ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 11, 1904. PAGE FIVE, GOLD SEAL MAPLE SYRUP A very good grade for the money Quart Dottles-Very Nice 25c each NEW STOCK OLP MANCE SYRUP Quarts 45c, 1-2 gals. 75c Gallons $1.35 ' 1 ROSS, HIGG1NS (Q, CO. Good (JooiIn Our HjK' lalI Local Brevities. ItMt A yt'lliiw cansry. Reward will ! imld for return to the Central hotel iiiurry rrlduy afternoon wen M. Murk. He whs reported to be resting easily yesterday mid hi recovery In ex pVCtl'd. First papers of cltliseiishlp were grunted yesterday to IVter Hauborg, o native of Norway, mid (wear Ijturell n native of Finland. In the probate court yestorday on or der wum rimdo allowing Mary P. Thorn moii 1150 inontlily for the core of the ' minor heirs of O. 11. Thomson, de- re iiNt-d, A runiniiiKe mile will ojx-n tomorrow next dor to the milk depot on the cor ner of Tenth and I'uune streets under the auspices of the Aid Society Of the Presbyterian church, MuitIiik licenses were Issued yes terdny to the following persons: Jo him Jatonen and Amanda Horg, Ole Olson mid Olnti Lclkncs, gentry Nlva und Itulda Ostrom, i The steamer lice was aground yes terday on the sands opposite Smith Point. She started for era with a cart o of lumber, but ran out of the channel. She In bound for Hun Kronclsco. The regular meeting of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce will be held tomorrow night. Several matters of considerable Importance are to be call ed up for action, and n full atendnnre of member! In therefore requeued. Minn Peavers, a Chicago milliner of IiIkIi repute, arrived yesterday from that rlly to take charge of the milli nery detriment of the lie Hive. Mix Delivers' experience and reputation In sure for her putron the Intent mid most desirable feature of the art. The man who wan hurt at the Itugby Two upplli iiht-i:)nn A nil ted and Adolph Mliuird -tk the civil service examination yesterday ' for ' carrier i lerk at the postonVe. The pApera have been forwarded to Washington. I:. Z. t'wigusoik and wife yesterday sold to U. M. Leather, the north 110 feet of lot 2. blo k lir,. Hhlvely's Aato. Ho. The property In ut the corner of fifteenth and Exchange streets, and the consideration waa 12500. Colonial oysters, the choicest shell fish .product of the watera of the Pa cific coast, are kept exclusively at the Imperial Oyster Houae, whers tbey are served in any style. The Colonial Is of Blue Point site and of delicious flavor. J. Q. A. llowlby, O. C. Fulton and A. M. Smith have been appointed a committee for the purpose of prepar ing plans for. organisation of the As toria Bur Association. The reKrt of the committee will be presented at a meeting to be held next Friday night. The lighthouse tender Columbine re turned to port yesterday, after an ab sence of a month In Alaskan waters. The revenue cutter Perry, which has been In the north for some months, has arrived at Seattle on her return, and Is exected to reach Astoria In a few days. She will winter here. DTrbano's Royal Itullnn band will begin a week's engagement at the Star theater tomorrow night as the' head of an unusually strong bill. This band Is composed of 21 soloists, alt crack musicians. It has just filled a long engagement 1n Portland, where It was the Star attraction. Manager Gevurts Is determined not to be outdone, and has procured this aggregation of con- MtmmHiiiiiiH nnniiinmmtT There Are Engines Run well part of the time Ran poorly all of the time Won't worK any time XShQ STANDARD GAS ENGINE UUNS WELL ALL THE TIME that U. II. CARLSON & COail'ANY, Ajrents ; V' HHnHiiinnnnnnirTtHTHB cert players at a great expense as a special treat for bis patrons during this week. To miss hearing them Is to miss a musical feast. Alex ('. fllrard, nephew of the lute A, J, Megler mid formerly a resldeot of this city, und Mls Marlon O. Mac ni'lll, diiughlcr of Mr. and Mrs. John MacnWH of Albany, ore., were mar rlcd ut the home of the bride's parents September 7. Mr. mid Sirs. Olrard will reside nt Hoqulum, Wash., where Mr. Olrurd Is connected with the Dully Waiililiigtonlnn. " According to a statement published In Skandlnuven, a Chicago paper, $11,- 000 has been sent to Norway for the assistance of the people of Aalesund, whh h was destroyed by fire, last win ter. The sum mentioned wua con tributed by the Norwegians of th Fnlted Flutes, and the Norwegians of Astoria gave their share. The fund has not yet been closed.. Major Mills. I. S. E., stationed at Brittle, and United States Senator Fos ter of. Washington ' are expected