ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. PiGE SEVEN. o w o w o o o () o o w o w o o o CO o o o o () o w o () 0 o ) o () o o o w o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o O00000000030 w 0 o ft o Readers Get All The World's News All The Time In Morning' Astorian o o o S$00s'00000005 w o o w J1 5000000000g o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Adver tisers Reach The Purchas o 3t o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o B o ffl o o o o ffl ing Public By Using' The Columns g Of Morning' Astorian 0Q000000000 GOING east TKAVEL IS GENUINE 1'LEASURE ON Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS -BETWEEN- Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON, D.C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial Coach es, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawlug Koom Cars. The Finest Dinfng Car Service in the World. Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. B, ft!.' AUSTIN, General Pass. AM- - Chicago, III. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscngo, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route" offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to seo that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & . St. Paul Railway. H. S ROWC. General Agent 134 Steamer "SUE H. ELMORE" Leaves Astoria Every Wednesday Returning Saturday The Largest; Staunchcst, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel over on this route. Best of Tablo and State Room Accommo dations. Will mako round trip every five days between ASTORIA Air TILLAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore 0 Co., Gen'l Agts., Astoria, Ore. on to A. VC. It. H. Portland, Oregon Pad He Navigation Company, Tlllniuook, Oregon O. It. & N. Company, Portland, Oregon Third Street Portland It mint b kind o' phoney, Llkt aa eddrctttd Coney, Of t tMi milt o' Bvnum, If yt Uke And I Jn tell you, by Jingo, I'b aboplo' that I km to Ptt t wtk r H t rabbtr oi Ih Plk. s-Jk Ballad of tn Pike," by WtUliM !nrl. Copf. . righted bjrCoUUr'tWeakljr. Pubilthed by permlMioo. To St. Louis and Return 'taut 16.17, it Julri,,3i A.rutl,9,iO) ttpttmbw f, 6,7 Ociotxr J,4,J. Return limit, ninety day. The Rock Island System offer, two route, to the World'. Fair City via St. Paul Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado. No change of cars, Ogden to St. Louis and St. Paul to St. Louis. -' Fun In&rmattoa 00. request Can or writ. A. R. licDoif alb, Ooral Ajj't, 140 3rd Street cor. Aider Stmt, Portland, Or. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thla wonderful liil limn rl'irfir la callwl arai UrailM ha (nlrHI a. iwpl without opwa- A lion that ar(1Tu up ,i '' In ale. Il i iirm wlib thorn, wotwlcrful t'hl ntm tier!., roata, bu'li, barka ml Teitrlalilre thai we nUrlf un- Itnnwn lit n.wl I r-al t. mca In thi country. Through ttie UH ttr Ihow heriulwi ft'mwjiw tlil famona dwtnr knowa the trtlna of ovr VO different renv nllee, whlrli he -urmwfully ues In dlftVfenl dmeiwiet. Jle (iianuiteee Incur aMUui), aath ma, limit, ilinwt, rlieumallain, nervouaiiMw, tnfiia.'h. liver, kliliieya, eta.: bell bumlreila of leatliiii.iiiala. harp mi'rat. ( all and aee him. fallema out f Ilia rttjr write f'ir tilanka and rimilara. Mid tamp. C'UWHX'IV TATIO.N r'llhK. AUIiKKhM The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1S1 Aider St., Portland. Orefon. 1 r MemloB paper. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA To 8pokA, 8t Paul, Minm.pelit, Duluth, Chicago, 8t Louia, and all point, oast and .outh. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY fl The Flyer and The Fast Mail L 8PLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT ' COURTEOU8 EMPLOYES Daylight trip soros the Cased, and Rocky Mountain. For ticket, rate, folder, and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, ' City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street, Portland. Or. S. Q. TERKES, G. W. P. A 612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED 8ERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 8HIPMENT8 VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Or. A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE 8EPT. 4, 1904. Leave PORTLAND Arrive 7,00 p.m 1 depot for Astoria) 9.40 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive 7.45 a'm j for Portland and 11.30 a.m 610 p.m 1 way points 10.30 p-m SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11 35 a.m for Seaside Direct 5:20 p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive