ASTORIA,-OREGON, 'SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1004. PAGE SIX I !i Miscellaneous : Grand Free Offer to Readers of ..SOGIETY... Advertisements w l s I rharlM HahWman has" Sa- I Rl.. Lctminvbor, Skyli-s, Olurk, Cross,, Bull, Montgomery, llartwtok, ISpo'.lmeler ami I'k'Uher: aiul Mtssts Ohlor. Miller. Hicks. Husey, Larson, lem for a short visit. J; Mrs. C. W. Holmes ana children are t visiting friends and relatives in Salem. ;Goo-iman, Parker nnd Miss M;iM ; Miss Pearl Cole has returned to her home after a four months' stay in Port land. . A prty of young people are enjoy ing a two weeks' outing at Mrs. Ken dall's sumnw house nt Seaside. , ', Oilier. FRATERNAL SENTIMENT. Naval Constructor Say W Are On With Mothar Country. New York. Sept. 17. Sir William H. j White, tle English naval constructor, has been the principal speaker at a dinner given here to members of the Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wilkinson have I 6......, ............. American- Society of Civil Engineers. the world. Sir Wllliani said in the course of his remarks: "We luive a common part ' "Si neering as well as In other things. Tou are making bridges across our rivers and channels. , Wc are throwing out forms of union and the bridge Is closing and we may say It is closed. We are one people with a past, with a common faith, a common hope, com mon principles and may fce not say. in all essentials a common future. To promote the peace of the world, the happiness of mankind, to nourish commerce and make the whole world better these should be our sole aims. Can anything be nobler than the ef forts to make the whole world oneT That Is the, aim of the civil engineers." The Misses Minnie and Maude Van Dusen left early in the week for Port land, Where they have entered St. Helens hall. The members of St. Mary's Catholic church gave another of their success ful whist parties on Tuesday evening, in their hall on Grand avenue. t 'A large number of the younger set re leaving for their respective schools. Among them are Harry Flavel, Ted HIggins and Harry George, w ho are students of the Portland academy. t ; Mrs. Frank Parker entertained a large number of her friends with a euchre party on Tuesday, The house was effectively decorated with pink rosea and asters. Prizes were won by Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgh and Mrs. A. Dunbar. .'.Mrs. Harry Bell of Seattle, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M. McKean, during the summer, returned to her home the latter part of the week. On Wednesday Mrs. Bell gave very enjoyable tea for a number of her friends. t ' Mrs."F. A. Fisher's hospitable home was the scene of a very delightful en tertainment Wednesday afternoon. The spacious rooms were tastefully decor ated with cut flowers and evergreens. Six-handed euchre and games were played. Mrs. J. N. Griffin, Mrs, W. W. Ridehalgh, Mrs, W.'- H. Barker and Mrs. B. Elmore were the prize win ners. - ,.. ftrT.'-T .,..4. .. Mrs. Charles Wright gave a delight v L,gt lul tea at her nome ai z Asior sired on Friday afternoon in honor of her 'slater, Mrs. Fletcher, who will soon return to her home in Michigan. The parlors were tastily decorated with roses, asters and maidenhair" ferns, and "were well filled with friends of the kost,ess, who enjoyed a Tery pleasant afternoon. Elaborate refreshments were served in a dainty and pleasing (manner, and accompanied by strains .of sweet music. Those present were: Memdames, Gearhart. Fastabend, Bremner, Ferguson, Elmore, Hawthorne 'Taylor, Powell, Nolan, Carney, Ohler. Grim, Pendleton, Graham, Trumbull, Sherman, Gerding, Rannells, Turner, Will Open Home in Berlin. New York, Sept. 17. Under the aus pices of the BHai BRith an Institu tion for Jews In Berlin will soon be opened, says a Times cablegram from that city. It will be similar to the famous Tyn bee hall in the east end of London. Fearful Odds Against Him., Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver sailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitter. " It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, Pears' A soft, white skin gives charm to the plainest fea tures. Pears' Soap has a mes sage of beauty for every woman who values a clear complexion. ' ' Sold wherever stores are found. A VITAL QUESTION ANSWERED