ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 rAGE s. V FISHER ME N ! j Wolverine Gasoline Engines Arc High Grade SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Thd 3 1-2 lioruo power (horsepower guaranteed) Wolver ine Special Engine, is nuitablo for fish bouts Will stand hard work Hun it as herd us you please.' Manufacturers claim (his i ngine ums Ukb cii tlian any (ligine on the market. C'un bo run slow enough to bo used bundling your net. lathi true of ANY engine you have seen? See this Engine at work and be Convinced. n7h. jlNDBKG, A$ent. Frankfort, - - Wash. PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. ' V DrayinS and Expressing All goods shipped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. tuxxxxxxcrxxzzxzixmnxzzzrzzxzxjxtzzi n ............. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Lodging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. ' LIVE STOCK IJOUOHT ANT) SOLD WA5MINGT0N MARKET - CHRISTENSON H CO. PIIX1III1TTTTTTTTTX1XCIIXXXXXX1X1IIITI H 1 1 III LI'XXX NEW STYLE RESTAURANT 5 ' No. 120 Eleventh Street. BEST MEALS IN TOWN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT First Class Chef. Good Service. Carpenter and Mechanic TOOLS FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY WONT HAVE THE MINISTER Albany Methodist Church Angry At Bishop Spell- ' meyer. GROCER'S WAR AT OLYMPIA Cruiser New York May ii for Jtcpulr to Itrciiicrton -Other Neighbor liood News, IF Overs fio Wrong set them right-U'i simply and vaoujr uone. wunout pain without trouble, without natse atingr, In fact It's only in the beneficial effects that you notice you have taken Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere. Ia boxes 10c. and So. five men are employed at the Ulue Ledge uti'l the devlopment of that property In progressing steadily. C. W. Geddes In In charge of the work for the New York parties who have the mine bonded and In making an ex cellent showing. There Is every prob ability that It will prove all that la claimed for It one of the moot ex tensive and rich deposits of copper on the Pacific coast. Too Many Premiums. Eugene, Ore., Oct. 7. The fair board Is up against an excess of premiums and a dearth of ducat wherewith to 8 a a u u-trtt re tt wn n n n tt tt n tt r Our Drugs Are Pure We comDourid Tr?wt,mns With 'Auk-rWv? k ". m a J5 - "-' v v m t a a it u tt n onnnnaannnaooannantinaccoaa; complete stock of fi cbh and puie ; drugs. We also sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds of Proprietary Articles, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Soaps. an iuiu vi lout Articles, XM. ? f v ; ' We Charge no Fancy Prices. Albany, Ore., Oct, 7.Angered at the action of Iilshop Henry Bpellmeyer, In Ignoring the recommendation of the local church membership In the matter of assigning pastorates at the recent Methodist conference In Eugene, the First Methodist Episcopal church of Albany Is without a pastor, and the members are In a turmoil of excite ment. Itev. D. T. Hummervllle, whom make good. This was the statement Iilshop gpellmeyer assigned to the Al bany church, Is not acceptable to the local Methodists, who, In no uncertain terms, have refused to abide by the assignment of the bishop. IllNhop Bpellmeyer was located In ortlund yesterday, and the official bourd of the local Methodist church sent him an emphatic telegram stat ing In effect that Rev. Mr. Bummor- llle would neither be received nor upported as pastor of the Albany hurch. The emphatic action of the local church Is not due to any personal ob jection to Mr. Sumcrvllle, other than his extreme age, but It Is because the church objects to having its pas tors anoiuti-d arbitrarily, . In oppoul- on to Its own recommendations, and y a man who, it Is claimed, does ml know the needs of the church. romlnent members of the local hurch state that It Is presumption n a blNhop to make an appointment hlch Is expressly stated to bo against the wishes of the church; that the hurch Is certainly better able to de termlne Its own needs and wishes than a bishop who Is not familiar with ffalrs here; and that they had Indl cnted a number of men who would be acceptable, thus giving the bishop plenty of latitude In making his ap polntment. given out by Secretary J. M. Will lams yesterday. It Is evident that the amounts of premiums are far In excess of the appropriations for such purposes. Not counting the special awards and the exhibits which had no competition. If the premiums were paid under present conditions there would remain a deficit of at least $300. On this account It has been decided scale down the amounts of premium awards, which action will be taken at the next meeting of the fair board. