The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 07, 1904, Image 1

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Will Hold Big Independence
Meeting Sunday at Grand
Opera House in
To Give Support and Sympathy
to ' the American
Fiery Orator TI1I "'k,
Among Them HhimUco, Who
Ordered Massacre of All
Foreigners In Manila.
Manila, Oct. 8. A ma meeting of
Filipino will b held Sunday t the
National theuter. The rail tate t
purpo to "take om definite ctlun
upon th popular decree, to-wlt. Th
alvlna of ' our aim er upport and
sympathy to the American commute
on Philippine Independence In IU er
...... .ti.rrTiha enila wa desire. It
would b Inexplicable and even lm
proper for Flllplnoa to fold their arma
and remain paaalv at a time when
the very beet element of American
m lxtv are working ao ardently In or
der that our nutlve landmay attain
Ita ambition."
Fiery orator will apeak, the prlncl
11 one being Sandleo, a former mem
ber of Agulnaldo cabinet and who tn
19 algned at order for the massacre
of all Americana and other foreigner
In Manila. The government will not
one sent by the aaaorlutlon lt week
denouncing the action of the local
atenmboHt Inspector In pliu-tng the
blame for the .disaster on the Klocum's
officer and crew and asking for Im
mediate executive action.
Secretary Loeb' reply wua to the
effect that the communion pointed
by the president I now completing Ita
report and that "abaolute Juatlce will
be done."
' i'
Surmise Commotion Noted Is in Connec
tion With Movement to Check Jap
anese Flanking Movement.
Both Oentilee and Mormon Greet Sen-
etor Fairbanka.
Ogden. I'tnh, Oct O.-Benator Fair
banka spoke at the Grand Opera house
tonight' to an Immenae audience.
When the Fairbanka train made the
Drat atop of the day at Elko, Nev.
the vlce-prealdentlnl canuiuuie wn
met by Senator Smoot and 17 otfter
leading member of the regular repub
llciin organisation who accompanied
the traveler to Ogden. The Utah del
egatlon Included. In addition to Sena
tor Hmoot. Congressman Howell, ex
Oovernor Thomaa, and other repreesn
tatlve cltlxena, one-half being Mor
mon, th other half gentile, Several
conferred during the day with Hena
tor Fairbanka. Awaiting him here wa
Senator Kern, who head the Ameri
can party. He was oon closeted wnn
the Indiana aenutor. No atalement wa
made concerning the varlou Inter
views, but Senator Falrbank early de
cided to make no reference to tat
complication In hla public utterance.
Senator Fairbanka wa rejoined here
by Senator Dolllver, who had remain
ed behind him In Portland becauae of
a throat affection and In order to pre
pare for th campaign In Colorado, for
which he ha been engaged. The Iowa
senator poke at the meeting tonight.
Admiral Fanshawe Sends Two Warships to Warn Russians Against
Breach of International Law Junks Loaded With, Pro
visions Are Captured and It Is Believed Arms
Are Being Smuggled Into Port Arthur
The significance of the Mukden dis
patch noting the unuual activity at
that place I the subject of much pec
ulation In St. Feterahurg. The theory
that It Indicates the purpoe of Gen
eral Kuropatkln to evacuate the town
la now generally accepted, military of
ficer there urmllng that the commo
tion noted I in connection with the
movement to check th Japanese
flanking operation. In Rulan offic
ial circle aome credence I given to
the rumor that Admiral Wlren ha left
Port Arthur with hi hlp, confusion
resulting from the, severe storm on
Tuesday being regarded a having
made such a dush possible.
Arthur Conklin Convicted Of Charp,
Of .Criminal Libel.
Grant Pa, Ore.. Oct. After de
liberating only a few minute the Jury
In the case agalnat Arthur Conklin for
criminal libel returned a verdict of
guilty. Counsel for Conklin at once
moved for an appeal, and It la quite
likely the cae will be heard In the
higher court. The penalty prescribed
In caseof this kind Is from three to
four months Imprisonment or from
1100 to 1500 fine.
