PAGE TTTO. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEI7EMBER 16, 1904. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid in $100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000 Transacts a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. O. I. PETERSON. FRANK FATTON. J. W. GARNER, President Vice President Cashier. , Asst. Cashier 168 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA. ORE First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Gto. H. George, President, 1 L HiSglru, Cashier, Geo. W. Waiten, Vics-Presldent, C R. Miggiiu. At Cashier. The Astoria National Bank ASTORIA, OREGON. DIRECTORS GEO. H. GEORGE, GEO. W. WARREN, W. H. BARKER, . AUG. SCHERNECKNAU. L. MANSUR. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.- First National Bank. Portland, Oregon. continental ,auouai BanjE.cnic&go. Rank of New York. N. B. A . New York Qroeker- Koolvrorth Nat, Bank, S. F. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprietors. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS. PROMPT DELIVER? 54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321. ROOF TROUBLES CURED TO STAY If you give us the job of makingtba roof good, you'll not be sorry. The price will suit ydn, the goods will pleas9 you more, and the guarantee we give you will please you most of all. We are not ameteurs at the business, We've bad over twelve years experience. The Elaterite Roofing Co. 10 Worcester Bldg Portland, Ure The aanaaaaaKaaaaannaaaaKaa a a a a " " B l I U Reoiitar Ma1c Tont 8 a a n a a a a 5 Palace Cafe a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaa The Best Restaurant Regular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty Everything the Market Affords Palace Catering Company aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HATYS TRIMMED FREE Mrs. R. iDgleton has just opened a fine line of . ladies and childrens' fall hats. A big reduction sale of ladies and chilbren's furnishing goods, hair switches and psmpadours. :: :: .: MRS. R. INGLETON, - Welch Block. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pros, and Supt. F. L. BISHOP, Secretary A. t. FOX, Vice President ASTORIA BAVING8 BANK, Treag Designers and Manufacturers of vj THE LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. 1 COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, .. ASTORIA, OREGON. ST. LOUIS CELEBRATES St. Louis Day at the Fair Was the Grandest Event of the Exposition. MONSTER PARADE REVIEWED GAME HEAR DYING From in Awful Skin Humour. Scratched Till Blood Ran. Wasted to Skeleton. CURED BY CUTICURA One Application Soothed Him to Sleep. Cure Speedy and Permanent. The World's Fatr Routs, In Congress of Nations Twelve Different Barlmrous Tribes (lave Native Dunces, Cere, monies and Spurts. St. Louis, Sept. 15. "St. Louis day," the most Imposing of all the special days In the history of the Louisiana Purchase exposition, was celebrated to day, and It Is expected the record of admissions will show the largest num ber of visitors of any one duy during the entire exposition. From the time the gates opened until the close of the day various Interest tng features entertained the throngs of visitors. Passes were generally ta booed for the day, although this was not compulsory. The holders of ad mission tickets were presented with red badges, Inscribed: "I have done mv duty." siKnitytng mat mey naa paid admission fees of 50 cents, and almost every visitor got a badge. Bus iness generally was suspended and St. Louis practically en masse attended the exposition. Mississippi day, farmers' day and Texas day were also incorporated In the general celebration. Governor Vardeman and General Keesley, of Mis sissippl and their staffs, participated In the day's exercises. The opening event of the day was the parade in which It Is estimated 60, 000 regulars, the national guardsmen and uniformed civilian societies par ticipated and were reviewed by Major- General Bates of the United States army, President Francis and other ex position officials and Mayor Wells. Soldiers from all over the country were in line. This was followed by exercises In the Plaza of St. Louis during which a chorus of three thousands voices ren dered patriotic songs. The crowning feature was the con gress of nations Sn the Stadium, bringi ng together members of 12 different barbarous tribes from Asia, Africa, America and the dances and ceremonies and native sports. The day's program arranged for the conclusion of the festivities by a grand electrical Illumination of the different exhibit palaces and around the la goon, Including electric features never heretofore produced and an elaborate 11 When my little boy was about three months old his bead broke out with a rash, which was very itchy and ran con siderable watery fluid. We tried every. thing we conid, out be got worse all the time till It spread to his arms, legs, and men 10 nis enure tway, ana he got o bad that be came uear dying. The rash would itch so that he would scratch till the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff wouiu oe ail over his pillow in the morn ing. I had to put nitttens on hit hands to keen htm from tearing hla akin around hla wrists, lie got so weak and run down that he took fainting spells ltke we wouia tnua mm aymg. lie was al most a skeleton and his little bands were thin like claws. "He was bad about eight mcntha wncn we tried uuticara Remedies. I bad not laid him town la his cradle In the daytime for a long time. He bad