"- , - .- - -. ,.. a M11.Mri-r.-1--i.m-IMIII,,l,,M inn n-"T -fi ariiT ffrmi twti"i i """ - - n,, mm ASTORIA OREGON, 'TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1904. VOLUME LVI1I. NUMBER 305. : : INJURIOUS " EFFECT OF AGITATION Filipinos Take Utterances of Poll ticiar Seriously and Believe They Are Capable .of Self Government Governor WHht Protests That Talk in America Interferes With His Administration. PAPERS SPREAD THE BELIEF Conservative Element, Fearful of Loalnar Prcatlire, IU-rralu From Kipresslug Its Ileal Sentiment ou Matter. Washington, Sept. 2.-In a letter to President Roosevelt Governor Wright of tha Philippines deprecates the dlacuaeloit In tha United Btatea of Independence for the Flliplnoa. Gov ernor Wright state that the apoken and Irltten utterancee of prominent men re brought to tha Islands, rormwg in iila for edltorlula In the pa per a of Pie Phlllpplnea Inalatlng that tha Fll iplnoa are now ready for aelf govers- fment The effect of the agitation In the United Btatea la dlatlnctly Injurious Governor Wright says, and makes the talk of the authorities tha mora diffi cult. The discussion demoralises and weukene the conservative and thought ful etemente, who are afraid to apeak aa they really think, lest they lose pres. tlg. ' ' CHALLENGES FAIRBANKS. .ana tor Oubola Wants to Argue tha Mormon Qusetlon With Him. Spokane, Sept. U. A, challenge Jo Senator Fairbanks, tha republican nom Inea for vlca president, to discuss the Mormon laaue In hla two speeches In Idaho, waa made today by United Btatea Senator Dubois. Dubois' challenge la In the form of an open letter. Ha aaeerta that Mor monism la condemned by both the na tional democratic platform and by the Idaho democracy. The senator goee on to aay that the question I one which will confront Falrbanka In Wyoming. Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Oregon, and, aa Falrbanka la dlacuaalng the demo cratic platform and candidates, Dubois tbtnka tha people have a right to know where the republican candidate atanda on thla propoaitlon. ' Popullata Name Partial Ticket. , t Boise, Sept. !. The populists of Idaho have placed a partial ticket In tha field, aa follows: Presidential elector-Frank Forbea, Jesae Rumrael and R. D. Jones. ' V governor T. , W. Bartley of Mos- co. Secretary of state Levi P. Kammon of Moscow. Congressman D. I Badley, Falrbanka In Montana. niKlnea. Mont.. Bepti 2. Senator cvirhanka amnt the BTeater parf of I the day dlacuaalng Irrigation. The day was devoted to a tour of Yellowstone county, beginning at Olendlve, on the eastern bolder of Montana, and ckw Ing here. Parker to Oo t New York. rarner 0 V " rT . Esopua, Bept . Many telegrama ... ...I.. in. T.rkp ra I . ,- nmuttin Parker onlahwah of the reorganisation commit pwn. nmj ..... . . v - . hla letter of acceptance. A delegation of S democrats from Poughkeepsie came to Roaemount today and apent an . . . ... . III a hour with Parker. Tne juubb win aviomer oicw. to New York tomorrow. Bryan Opens Nevada Campaign. Reno. NevH Bept. M.--Bryari opened the democratic campaign In? Nevada I here tonight Headquartera In Indiana. New Tork, Bept. 2. -It la understood the western headquartera 6f the nation al democratlo committee will be estab lished at French Lick Springs, ndJb. rent from top to bottom next month, probably under the direc tion of Chairman Taggart. . . ' Narrow Escape From Death. Everett, Wash., Bept II. Passen gers on a aouthbound Northern Pacific train experienced a narrow escape from death thla afternoon near Arling ton, where an explosive auppoaed to have been dynamite cauaed a ahower of rocks and wood to full upon a Can adian Pnclfla tourist car, splintering the roof and knocking out every win dow on one side. No one waa serious- Lly Injured. VERY SORRY IT HAPPENED. lOovernor at Colon Rsgrets Outrsgs at American Consulate. Colon. Sept, 2. Tha American con- recently besmeared with filth. Admiral 8lgsbre, with tha flagship Newark, waa ordered to proceed to- Carthagena and Invaatlgata the circumstance,' In a com munication to tha governor, Blgsbee Lid; 1 nnd the expressions of regret for lih vii of Indecency on behalf or youreelf and your government to be antlafactory. but that they have not been given publicity. I