WANTED Immediately, one or two housekeeping room. Address, F. S., care Astorian. WANTED A steady woman to cook. Hedriek's Theater, j FOR SALE At Gaston's feed stable,! one Lundis harness maohine, one l 20-horsa motor, on starter box, S3 feet 8-inch leather belting, 30 feet; 4 play 8-inch rubberV belting, 1 pair, butcher's wall soales, 1000 grain, sacks; on Smith-Premier typewriter. JAPANESE GOODS. j New stock of fancy goooe just arrived I at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and the latest novelties from Japan. ) BEST 15-CENT MEAL 1 You can always find th best 1S-ent meal in th eity at tht Rising Sun restaurant, No. 612 Commercial street First-clas meal for 16o nlo cake, oeffee, pi, or doughnuts, So. U. 8 restaurant, 434 Bond street. 1 Wanted At Gaston's td stable, hides, wool, furs, sacks, rubber, metals, tc WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Klly, th transfer man. 'Phon 2211 Blaok, Barn on Twelfth, opposita opers nous. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work your local tunr, Th. Frdrickson. 2071 Bond street. 'Phon Red 2074. Lump Coal Large Lumps Ring up. 8. Elmor A Co., Main 1961, and or-! dar a ton of Ladysmith eoal. They : deliver it. Select lump coal. HELP WANTED MALE. CIRCULAR and sampl distributors! wanted everywhere. No canvassing, j Good pay. Cooperative Adv. Co.. j N. Y. i Excursion Rates SEPTEMBER 5-6-7 OCTOBER 3-4-5 AENU MONDAY' - Han can dispense with much, but not wltn men. Borne. . BKKAKA3'r. Cereal with Nuts. Broiled Honeycomb Trip. Baked Potatoes. Code. DINNER. Consomme Vegetable. Corned Beef and Cabbage. Buttered Beets. Boiled Potatoes, Novelty Salad. Plum Tart. Coffee. ST.-PPER. Cheese Omelet. T Hot Bolls. Potato Straws. J Preserve. Tea. J NOVELT? BALAD. Par and J grate three cucumber; simmer In T 3 cup Ql waier live jiuiiuivb, uuu J. enough more hot water to make one 7 J pint, juice of one lemon, salt, white I pour into tins mold; chill. 6erv with sliced tomatoes and mayonnaise. AAAAAAAAAAAAtt AAA A AAwwA A St. Louis and Retrn $67.50 Chicago and Return $72.50 Via Great Northern Railway Tickets good 00 days; stopovers allowed going and returning. Full information from ' II. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St., Portland L. G. YERKES, G. W. V. A., fr'enttlo , Portrait of th Empror 'oi Korea, 'ossession of whos kingdom id th real sourc of th prsntdif ' "' fcuUjr between Russian and Jspan.'.: '-.. , -.; ;;v ryr, ;'"' ' ' ' ' '' 1 '' " NING Having contracted at considerable expense with the publishers of this1 high grade magazine we. beg. to offer e e e e e e ee ne Year's SubscrlDtion Free of Cost to all and any readers of our paper who sign and send in the coupon below at once LrA UulI LJ Brings a monthly message of culture to your home and contains all that is best m literature and art. It is endorsed by OVER THREE MILLION OF THE MOST CULTURED WOMEN IN AM ERICA, being adopted by the National Council of Women of America1 as their of ficial organ. 1 ; ; Madame has a circulation of over 200,000 cacH month A MODERN MAGAZINE. Finely illustrated by the worlds best artists and containing articles on the leading topics of the day by leading thinkers and writers, besides all the various departments of a modern magazine well represented. :: :: Let us send you a free sample copy so that you can see exactly what a beautiful Mag azine this is, or sign and return the cou pan and we will mail you, the Magazine free for one year. : limit - St S ' t v Vf i I niif l-Ai '-- I'll5. Sr 'x. v Wilt . : '. ' l ' P v l" J".';-'-; :! ' I mrnh -r:ff h-lf--' ' ,1 I SPECIAL MADAME CONTRACT I! To THE MORNING ASTORIAN: a I agree to take The Morning Astorian for the next SIX $ months, at the rate of sixty cents per month, payable in advance, J with the understanding that I am to receive MADAME free of j charge for one year. I' Signed Date 1904. , AddressJ Sign and Send This Coupon Today THIS OFFER MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME ! ADDKESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO ' , ;v THP ACTADIAN DI1R1 KHIIMfi mMDAWV Pay no money to agents who do not carry The Astorian Publishing Company! credentials. a Begin sending The Mohnino Astokian 1 Jfulrmdy subscrltinr fill III Jh above blank "Now taking. " THIS OFFER MAY BE WITHDRAWN. I ' . t -r 1 sis B