tag rwo. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid to $100,000. ' Surplus and Undivided Profit. 5.000 Transact a general banking boeinee. Jntereslpald onto deposits. J.Q. A. BOW LBY. O. I PETERSON, President Vice President Cashier. Asst. wsnier Jft8 TENTH STREET, ASTOR-A, ORE. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Ue. H, Ctorft, Proldent. J. ItiSSlna. Cashier, The Astoria ASTORIA, GEO. H. GEORGE, GEO. W. WARREN, W. H. BARKER, AUG. SOHERNECKNAU, L MANSUR. PBINCIPAl CORRESPONDENTS.' mt National Bank. Portland, Oregon. Ceatinea ial National Bank. Chicago. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhnnan, Proprietor. CHOICEST FRESS AND SALT MEATS." - PROMPT DELIVERI 54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321. ROOF TROUBLES CURED TO STAY roof good, you'll not be sorry. The price will anit yon, the goods will plea yon more, and the guarantee we Rive you will please you most of all. We are act ameteuri at the business. We're kad over twelve years experience. The Elaterite Roofing Co. Btinnaaaaaaa a 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The Palace Cafe 88888888888 HATS TRIMMED FREE Mrs. R. Ingleton has just opened a fine line of ladies and childrens', fall hats. A big reduction sale of ladies and chilbren's furnishing goods, hair switches and psmpadours. :: :: .: MRS. R. INGLETON, - - Welch Block. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt F. L. BISHOP, Secretary Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON. LI sZtnntri'cs Loser WY dl II ICtl FRANK rATTON, J. W. GARNER, (mo. W. Wirrtn. Vlcc-Prctliknt. CHrllSSlM, Ant Cashier. National Bank OREGON. Ruk of York. N.RJ. NW York Crocker Roolwortb Kat. Bank. 8. F. 8 8888 88888 8 888 8 8 888 888g The Best Restaurant jj 8 KefBlar Meals. 25 Cents jj Sunday Dinners a Specialty n Everytnlnftne Market Affords 8 Palace Catering Company S 8888 888 88 8 88 8 8 888 8888 81 Phone Main 121 A. L. FOX, Vice President ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Trees 4 O Beer. HOLY ROLLER NOW AT WORK J. Edwin Creffield Busily Engag ed in the Penitentiary Stove Foundry. FIVE VICTIMS IN THE ASYLUM Insane Persons Still Cling to tli Con v lot's Teachings aul Try Hani to Follow Them. Salem, Ore., Sept. 22. J. E. CreffleKl, the founder and leader of Holy Roller Ism, is earning bis bread by the sweat of his brow. He is earning an honest living, if not at an honest niun'a em ployment Along with scores of other men in convict stripes, ht Is helping to set up stoves in the foundry at toe Oregon penitentiary, and ia doing faith ful work and giving no trouble. If he has any religious beliefs which he desires to import to others, he care fully restrains his desire, for not a word has passed his lips since his ar rival at the prison to indicate that he has any message to communicate to mankind. The next morning after he was brought here he was assigned to duty In the stove foundry, and he has gone through the regular prison rout ine, as every other prisoner has done. Across the field a half mile away, at the state insane asylum, are confined five persons whose lives were wrecked by Creffleld and whose mental derange ment shows no signs of improvement. Seven persons were sent to the asy lum because of the immoral delusions put into their heads by the teachings of Creffleld. These were: Mrs. Cref field, Frank Hurt. Mrs. Hurt. Mrs. O. V. Hurt, Miss Seley, Miss Hartley and Miss Bray. Miss Seley improved enough so that she was given over to the custody of friends, who are caring for her. Mrs. O. V. Hurt was taken home last week, though she has not recovered. All the others show no indication of abandon ing their delusions. They persist In going barefoot, wearing their hair un kempt and reading their Bibles. Under the rules of the Institution they are not permitted to be careless in their dress or behavior, but at every opportunity they try to return to the ways taught them by Creffleld. Before Creffleld went Into hiding be told his followers not to fear for his well-being, for the Lord would pro tect him and the officers could not cap ture him. Asylum authorities were of the opinion that as soon as Creffleld had been captured his adherents would see the falsity of bis claims and lose faith In him and his teachings. This much-desired effect has not been expe rienced, however, for neither the cap ture nor the conviction and imprison ment of their leader has in the least weakened the hold of the Holy Rollers upon their strange delusions. BIG STEEL RAIL ORDER. Offer of S24 Per Ton by Hsrriman Re fused. New Tork, Sept. 22. Negotiations for the purchase of close to 100,000 tons of steel rails from the United States Steel Corporation by the Harrlman lines were said yesterday to be pending, with a probability of being closed In a day or two. The Pittsburg report that the contract had been completed was denied at the office of E. H. Har rlman. An official of the United States Steel Corporation said yesterday that the Harrlman lines some weeks ago of fered to buy 100,000 tons delivered at $24 a ton. They were told that unless they were willing to pay the pool price $28 negotiations might as well be dropped. They continued, however, and a steel manufacturer in a position to speak authoritatively, said yesterday that the