suggest addi tional precautlona to prevent recur rence of the Incidents and fuller pub licity of the government's expressions of regret. In order to avoid a friendly visit assuming a more aerloua aspect y , The governor complied, reiterating his regrets. WHEAT FALLS FOUR CENTS AT THE CHICAGO MARKETS Heavy Selling Causes a Slump and the Lew Point Is Reached Just Be fore the Sesaion'a Class. Chicago. Sept 2. A break of t centa a bushel In wheat occurred today. The decline waa due to general liquidation and the reduction of numerous stop loaa orders. Surprisingly heavy pri mary recelpta contributed to the weak ness. . . At the start the market showed a fair degree of firmness, duo to the strength of foreign grain markets, wheat prlcea at Liverpool being up nearly a point As a result ol heavy selling, prices started on the down grade, tha declin ing tendency continuing throughout the entire session. The low polnt0L.ne day was reached just before the close. STRIKE ON CANADIAN .PACIFIC- Ask for Inoresss to Equal Wages Paid en American Roads. Winnipeg, Man.. Sept. 2.-Ths de: tnand of the allied mechanical .tradee employed on the Canadian Pacific rail way for an Increase In wages haa cul minated In a' atrlke, when about 700 worklngmen In the Winnipeg shops laid down their toola. Men at Fort William and other points alao walked out The men, aay they are a'aklng for pay equal to the .schedule that prevalla on tne Northern Pacific' and other weatern roada south of the International bound ary,. , This means an Increase of from i to I centa an hour over that which they have received. An official of the company Interviewed tonlght( said It was the Intention to fight the strike and a long struggle appears Imminent SCHWAB BUYS IT IN. Shipyard Plant at San Francisco Sold , . by Order of Court. , Ban Franclaco, Sept. 28. The aale of the great ahlpyard plant here, which waa conduct at the main entrance to th iron works, waa not largely attend- led, the moat notable peraona preaent being Charlea M.' Bcnwao, weoeiv. Smith and Attorneys Pollock and Will i.m m nrMtna of New Tone. Tne property had to be sold by reaaon of . ........ . i . ... hl proceedings Instituted to wind up , the a ih. Kknkrunt TTnltcd States aimu. v f rr i shipbuilding Company. Repreaeniauve c..v.K h mnrrnnliAtlon commit- I - - r . ' tee offered ll.tOO.OOO tor the real prop- erty of the concern, ana w,uu ior the peraonal property. There were no l . . . Vesuvius Still in Eruption. Naplee, Sept. 26. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius continues, and al- though U hat iomewhat decreased, It Ulhna been received from Genera! Kuro still moat Imposing, and lta vividness haa , been augmented by the breaking J & iu. 1 away of the crust around the crater which la being re-ejected with shakings rumbling and exploslOns. making-It ap pear as If the whole mountain would The Funio- vif nu ular ral)road roadbed has been dam: aged by the now oi va. vn -wm- Mil aide the eruption is veiy Ing, and "a great quantity of aahea Is. being ejected. EUROPE WILL BE INVOLVED AND WAR WILL BECOME MOST TERRIBLE IN ALL HISTORY i " - British War Correspondent Expresses Conviction That Russo-Japanese Complications Will Spread. St Petersburg Officials Believe Japanese Are Planning Flanking Movement Aainst Kuropatkin'i Left and That Battle Will , Occur as Soon as Kuroki Ij Able to Concentrate .. His ForcesNo News From Port. " Indiestions are diaoemed at St Petersburg that tha Japanese are plsnning a flanking movement against Kuropatkin's left to eompel his retirement from Sin Tsin Tin. Kurow is supposea to aesign crossing the Hun river at a point a considerable distance ssst of. Mukden, whenos he is expected to move down stream, ind oo-operata with tha army from Sianohan, while Oku and Nedsu hold Kuropatkin south of Mukden. The Jspanese attacks on Da paaa and 8iaungku are regard ed as confirmation of thie theory. The outposts of Oku and Nodxu hsva bean in confliot with the Cossacks between Bentsisputx and the rsilroad. No nawa haa been reoeived from Port Arthur. Honolulu. Bept M. Melton Prior, a British newspaper correspondent who arrived today from Yokohama, says he feels certain the war In the far east will lead to European complications