r Light J ,ASTORIA,.. JMIECON, ....WEDNESDAY, SEITEJ1BEII 21, 1304. ... PAGE .THREE. 1,000 TONS REST I.IJMI I'reo Deli .'t ry. I'licno Qnlcijt to No. 100.1. Elmurc & Co, TEMPERATE BROWN RACE Why Japs Have So Successfully Contended With Their Bi Adversaries. DON'T PRACTICE: EXCESSES Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Norlis Manafaclorers cf v. Iron, Stool, Brass mid Bronze Casting. General Foundrymen and Patterninakf ru. Absolutely firstcliiss work. Trices lowutt.' Phone 2451, Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. nzzxzrnizxtzxmmmxxxznzzxzxxzzxxzxxzzxxzzzxzs FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail ' Ships, Jging Cutfips and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOU) WASHINGTON MARKET '" CHRISTENSON & CO. Kixxrixxiixxxxixirxixmrxxxrrxzxxixtxxxixxrrxxxxxxi I.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 ( 0 PERFECT FITTING CLOTHES Can Only Be Made By Measure Wo can dn'SM you in ntylish garments made to (it and suit YOU. :: :: - PKICK8 MODERATE. ! 0er MorM-'n Ntore HAUTALA M RAUTANEN Witter Dtiiililiiz CtiKtiioi Pre- lull Anions 'Mm in and 1'rob ultl.V I'nrlllfM Tlx lr Mood, KxprrtH Nil j'. MONEY! MONEY!! OOSO00000000$0000000000 w o ft) o s o o CO o o CO o o o w o o o o V want ill who bave saved money to know that the Portland Trnt Corcpsoy of Oregon i. tbe "Oldest Trust Company id Oregon." , It tin ample capital and resources, ami in the place to df poult your savin.. It issues Special CettiEatii ff Peposif.on which it pays from three to four jut cent intfrf t, and which can I drawn at any time, by O giving a certain number of any! notice. w e shall be glud to semi ju our book of .. . ' '.., ' s.X . . I "ILLUSTRATIONS" which tella all about them.' ' 5 Portland Trust Company of Oregon IOW TIIIltD 8TKEET ' Bn. t. COHEN, Pruldtnt B. LEE PAGET, Stcntary n. U PITTUCK, Vict pr J. 0. GOLTRA, Ai.t. Sc resident trttary 0000000000000000000Oa 8m that your ticket roada via the llllnoU Central It. R. Thoroughly med err) trains connect with all transconU rental Unea at St. tout and Omaha. If your friend, are coming weat let us know and we will Quote them direct the specially low rates now In effect from All eastern points. Any Information at to rates, routes, eto.j cheerfully given on application. 8, H, TRUMBUuU, Commercial Agent, 141 Third street, Portland. Or. i, C. LINDSET, T. F. P. A.. 143 Third street. Portland. Or. ' P. fl. THOMPSON, P. A. P. A.. PAREiER HOUSE H, B. PARKER. Proprietor Sfce STAR THEATER ASTORIA'S FASHIONABLE VAUDE VILLE HOUSE IN CONNECTION WITH STAR AND ARCADE THEA TERS OP PORTLAND n ,, Chtngt of Program Monday. . ( Change of Acti Thursdays. M ATI N EE DA I L V. AT 2 30 1. M MONSTER IJILL Week JlcKlmiinir MONDAY MATINEE, SEPT. 19th J;y displaying remarkable vourufr alumina hikI Intelligence In war ng.ilnxt ii glunt military empire, the Japanese are teaching the while nu e scrnu very valuable IciiNoiiN. They tire breaking down narrow prejudices bitm-d on coloi ntitl de-M'-rooled cuiii.-lt, and In that way widening- the views itnd correcting the n."iitil hiilancc of many preut lin tlon.i. .Mont decidedly, they have do'M- Hill' h U) roinnle Inteninllonal fall pluy mid tolenitlon In nil iualterM whirl) Involve Kuropeuiui mid Aolatlc . diut that Im nut ull. There ure lent nlivluuM i ffecti of the deimjimtr.itl'jiis o: Jiii.iiiee phyHhal i'owhh urid iiK-ntuI jHiwer, which will he felt fur and wide, with cxci-UVnl reHUlts. For we thing '.he world In watching a rnoit linpren ttlve oljcct le:)ii en the value of torn pi.'iarne, not meiely in Hvoldlng Intoxl- ulI'Mi, hut In eating an well an drink ing, mil In till other fhyaieat Indul- geiu K. Hie uttcntioii of laymen , well a. phynklviiiii h attracted to the euraor- (Jln.iry work, menial and bodily, done by H frugal peuple, fond of dainty liv ing, la viSii In tin; use of w.