order would be placed soon, at the pool price. The United States Steel Corporation is willing, however, to sign a contrct guaranteeing a rebate provided there Is any reduction In the price of rails. The order, if placed, will be divided be tween the United States Steel Corpor ation and the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company. STEAMER MASCOT 8INKS. Strikes a Bar in the Mouth of Lewis River Accident to Altona. Oregonlan: The steamer Mascot, of the Kamra line, Is temporarily out of business. At last reports she was ly ing on the bottom at the mouth of the Lewis river with her lower deck cov ered with several Inches of water. The steamer struck on a sandbar at 8 o'clock Tuesday night while on her way from this city to points on Lewis river. The accident caused her to spring a leak and in a short time she had gone to the bottom lit the shallow wa ter. A number qf passengers were aboard and these were landed safely In the steamer's small boats. The Mas cot carried about 20 tons of freight, most of which was rained so as to be ubove damage by water. The com pony's steamer O. V. Walker was sent down to the scene as soon as news oi the accident was received, and as she curried a full supply of wrecking ap paratus. It Is expected that not much time will be lost In getting the steamer atloat and back to this city. In the meantime the steamer Leona will look after the Mascot's business. Another accident to a river boat oc curred at about the same time. The Altona. of the Oregon City line, en countered a boulder where it was least to be expected In the locks at Oregon City with the result that two large holes were punched in her hull near the bow. She quickly settled on the bottom, but temporary repairs were soon made and she was brought to this city. She will be In shupe ugulu for service this morning. KIGKAHDSOREAM Baby's Awful Suffering from Eczema. Could Not Hold Her. Slid Tors Her Face and Arms. Cutlccra Saved Her UfaSo Mother Says. M When my little girl was tlx month, old, aha had eciema. We had used cold creams and all kinds of remedies, hat nothing did her any good, lo fact, he kept getting worse. I used to wrap her bands np, and when I would dress her, I had to but her on the table for I could not hold her. 8be would kick and cream, and when abe could, he would tear her face and arm. almost to pieces. I used four boxes of Cntlcnra Ointment, two cakes of CnU eora Soap, and gave her the Cutlcura Resolvent, and she was cured, and I see no traces of the humour left. I can truthfully say that they bars saved ber life, and any on (offering as she did, I honld advise them to give Cntlcnra a fair trial." MRS. Q. A.CONRAD, Lis bon, N. II., Feb. 7, 1898. , Five years later, Tlx., Feb. S3, IMS, Mrs. Conrad writes i It la with pleasure that I can Inform yon that the core has been per tnanent as It is now six yean since she was cared, and then has been bo return ' of the disease since, and I have advised a lot of friends to use the CuUcara Remedies In all diseases of tbs skin." Instant relief and refreshing sleep for ktn-tortnred babies, and rsst for tired, fretted mother, la warm baths with Cutlcura Soap and gentle anointing with Cntlcnra Ointment, the great .kin cure and purest of emollients, to be followed In severe cases by mild dose of Cntlcnra Resolvent. This 1 the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per manent and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply kin and scalp hnmonr, eczemas, rashes and irritations. Said thraagfcMrt SwvwM. CoStaia Kwarmt. . (In fcna ot CkMotaM Cud HIU, VA. ft rM o Ototaml, Sow tf. Dpotei Lomiot, S? ChwtM keu. RoTi Puk, dalahli i Boriofl. 1ST C.I.. SwAn. roum Dnif a Cham, von., mm eaTSaad K "VawwIIU Bwa." Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., August 25, 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m September 24, 1904, and then opened, for the construction of a frame pump house, removing and resetting old boiler, smokestack and machinery, fur nishing and setting two new boilers and smokestack and make connections with wells; also change in distributing of water system and the setting end connecting of four generating sets for electric light at Fort Stevens, Ore. United States reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for construction" and ad dressed Captain Ooodale, Quartermas ter, Astoria, Oregon. D ELIGHTFUL IiOUTE AYLIGI1T RIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Bee nature In all be glorious beauty, and then the acme of mun's handi work. The first Is found along the line of the Denver 6 Rio Grande Railroad, the latter at the St Louis World's Fair. Tour trip wil? be one of pleas uremake the most of It For Infor mation and Illustrated literature write W. C. McBRlDE, Gen. At. Portland, Or. -Wlt""jMIWiMft. The World's Fstr Route. Those anticipating aa eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Mlssurt Paolflo Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the northwest take the Missouri Paclflo trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleaaant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment. Including eloctrio lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen. era! agent, 114 Third street, PortUnd, for detailed Information and iliustrat. ed