VOLUME LV1V. ASTORIA, OREGON, 8ATUKDAY, OCTOBER 8. NUMBER 21 " BATTLESHIP NEBRASKA " LAUNCHED t "P Great War Vessel Slides Into the Water Thirteen Minutes Ahead of Schedule Time. Governor Mickey' Daughter , Stands Sponsor for Ship and ' Governor Makes Speech. IMMENSE CROWD PRESENT Kiitiiiislaniii Hun High at Sc. ntlle mid Hunting .Multi tude Cheer a Hlilp ICntrr Water. , ReAttle, Oct. 7. At 2 o'clock thti af ternoon, thirteen minutes before the scheduled time, the battleship Nebraska left the ways at tht Moran Urol hem' shipyard and lld gracefully and ma jestically slid Into the waters of Puget Hound. The launching wa entirely successful and no hitch marred the proceedings. The only reason tht ve. el wa launched ahead of time win that by. a Ught miscalculation the poppet (wooden brace) at tht bow waa raining the veaael too high, and In tht opinion of experta It waa bel ter that tht aupporta ahould bt knock ed away without delay. Governor John IL Mlckay, of Ne braska, and Ma party, Including prom inent atutt officials and their wives, reached tht city laat night and partici pated In tht ceremonies. Tht launching waa tht occaalon of a half holiday throughout tht city. Mint Mary Main Mlckay, daughter of Governor Mickey, atood sponsor for the v !. Tht Nebrneka la the flrat battleship constructed on tht Pacific coast norfb of Kail Francisco, and all tht lending army and state oflleluls In tht north- went took port In the program. Folly 60,000 people viewed the cert innnlea and aaw the big veaael enter tht water. Naval men who viewed the launching stated that It waa the rnuat successful one they ever aw. The Nebraska welgha more than any es eel ever before launched for the United BtaUai navy. Immediately after launching, the big Alaska llnera that hovered about her docka black with excursionists, looked diminutive beside her. . "Three tars ago laat December," said Governor Mickey, of Nebraska, aa the cheers that greeted hie appearance died away, "Robert Morun went down to the city of Washington and aald to the secretary of thp navy: 'I can build a bultleahlp, and I can build Jt In 'Seattle.' The aecretury of the Jiuvy did not know him aa we know him. He did not know tht aplrlt of the men of the northwest. Therefore the great aecretury doubted. "Then Robert Moran cuine home. It waa on a Sunday morning. He culled around him a few of the leudera among the bualneaa men of Seattle a few of the men who do thing. He told them hla story, told them that he could build the ahlp. but that the appropriation made by congress waa too amull to pay for It. These men did not doubt. They did not hesitate. becauBe they knew that Robert Moran would do whatever h,s aald he would do. They had faith In hla ability, faith In Mb Judgment and In hla Integrity. They knew that he would build the ahlp, and they said to him, "We will help you to build It.' "We are here today to wltneaa the fulfillment of that promise. Here la the man who made It. There la the ahlp the great batleehlp Nebraska one of the moat powerful Bhlpa In the whole world which la about to be launched Into the watera of the great eat of oceana, to go orth, under the atara and Btrlpea, to maintain the power and defend the honor of the moat glorloua nation on earth. The prom ise haa been kept and the pledge made by our people haa been redeemed. Thl splendid vessel la a mighty addition to the great American navy; we are proud of tht ship, and we honor the men who made it." Presentation of Subsidy. Aa the uoacludlng worde of Gover- An wr heard, John mf ju1nt of the Hwtttle Cham- Commerce stepped forward with a rhei k for viqu.iwq, mnit-n ne pre rnlocl as the subsidy to Monin Broth ers' Compiiny. There whs great up pliiUMo. Attorney-General Prout spoke In behalf of the iM-fy of Nebraska. Th address gf welcome to Gover nor Mickey mil pnrty wit given hy Mayor Huilliiicer, of Keuttle. MYtTERV IN SHIPMENT. Fly Terptde Boats Shipped "West of Chicago." New York, Oct. 7. Flva aubmarlne torpedo bouts, built In Massachusetts, have been shipped by rail from Jer sev Cllv. "West of Chicago" la the destination' expressed upon the way bill' which accompanies one of the most unusuul shipments which has ever crossed the Amerkan continent. Valued at nearly 14.000,000, tht tor pedo boats occupied 17 new steel flat cars arid six box rare, the appearance of tht entire train being not unlike the caravan of a circus. The boats were shipped In sections und each car wua covered witn canvas wmca concealed the contents. There was not tht slightest mark on any car to inuicnie ine contents or tht destination, and to the ritllroud employes who Inquired the stereo typed answer was given that the cov ered musses were & part of a lurge Bhlnment of machinery destined for the west. BOQUET FOR HARPER. Chicago University Dtolartd tht Priit School. Chicago, Oct. 7. President Harper haa been notified by the committer of award of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position Company that his school has been awarded four grand prliea for Its exhibits. No other tducational In stitution won more than two. The orlaea