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers of Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronzo Castings. Gencrul Foundrynien and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest. Phone 2451. Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. VIP7 Be that your ticket reads via the Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental ns at St. laui and Omaha. r t . '- - ' - It your frisnds are coming wart let us know and w will quote them direct the peolally low ratse now to tffoct from aU eastern points. ' 4 . Any Information as to rates. 'routes, etc, cheerfully given on application. " B. B. TRUMBPiA Commercial Agent, Ml Third street, Portland, Or. J. O. LINDSET, T. T. A P. A.. Ml Third street, Portland, Or. " P. B. THOMPSON. V. . P. A, DON'T GO .TO $T. LOUIS Sfte STAR THEATER ASTORIA'S FASHIONABLE VAUDE VILLE MOUSE IN CONNECTION WITH STAR AND ARCADE THEA TERS OP PORTLAND 'Till you cs'l at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railroad Office 184 'Th(rtvitreet, 'Poiland, Ore, Low rates to all points east, In connec tion with all transcontinental J H. S. ROWEL Oensral A rent. Chinsc of Prosrsm Mdnday. ChsnS of Act Thursdays, MATINEE DAILY ATU.45 1 M MONSTEIt BILL Week iieglimliitj MONDAY MATINEE, OCT. 3rd i-.f -.) - V .V THE KIN3NER8, Europsan 1 Marvels-Hlalanoers and Equilibrists. WARD A WARD, Irish' Comadlsns, " DELMAR, The Fire King. . IRENE FRANKLIN, '" Cornitlitf: ' Astoria's favorite baritone. -EDOUARD 8COTT, Singing "One' the'PilTows of Despair." EDISON'8 PROJECT08COPE, Dspioting Reoent Evente by Life Mo tion Pioturee. Adaniselon lOo to any seat Olympia Crocsrs at War. Olympla, Oct. 7. A bitter price war as started In Olympla among the re tall grocers and every store In the city Is Involved. The war resulted from the recent break-up of the Retail Grocers' association. The grocers' as soclatlon here had been one of the strongest In the state and maintained a list of prices. It Is alleged that the price Ust In the last days of the as snclutlon was not followed and this coupled with a violation of an agree ment between the grocers and tobacco dealers as to prices on standard brands of tobacco, caused the dlsso lutlon of the association. Staple gro cerlcs and tobacco are selling at al most cost, Work for Bremerton. Ilremerton, Ore., Oct. 7. A letter re celved here from a member of the crew aboard the crulner New York, the flag ship of the Pacific squadron, states that her orders to proceed to the east ern coast after target praclce have been countermanded and that she will be In 'San Francisco October 10 The letter also states that the cruiser Chicago, which was to have taken the New York's place on this coast, and was to have met the New York In South American waters, where the flag would be transferred, has orders to proceed either to San' Francisco or Bremerton and to report to Admiral Goodrich. It now looks as If the New York will go out of commission for extensive repairs at the Puget Sound navy yard. She cannot go to the Mare island yard because of her deep draught ' . . , Mine Looke Good. Jeffersonvllle, Ore., Oct 7. Twenty SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNE8S. The Fatal Germ aa ita Remedy Now i Facts of Soteaee, v It la the rarest thing m the world foi man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair Is not dead at the roots, need be paid If he will use Newbro'e Herol- ciae, tne new icalp antiseotlc. Hero! cideMestroye the germ that cuts the hair off at the root; and deans the scalp of uanarua ana leaves It In. a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett In ths Maryland Block, Butte, Mont, was en tirety baia in less than a month Herol- clde had removed the enemies of hair growtn, ana nature did 1U work by cov ering his head with, thick hair an inch long, and In six weeks ha had a normal suit of hair. Sold by leading drurglnta Bend 10o. In stamps for sample to Ths Herplcjde Co., Detroit Mich. .. - Eagle Drug Store, 151-353 Bond St., Owl Drug .Store, (41 Com. St. T. P. Laurln, Prop. "Special t Agent", ,.' ; HEAR8 WIDOWS' APPEAL r resident Stops Plan To Throw Them Out Of Employment Washington. I)., C, Oct. 7. For about a half a century It has been the practice of the war department to have soldiers' clothing made at the Schuyl kill arsenal, Philadelphia, by the widows, orphans and children of sol dlers. Recently the department de elded to have the work done by con tract purely as a business proposition. The action of the department which meant practically the throwing outv of employment of hundreds of women who have been dependent for a living upon