literature. The Northern Paclflo Railway Com pany will place round trip tickets from Portland to Bt. Louis and return on account of the world's fair oa sale as follows: October 3rd, 4th and 8th. Tbe round trip rate to St Louts and return from Portland will be 147.10. Tickets will be good for return via any direct Una A round trip rate of $71.50 will also be made from Portland to Chicago and return. If a passenger desires to take In both Chicago and St. Louis the round trip rate will be $76.00. All tickets will bt good for (0 days from date of sola Tickets will be good going ten days from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be had on the going trip and on the return trip passengers can atop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or Bt Paul. These rates apply via direct lines, but If passenger wishes to re turn through California tickets can be sold accordingly, but at an Increased rate of $13.(0 added to above. For any additional Information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Northern Paclflo Ry, S5( Morrison .treet, corner of 3rd. Portland, Ore. rtEPOIlT OF THE CONDITION OF First National BanH of Astoria, at Astoria, In the state of Oregon, at the close of business, Sep tember Cth, 1904, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts , $390,157 05 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1.177 75 U. 8. Bonds to secure cir culation H.500 00 Honda, securities, etc.. $3,300 00 Other real estate owned.. 6,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .... 4,993 41 Due from State Banks and Bankers 8,879 14 Due from approved reserve agents 105,7(7 97 Checks and other cash Items $t 05 Notes of other National Bunks 20 00 Nickels and cents 218 41 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie 140,300 00 Redemption fund with U, S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) . . . . $25 00 Total .3384,285 68 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid .. 24.704 30 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual de posits subject to check $568,(15 95 Demand certifi cates of deposit. 178,179 43 Certified checks. 286 00 f47,08r 38 Total $884,285 68 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Cordon, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of September, 1904. J. M. MANSELL, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Q. C. FLAVEL, W. F. McOREOOR, JACOB KAMM, Directors. JAY TDTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BUHQEON Acting Assistant lurgeoa 0. 8. Marine Hospital Itervloe. Offloe hours! 10 to 13 am, 1 to 4:30 p.m. 47T Commercial Street Ind Floor. Dr. UIIODA 0. HICKS OSTEOrATIIIST Mansell Bldg. ' 173 Commercial It lilONK BLACK 3WW. 0. W. BARR, DENTIST Mansell Building (73 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or TELEPHONE BED 20(11. Dit. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. RAM Dr. F. I. Friodricli, DENTISTS $24 Commercial street. Astoria Ore. Dr. W. O. LOGAN DENTIST 678 Commercial Mt., Hbanalian Building C. J. TUENCHARD Insurance, CommlssloB and Shipping. CUSTOM! HOUtI IR0KER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paolflo Express Companies. cor. ELEVENTH and BOND STS. Oregon Show line and unionPacific TO hour from Portland to Chicago, No change of oar. WOnUO JIIMO Tl M K HTII RDUI.ES Depart rnra Arrive POKTIAKD Chicago Portland Halt Uk. Denver, rt Hpreial Worth, Omaha, Kan- 1 39 pm :Ua.m. wis OU). HI Louis. via Hunt- Cbiougo andiho East lugion Atlantic fcxpms fait take, I leaver Ft MSP in. Worth, Omaha, Kan- 7 litem via Hunt- aas tlly, Hi Louli, lag too l.'blesgo ai the Kast ft Paul Walla Walla, Lewis. raatMall Wn.Hpan,Mlnii- P- m- spo'1- HI Paul, Duluth (:00 P m vlafipo- Wllwauke Chicago, tan eodfaat , OCEAN AND RIVER 8CHEDUL3J From Astoria all aflfang date subject to change. For San Francisco every five day. Dally i- Columbia River to 4am eepl Hun- Cortland and Way Daily i day affem Uudlugs cpt Mod Direct Line to St. Louis! World's Fair. Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria oa the tide DAILY FOR ILWACO, connecting there with train for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning arrive at Astoria same evening. Through ticket to and from all prin i urn" cipal European cltie. Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Ore, A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all point east; Louis villa, Memphis. Now Orleans, and all point south. . The only direct rout to the St Louis world' fair and the East I via th O. R. A N. and Union Paclflo. The folowlng rate , apply from As torla: To St Louis and return $67.50 To Chicago and return 72.59 To Chicago, returning' from St Louis or vice versa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St Louis or vie versa ,. 73.60 Returning via California, $13.60 ad ditional. For further particular, call on or address O. W. ROBERTS, Agent O. R, ft N. Co Astoria. ::!t's Santal-Fepi Ciisis A POSITIVE GURI For iBflunmatlftn or Oatarrk Jrf th Bladder and D!."4 KldiMft. Mo anre no eft Earn qnlaklr aad Pni aratlf th ffant eSMa rf 4enorrhaa and etleea, bo mtirtot how leaf ataad. In. Abaolotelr harmlMa, Bold fcr drasflrta. TM 11.00, or Biall. POftaaU, ' 1.00, 1 boMjH.fi. TH! SAITAl-rmil CO, SIUI POUT AIMS. OMM m old by Cha. Roger, 65$ Commercial N