-ter. fos lutliiiig Mid fir drinking, mil vet- iiin-i.j! to have jiicnty of fiesh i.ic nnd e-.f.r!j,e. Medical men have been c (jixfriuii'll Interei.tfd, In Eurupv un& Ui Ajnerlni, Hint the Influence of theii profcBsiim will b exerted more active ly than In the paet on the Hide of the moderation which la so characteristic of Japan. The Medical Itecord sums up tile com IumIuiib of dm tois quite uc- curutely in the following paragraph: "The JnpaneHu race la a utriklng ex ninplu of the good effects on the body and mind of temperele liilng Tbey have proved that a frugal manner of living Ih coiiHlntent with rreat bodily strength Indeed, la perhaps more no than the meat of the While nutn As to the water drinking habit, which la so distinctive custom with them, it ia probably an aid to keeping the system free from blood impurities, and might be followed with advantage In Euco pen countries to a far greater extent than Is at present the case. Hydrop athy and exercise seem to bo the Sheet anchors of the Jipr.nese train ing regiment, and. judging from results, have been eminently satisfactory." Is Your Bead Clear? If not, it is probably the fault il your Liver and you need a corrective. You will be sur prised to see bow quickly your brain will clear and how much better you can work after takin g Beecham's Pills Suld Everywhere. In boxes 10c, and Kc. 71 busIiK-oN t.'fii of Brooklyn have be :nf'" fin r,n,'ii':!!wi the CHi.sei.s' I'ro- t" the League for f.n ,v mid Order. , The iworpomt'if propone to encour age nun of Icielllgence anl standing to Jnln the league and not to epen the wy to ineinlH-ridilp to everybody who tuny velnh ti Join, Sheriff He;iterburg of Klnt;s county han appointed the members deputy sherlfm and steps may be taken to se cum; later special po;lta powers for members, of the organization. Special detail) will be assigned to woik among the Krat crowds which sorge to the Brooklyn bridge during the rush hours of morning and evening. The.e details will make extraordinary efforts to sup press rowdyism In every form. THIS WEEK FI!II8HE8 HOPS. Shortage cf 1S,0uO Bales Compared With Last", Year., Kalom, Sept. 20. This week hop pliltlng in the Willamette valley will finished, sirl the crop will soon be ready for market. The quality Is fair, md, considering everything, the quanti ty is more than most of the growers and buyers expected. The yield, while not definitely known at present will be between 75,0(10 and iO,P09 bales, a shortage of fully 15,000 bales. Tl? yards are free from moid and Ike, exiept a few that were next to the timber and shady places, and these are not injured for commercial pur ;.0'e. T:te red spluer scare did Hot amount to. anything, except, perhaps, to cause eastern buyers to withhold their oiders until they can inspect the samples of the crop. The market Is quiet, although a few occasional sales are reported at prices ranging from 25 to 27 cents, but when the orders' commence to come It Is pre dicted that the SO-ceni niarn will be touch!. . , . There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord-, mgly endorse and recom mend it. ; SOVAL .BAKING POWDER CO., NEW VOSS. I f snare Rulers Free Vilh School Books 'lenday. t . - . . s Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishings All kiuiis of matretfes niaile to onler. FurnUnre repaired, tipl olstering. ; Atiolutely the theaet place in town. S-tcoud hand goods LtuLt and o:d. " ;: :: :; 504 BOND STREET, Next Door to WelU-Fargo Ex. Co. PHONE, RED 2305 NARROW ESCAPE FROM MOB. ROAD FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. in California Capitaliata Interested Guatemala Transcontinental. nn Frunclaro, Sept. 20. The Exam iner siiya today that Mrs. Jane Stan ford, the dockers. Kdward Searles and General Thomas Hubbard, as owners through tne'PacIfle Improvement Com pany of the Guatemala Central rail road, have made a deal with Sir Will lam Van Home and his eastern syndi cate by which they have become Inter ested In an overland railroad In Guat emala. It will be 170 miles long from ocean to ocean, and will be completed within 12 months. It Is proposed to run a line of steamers connecting with New York on the Atlantic side and an other line on the Pacific connecting with San Francisco. ' Free Coach Large Sample Room's on Qround Floor. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per Day Foot of Ninth. Street ASTORIA. OREGON. EARL A HAMPTON, Sketeh Artists and German Comedians- , 8TAfjjLEY A 8CANLON, ' Comedy Mualoal Artists. MARVELOUS KINGDOM, In Hit Original Tramp Bicycle Act. LLOYD SPENCER, Drees Suit Monologuist. WINIFRED LAMAR, , Dsshing 8inging Soubrette, EDUOARD SCOTT, Pictured Melodies. . EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE, Dtpioting Reoent Eventt by Life Mo tion Pictures. Admission 10c to any seat. DON'T GO TO T. LOUI8 'Till you call at or wrne to the Chi cago, Milwaukee A EL Paul Railroad Office lit Thlrt atree:, Portland, Ore Low rates to all points east, In connec tion with all