell was taken to the police station, where later he is said to have admitted the robbery. Burglar's tools and false keys were found in the man's pockets. Several pieces of Jewerly, supposed to have been thrown away by the man during the chase, were found in the street Russell is accused by the police of . nearly 20 robberies committed in the Garfield park district during the last month. CHAPEL MARCH UNDER BAN. But Students Would Not Obey Faeulty'a Comand. I Salem Journal The student body at I Willamette University "locked horns" with the faculty this week in an amusing manner. From time Imme morial, ever since old Willamette flrst started on its . mission of educating men and women, tbe chapel march has been one of the features of the school. This year the faculty, for some reason, decided to abandon what they consider & useless prac tice. The order leaked out before it was officially published, and the students prepared to meet the emergency. At flrst it was agreed that all should stay . away from chapet but on reconsidera tion, it was decided to attend, and at the conclusion of tbe services march out in spite of the order. This course was pursued, and when the student body started to leave the hall they "fell in line, and' marched away," much to the consternation of the professors. The Varsity yell rent the air, and these tactics were pursued for three days, when finally the faculty withdrew the order. . . , . ., It was a good-natured daah of au thority, but the students were deter mined to win, and they feel greatly elated over their victory?