PAGE SIX. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. BRIDE OF A CELESTIAL Dr. Law Keen and White Wife Will Found Medical Col- lege in Hong Kong. WERE STUDENTS TOGETHER Romantic Climax of Acquain tance Begun inc Years Ago in College at Ilealdsburg California. Chicago, Sept. 14. After traveling S500 miles to become the bride of Dr. Law Keem, a Chinese physician, Miss Edith Miller will accompany her ori ental husband from Chicago to Hong kong, where she will help htm build a home and medical college modeled after American Institutions. The wed ding, which has just taken place, form ed the climax to a romance began nine years ago when the young Chinese and the American girl were schoolmates at Healdsburg college, Healdsburg, Cal. For several years Dr. Keem has prac ticed medicine In Fresno, Cal., where Miss Miller resided. Dr. and Mrs. Keem left Immediately for. the coasi, whence they will sail for Horigkop.g. touching en route nt Honolulu and at Japanese ports. leasing vaTcuT The releasing caura" Is simply a curved wire fastened in central p!n that is contained in a sleeve within the center cylinder. Both sleeve and cylinder are slotted so as to allow the curved wire releasing catch to slide forward with the central pin wheu the former has been pushed out of a notch at the rear end of the slot by meaus of the lever on the clock. Outsido of the pin, which slides In a sleeve, and between this sleeve and the outer casing is a strong colled spring which presses against the curved wire releasing catch nud through It pushes the central ro;l ahead when the catch releases. A spring bumper is phoe.l within the cylindrical case at Its forward end for the purpose of cushioning tho central niu and stopping it without an ex tremely sudden jar, which might & tlcguish the match. tll'ti'itt Miscellaneous Advertisements WW WW WW WW V S VSJ MVfVIIVVffffffffflff WANTED, on or two housekeeping roams., F. S., car. Astoritn, WANTED A tttsdy woman to cook. Hodrick's ' i Mte Carlo. The winnings of the bank of Mont Carlo are said to average nearly $23 a minute, or about $(00,000 a year. Rellftoaa Hareltles. In the fifteenth century religious novelties were fashionable. Some of them abounded la absurd anachron isms. In one Abraham is represented as about to sacrifice Isaac by shoot Ins him with a blunderbuss. FOR SALE At Gaston's food stable, on Landis harness maohina, on.( 20-hors. motor, on ttart.r box, 35 feet 8-inch leather bolting, 30 feet a a.:u ..iki... k.u: t l"7 w . wwwbi wwitmy, i pair i . butoher's wall soalos, 1000 grain sacks: niii Smith Prtmiap tun.uril.r JAPANESE GOODS. Now stack of fancy goeea Jutt arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and so tho latest novelties from Japan. BEST 18-CENT MEAL. You can always find tho boat 15-e.nt meal in the city at tho Rising Sun restaurant. No. 612 Commercial street Ida TnrbrlTo Career. One of America's most successful literary woman is Miss Ida Minerva Tarbell, who, beginning work in a field comparatively new to her sex. has won many laurels as a historian. Miss Tarbell's recent work in portray ing the history of the Standard Oil company has been described as one of i iVna X 4 v Chinese Words. There are words in the Chinese lan guage which have as many as forty different meanings. Icdia'a Gorerameat. ludia is iu every sense of the word a crown colony. The governor genera) in .louneil has power to make laws fot all persons -British, natives or for eigners in the Indian territories. Japaa and raopers. There are very ,few paupers in Ja pan, becsuse old age is revered there. Xo parents or children come to want cnless nil their natural protectors art dead or disabled. First-class moat tor Idol nioa cake, coffee, pis, or doughnuts, So. U. 8. restaurant, 434 Bond street i Wanted At Gatton's teed stable, hides, wool, fun, sacks, rubber, metals, .to. wood, wooa WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any 1 kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, tho transfer man. 'Phono 2211 Black, 1 Barn on house. Twelfth, opposite opera Copyright, t$i)t, by Purdy, Boston. the most notable things done by a member of her sex In a generation. Lincoln's character appealed with great force to Miss Tarbell as a young wo man, and her "Early Life, si Abraham Lincoln," published in 1896, was so ably written that it njaeed her in the front rank as a TdsTorical writer. Het "Short Life, of Napoleon JJonaijartej" "Life of Madame Roland" and more elaborate "Life of Lincoln" were worka of decided merit AUTOMATIC FIRE LIGHTER. Match lacealoaslr laTaltea by aa Alarm Clock. The automatic match lighter shown In the accompanying illustration, which Is taken from the Scientific American. Is the invention of Mr. E. Max Got terman of Melbourne. Australia, and It Is an exceedingly s'.:nple yet Ingen ious apparatus, capable of being pnt to Various uses. The