art for the work of the unlver-; slty press, the Terkea observatory1 display, for Professor Mlchelsoo'e ex hibit of Instrument for research work In phytic and for general excellence In th exhibit a a whole. For the grand prise tor general ex cellence and completeness, Chicago whs given tht preference over Yale, Harv ard. Columbia, the University of Mich igan. University of Wisconsin and University of Washington. FLOOD DROWNS FOUR. Wife and Thrtt Children of New Mix ieo Man Perish In Storm. La Vegas. N. M.. Oct. 7. Word was received here from Chaperlto of the drowning In the recent flood wf the wife and three cnildren of Francisco Lucero, a member of the legislature from this county. The women and children were at home alone the night of the storm and water rose bo rap Idly that they were unable to get out of the house. The body of Mrs. Thomas Acost, one of the victims of the flood, has been found near the town of Mora. Report 'of nine deaths come from the Red river country. Seven are re ported drowned In the Yarado, and there are Indefinite reportB from he l Mmnrrnn. It la now believed tha train cannot go outh until after Sat urday. LADY CURZON IMPROVING. London Doctor Say 8h May 1 Get . Wall. Walmer Castle. Oct 7. A bulletin Issued at 10:26 fc. m. today at Wul mer Castle, say a: "Lady Curion'a condition during the paat week haa been one to cause re newed anxiety, and the London doctors have remained tn attendance. Her ladyship 1 not yet out of danger, but inw nrcwresa la belnff made and, If no further complication ensue, there la good hope for her ultimate recovery. She passed a quiet night and her con dition remains about the earne." INVITATION TO PRE8IDENT DIAZ. 8ptoial Mttttngtr Stnt by tht Na tional Irrigation Association. El Paso, Tex., Oct. 7. A special messenger has' been appointed by the city authorities and the Southwestern Irrigation association to convey to Preeldent Dlaa, of Mexico the official Invitation of the National Irrigation congreaa to attend the twelfth annual session here November 15. The Invitation la signed by Senator Clark, of Montana, president of the association, GALE ON CHINA SEA AND ADJOINING WATERS HINDERS OPERATIONS Reported That British Steamer Seshan With Cargo of Cattle and Flour Has Been Seized by Japs. First Troops of Imperial Guard tant Change in General Situation at Port Arthur Blockade Still Not Entirely Effective Messen gers Can Still Get Into the Port. The continuance of the gale which haa developed on the China sea and adjoining watera, precludes active op. erutlona by the Japanese fleet block ading Port Arthur. The British steamer Blshan, with a cargo of cat tle and flour from Shanghai for Port Arthur, haa been seized by the Japa nest off Nlu Chwung, It Is reported. MORE TROOPS 8TART. First Troops of Imperial Guard Leave for tht Front. Bt. Petersburg, Oct. 7. The first troops of the Imperial guard left St Petersburg tonight for tht front. NO IMPORTANT CHANGE. Mtsstngtra Can Still Get Into Port Arthur. BL Peteraburg, Oct. 7. A apeclal dispatch from Mukden aaya there haa been no change of Importance In the general situation. The blockade of! Port Arthur appears to have been In effective, a a number of messengers have slipped through. The latest at vtcea aald Chat the fortress haa suf ficient ammunition and provision to enable the garrison to hold out atlne months, , JAP8 AFTER COSSACKS. New General to Command Fores in Core. Toklo, Oct 7, 3 p. m. Lletuenant- Oeneral Hasegawa, late commander-in-chief of the Imperial guard divis ion, will depart for Corea today io as sume command of the Japanese .forces there. It la possible that tht Corean army will be dispersed or brought un der Japanese command. General Huaeguwa Is expected to effect this change at an early date. It to prob able that this Japanese move hi made In order to expel the bands vf Cos sucks now operating In western and northwestern Corea. RUSSIAN 8HIPS DAMAGED. Wert Firtd on by Japanatt Land Bat ttriet. ported here that the fire of the Japa- ported heer that the Are of the Japa nese lund batteries severely damaged four Russian warships in the harbor of Port Arthur. It is stated that one of the vessels was completely wreck ed. The names of none of the ships were given. EASY TO PASS JAPS. Russian in Communication Port Arthur. Tslngtau, Oct. 7, noon, The With Ger man ateamer Progress, chartered by a local German and which left here 25 days ago with a general cargo con signed to . Vladivostok, returned from that port today and reported that she found It easy to elude the Japanese ships In that vicinity. She reported that a number of large ahlps have coal and ammunition. The city of Vladlvoatock is quiet and the Rus sians seem depressed over their land and sea reverses Vladivostok la being heavily for tified, the harbor Is being mined and repairing of the damaged ships is going on. It Is believed that it will be Impossible to put the armored cruiser Rossla In a seaworthy con dition. It la stated In Vladivostok that General Kuropatkln has been very 111 and unable to personally command his army sine the battle of Llao