Arthur Conklin I editor of the
Grant Pa Mining Journul and came
Into hi preent trouble through attack
into hlsurcsent trouble through attack
.,u on Robert O. Smith when the
latter wa candidate for representative
from Josephine county at the election
of last June. It wa stated In the al
Weit libelous article that Smith had
..-.n..,.t.i monev for Mr. Sarah Lewi
and appropriated It to hi own use.
Acordlng to the testimony of Mr.
Lewis, Smith did not take her money.
except what wa secured under a note
nnd In a regular business way.
In hi argument for the stute, Prose-
ruilna: Atorney Reame placed parti
cular trcs on the apparent malicious
motive of the editor of the Journal In
tiuhllshlntf the article, and the atorneys
for the defenae made an heroic effort
to convince the Jury that the article
r..,wih..rt was true, even going to the
extent of attempting to Impeach the
...j. u Sarah Lewis, me
eviaenuw w. .-
principal wltne.
Maohin Jump Off Embankment and
! 8truok by Tem.
New Tork. Oct. 8.-Whlle speeding
along the Bronx early this mbrnlng
- .niomobllB containing nine person
Went off an embankment at Sixteenth
treet and Jerome avenue, and three
were killed. The machine fell
n f th New York Central track,
fh wreck wa struck by a south
hound train. Beside the two killed, all
. the other In the auto were injured.
the reported arrest of a Chinese sus
pected of having knowledge concerning
the disappearance of Lieutenant De
Cuvervllle and Saptaln Von GUgen
helm, respectively the French and
German naval attaches at Port Ar
8tady Inerea ef Insane I Crowd
ing Building's Capaoity.
Salem. Ore., Oct The steady in
crease In the number of patients at
the lnan asylum will make neces
ry the cowrtrucUon- of a new cot
.. ni with room for 100
,...ii..iii Kuch a cottage, to be con
structed at the asylum farm, will cost
about i:.000, and the legislature will
k. mViA to nnnronrlat money for
that purpose. The growing popula
tlon will also necessitate the construe
tlon of a new dining room at a cost
of 13000. the new addition to be
40x40 feet and two storle high. j
At the reform ehool. mute school j
and blind chool only minor repair!
and Improvement will be necessary
and nut very heavy appropriation wlU
be needed for them. At the state pris
on many improvement have been
made In the past year without definite
appropriation and not much In the way
of large improvement will be needed
at that inetlttuion next year. The lust
legislature passed an act providing that
the proceeda of convict labor shall con
stitute a betterment fund, which may
be expended for repair and Improve
ment under the direction of the gover
nor. By virtue of thl act money has
been expended from time to, time and
the prison property has been put In
good condllon.
Port Arthur Fleet Makes a Notable
ToUol Oct. .. 10 a. m. The Port
Arthur blockading fleet ha captur
ed a Junk laden with provision. The
Junk wa endeavoring to enter the
hurhnr. The statement of the crew
and evidence found aboard the Junk
Indicate the exlatence of a fleet of 80
Junk organised to run the blockade
from the vicinity of Talngtau. De-
plte th vigilance of the blockading
fleet, many Junk reach the Russian
line at a"number of landing place on
the lower end of the penlnaula. The
Junk enter at night, the Rusilan gun
nnd mine field giving them an ad
vantage over the vessel of the
blockading fleet. While it Is suspect-
led that ammunition I being smuggled
tn, none has as yet been found in tae
hundred of Junk that have been over
hauled and searched.
the edge and McGrath sat on Ma
loney' leg so that the fireman could
not fall off.
The first rescue wa that of Mrs.
