ASTORIA', OREGON, SUNDAT, . SEPTEMBER 18,-1904. Jjrf ft 1 PAGE FIVE. '"" Our Saturday Specials RfpeBananai . ' Sweet Potatoes ... Fancy UrTontoiri Apples " AsHortod Grapes Italian Prunes - ' 20c the dozen lOlbs for 25c '11.00 the box per basket 25c per box 60c We have everytblcg that's fiood. ROSS, HIGGINS (Q. CO. Local Brevities, Edward Strom, a ntlv of Russia, yesterday declared hi intention of be coining a rlllssn of the UnKad fttatea , Wanted: nidi for enlarging lied rick's theater and building new state. 8-e plans and sjKKlflcatlons at the bo office. . Football. , ., -A. F. C. park. At I Dili afternoon, Commnrdnl va. Port Stevens. ; A puree was found last evening at the Star theater, and ia now In the k alon of Manager (levurts. who will return It to the owner upon payment of advertising charge' 1 """ mmm " ttpgln tomorrow to purchase your groceries, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, etc.. etc., at the Astoria gro cery, (21 Commercial street ".Phone 81. It It a money-saver for careful housekeepers. i Colonial oysters, the choicest shell fish product of the waters tf the Pa clflo coast, are kept exclusively at the Imperial Oyster House, where they are served In any style. The Colonial Is of Blue Point alia and of delicious flavor. Dan J. Ingalls of Chadwell has sold his fine farm to Messrs. Dean and Kin drpil. The consideration we 110,800. Mr, Ingalls' farm Is one of the best In the Lewis and Clark valley and con taint In all about 120 acres, of which 140 acres art tldeland. Mr. Dean, one pf the purchasers, recently told a 47 ere farm on Clatsop plains for 17(00. City School Superintendent Clark atatej yesterday that the public schools of Astoria would he able to accommo date 1300 pupils this year. He expects will be thut more than this number registered. In commenting on school work jestmtiiy Prof. Clark called at tentlon to the fact that the number of pupils graduating from the grammar school earn year Is between 0 and 70, while the number of ttlsh srhool grad uates Is only about 10, This Is not o favorable showing, but os muny stu dents go sway to college after gradu ating from the grammar school the high school attendance Is reduced ma terially. The high school Is attended by iieariftjod 'MuJenis.' .. ' U , . . . As will be seen" from a notice p- pearlng elsewhere in The Astorlan this morning, studies will not be begun at the Adair school until, a week from tomorrow. It has been found Impos slhle to make repairs to the building irid the postponement was necessary. However, all pupils are requested to retiort there tomorrow morning for en rollment, v.." ' To take the place of the Italian hand which proved such a success at the Star Manager Oevurta haa secured two of the sweetest singers and most re nowned sensational dsncers on the American vaudeville stage. They will appear at today's matinee and at to night's shows. Star Patrons are assured t a rare treat In the appearance of Miss Winifred Lamar, the famous soubrette, .and Mist Helen Trenvllle,' the sweet soprano, , ); Henry Welnhard's condition does not chant t for the better, and little hope Is entertained for his recovery, He has been confined to his bed for tbo past two weeks at hit home, 21 North Thir teenth street, but no serlout results were feared by hit relatives, as he had several severe spells within the past year and gotten over them. The mal ady from which he suffers Is a form of rheumatism, though this Is aggra vated by a general decline resulting from advanced years, as Mr, Welnhard is now psst 74.' Dr. A, B. Nichols, who Is In attendance, said: "Mr. Weln hard's condition Is very serious. H may live for two weks, and he may die at any time." ' ' , School Clerk E. Z. Ferguson gives notice to patrons of the Adair school that owing to the unfinished condition of the building It will be Impossible to hold School during the coming week, The pupils are requested to as semble at their rooms, however, on to morrow morning to be registered, after which they will be dismissed until the following Monday, September 20. Mr, EL C. Holden yesterday cele brated his 80th birth 'In y anniversary. He has bean a resident of Astoria for 30 years and long one of Its most prom inent men commercially. For many years he was secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, but stepped down a year ago. Mr- Holden Is enjoying fairly good health, and during , the recent fine weather has spent ' much of his time nut of dours. Muny of his