Yang. Russian officer at Tslngtau are re sponsible fox. the statement that am munition and gun from, the protect ed cruiser Plana have reached Port AT PORT ARTHUR ? Leave for Front No Impor Arthur from Saigon. Tht Germans do not believe this story. The Russians are In constant com munication with Port Arthur, It la be lieved, by wireless messages sent to Chefoo, though it is claimed that Junks carry the messages. It Is claim ed that the expected dash of the Port Arthur fleet has been frustrated by the terrific storms which have pre vailed this week. The British collier Howick Hall Is here discharging a cargo of coal to the German ship Emma. The latter la expected to make an attempt to reach Port Arthur -within a few day. IT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN. 8tory of Sea Fight Off Port Arthur Not Confirmed. 8U Petersburg, Oct 7, 8:11 a. m. Theonly reference to the reported sea fight off Port Arthur Is contain ed In a delayed special dispatch from Chefoo, which saya that on the night of October S the sound of firing was beard In the direction of Port Arthur and that searchlight were seen to be working tn that vicinity. It 1 thought there may have been a battle,, but no confirmation of the report of one ha been received. ... , The dispatch further state that, tn aplte of the tightening of the Japa nese blockade, Junks are still arrlv Ing from the fortress bearing refu gees, who say that all the attacks of the Japanese have been repulsed and that It will be necessary to Insti tute a long siege and a complete blockade In order to reduce the fort ress. The blockade, according to the refugees, Is not completely effective. Junks are continually arriving with food supplies and munitions for the garrison, The Japanese have Insti tuted a close patrol over the entire Yellow sea, stopping every vessel sighted. The captain of the British ateamer Chenan, which was stopped hy a Jap anese cruiser while on her way to Chefoo from Taku, but was allowed to proceed after her cargo had been examined, has made a protest against the way he was boarded and searched on the high seas. ENGLAND SAYS "NO." Refutes to Interfere Between Japan and Russia. London, Oct. 7. Replying to a letter from the International arbitration and peace association suggesting that the time Is at hand when his majesty's ministers in concert with other powers can with good hope of success ap peal to the governments of Russia and Japan to suspend the conflict in the far east, Lansdown writes: "Neither of the belligerents having expressed a desire for mediation by other powers, his majesty's govern ment doe not consider it could with advantage take the action aug gested." , MURDERS FOR 13 APIECE. Details of a Ttrriblt Crime in Ntw York. Wilkesbarre, N. Y, Oct. 7. Detec tives who have been Investigating the murder of Mrs. Blgler Johnson and her 10-year-old niece, Annie Benjamin, near Macedonia, Bradford county, claim to have discovered the whole horrible plot. It is alleged that con fessions have been made by Blgler Johnson, husband of the murdered woman, saying his mother, 'Mrs. So phia Merritt, and hla brother, Charles, committed the murders, for which he agreed to pay them S3 each. Johnson, his mother, his brothers, Charles and Alonzo, and hi Bisters, Nancy and Mrs, Lorenzo Heeman, and the tatter's husband are In Jail at To wanda. They have been confined In separate cells and the detectives, since their arrest scvefkl day ago, have been using what they discovered at the scene oftoth murd-r to work upon their fears and fatties and their sus plclons of each other, until they now claim to have obtained rjt-;em tits from everal. -" f Charles, It la alleged, accuse his mother and his brother Alonzo and says he knew nothing tbout the murder until afterward, while ' Alonzo retal lutes by saying that Charles and his mother committed the murder. . Blgler Johnson and his wife had not lived together for some time. Recently the court sentenced him to pay ( a month toward her support This made him very angry, and It is claimed that he then made threat that she would not be long In the way. The story which the alleged confes sions relate Is that Blgler Johnson, his mother and Charles talked over the plan of doing away with the woman and that he offered them S3 each If they did It He also arranged to be In To wanda at the time the murders were committed, so that he might prove an alabl If suspicion pointed naturally to him. The details arranged, the crime was carried out. It la alleged, as planned, with the exception that the little girl was found in the house and was also killed, and then the bodies were soaked in kerosene and fired to bide the crime. The detectives expect to have their case completed in a few days, with enough evidence to hang three and punish a couple of other who were ac cessorie after the fact. ' . CRITICIZE KING LEOPOLD. Said H it Personally Responsiblt for Cruthtit. Boston, Oct 7. King Leopold, of Belgium, waa assailed . for hi policy In governing the Congo Free State by E. T. Morell, of England, at a pub lie meeting thl afternoon in connec tlon, with the session of the Inter national peace congress. Morell charg ed King Leopold with being personally responsible for a large measure of the alleged cruelties practiced on the na lives of the Songo Free State in the terrlflc endeavor of monopolistic commercial organizations to obtain from the country all the tvory and rubber possible. The king was defended by George Herbert Head, of Cambridge, Eng land, who submitted that Leopold had done all possible to stop the alleged cruelties. , The congress today received the re port of the committee on propaganda recomending that the congress of, 1905 be held at Lucerne, Switzerland. 