The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 07, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Pin Money PicKles
, -Also-
Good Qood5 Our Specialty.
Local Brevities,
' For Rant Two furnished roomi for
housekeeping. KB Tenth street
See the novelties
Utile Nook Bture.
tn brum at the
For Rent A few unfurnished 00ms
over Star theater, cheap. Apply to
manager Btur theater.
Htrnuss Hros,' mini was kept busy
yesterday showing woulnns and taking
nifitsuri-s fur men's suits at C. H.
'ooper's sturo.
Olof MortiMim-n. aged 1 years, died
yeterduy of consumption at the home
of his parents In Kust Astoria. The
funornl will be held tomorrow and the
Interment will be In Ureenwood.
Oet your pears for canning and
crapes for Jolly before they art all
gone. All fresh fruits, vegetable! and
groceries art right at the Astoria Gro
cery, (23 Commercial street Phone
8nd names and addresses to this
office and have copies of Tuesday's
Astorlan containing the Astoria arti
cle by Horman Wise mailed to any
body you wish, free of charge any
number of copies.
The Imperial oyster bouse Is pre
pared to furnish Shoalwater bay oys
ter In quantities of pint and quarts
to supply the family trad. Colonial
oysters always on hand.
The cane of Robert ('urrulhcrs vs,
Alexunder Urant and W. W. Whip
ple has been compromised. The suit
grew out of lease of the schooner Jes
sie. Mr. Cnfrulher sued for 12000, and
It Is understood the suit was com
promised for half the sum named, al
though there has been no definite an
nouncetnent a to the terms of the
For rent Nina-room house. Inquire
at Astoria, National bank.
Have your clothes made to order,
guuranteed to fit and be measured by
Mtrnuss Ilros.' expert at Cooper's store,
todiiy and tomorrow.
In accordance with Instructions from
the treasury department, Collector of
(hn I'ort Kobb ho caused the flog
to be displayed at half-mast on the
custom house building.
The Astoria Dancing Club wilt give
Its regular Saturday evening ball
the evening of Saturday, October 8, at
(ho Hauihorn hall. A general Invl
tatlon Is extended to dancers to at
Strauss Rros. always show elegant
goods for men's tailoring, but this time
they outdo every previous effort
Is evident by the line of woolens In
the piece now being displayed at
11. Cooper's store. ,
The county court yesterday adjourn
ed until October 17, when the matter
of providing an exhibit for the Lewln
and Clark fair will be called up. The
court will confer with the local com
merclal bodies and it Is hoped some
plan can be decided upon before the
adjourned session.
A big timber deal was concluded
yesterday, when deeds were filed for
record under which Jennie T. Hood, of
Saginaw, Mich., sells to W. M. Cray
1760 acres of land near Knappa and
Wostport, this county, The considers
tlon was 144.000.
The county court yesterday order
ed on election on November 8 for the
purpose of determining the question an
TT-rTTTTTiTiiiTiiiiiirrrrr iiumminxnnnrixx
For Fishing Boats and Launches
Doforo purchasing do not fail to see
For further particulars inquire of '
J. M. M'nitlDi:, at Fount & Stokes Co.'s Store.
Commences our great annual pic
ture sale. A tremendous stock
will bo thrown on the market.
Svenson's Book Store
People of Moderate Means :
Who contemplate furnishing a new home
or lemodeling an old one should investi
gate the
Carried by us, because there is a great
aaving to be made in each purchase. When
you see our stock and learn of our reason
able prices you will then know how well
we can please you. s : : : : : :
Astoria's Leading House Furnishers
to whether or not liquor shall be sold
In city precinct No. L The precinct
embraces that portion of the city lying
west of Berond street. The election is
to be held In accordance with the pe
tition recently filed by residents of the
district. There are two saloons west
of Second street.
It's quite a treat to look at the
new fall line of woolens now on special
display at Cooper's. They'll be there
until Saturday only, to don't postpone
seeing them.