Walton, who, with Annie Daly, was
asleep in bed. The child's mother Is
seriously 111 In St. Catherin' hlnpltaL
Mrs. Walton went after the baby, and
was handed up to the roof. In the
darknes and smoke Lyons did not se
cure a good hold on the child, and It
lipped froni his hands, but Maloney
caught It by one of its leg and saved
It Mr. Walton' aged mother wa
next handed up. Then Lyon bver-
come by smoke, wa wun aimcunj
pulled up to the roof. He and the fire
man collapsed and were carried to the
ground. Captain Harkin made a spe
cial report to Police Commissioner
McAdoo highly commending the work
of Lyons, Maloney and McGrath. The
loss was about $1000.
News of Departure of Port Arthur
Fore Would Not Create 8urprie.
Bt Petersburg. Oct 7. While the
admiralty claim to have no knowl-
thur squadron. It Is Inferrable from the
way the report reads that such an
event has transpired and a definite
confirmation would not create sur
prise. The associated Press I Inform
ed that no direct order have been sent
to Admiral Wiren to break through the
blockading fleet but It Is tacitly ad
mitted that the admiral ha discre
tionary power to leave Port Arthur
should the situation demand or con
dition be propitious.
Market for Foundry Iron Still Contin
u Good.
Cleveland. Oct . The Iron Trade
Review ay:
r.arcA hv nl Iron alone, the Iron
market improvement ha make fur
ther progress. Not a marked a De
terment Is discernible in the finished
material product but deevIopmenU
there are encouraging, with prospects
that the larger scale of mill operations
will last well toward the end of the
year. It need naraiy ne ia iui
railroads will be the deciding factor
in the iron market for the next three
months. The more active market
fnr fnnndrv Iron that waa a feature
of the last ten days of September I
still noteworthy, and report from all
sections now agree to this, a they
did not ten day ago.
Sweet Marie Wins Last Three
Heats in Transylvania, Wa
ning a $5000
Tiverton Takes the First Tw
Heats in Fast Trotting
Admiral Faashaw 8nd Warship to
Torre Strait
Melbourne, Oct . Admiral Fan
shawe, camandlng the Australian
squadron, aas ordered the warships
Pllades and Cadmus to proceed to Tor
re strait to warn the Russian war
ship reported seen cruising off Thurs
day Island against committing any
breach of International law.
Steamer Fail to Har Shots and 1
Halted by Jape Rlasd Latr.
Chefoo, Oct 6., 3 p. m. The Brit
ish steamer Chenan, traveling from
Taku to Chefoo, not hearing the usual
blank shot, wa hove to by a Japanese
cruiser, which fired two shots across
her bow last night. After the steam
er's cargo waa examined she was al
lowed to proced. ,
European and Chinese official deny
Additional Soldier Also Continue
Field Headquarters of Second Japa
nese Army,. Oct 5, 2 p. m., via Fusan,
Oct 6. The Japanese are bring
ing .enormous quantities and sup-
nllB of ammunition for the winter
campaign, using the reconstructed rail
way, carts and Junks on the Llao and
Trltae rivers. Railroad traffic is un
Interrupted and additional soldier con
tinue to. arrive.
Emneror William Send Mag to
; Germans at St Louie,
St Louis. Oct I. One of the larg
ratinni characterised the
WV uvili-.."
world's fair celebration of German 'day.
Not only almost the entire uwman
nonulatlon of St Loui was in attend
ance, but the German citizen of all
section of the United 'State . aug
mented the vat assemblage. The prin
clpal vlaltor. Baron Speck von Stern
berg, the German ambassador to Amer
lea, bore the greetings which had been
received by cable from Emperor Will
lam. conveying the imperial congratu
i.tinna to all cltisens of America in
celebration of a German day. A dls
tinguished visitor was Carl Scaurs, of
New Tork who delivered an address.