the work at the arsenal, aroused much comment In Philadelphia and es- pectaly among members of various patriotic organizations. Today a dele. gntlon called on the president who, after hearing the facts, directed that the Idea of having the work done by contract be abandoned and that It be practice In the past He then made a practice in thepast. He then made a request of the war department that It should report to him what steps It had taken in the matter and the reasons therefor. HORSE GRATITUDE. Lou Dillon Eats $100 A Ton Hsy. It will intercut though not surprise those who love horses to learn that Lou PHIon, who at the beginning of the season trotted off with half a dozen world's records, Is one of the most affectionate horses her trainer ever knew. The majority of horses are grateful if they have any reasonnable excuse to express their gratitude and In displays of affection are always ready to meet their owners more than half way. So .when the loving care which surrounds this turf queen pro vldes that she shall be"worked out" In spots that afford her a variety of scenery that she may not be bored by selng the same sights every day and secures hay from her native state, California, at an expense of sometimes $100 a ton, because she likes that par ticular brand, it 'is- all according to horse sense and humanity that she should be the jewel of the stables that she Is. ' PANTS The manufacturers are behind on tbeir orders. It you want a pair this season, letter let as bare your order now, 75c to 85 00 J. N. GRIFFIN Sole Ajent lor Spauldtag In AstoriaC " " ELAIERIIE HOOFING in a Class by Itself. Don't confuse it with paper or other prepared roofing materials. It consists of a jnte'canTaa. saturated 'and coated heavily with mineral rubber or ELATERITE. It has a wool felt Sry sheet and a Ground Mica weather surface. It never wears oat Hadn't yoti better investigate? The- Elaterite Roofing Co. ""JS ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having installed a Knbber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. Reliance Electrical WorRs H. W.CYZI09, Manager We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for ail kinds of electrical installing and repairing. Supplies in stock. We Mil the Celebrated SHELBY LAMB, Call up Phone 116L , 428 BOND STREET ts'03000000000S0OOOO000S00O I I o . o o o o o o V h o 1 es a 1 e CIGARS, PIPES, TPBACCO.reTC. WILL MADIS'QN S30 COMMFItCIAL ST. 114,ELEVEJiTli ST. a o o a .o ' o 9 O o 9 O e o 9 O O0000000000000000000( Miss Harper Married. Chicago, Oct. 7. Miss Helen David Harper, daughter, of. President Wil liam R. Harper of the University- of Chicago, has been married to Charles Scribner Eaton at Mandel hall on the university campus, The, . ceremony was by the Rev. C. R. Henderson, chaplain of the university. v'; p ' Miss Harper and Mr. Eaton were graduated in the class of- 1900. Af tor graduating from 1 the university, Mr. Eaton took the law course at Harvard and Is now practicing In Chi cago. , The Palace Cafe a n tx tt a 3 Baaaaaaacaaaaaaaanaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaas The Best Restaurant s K -tt s tt tt 8 Palace Catering Company ; aaaaaaaaoouaaaaaaaaaaaaS Rejular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty Euotbisgtne Market Affords r Heating Stoves,' Ranges, CooKintf Stoves, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses To order; All kinds of furniture. The cheap est place in the city is :: :: :::: L. H. HENNINGSEN CO. 504 BOND STREET, Next Door to ttelli-Fargo Ex. Co. PHONE, RED 230S MILLINERY Mrs. R. Iuvleton bas openod a fine line of Ladies' and Obildren'a Fail end Winter Hats.. Call and see them. " CLOSING OUT SALE Of Ladies' and Children's furnishing goods, some rare bar ' i gains being made during this sale. Also Hair Switches ' snd Pompadours. --.-i : , 4 ; : s : . MRS. R: INGLETON,' - s Welch Block. Southern Paoifie To Use Coal. Portland,. Oct- 7. The Southern Pa- Iflc Cojnpany la building . some large bunkers In their yards at Albany, pre pat or y to using coal on all their en gines on the run through the valley. Coal has ben used on some of the. en gines for some time as an experiment and now the wood piles 'along" the track will be done away with entirely. CENTRAL. MEAT, MVRKET. ? G. W. Morton and John Fnbrman, Proprietors, CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS. PROMPJ DELIVERY . 543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. ' ; HE.IbOUVRE "? i i .. vi " A First Class Concert pall . - Finest Resort In The Citj ADMISSION FREE f ATTRACTIVE BOoHui ,. "!.'.... CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES W1RKKALA VrtL . . .... . ' ? , . .