8IX SENATORS IN ONE TOWN. Senator Fairbanks and Party at Ev anston, Wyo. Evanston, Wyo., Oct, 7. This little city on the extreme western border of Wyoming; tonight holds within Its borders six United States senators, Messrs. ' Fairbanks, Dolllver, Fulton, Kearns, Warren and Clark. At the meeting held In the opera house tonight Senator Clark presided and speeches were made by Senators Fairbanks, Dolllver and Fulton, and Representative Smith. The feature of the audience was a body of 40 young women constituting the Evanston Women's Club of first voters. MANY WILL GO. Large Atttndanot of Attoriana Expect td at Portland Game. It Is expected that between 100, and 200 Astorlana will see today's football game between the Commercial Club team of this city and the Multnomah team of Portland. The game will be played at Portland. A few of te foot ball player went up last night on, the boat, but the majority "of them will leave this morning by rail, accompa nied by a number ,of enthusiasts. The Astorlans will occupy a section of the grandstand and root for tht Astoria team. That the game will be a fat one Is conceded, and locally there is a very decided sentiment that the Com mercial will win. The Astorlans de clare they will go Into the game to work hard for success, and, that If they lose, they will have made the best possble showng. ; ', , TDIRPCAAPM KILL 254 ! PORTUGESE Attack Made From Ambush and Hand to Hand Fight Fol lows in Which Few : Escape. Portugese at the Beginning of the Encounter Number Four Hundred ; RELIEF FORCE CAME LATE Portugese Formed a Hollow Square and Held Gronnd -Were Attacked While 1 Crossing a River. . Lisbon, Oct. 7. In the chamber ol deputies today the minister of marine made a detailed statement of the re cent fighting by the Portuguese 14 southwest Africa where a force of 40 Portuguese operating against the Cuanhamas was ambushed by the tribesmen as they were crossing the Cunene river. Two hundred and fifty- four Portuguese were killed. The min ister aald that when the attack was made the detachment formed a square, which was subjected to a heavy fire. In one moment- htey had to ' defend themselves with bayonets. The square was not broken. The irregular troops became panic, stricken and were thrown into confusion. A hand to hand conflict was the principal feature Reinforcements were sent, but the re lief detachment succeeded in saving only a few wounded. . . .. ..TOURING CAR RUNS AWAY. . Four Oopupant Injured ' in tht Acei ; - dtnt ' New York, Oct 7. A big -touring car, carrying two women and two mea, ran away today down one of the mountain of the Ramapo range. Grange county, and none of the occu pants escaped uninjured. The driver lost control of the car mora than halt a mile from the base of the Moun tain and it dashed down the 'steep grade at frightful speed. Fifty yard from the base it struck a wall and was turned over." -I -7t 8ILENT AS THE TOMB. Judge Parker Determined To Xtta . Quiet During Campaign. New York, Oct. 8. In a statement issued this morning from national democratic headquarters, Chairmen Taggart announces that Judge Parker has fulfy determined, after carefully considering the mater, not to go oa the stump. Such speeches as he deems desirable to make will be made at Rosemont Taggart says the Incident is closed, and those In charge of the campaign fully approve of the determi nation of Parker. WATER COMMISSION NOTES. Revokes Tax on Canneries for Fir Protection. At the regular monthly meeting of the water commission last night, the commission passed a motion abolish ing the rate heretofore charged can neries for fire protection during tha closed season and providing that they be charged for the actual amount of water consumed the year around, as shown by the water meter. The rate for fire protection during the closed season has heretofore been $25. There was Just a quorum present at the meeting, the commissioners In at-1 tendance being Chairman Wright aod Messrs. Elmore, Bowlby and Fisher. Most of the session Was devoted to routine business, the commission ap proving the pay roll and authorising the payment of a number of blllk In regard to the application of the Callendar Tranportatlon Company for an extension of the water service .to the company' new wharves. It waa agreed that the city ahould make a connection with the malu and lay a 2-inch pipe to the north aide of Bond street, the company to lay the pipe from there to it wharves at It owa expense. '. ,-, ' 1