to reach Astoria today on the revenue cutter Orant. They huve been touring the coast. President Welch of the Chamber of Commerce has appointed the following committee to meet the visitors: Senator Fulton, J. Q. A. llowlby, Samuel Elmore, (. W, Louns berry and Collector of Customs Robb. Major Mills and Senator Foster will go up the river as far as Vancouver, The Seaside Sentinel Insists that the recent anll-gambllng order Issued by the town authorities was "on the square." The Sentinel commends the action of the council. It expresses the opinion that gambling among gamb lers Is nil right, but that the public should not be permitted to. take a chance with the professionals. Now that gambling haa been closed, the Sen tinel believes many Seaside residents will have money with which to pay their meat and grocery bills. The pa per adds that the order will remain In effect permanently. According tto H. 0. Merrill of the Columbia Cedur Company, Skamokuwa Is on the boom. The Howell Shingle Company Is now building a new shin gle mill there with an output of 250.000 a day. The company Is made up of Dps Moines men and they will spend large sum of money at Skamokuwa. Their new mill will give employment to 35 men. The Columbia Cedar Com pany's mill has a dally output of 60,- 000 or more, and soon Skamokawa will be turning out 300,000 shingles every day. The new mill will be the most Important enterprise of the town. o far as the crowd was concerned, and ihe Star did a bigger buslnesa last night than In any previous night. Miss MhIj was responsible for It all. She ippearcd laid night In her bewitching It lie turn, and as she smilingly stood n the limelight the crowds applauded ler as performers are seldom applaud ed. Mrs. Mandevllle has consented to remain In the city until tomorrow morning, so Miss Babe will appear at today's matinee and the evening per formances. This means that there Is to be another crush at the popular the ater tonight. While Miss Babe Is un questionably the feature or the show, the bill throughout Is an excellent one. The Bentis, who enjoy the reputation of being the highest salaried team ever booked for a vaudeville show, have scored a decided success In Astoria. .Miss Mnrgery Mandevllle and Zarnlta are aluo warm favorites, -while Swede Usher brings down the house. Be cause of the excellence of the bill the seating capacity of the Star, which ex ceeds that of both of the other vaude- vlllo b'ues, g nightly taxed. The Haylor brothers, charged with having robbed Dr. E. C. Linton, ap peared before Justice Goodman by their attorney, f. C. Fulton, yesterday and waived preliminary examination. The circuit court will meet shortly and the cases will then be tried before a Jury. Justice (ioodman placed the bonds of the men at $S0O and they were sent to Jail In default of the amount. The information against H. D. Baney, who was arrested for complicity In the rob bery, was withdrawn, and he was held In f 1000 bonds as a witness. He fur nished bail. E. Hardy, who was with Linton at the time he lost his diamond. Is being detained at the county Jail as a witness, being unable to furnish $100 bonds. The Saylor boys seemed very happy when seen at the county jail yesterday. They are in the right-hand corridor with Harry' Hogue, awaiting trial for highway robbery, and a Ger man who uttered a worthless check. - V - V Mrf ZAJ LJ LJ 'AJ 'AJ 'AJ AJ 'AJ'XJ AJ 'AJ 'JL1 U LJ U 0 'XT JTCjfYXYI 9 . U A Hr VJall OaTsTM VUBII O0OO(j;OOOOOOOOOO5)OOOOOOOi o .;: o o o o o Co) o VtT'v !( I . ' Have you seen CHANDLERS PASTEL, PAINTINGS In the window at Sverison' s B o o h S t b r e O00000000000000000000 A HAPPY HOME FOR YOU : If you let us furnish it with our splendid DINING, BED ROOM, PARLOR, AND KIT CHEN FURNITURE Everything compete for the house FINE STEEL RANGES CARPETS AND LINO LEUM &. & l1 CHAS. HEILBORN Q SON : Astoria's Complete House-furnishers Local Norwegians ate deploring the deuth of Slvert Nielsen, president for many years of the strotlng, the upper branch of the Norwegian congress. Nellsen was the Lincoln of Norway. He was originally a fisherman, but afterwards became a. school teacher. He wus elected to the the storting In 1859 and up to the time of bis death served In the upper house. His con tinuous service as a lawmaker exceeds that Of any other public man. In 185 he was elected president of the body. In ISM he Jot 4 he use of, his right hand and thereafter used his left to wrUe. His charitable career haS4 en deared him o Norwegians,' and his passing Is genuinely