and the most awful war In the world's his tory. Prior claims Japan displayed bad faith toward all the correspondents. This, he says, Is his 27th campaign and the only one In which he haa seen nothing. He believes that with the possible exception of the battle of Ltao Tang, not one correspondent has aeen a shot fired, and even doubta If the LJao Tang fighting waa witnessed by newspaper men. . WHY AbVANCE IS SLOW. Field Marshal Oyama Awaiting Arrival '' af Reinforoemente. fit. Petersburg, Sept !, S p. m. The cause of the extreme deliberation In the, Japanese advance on Mukden waa explained by a dispatch received from General Kuropatkin this after noon, which Indicated that Field Mar ahal Oyama had not yet concentrated, his forces. Fresh troops are constantly Arriving at Bentslaputse, while others which recently reached Liao Tang are marching up the Taltse rivet to. Scan Chan. ' . : ... . .. Theae reinforcements presumably come from Japan. As soon as .tha com. rrom pan. - " fourth Jaoaneae army at Bean Char, I. sufficiently strong, It la now evident the Jspanese Intend to resort to their, fa vorlte flanking tactics, jnOve a formld am. arrny aga.n-, -" and compel the evacuation Of Sintaln- able' army against Kuropatkin's left, tin. V' i.1' They are evidenUy reoonnDiterJng the ground Over which the ' Scan Chan army will march up and cross the river. Meanwhile, General Kuroki Is trying to seise' and cross the Hun river, far. east of Mukden. Thenca he will move down tha river and co-operate wjth , the fourth army from Scan Chan; while Generals Oku and Nodus engage Kuro patkin's attention south of Mukden. T,he attacks on Da pass and Saa Lunk Ku, September 20, wera the first symptoms of this vast flanking movement. Kuropatkin pew reports that Japan ese scouts hava been encountered near the Hun" river, half way to Mukden. trying to selie Kaoutou pass 10 miles . . ... M j.a .A northeast of Benttlaputse, In order td Li... n tn Pimhan. and that Oku'S u - - , ; , ( Spd Nodxu'e outposts nave peen en in iVIrmtnhlnil , with COSSacki gaged in skirmishing , with , Cossacks near Inpu. between . Bejitslaputse and jh, rnroad. JAPANESE ON THE MQV' Preparing Extensive Movement East of Town of Mukden. St Petersburg, 8ept 26, A dispatch patkln, announcing that - the Japanese ar, preparing .an extensive turning k v . .i. a i ...a movement east of, Mukden. A large force Is advancing from Llao Tang by way of Talche Jo Scan Chan.- -. ' Skirmishes have occurred tn the val ley of the Hun river, and at Inpu, be I"- - , 1 tween Bentalaputsa and the railroad. iTnere were many vi""?"""1" iv- No Shortage of Fue1!. i no ononigi or r u.i. London, Sept 2. Telegraphing from )) f -is I Chef oo the correspondent of the Dally Mails says: "Photographs received from Port Arthur taken as late as September 14 show that the plies of coat stacked on Tiger's Tall at the beginning of the war ars still there." 8AKHAR0FF REPORT FIGHT. 1 1 ... ' . . Japanese Attempt to Ooeupy Pass, but ., r Art Defeated. Petersburg. Sept ' 2.-General St Sakharoff, n a dispatch dated yester day, telegraphs that the Japanese ad UV ICICKi (lUIia VUtti IUB at fyslljafj u- tt , . . vance guard during the last few days attempted to occupy Kaoutou pass. 1. k!.. . v . - . . u . . were repulsed; by a detachment of the ,' , 1 V- .y, - ' JRusian advance gnard. , . . . . . On the south rront ah is quiec, at though shots are exchanged5 dafly and skirmishes occur between the advance posts. WILL NOT ACT HASTILY. United States to Proceed Cautiously in . Contraband Cases.' St Petersburg, Sept. 2. Nelth'er the United SUtesj nor Great Britain has yet renewed diplomatic representations to Russia on the subject of contraband. In diplomatic ..circles 'interest 4s felt hyt -the ultima. lasu. of the matter, Mtavtd'.iu,th. Unltrt It W hardly believed either the United States 'op. Great Britain purposes to let tha matter rest In Its present aspect WhBs tha Washington government Won a distinct, vtctory In the decision of the JM,d. . t,.had. whlch1n effect, recognised Secretary , ' ,.nH th(Mlirht ith 4aj m vm , w American government will stilt , refuee to acaulesce-In the" placing ' of cotton. fuel and railroad, telegraph and tele phone material in the tint of absolute