got so that he Jnst slept in nor arms all the time. I washed him with Cutlcora Soap and put on one application of Cutlcora Ointment and be was so soothed that I nut him lu the cradle. Ton don't know how triad I folt when be felt better. It took one box of Cuticura Ointment, pretty near one cake of Cutl cora Soap, and about half a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent, to cure. I think our little boy would have died only for the Cuticura Remedies, and I shall al ways remain a firm friend of them. Mrs. M. C. MAITLAND, Jasper, ONTARIO. No return In 14 years. Mrs. Maltland writes, under date of Feb. 84, 1903, that the cure Is permanent. It affords me much pleasure to In form yon that it Is fourteen years since my boy was enrea or the terrible skin disease from which he Buffered, He has been permanently cured and is hearty and strong. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana purchase expoattlon at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offend by the Mlssurl Paclflo Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." . Passengers from the northwest take the Missouri Paclflo trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of Other toing direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Ecott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change, carrying ail classes or moaern equip ment, Including electrlo lighted obser vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrtde, yt- eral egnt, 124 Third street, Fortltnd, for detailed Information and illustrate ed literature. j fla form of ChMku Cotfi PHIL IM. Mr till .1 . Cfntm.nt. V . So.i. DM. iMpoU loadoB, V cli.rl.r- kouM K.l Pwl., KMC I NIlWM, Ut COIWBMW Putter Druff Corp., Mt. ......totl. w 10 tan J Uuaou," To Clean Dlnnoai:;, Diamonds, sot without pearls or lttr The Northern Pacific itallway Com pany will place round trip tickets from Portland to St. Louis and return on account of the world's fair on sulo a follows: October 3rd, 4th and 6th. The round trip rate to St. Louis and return from Portland will be 167.50. Tickets will be good for return via any direct line. A round trip rate of $72.50 will also be made from Portland to Chicago and return. If a passenger desires to take In both Chicago and St Louis the round trip rate will be $76.00. All tickets will be cood for to days from date of sale. Tickets will be good going ten days from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be had on the going trip anl on the return trip passengers can stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or St. Paul. These rates apply via direct lines, but If passengor wishes to re turn through California tickets can he sold accordingly, but at an Increased rate of 13.50 added to above. For any additional Information do JAYJUTTLE, M. D. rnysioiAN and sukoeon Acting AmliUkin Burgooa U.S. Marias Nopltitl ttorvlee. Office hourst 10 to XI a.m. 1 to 4:10 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, Ind Floor. , Dr.MIODA 0. HICKS OSTEGPATIIIST Mansell Bldg. 171 Commercial St ntoNK muck aw. O. W. HARK, DENTIST Mauscll Building 573 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE BED 20M, Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dkntist Fytblan Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. BAI L Dr. P. I. Frietlrieh, DENTI8TH 524 Commercial street Astoria Ore. Dr. W. C. LOGAN 1ENTI8T 678 Commercial Hi, Hbanalmn Building C. J. TINCIIARD Insurant-, Commission and 8hlpplng. CU8T0M3 HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paclflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND STS. mm ...... t, . 1. . 1 1 I. I I VuumCT, way ue cR-ant-u uy n urusiiuig .lr.,1 .B11 nr .,Mr. A. TV Charlton wuu iiH'uiyiau'U spirit, u win greatly enhance their brilliancy. Ancient Tool. A collection of tools used by work men in building the pyramids of Egypt that is owned by a famous Egyptologist indicates that ninny tools credited to modern Ingenuity were In use when Moses waa troubling thi pba raobf. Assistant General Passenger Agent, northern Paclfle Ry., 255 Morrison street, corner of Ird. Portland, Ore. OONQ TO THE FAIR. Oregon Shoot line and Union Pacific 70 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Depart RESOURCES. pyrotechnlcal display at the Stadium. Loan)J an(1 dllicount8 J350il5T 9S Overdrafts, secured and un- What to Do If You Dsslre Prsetloal Information. If you contemplate visiting the 8t Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In formation as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Air? to the local conditions In Bt Louis, of Astoria, at Astoria, In the state of I hotels, etc., etc. Oregon, at the close of business, Sep-I If you will write the undersigned, tember 6th, 1904. I stating what Information you desire the same will be promptly furnished. I If we do not have It on hand, will REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF, First National Bank STOLEN BASES. In Detroit they call Donovan "Foxy Patsy" and Stabl "Mighty Jake." Johnny McGraw now says be Is will ing to play the American champions. Gessler, Detroit's old college star, bas broken in well with the Brooklyn Su- Due from State Banks and secured 1,177 75 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 12,500 00 Bonds, securities, etc....... 63,300 00 Other real estate owned.. 6,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .... 