The Woman's Club will hold Its first
meeting for the fall at A. O. U. W.
hall on Saturday, October 8, at 2. 30
o'clock;. The special features of the
meeting wilt be the president's address
and an informal reception.
Miss Uamrlck, who brings such pret
ty novelties west each season, opens
a display at C. H. Cooper's today and
will give free lessons for a week when
materials are purchased. Smart de
signs for waists In the new eyelet and
stelleto work.
Beginning on October If, special
services will be held In the down town
churches during two or three weeks.
Rev. Hay Palmer of Portland, will con
duct the meetings, which will open In
the I'resbyterlun church. Dr. Palmer
Is a preacher of note, and has aroused
great interest In many cities.
The boats will be pulled up and then
moved sideways under the shed, the
rant of which will have to be reaised
about 10 feet. Ilepalrs are belnb made
on the roof of the old Scandinavian
cannery. When this work Is complet
ed the boats which It houses will be
given a general overhauling.
Have you seen the new browns and
grays In fall woolens for men's made-to-order
pants? You'll find them In
profusion at Cooper's store In Strauss
Uros.' extensive assorment of 'piece
goods. Only two days, so don't delay
In getting around. You're welcome,
whether you order or not.
Copies of Tuesday's Astorlan, con
taining the article on Astoria written
by Herman Wise, may be bad free at
this office wrapped and ready for mail
ing. Send In names and addresses
and the papers will be mailed free.
This Is a good opportunity to adver
tise the city, and It costs you nothing.
Five hundred copies of the paper were
printed for this purpose. Send in
the names and addresses.
The following Mist (Ore.) dispatch
to the Portland Journal contains some
statements that will doubtless prove
surprising to Nehalem valley resl-l
dents: "The forest fires have about
died out, yet it Is hard to estimate
the damage done throughout the Ne
halem valley. More timber has been
dstroyed this season than since the big
fires of 1883. The Deep creek fire,
which started In August, destroyed
much of the valuable cedar belt on
Deep creek. Tho timber losses in the
valley reach Into the millions "
For several months past there has
been more or less talk of an effort to
divide the city Into four wards. At
the present time there are three wards.
The First Is greater In population and
taxable property than the Second and
Third combined. The Third ward Is
by far the smallest In the city, and
casts fewer votes than precinct .Vo,
of the First. It Is felt by those who
advocate another ward that the section
of the city now Included In the First
ward Is Intltled to more than three
representatives In the council. At theu
meeting of the council Monday night.
while discussing street matters, Coun
cilman Hansen of the First ward In
timated that he would favor dividing
his ward. The exponents of the Idea
have ample argument to advance in
favor' of their plan, and it Is Just pos
sible some such action may be taken
ere long. .
The Increase In freight offerings for
oriental shipment will mean an extra
steamer out of the Columbia this
month. It Is not certain yet what
steamer will be secured, but -It will
probably be the Chlng Wo, of the
China Commercial line. More business
is coming to the Vortland & Asiatic
Company than It can handle by Its reg
ular steamer this month. An effort
was made to get the Algoa for the
trip, but It Is now more than prob
able that the China Commercial liner
will be put on. The Aragonla, which
is scheduled to sail from here October
28, already has ail her space reserv
ed and several thousand tons more
are already on hand that must be
taken care of. The China Commercial
Company operated a line of steamers
out from this port a year ago, but
the decrease In business caused them
to withdraw from the route.
For years Strauss Bros, have been
making clothes for Astoria's best
dressers. A special representative is
In charge of a great display of new
fall woolens at Cooper's store. It will
pay you to call and have a talk with
Strauss Bros.' man. He'll grve you
some pointers on the proper attire for
this fall.
Work on the new ship yards for the
Columbia River Packing Asoclatlon Is
progressing rapidly. The yards, when
completed, will accommodate eight
boats at a time. The launch El Hurd
Is now on the ways undergoing exten
sive repairs. The boat Is being re
built fore and aft, and will be equip
ped with a new shoe and overhauled
generally. In the new yards the boats
will be pulled up on to the ways, In
place of being lifed by Jacks. This
considered a decided Improvement.