deplored. . The bark Harry Morse, bringing the cannery crew and pack of the Colum bia River Packers' Association, and the ship C. F. Sargent, wjth the crew and prick of the Portlnnd-Aluska Company, reached ' port yesterday from, 'Bristol buy, Aluska. For 'the first 10 days aft er leaving the Nushagnk the vessels experienced head winds, which de layed .them, but the passage was a pleasant one. Three of the Cheese employed by the Packers died' during the season one 'on the trip north, an other at Nushagnk and the third on, the trip down. The men who died 'ofuthe way were burled at seu. The Sargent lost none of her complement, -The Morse has taken a berth at the Piwck ers' dock, where her salmon cargo will be discharged, while the Sargent .will discharge nt Portland. ' . . PERSONAL MENTION. H. G. Merrill down from Skamak- awa to spend Sunday with friends. Mrs. J. A. Munroe'und children, who were visiting at Grays River, returned last evening. Miss Gertrude Settem has gone to Chinook, to resume her duties In the public schools there. Mrs. C. J. Trenchard and Mrs. A. Van Dusen will leave for Portland to morrow, to spend a week with friends. District Attorney and Mrs. Harrison Allen and Mrs. Newman have returned after spending the summer at Cannon beach. Mrs. Oeorge Strobrldge o Oakland, Cal., who has been visiting In Astoria for the past two months, will leave to morrow for her home. Hon. John Kopp and Miss Annie Kopp pf Bozeman, Mont., arrived In the city last evening, to visit for a few days with Mr. and Mrs, C. T. Crosby. Mrs. M. D., Singleton, who had been visiting for a few weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. A. M. Smith, returned to Portlund last night. Mrs. Annette Morton has accepted a position In the public schools at II waco. Miss Morton has taught In the Wilmington (S. C.) schools. '. Notice. A meeting of the St. Agnes Guild will ".be held in the residence of Mrs, P. Li Cherry on Monday, September 1904, at 3 p. m. 12, HOTEL. ARRIVALS. Parker House. F. J3rlne, Vancouver, Wash. Philip Minor, city. F. H. French, Portland. S. 6. JMdwell, Fort Stevens. S. LeDew, Fort Stevens. S. W. Mudge, Alaska. A. West, city. U 'Coon, Fort Stevens. George Blscher, Goble. Thomas Phillips, Portland. E. 1). Cooper, Portland. It must have been a source of Im mense satisfaction to Miss Babe Man devllle to know that the announcement of her appearance at the Star last evening should have caused so great a Jam. The Star has been cocked on several occasions, but last night's crowd was the record.. The Antorlan yesterday contained the announcement that the wonderful little tot would ap pear last night, and for half an hour before the curtain went up on the first show the street In front of' the theater was literally Jammed with people. Manager Gevurts seated as many as the house would possibly hold, and the standing room , was ..crowded, Finally he closed the doors. The sec ond show was a repetition of the first "' ' Listen to the Band. . At the Star this week. The Jloyal Italian band of Portland which you have heard so much about. It Is great. Then, there's the Great Stans fleld, too; Gaston and Harvey and other attractive features. Tou can not afford to miss the Star this week. Notice to taxpayers. The county board of equalisation will convene at the county clerk's office on September 26, 1904, and continue in session dally thereafter, for a period of one week, for the purpose of pub licly examining the assessment roll" for the year 1904 and correcting all errors In valuation, description or quality of land, lots or other property, and all Interests are notified to appear at the above, time and place for the purpose of lodging objections, If any there be, to saldassessment. s ' v i - T. S. CORNELIUS, -Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria, August 29. 1904. THE NEW SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS NEW TAILOR MADE SUITS NEW FALL DRESS GOODS NEW FALL DRESS TRIMMINGS NEW FALL MILLINERY i 0 I i And all the other New Goods Where you can always buy them cheaper at THE BEE HIVE A iJbiooooooaioooot ve'OiciOoooo FOARD I STORES CO. September First brings the hunt ing season and remember that we have the best line of amunit ion in the city. We also have a fine line of Guns and Hunter's Goods. j& j& j& FOARD & S TOKES CO. 7 MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY ray There's a lot of W y x satisfaction in a shoe which, after months wear, needs only polish to look like new." Wherity, Ralston Company THE LEADING SHOE DEALERS