Fastest Time of the Year Made-
World's Record for Five Fast
' est Heats Is Established
Sweet Marie Favorite-
Lexington, Oct t The Transylvania.
for 2:12 trotter, value tSOOS, lie
greatest event In turf history, was waa
by Sweet Marie in three final heata.
the first two heats going to Tlrerfasa,
Four world's record were made In the
Transylvanlan by the lowering of the
event record and making the faateaA
mile of the year on any track. Wbea
Tiverton won the first heat la S:M
he lowered the event record and made
the fat-troting record of the yeaz.
When he won the second heat la 2:94
he again lowered these record an
made a world' record for the fastest
second heat In any race. Sweet Marie
won the third heat In 2:05. Ttta es
tablished a; world' record for the three
fastest heata ever trotted bi...tace
and her mark 1 the world record" for
the fastest third beat ever trotted la
a "race. Sweet Marie won th foartk
ia 2:08V4 and the fifth In l:0, Itaev
tahysBing the world' record - for A
five, fastest heats ever trotted ta a-
race. ' The average time ior wn mat.
wa 2:0 11-20. The first three heata
averaged 2:0514. Sweet Marie, the
winner, i owned by Wm. Warland, of
Los ' Angeles. In the betting Sweet
Marie was the favorite. jf
Epitoopalian Consider Cannon on Re
Boston, Oct. 8. Archbishop Canter
bury, speaking oefore he Joint session
of the house of bishops and the house
of deputies of the Episcopal church at
Emmanuel church today, delivered a
message to the American body In which
he urged the church to take steps to
guard the religious life of the home.
At today' esslon the house of depu
ties everal resolutions to make
more stringent the canon on the re
marriage of divorced person were pre
sented. One resolution aimed to pro
hibit the re-marrlage of a divorced
person during the life of his or her
former partner. The whole question
will come up later.
8oretary Loeb Writ. to R.latlv of
Sufferer In Slooutn Ditr.
New Tork Oct. .-A letter from
President Roosevelt' 'secretary " has
been read befor a jneetlng of 600
relative of peraon who died on the
Oeneral Slocum. It wa In reply to
Bandid Who Robb.d 8eattl. 8aJoon
Admit Guilt.
settle: Oct 6.-W. H. White, arrest
ed today with John Hlldebrand, has
confessed to holding up Lou Conway,
saloon In thl city two weeks ago In
company with THdebrand. The ban-
dlt shot down three men at the time
of the hold-up, killing James Mur
phy. Hlldebrand I a paroled convict
aged 28, and White 1 a prixehghter, 18
year old.
Resolutions to that, Effect Introduced
at Peace Congress.
Boston, Oct. . The arrest and sub
sequent reduction of the military and
naval armaments throughout the world
was called for today at the session of
the International peace congress when
resolution were adopted expressing
the opinion thut the first task of which
the new world's convention was sug
gested by President Roosevelt was
that it should" take up the gradual dis
armament of the powers.
The thanks of the congress were ex
tended to President Roosevelt for his
pledge to take the first step .toward
the convocation of a new international
peace conclave.
ripnoml Nelson A. Mile waa the
principal apeaker tonight at a meeting
held at the Park street church to con
sider the question of the reduction of
armaments and the menace of great
armies and navies.
Will Take Plaoe Vaoated by With
drawal of Col. Fish.
8eattle. Oct e.State Senator Her
man D, Crow, of Spokane, wa named
tonight by the republican state central
commtttee to take the place on the
electoral ticket made vacant by the
withdrawal of Colonel J. M. Fish, of
Steven county. The eelectjon by the
committee wa unantmou.
Woman Lifted to Roof from Burning
New Tork, Oct. 6. In a lire that de
stroyed a three-story tenement nouse
at N6. S3 Kent avenue, Brooklyn, early
yesterday morning, several persons
were overcome by smoke or severly
Injured by Jumping two stories. It
was -due to a policeman and a fire
man, who formed a human ladder and
lifted persons who were unconscious
from the fire escape to the roof, that
there were no fatalities. The injur
ed were Mrs. James Ford, who fainted
and wa carried from the building af
ter he had breathed much of the
smoke; Mrs. Ellen Reddy. whose arm
caught and was badly torn is she
Jumped from the second floor; Mrs.