transcontinental. H. S. ROWE, ' General Agent, WILL SUPPRESS LAWLESSNESS. Law and Order League Formed in Brooklyn. , , New York,. Sept. .'0. Sworn to put an end to the existence of gangs of street hoodlums,' lawless organisations of foreigners, stop the carrying of con cealed weapons nnd to protect women from liiRult nnd annoyance by rowdies Driver Who Had Run Over Child Pur sued With Stones and Bricks. Chicago, Sept. 20. An Unknown man in a buggy has been attacked by a mob of DUO persons at West Twelfth ir.d Ilalsiead streets after he had run down and painfully Injured Molly Xernkowskl, aged 6. Hundreds, of Chcilp Jews celebrating the feast of Yom Kipper, pursued the buggy for blocks and bombarded the driver with bricks and stones till the police, brought l.v u r!..l ..-Ii f.. ..!.! IV.iilr kst? -!!.-;- the crowds nnd rescued the driver. A score of persons were Injured In the attack and one made Insensible by a blew on the head. Four were arrested, charged with disorderly conduct. Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors. 1 Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM . GIS BROOKE, Manager ; . Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE Tilt ILLUSTRATED PICIIRES Kirhth and Astor Sts. ' ' -: .'f ' ASTORIA C0OO,00SOOOOOOOOS000000O swh HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. . -.- ' Whea Ii Is Pre of DundrnO, It Grow. Luxuriantly. Kalr preparations and dandruff euros, as a rule, are sticky or Irritating affairs that do no earthly good. Hair, when not diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly, Dandruff Is the causo of nine-tenths of all hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused by a germ. The only way to cure dand ruff Is to kill the germ; and, so far, the only hair preparation that will positively destroy the germ la Newbro's Herplclde absolutely harmloss, free from grease. sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays Itching instantly; makes hair glossy and soft as silk. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect" Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to Tha Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. - ' Eagle Drug Store. J51-S53 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St.. T. F. Laurtn, Prop. "Special Agent." A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Grown, of Leesvllle, Ind., en dured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave in stant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis. Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 60c and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' drug store. LAST EXCURSION TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. The demands for sleeping car space in the Denver & Rto Grande's popular through tourist excursions .have been so great, three such excursions will be run on the next and last selling dates October 3. 4 and 6. On each f these days special tourist excursions will be run from Portland without change of cars over the "Scenic Line of the World." October 3 there will also be run a special Pullman excursion.' These cars will make stops en route at Salt Lake City and Denver, affoidlng ex cursionists an opportunity of viewing the various points of Interest about those cities. The daylight ride through the hesit of the Rockies God's art g.illery of nature Is the grandest across the American continent. Write W. C. Mcllrlde, 124 , Third street, Portland, Ore., at once for par ticulars and sleeping car reservations.) These being the last days upon which; tickets will be sold at reduced rates! travel will be particularly heavy. I .6.1 esal e CIGARS. PIPES, TOBACCO, ETC. WljLL MA D IS O N 0000000000!S00000000066. 530:CO!HIFItCIAL ST. 114 ELEVENTH ST. a a a a u a a a a a a a 4 a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BRUSHES! All Kinds; All Prices. Everything in tlie Drug line fresh and pure. Peoples' prices. : : : ; anfeo Dm? StQFB ? aaaaaaaaaaasanaaaaaaaaaaa ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Eavinn installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of tbe , latent pattern I am prepared o do all Kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone L'iU. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB STREETS. : mm 0 CO0H TRANSFER CD. . Telephone 221. '. . . Drayin and Expressing All gonda shipped fooun are will receive special atteni ion. 709-715 temsreial Street. o o o o o o o o Si