The San Francisco Journal says of
the salmon market: "The market is
reported quiet for new bulsness, for
canners and agents are busy making
deliveries on booked orders. The re
ceipts of Alaska fall short about 250,
000 cases compared with the like time
In 1903, but more vessels are due,
yet the reeclpts when all "are in will
fall considerably below that of last
year. New season pack of Alaska's
red guaranteed "qual to the very best
was offered In a 400 case lot at $1.05
regular f. o. b.'on the sound, without
finding a buyer. It looks as If the trade
are still operating extensively. Eng
lish cables report larger withdrawals
from warehouse than during the cor
responding time in 1903. It is said that
for well known favorite brands 21s is
paid there, but a less figure Is named
for unknown brands. Pinks, chums
and medium red are comparatively
scarce and strongly held. One party
Is placing pinks to preferred buyers
at 70 cents. Packing of conoes up
north is slow on the sound and only
fair on Frater river. Packing of fall
fish In Oregon is still under way."
Graduate Optician
At the Owl Drug Stare
Sunday hour 12 to 2
No Charge for Examining the Eyes
We do not advertise, but when we have a good
Six Hole Range for $22.50
We think the people should know it.
W. C. LAWS a CO. 22SL
-You must dress; therefore attend
to it ; not in order to rival or to
excel a fop in it. but in order to
avoid singularity, and consequently
Lord Chesterfield to his ton.
Your apparel will
always conform to
correct standards if
it bears this label
If ltd Renjamin (o
J Equal to fine custom-made
in all but price. J The makers
guarantee, and ours, with
every garment. We are
Exclusive Agenta in this city.
3. Bruce Polworth stoutly denies
that he has changed his politics. Mr,
Polworth was down yesterday from
Cathlamet and in conversation with
a representative of the Astorlan made
known his position. "So far as my
politics Is concerned, I am Just as
much a democrat as I ever was," said
Mr. Polworth. "For the past six years
the democratic party of Wahkiakum
county has been knifed by traitors,
with the result that the respectable
element has become thoroughly dls
gusted. There were two possible
courses to pursue. We could have
made a fight for the convention,
which would have been ta rec
nirnl&e the treacherous element, or
we could allow them to dom
Inate affairs and met with defeat
We choose the latter course. At the
democratic convention but one pre
clnct Cathlamet was represented,
and but seven delegates attended.
Honest democrats stayed away from
that sratherinir. I am assured Mr.
I Marshal, the nominee of this conven
' .... ...Ill .nnt
lion lor reprcsemttiivc, w nw en-v-i,
and lam Quite as well satisfied that
the whole ticket will go down to de
feat. After the election this element
of the democratic party will be oblit
erated entirely from the political Held
of Wahkiakum county. I have accepted
the republican nomination for county
attorney only for the purpdse of as
sisting In bringing about the defeat
of the Gorman element of the party.
I believe that I will be elected." Mr.
Polwarth's nomination by the republi
cans caused some concern among lo
cal democrats, wno were led to believe
he had deserted his party. However,
Mr. Polworth says the emoluments of
the office-for which he Is runlng $400
a yer are scarcely of enough Import
ance to justify any such political flop
on his part.
S Corsets
Our strongest argument in favor of Warner's Rust Proof
Corset3,!is in the CORSETS THEMSELVES. : : ;
The Newest Shapes
are in our stock anxious to speak for themselves. BE
FITTED and feel the persuasion of their argument. : :
Pl j WARNER'S ((
Sole Agents.
Work Skoes
We have made especial preparation for supplying . ,
the needs of workingmen in footwear. We invite
you to inspect a complete assortment of highest grade
Shoes for Loggers
Shoes for Laborers
(Shoes for Lumbermen
Shoes for Teamsters '
"', Shoes for Mechanics
Shoes for Everybody
. Strictly one price to all and that the lowest Every
customer satisfied is the rule with
Wherity, Ralston Company