friends yes terday called to congratulate him upon the ocpiimIoii. of his blrthiliiy celebra tion. . It on the stage. He looks funny and acts funny, and his fun Is Irresistibly contagious, Scott hat somt new tongs for thi week. At usual they will be illustrated with projected pictures. Then there will be Stanley Scanlon. They play on funny and strange Instruments of all sorts, The melody they manu facture Is of the real brand and they nl ways please. Winifred Lamar Is i clever little girl. She sings and she dances and she does some contortion work. They like her wherever the goet, The marvellous Kingdom, In i novelty bicycle act will give a per romance different from anything In the trick bicycle line ever seen here, and one that will astound all beholders. The things Kingdom can't do with wheel are not worth mentioning. His is truly a glttedged performance. A new lot of pictures will be shown on the bioscope. Astorians generally have acquired the Star habit The patronage of the cosy theater hat steadily grown since the first week, which shows that the people appreciate and will patronize good, clean, clever vaudeville. V PERSONAL MENTION. Columbia river bar pilots will make eh effort to Induce the commanJer of the KuHnlun crulxer Korea to come Into this port should the war vernal show up off the Columbia. The Korea is supposed to be hovering around some where off the north Pacific coast, and there Is good reason to believe that she will not go Into Victoria, but put In at an American port. The pilots feel that one Russian warship Is enough,for San Francisco, so If the Korea shows up she will be Invited into Astoria. The chances are she wilt be a regatta at traction next year If she comes here. Today's football game will be of im portance as giving enthusiasts a line on the various men. The field will be fast and the game ought to be exciting. The Commercial team will line up about as follows: Center, Bay; guards, Gam- mal and Haeckel; tackles, Blair anJ Sutton; ends, Graham and Johnson: quarterback, Stockton; fullback, Aber- cromble: halfbacks, Tatlant and Paint er. The line up of the Forf Stevens team hat not been learned, but It la understood the soldiers are determined to win. The game will be called at I o'clock and It Is expected a big crowd will be out . v TTtllllllttttltlirT-nrT TTTTTIgttlTTtIgglIl There Are Engines A ai Run well part of tbe time Han poorly all of the time Won t worK any time 6fca STANDARDS GAS ENGINE , : RUN$ WJEL (ALL- THE TIME C. II. CAItLSON COMPANY, Affents TttiiiiiTTiittiiiiitmmiiii!fiig2iiixi3t:ftn oooooooooooooooooooaj o . . SCHOOL BOOKS rail i 8'' h-. ' I j ft i o o o o We have everything you need at school at the right prices. Svenson' s Book S t o r e (fo0000000600000000000 When Summer is Over ,V,, . ', ,. e ' atten- is leant Serviceable tirail fcessmlesls' ; CHAS. HEILBOBN ON Astoria's Complete House-furnishers You will have to pay some tion to your heating stove, s The Royal Franlllin Open Front Fire Place la a stove which we have placed" in ' " stock to fulfill this necessity. The ."most improved heating stove on the v market. : ' ': ':: : The work of erecUng Dr. W. C. Lo gan's new building at Sixteenth and Commercial streets It progressing sat iKfactortly, and within a short time the building will be ready for occupancy. The third floor will be used as a meet ing .place for lodges. Astor lodge of Knights has ieased, It, and It will, be known at Astor halL The arrange ments will be modern In every way. At one end of the hall will be a large stage so that societies may put on operas or other entertainments. There wilt also be a large banquet hall In the build ing. No other halt In the city will be as well arranged as the new one. Another feast of good things Is of fered at the Star for the week begin ning tomorrow; In fact the bill bids fair to be the beat yet given at that popular theater, and this is-saying much. In sketch that will make you laugh If you have a spark of humor In your competition, Earl A Hampton will make their Initial bow before an Astoria audience. Press notices from cities where these people have ap peared pronounco them clever; so clever in fact as to be fully entitled to tue rank of topnotchers. Lloyd Spen cer Is a comedian. He can't help being funny, any more than his audiences can help laughing every mtnute while he i night. A. A. Cook arrived yesterday from a 3. P. Kalfer of Clatsop City la In As toria today. ' '' J. A. Galther of Frankfort, Wash, It In the city. . "7 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mowrey of Port land are visiting In the city. Collector of Customs Robb Is spend ing a short vacation at Cannon beach. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Campbell of Portland are In the city, guests at the Occident 8. M. Gallagher and Owen Mulligan have returned from " St Martin's Springs. Among the Portianders In the city yesterday .were Edward Taft, A. H. Salomon and K B. Duffy. JMlss Frances Estes leaves tomorrow for McMlnnvllle, to resume her studies at the college there. . 3. C, Mayo went to Portland last Washington trip and departed for Port land on the night train. R. M. Tooker of Minneapolis, an east ern representative of the Columbia River Packers' Association, Is In the city. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House. J. Botas, Grays River, Wash. J. A. Adams, Portland. O. H. Joy and wife, Portland. J,Wes, Portland. ... -J. Johnson, Portland. , . Mrs. S. A. Smith, LonglBeach. BASEBALL SCORES. ; Pacific Coast , KK Portland Tocoma, 4; Portland, 8; 10 Innings. y . At San Francisco Los Angeles, 10; Oakland, 0. At Seattle San Francisco, 18; Se attle, 6.. - . 'V ' ; Paeifio National. "At Spokane Salt Lake, 3; Spo kane, '4. v At Boise Butte, t; Boise, S. Correct Clothes fir Men Take care always that your clothes are well made, and t you, (or otherwise they will give you a very awkward air. -Lord Chesterfield to hii ton. No ready-to-wear clothes can be better made, or can fit you better, than those bearing this label V JIJitlpcnjaniin&(9 MAKERS HZVf yRK J Equal to line cuHonvmade in all but price. J The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. 9 We are Exclusive Agents in this city. '::ar:lMz American. At Cleveland First game: Detroit, ; Cleveland, 6. Second game: De troit 0: Cleveland, 0; five Innings. At St. Louis First game: Chicago, 0; St Louis, t. Second game: Chi cago, S; St. Louis, 8. At Boston Philadelphia, 4; Boston, S. At New York Washington, 5; New York. 6. : BATHEKINE WAD2 Gradaste Optician At the Owl Drug Store Saaday Honrs i2to'J No Charge for Examining the Eyes Reliance Electrical Works H.w.crjtrs, Manager We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing orders for all kinds of electrical installing and repairing. HoppHet in stock. Wt sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP, Call up Phone 116L 428 BOND STREET FOARD & STfl ES GO. Dry Goods Our 25c Ladies Stockings are the best to be had. Examine and be convinced., Lamps v , National. At Philadelphia First game: Bos ton, 4; Philadelphia, S. Second game: Boston, 2; Philadelphia, J. , At Chicago Cincinnati, 5; Chicago, 7. At St. Louis Pittsburg. 6; St' Lou ts, 4. ' . , . , ;.' ... . At New York First game Brook lyn. 0;'New York, 8., 8econd game: Brooklyn, 6; New York, J. . Notioe. , Astoria Aerie will meet this (Sun day) afternoon at 1 o'clock. Fifty In itiations, music, refreshments and a general good time. HERMAN WISE, , ' Worthy President C. E. FOSTER, Secretary. Notioe , to 1 axpayers. The county board of equalisation will convene at the county clerk's office on -September 28, ' 1904, and continue in session dally thereafter for a period of one week, for tha purpose of pub licly examining the assessment roll for the year 1904 and correcting all errors In valuation, description or quality of land, lots or other property, and all Interests are notified to appear at the above time and place for the purpose of lodging objections, it any there be, to sold assessment ' T. S. CORNELIUS, Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria, August 29. 1904. Special sale on STAND LAMPS, DECORATED SHADES, at cut prices pf , , . 98c and $1.25 each Groceries ; ' All Kinds of Cheese , .- Keuchatel - .Tromage De Brie - ' .(.. Kochefort .. . - Martin's Cream -'.. - -Brick Cream Fancy Edam Camenbert Sap Sago 1 Swiss Tillamook .Hi Fruits Green Tomatoes for Picalili. Button Onions for Pickling. Hardware Universal Ranges . Perfection, the result of 35 years experience, all prices. at t . . . ... Cor. Commercial and Fourteenth Sts. taaaaaiaarW .rW r ni'-i . 7" rir 'mk-m -wiA AmmrmmiwmimiwaMu I 1 . J - . . ' .' ' f THEY WEAR LIKE : IRON vShoes For School Our steel shod school shoes E roved to be just what the oys and girls needed last year. No better or cheaper shoe is manufactured. VE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE CITY. Wherity, Ralston Q Company, THE LEADING SHOE DEALEKS jS 4B S W V V W v v V VW v' v