apparatus consists of a mechanical arrangement for light ing a match at any desired time, the releasing of the match moving mechan ism being accomplished by an ordinary alarm clock. For this purpose the alarm winding thumb piece Is enlarg ed so as to form g lever that will strike and release a catch, which in turn re leases a colled spring that suddenly pushes a match bolder over a piece of sandpaper, thus lighting the match. The lighted match Is thrust beneath the grate of a stove and lights the fire. It can also be made to light a candle, a lamp or a gas stove in the same man ner. The whole arrangement is mounted on a biacket that slides on a vertical rod extending upward from a pedestal, Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, In brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver sallies, O.. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. A length he tried Electric Bitter. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers. druggist. v WHAT TO EAT TOMORROW Meinu It is mere madness Uve tike a wretch and t die rich. - 1 1 . to It III I BREAK- PAST Cereal and 2 c i. ' T c ruiu Panned Fish. Potato Balls. Rolls. Coffee. Rurton. Cream of Tomato Soup. Baked Fish. Cucumbers. Potatoes. Fried Oyster Plant. Beet Salad. . Peach Sherbet i' Coffee. SUPPER. Scalloped Codflah. Popovers. Lettuce. Apple Tarts. - wocoa. 1 OFFENSIVE - - MATCH PUSHED OFT. LIGHTED. and the bracket can be clamped at any desired position on this rod. , The small lever attached to the alarm winding thumb key of the. clock is curved to as to strike the curved re leasing catch, A. regulatable stop screw la arranged on the bracket and can be set to stop toe curved thuai kS toor rP1 ! hnB srrnrfc tlft T I suffered for ft long time with a bac case of Catarrh, and took a great deal oi medicine without any benefit I had a continual headache, my cheeki had grown purple, my nose was alwayi stopped up, my breath had a sickeningand disgusting odor, and I coughed incessantly I beard of your 8. S. S. and wrote you. I commenced to use it, and after taking several bottles I was cured and have never since bad the slightest symptom of the disease. Miss Maky L. Stokm. Cor. 7th & Felix Sta., St. Joseph, Mo. Wheeling, W. Va., May 39, 1003. I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which 1 used S. S. S. with very gratifying results. I tried local applications for' some time, end getting no permanent relief Icametc the conclusion that the seat of the trouble was in the blood. Knowing S. & S. to be s good blood medicine I began its use. and after using it for some little while il did away entirely with the offensive mu cus in the nostrils, and I did not have tt hawk and spit, especially in the morning, to dislodge the catarrhal matter. 1627 Sonth St. Fred H. I'ressy. The filthy secretions and foul mucus that ire continually dropping back into the throat, find their way into the stomach ind are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con stitutional,and the only way to get rid of it is through the blood. Write us 11 you have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise you without charge. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, 6a. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work sea your local tuner, Th. Frodrickaon. 2071 Bond street 'Phone Red 2074. Lump Coal Large Lumps Ring up S. Elmore A Co., Main 1961, and or. der a ton of Ladysmith ooal. They deliver it.. Select lump coal. ! Excursion Rates SEPTEMBER 5-6-7 OCTOBER 3-4-5 St. Louis and Retrn $67.50 Chicago and Return $72.50 Via Great Northern Railway Tickets good 90 days; stopovers allowed going and returning. Full information from U. DICKSON, C. P. &.T. A., 122 Third St., Portland L. G. YERKES.G. W. P. A., Seattle " Best by Test" A transcontinental trav eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the "best to be f unci from coast to coast." It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. i Before staitlng on a trip-no mitler where write tor InU-reKtlng informa tion about comfortable truveliug. H.LSISLEH Genual Agtnl 132 Third 6L Portland. Oregoa. T. W. TfcABDALE, Geocml Passenger Agent, Mi. Paul, MIqd. Grand Free Offer to Readers of MORNING AOT0RIAN Having contracted at considerable expense with the publishers of this high grade magazine we beg to offer s s s s s s s ss ne Year's Subscription Free of Cost to all and any readers of our paper who sign and send in the coupon below at once nn n "m Brings a monthly message of culture to your Home and contains all that is best in literature and art. It is endorsed by OVER THREE MILLION OF THE MOST CULTURED WOMEN IN AM ERICA, being adopted by the National Council of Women of America as their of ficial organ, Madame has a circulation of over 200,000 each month by on A MODERN MAGAZINE. 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