Brown badly cut by glass, into which
she fell when she leaped from the sec
ond floor; Annie Daly, an 8-months-old
child, who waa overcome by smoke
and taken from the building uncon-
clou; Mrs. Walton, Fireman Thomas
J. Maloney, of Truck Company No. 68.
and Roundsman Michael A. Lyons,
who were overcome by smoke.
Lyon, hearing crle for help, ran
to the tenement house, and, with Ma
loney. and .Special Officer McGratn,
broke down the door of an adjoining
haiu end made for the roof, The
dense' smoke made it Impossible to
descend the fire escape. Lyons drop
ped from the roof to the fire escape
landing. Maloney lay down on the roof
with hi head and arm hanging over
Jap Railroad Manager Seek Inform
San Francisco, Oct. . Toshla Kino
shlta. who fills the important poal
tlon of general passenger agent of the
imperial government railways in Japan
ia . D-iien nt the Palace hotel. He has
come here to make a thorough study
of American railroad methods inso
far as they apply to passenger depart
ment affairs, and expects to spend tw
years In this country and Europe be
fore returning to Japan. The purpose
of his visit ys to familiarize himself
with up-to-date methods of handling
nounirer traffic, with a view to rals-
f " -
i tho tflnrtnrd of service on tht
Japanese lines.
Mystery in Death of Solicitor of Gas
i Company.
unio rwt. s. Charles Daly, solic
itor for the gas company, was mur
aa iit nirht in bed. being shot
three times and struck on the head with
a Jiatchet Fred Bond, a roomer at the
Daly house. Informed an officer that
Mr. naiv shot her husband. Bond
and Mrs. Daly were arrested, the lat
ter swearing to a coroner's Jury that
she had shot her husband in self-de
fense. Later she swore that Bond did
the killing, which waa arranged be
tween them. Bond declare he Is in
Stenographer' Clim Expo Weak-
nes of Company.
New York. Oct. . A receiver ha
been appointed for the v Consolidated
Liquid Air Company, the reorganised
triple concern, capitalised at several
millions. A petition for a receiver was
filed some weeks ago In a suit for $573
back salary, brought by a atenog
Vancouver Man Commits -Suicide at
Vancouver, Wash., Oct 6. George
McCavatt a well-known young man of
this city, committed suicide tonight TT
taking carbolic acid. While apparent
ly enjoying himself wlh a company of
friends In the saloon, tie stepped aside
and deliberately drank an ounce of the
poison, then turning to- bis friends.
laughingly shook hands all round ka
fell to the floor. He died 15 minute)
later. No motive for the act I knowa.
Number of Callers at Hotel Seville
Breaks Record. f
New York. Oct 8. Judge Parker (ex
pect to return to Esopus tomorrow.
The number of callers at the Hotel
Seville today, was the largest during
his present visit
Reports of the canvass of the doubt
ful states are being received at Judge
Parker's headquarters. Judge Parker
has received a telegram announcing
that the labor convention of the state
has endorsed the democratic elector.
Northwestern University Trustee Pro
mote Their Dean.
Chicago, Oct 6. The executive c re
mittee of the trustees of the North
western University have announce
the election of Dean Thomas ,F. Hol
gate to be acting president of the . In
stitution. Professor Holgate has bee
identified with the Northwestern nl
verslty since 1893. He wa graduat
ed from Toronto university in 188A.
Said They Have Agreed to Meet the
Last of th Month.
San Francisco, Oct . It Is Btated
that an agreement has been reacnel
between Joe Gans and James Brltt for
a fight the latter part of this month. 1
Need Hore Money.
New York. Oct 8. George Foster
Peabody, treasurer of the democratic
national committee, today issued aa
appeal for contributions for the cam
paign fund. ' '