contraband. Nevertheleaa the author ities expect- the United States will await the decialon of the appeal from the' tribunal In tha Calcha.s and Arabia cases before proceeding further. FORSAKE THEIR UNIONS. ' Nimr Thousand Men Return to Work Yesterday at Chtoago. Chicago. Sept 3.Nlne thousand men' returned ...to. work without uhlon regulatlona ot siny eort today,' when the three-'Chicago .branches of the Inter national Harvester Company worka and the Pullman com pin y" reopened " their :t.. .ft -.r . .huMo'wn of two weeka The men not. erhy returned to their Ifomler plpoea as individuals, but agreed to reductions In. pay of 10 to"80 perjmontu, vTne new company ... .... ... .. I WILL SOON ISSUE CALL.' President to invite Peace. Conferenoa of All the Rations. w-.hinrton. ant. . 2ft. President Roosevelt's announcement on Saturday to the delegates of the Interparllament ary union that at-an eany aaie ne would lnvlta the nations of the world to send delegates . o: a second peace conference whose work should be sup plemental to that of the conference at The Hague Is regarded as a historic ad xue nniu. iaww w ,ov. , vance toward the adjustment of inter-1 national difficulties through the medium of arbitration. Quite naturally, tWe question arose aa to how soon the president might i call the conference. He did not indi cate, in his address, the probable time of his Issuance of the call, but It can be stated that he will not await the conclusion of peace between Japan and Ruasla, both signatories to The Hague convention, before Issuing his call. It Is his presenf intention, in about six weeks, to bring the matter to the at tention of the nations of the world, with a view of ascertaining their de sires aa to the time and place of hold ing the second conference. These pre liminary inquiries will be made through the department of state. As soon thereafter as the replies received shall warrant the president will Issue his formal call for the conference, which probably will be early In the coming year. .-, DOG FINDS STOLEN HORSE. Recognizes Old Friend . Despite Dis guise snd Misfortuns. - Pateraon, N. J., Kept 2. "Dr." Rin- ard Deutacher recovered a horse today, through the sagacity of bis dog, that was stolen from him la-rt July. -. The horse had been so altered In appear ance that A took the doctor some time to satisfy "himself the animal was his, but so persistent was the Nedfoundland dog that Deutacher flnally recognized marks, and later It was found that the horse had been clipped and then hia akin dyed. His tail had been docked and the end was still sore. His mane had also been shorn. ; ; Deutscher's big Newfoundland dog Rex for two years slept In the stable with the horse. This morning while Deutacher was . driving along Main street the dog suddenly leaped from the carriage, and running to a horse hitched to a huckster's wagon began barking w " ... .. -. .i,.win. all mi of tov. Tb mas- aim .iivniup - -a - - 7 tw ,rt obey him. He was about to use force . when some one In the group that gath ... a . . ered remarked that the dog knew the . - . . , ... and. flnally. he found the animal waa his. . The huckster was arrested, but he nl"' ' i nB f - purchased the horse only -a few oaya , . - .. - noYi at Hackaneack. and the authorities ago at Hackentack, and the authorities afe now trying & trace "the man from whom he waa purchased. ' s -it SOUTHERN RAILROAD WRECK t , , CLAIMS SIXTY-TWO VICTIMS Bonfire Is Built and Msss of Wreekigs s '! at Nswmarket, Scene of Awful i . Dieaater, le'DeetroyeoV i Knoxville, Sept 26. No additional deaths of Injured occurred today and the death list of the Southern wreck near. Newmarket Saturday stands at t. AlLthe. InJured are reported to be doing well and only four, or five are so desperately hurt that death is likely t. result from" their Injuries. Twelve funerals of, victim's of the" wreck were held today. . . ; Today at the scene of the disaster a huge bonfire was built and the mass of kindling wood burned, together with small pieces of decaying flesh. ' Building Gaeoline Railway. Everett Wash,, Sept 2. A stand ard gauge railroad is being built by. J. W. Hall, of Btaawood. to connect the Stanwood mills with the Great North ern railroad, a mile and a half a way. The cars wilt be run by a gasoline en gine capable f hauling 19 to 12 loaded cars of lumber at a time. The little line wUl also haul passengers to and from the Great Northern depot. , , . Would Buy Onffrey Conesm. - , Bellln'gham. Sept 21 A cOrtlblnatton of western capital may secure control ot the Pacific Packing A Navigation Company. Thla concern hopes to te able to bid. In its properties wKen of- f ered for sale in tne reoerai coun nexx t. !!