t&ld a.m 5.60 p.m for Warrenton, iton, 1 10: . Ft (aside) 7 "10 :45a. m Hammond Steven., 8easii 40 a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4 :30 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12 Leave SEASIDE. Arrive 6.15 a. m ( for Warrenton Ft 9 25 sun Stevens, Hani O.SOa.m 1 mond.Astoria 7.20 p.m, Additional train leaves Astoria dally at 11:30 a. m. for all point, on Ft Steven, branch, arriving Ft Stevens 12:30 p. m., returning, leave. Ft Stev ens at 2:00 p. m.. arriving AStoria 2:45 p. m. Sunday only. AU train, make close connection, at Goble with all Northern Pacific train, to and from the East and Sound polnta. J. C. MAYO, General Freight and passenger Agent NORTHERN PACIFIC riuie Card ol Trains PORTLAND. Lmvm Arrive. rmget Bound Limited.T: am 4:4t pro Kansas Cttv-8t Lout Special 11:10 am 6:48 pro North Coast limited l:M p m T:N ft m Tacoma auad Seattle Night Expreaa 11:46 P 1:06 em Take Puget 8ound limited or North Cnimt Limited for Gray's Barber points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olrat pla direct Take Puget Bound limited or Kaa sas Clty-Bt Louis Special for poUts on South Bend trench. ' Double dally train eervloe oa Gray. Harbor braach. , Four trains dally between Portland, Broko Into Hi. Hous. 8. La Qulnn of Cavendish, Vt, wai robbed of hi. cuntomary health by In- va.lon of chronic constipation. When Dr. King'. New Life pill broke Into hi houe, bin trouble wa arretted and now he', entirely cured. They're guar anteed to cure, 25c at Chaa. Roger' drug .tore. Notice for Publication. United State. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Bept. 25, 104. Notice 1 hereby given that la com pliance with the provision, of the act of Congre. of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands In the state, of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." a extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4. 1892, John F. Hamilton, of Astoria, county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office hi. .worn statement s"o. 8507, for the purchase of the se1 of section No. 29, In township No. 5 X, range No. 8 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land befoi the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mon day, the 19th day of December, 1904. He names as witnesses: Roy Wher ry, Conrad Bottner, John R. Wiierry and Ralph C. Jones, all of Elsie, Ore gon. ' Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claim. In this office on or before said 19th day of De cember, 1904. ALGERNON & DRESSER. Register. Notice for Publication. United State. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 27, K04. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provision, of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to" all the Public Land state, by act of August 4, 1892. John T. Anderson, of Tacoma, county of Pierce, state of Washington, ha thl day filed In this office his sworn state ment No. 6506, for the purchase of the nw4 of ne4 of Sec. 29, of seVi and se of sw of section No, 20 In township No. 5 N, range No. 9 ' west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the county clerk of Clatsop coun ty, at Astoria, Oregon, on Friday, the 16th day of December, 1904. He name, a witnesses: George Macauley, of Seaside, Clatsop Co., Ore gon; H. J. Orteland. of push, Clat sop Co., Oregon; Ole Anderson, of Push. Clatson Co., Oregon; ' Harry Randies, of Portland, Multnomah Co. Oregon. Any and all person, claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of December, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. F6rest Reserve Selection. United State. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, October, 3, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the San ta Fe Pacific Railway Company made application this 3rd day of October, 1904, to select under the act of June 4, 1897. (SO Stats. 36) the fallowing de scribed tract of surveyed land, to-wlt Southesa quarter (se) of section thirty-three (33), township four (4) north range ten (10) west Willamette Meridian, Within the next thirty days from date of first publication hereof, all pro tests or contest, against the selection on the ground that the land descrlb ed. or any portion thereof, is more valuable for its mineral than ror ag ricultural purposes, will be receivea and noted for report to the commis sioner of the general land office at Washington, D. C. This notice Is given for the purpose of allowing all persons claiming the selected land under the mining laws or desiring to show It to be mineral In character, an opportunity to file ob jection to such selection with the local officers of the United State, land office at Oregon City, Oregon, the land dis trict in which the land selected is situate and to establish their interest therein or the mineral character there of. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. ' Register. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. October 3, 1904. The above notice will be published In the Astorian, printed at Astoria, Oregon, which I hereby designate a the newspaper published nearest the land described In .aid appUcatlon United State, not liable for cost of thl notice. Date of first publication. Oct 7, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. COMPANY WILL' RAISE BIO SUM Republic Iron and Steel Needs $7,000,000 Cash and Will Get It BANKS TO PROVIDE MONEY Corporation Will Unue $10,000, OOO First Mortgage Five Per Cents and Notes to Extent -of$7,00O,OOO. Chicago, Oct 6. The Republic Iron & Steel Company official, have com pleted negotiations by which the com pany will be able to raise 7,000,000 cash to prosecute It. expansion plan, and meet It. floating debt. The First National bank and the First Trust and Savings bank have arranged to furnish the money. The steel company will issue $10,000,000 first mortgage five per cent bonds. It also will Issue two year and three year notes to the extent of $7,000,000. These notes have been taken by the the bonds a collateral securities for institutions named and they will have the bond as collateral securities for the notes. Half of the note, or $3,500, 000 run two year, and the other half three year.. They bear five per cent Interest and will be Issued as fund. are needed by the company. READY FOR TOURNAMENT. Pairings Mad in th Great Women'. Golf Contest New York, Oct. 6. Pairing and the time of atarting on the qualifying round for the woman' golf champion ship, which begins on Monday at Phil adelphla, have been made by the com mittees of the United State Golf As sociation. The first pair to tie up will be Mrs. Paige Schwarzwalder, of Dy- ker meadow, and Mrs. Elliott Rogers, of the Brighton county club, Alle ghaney, Pa., who are scheduled to start at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Miss Lottie Dodd, the British cham pion, will have Mis. Maud K. Wal- more as a partner. Miss Margaret Curtis, of the Essex country club, has Mrs. Herbert Mann, the San Francisco champion, a partner, while Miss "Johnnie" Carpenter, of Chicago, is paired with Lillian Biddle, of the Rlv erton club. A PROBLEM. Property Qualifications for Voter. In Five State. Exchange: If the democratic party 1 the party of reform and the only hope of the working man, how is It to be explained that In the strictly demo cratic state of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Virginia a man must be worth $300 of taxable property before he is allowed to vote? How is it that the democratic states thus deny the working man the right to vote un less he is a property owner and con tinues to make claim that it is the friend of the man who has been dis franchised? How many laborer in these states can show $300 worth of taxable property? This is democratic exemplification of its Interest in .and protection of the great mass of wage workers, who make up the bulk of our population. CRIME IN NEW YORK. 440 Fslonie Committed Since August 1. Commissioner McAdoo has Issued a J statement showing that 440 felonious crimes have been committed in New York, as shown by the police records, since Aug. 1. The figures were made up from such reports a. were sent to him by precinct comanders. 1 The crimes consist of 24 murders, 253 burglaries, 68 robberies and 95 felon ious assaults. ! According to the reports sent to the commisloner all arrests except one had been made in the murder cases. Pa trolmen had made 97 arrests in the 253 burglaries. Fifty-seven arrest had been made for the 68 robberies, ah except 2 of the offenders in the 95 felonious asaults had been appre hended. , He Wanted a Wife. And his adventures are told at the Star thl. week. You'll laugh. A Love Letter. Would not interest you If you're looking for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns or piles. Otto Dodd of Ponder, Mo, wrltest "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, hut a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured m. It's the best salve on earth... 25o at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Tacoma and Seattle-