4,993 41 secure It for you If possible, and with out any expense to you. Address B. H. TRUMBULL. Portland, Ore. If your ad doesn't pull, why not ap ply the corrective and B8t ne that doss? perbas. Ex-Senator Wyatt Lee Is the best batter on the Toledo team, having n record of .311. AJ1 of the regulars on the Chicago White Sox are batting under .300 now, but none is lower than .225. Emll Frisk 1b the heavy hitter of thu Pacific Coast league. Once be tried to be it in the American nt Detroit. Pitcher Ace Stewai-t, first with Bos ton, then with Atlanta, hns been re called to St. Paul, where he played last year. Abe Wilson, the former Senatorial pitcher with the glass arm, bas a good job nt the race tracks. lie's beating the books. Jimmy Collins is confident bis Bos. tons will win the' American pennant Jones of Chicago and Griffith of New York feel the same way about their clubs. President Pulliam will spend his va cation In Europe after the season closes. Johnny Heydler will , bo tin boss of the works in the chief's ab sence. GOWN GOSSIP. Banker 98,879 14 Due from approved reserve agents 163,767 9 Checks and other cash items 346 0 Notes of other National Banks 20 00 Nickels and cents 218 41 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie 140,300 00 Redemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 Total $884,285 68 w eirihard's Lokeerer The vogue of fringe for skirt and waist trimmings Is on the increase; Algrets, white, black and colored, are in demand in spite of the prohibi tion against their Importation. "Plain straight lace scarfs of guipure or chantilly about half a yard wide with Just an edge finish are extremely smart ' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 00,000 00 Surplus fund 00,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ., 24,704 30 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual de posits subject to cheek $563,615 95 Demand certifi cates of deposit. 178,179 43 Certified checks. 286 00 747,081 38 Office Constructing Quartermaster. Astoria, Ore., August 25, 1904.- -Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m September 24, 1904, and then opened, for the construction of a frame pump house, removing and resetting old boiler, smokestack and machinery, fur nishing and setting two new boilers and smokestack and make connections with wells; also change In distributing of water system and the setting and connecting of four generating sets for electric light at Fort Stevens, Ore, United States reserves. the right to re ject any or all proposals, Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for construction" and ad dressed Captain Goodale, Qunrtermas ter, Astoria, Oregon. Chlroifo I'urilutid riM-elHl via Hunt ington T I M K H'" 1 1 E f I' LKS Km mi POltTI.ASI) Miilt bthi, !otivir. Kt iinii, uiimiw, ksu. iim fir mi i ii. Clitcugu iiml tint hut A Hunt In fcxpreM Suit lake, ivnvor yd ii. in. i, UIIIHIIK, Kttn vis Hunt- ut City, Hi lunula. liiKUm ,Chimgoand tbeCait Kt Paul Walla Walla, Lewi. Knit Mull ton, Hpuknnit, Mlnne. riop. m. aiKillii. hi Haul, DululW ;moiru- : Mil wuu Kll, linoiigo, kaue iaiiUfcKiit Arrive 7:18 am 6 00pm OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE! From Astoria All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco every five days. Daily ci cpt Hun duy strum Columbia Klver to rurimnn aim Way landing 4am Dm ly ex cept Mou NORTHERN PACIFIC rime Card ol Train h PORTLAND Leaves Arrives ruget Bound Llmlted.7:25 am l:4S pn Total .$884,285 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best Velvets are being imported in greai Lf my knowle(lge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me Kansas Clry-St Louis Special 11:10 am North Coast Limited t:M p m :48 pn 7:00 am Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:45 pm 1:05 in quantities, and this, of course, Includes velveteens and nil aorta of fancy vel vets Chiffon velvets for evening weai and for dressy waists will have wide this 8th day of September, 1904. popularity. J. M. MANSELL, White brussels net is favorite with . Notary Public. the best gowned women, as It is quite Correct Attest as dainty as tune, win sear almost any G. C. FLAVEL, sort vt uaru wear, cau ue ciuanea uuui pt McGREGOR is cnarming over a wuue lounaauon on -. . . ,,., -v, v.,, I JACOB KAMM, Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited (or Olym- pla direct Take Puget. Sound Limited or Kan. sas Clty-St Louis 8peclal for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Harbor breach. Four trains dally between Portland, Direct Line to St. Louisj World's Fair. Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on the tide DAH.Y FOR ILWACO, connecting there with trains for Long Beachj Tioga and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prin cipal European cities. Q. W. ROBERTS, Aent, Astoria, Ore. D ELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT HIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY See nature In all he glorious beauty, and then the acme of mun's handi work. The first Is found along the line of the Denver tt Rio Grande Railroad, the latter at the St Louis World's Fair. Tour trip wlU be one of pleas uremake the most of It For infor mation and Illustrated literature writ W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. . Portland, Or. S. iSJ JMlLjni UIIMt ovii lint mm l 4 I aese tiny Capsules are suDerioi "o oaieam ot v-opaioa. cudcdi or Injections and CURE IN 4S HOURSinui the same diseases with. out inconvenience. Sold hi all rh-urrtttl buj vi uic lui vt ibv t,vva o iic w a v m Telegram. . Directors. Tacoma and Seattla-