-.. CISCO CSpiUiliaiB. i '-.: Mske Ne Comment St Petersburg, Sept , W. All the newspapers here' print President Booae- velfs statement to tne aeiegaies 10 me interparliamentary union at St iiwls regardlng the organization of a aecond peace tribunal, but without comment. Lady Cunon Improving. Walmer Castle, Sept ?. The oxygen treatment of Lady Curaon Is beng con tinned, but In less quantity, and" the , ... - patient is taking nourishment better. MURDERERS ; RENDEV0UZ AT GENEVA Conspiracy Which Culminated in Assassination of Von Plehve .' Hatched in Swiss City, , Officers Declare. Haifa Dozen. Russians Charged Wththe'BlewiniiJp of the ' , Minister of the Interior. MANY CRIMES ARE PLANNED t j: Laws of Switzerland Make Impossible for Russian Au thorities to Cause Arrest ' of Men Responsible. St. Petersburg. Sept 26. While some of the feature of the plot which cul minated in the assassination of Von Plehve, minister of the Interior, are still baffling- the police, the authorities profess now that they are certaia thie conspiracy was hatched at Geneva by half a dozen Russians, mostly Jewsv The authorities know the names and addresses of the conspirators, but are . unable to take legal action against them owing to the failure of the laws of Switzerland to Interfere with po litical refugees, and therefore the Rus sian terrorists are at liberty to continue , the work of the 'assassination of Rus sian mln inters as long as they are able to. find emissaries willing to risk their Uvea."" -- --:'si" , The six men who engineered the Voa Plehve plot according to the result of the police Investigation, .It is declared , , organized a series of political crimes which began with the assassination of M. Bogdanovltch; governor of Ufa, In . 1SCJ, and ended In the blowing up of Von Plehve. Gerchunin, the assassin of Minister of the Interior Slplagulne In. r 190J, turns out to have been an emis-j sary of the Geneva terrorists. , ' For the first time the fact Is now re-' vealed that Von Plehve's murder was preceded by four abortive atiempts to, encompass his death. .. v , DARING ROBBERY AT SEATTLE.. Twe Masked Men Kill One Person snl 'Fatally Injur Another. , Seattle, Sept '21 Twe masked men this morning shot and fatally Injured one than, maimed another and serious ly Injured a third In holding up Con- . wajrVsaloon In this City. The high waymen entered the saloon and ordered Lou Conway, the proprietor, arid his . bartender to hold up their hands. Can- way thought it a Joke and - refused.. The bandit shot hitting Conway, ia the arm. which will have to be am- ' putated. Jamea Murphy, who waa standing la front of the bar, turned to see what wag the trouble and received a bullet In the abdomen. He will die.' Gilbert McBeath. who was also in front of the . bar, started to run. The bandit fired, hitting him In the side. The bartender and another occupnt.of the saloon held up their hands and escaped Injury. The robber who did the . shooting ordered his pal to rifle the till, which he did. securing The two then escaped. ' Fraud Case Started. Portland, 8ept 2. The proceeding leading up to the trial of McKlnley, Puter. Mrs. Watson, Marie Ware and others upon charge of defrauding the government of public laada were com menced today In the United States dis trict court by setting Thursday as the day for hearing the demurrer to. the complaints. ' . ". ' ' All Vots It CresV . The New Star bill which started yea- terday Is the talk of Astoria. And be cause it is such a fine one. The acts are up to the promises of the manage ment and no better vaudeville has eve,r been " seen here. Music and . mirth sparkle at the Star. . ' . Senator Hear Uneoneoious. Worcester. Mass.. Sept. J. Semitcr Hoar had been unconscious all day. . ia believed he will live several d ly.