PAGE SIX. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1904. GREATEST IN ALL HISTORY Battle of Llao Yang, Recently Fought, Enjoys Peculiar Distinction. 800.000 MEN WERE ENGAGED exhibit oi il-.o Au.e. l.v.' i'ik- In the plac of libera) arts tit the world's fair. A VnlteJ Stiits flag made entirely of corn husks, the work of the high school sirls of AUrhlwn county. Kan.. floats over that stale's exhibit In the pa'aoe of agriculture at the world' fair, f Next GVeatest Number Was En gaged at (iravltte, Whore 300,000 Men Took Pint in Battle. The battle between the Rutins a:U Japanese at Llao Yang must be scoorl ed as the greatest in the worM's his tory in t:ie iwint of numbers enjago.l. More than 400,000 were engaged on either side. A comparison with other; A giant photograph, 70 fM long and eight fet t wide, the largest camera pro duction that v.M3 eviv made, Is exhib ited In the American p!iotc:;r-nhlc sec tion of the pL'.:ae it Lit-ei-i! :rts nt the world's fair. It revrescn'.s u -cone in the SwWs A'js and the r. ky pciks and tnaws of tea ad :iow ,r p !:? in"!y r'.Ustio. SLCCUM FL'ND DISPOSED OF. GOVERNMENT MEETS REVERSE Two Thousand Killed and Four Thousand Wounded Report ed From Uraguay. VICTORY TURNS TO DEFEAT Less .Thsn 1 For Cent Consumed in Cltjy-iir- Exe:r.::s. Total contriotuions t t'.ie vicinal iSlocum d'-s.sster relief fun J. :u'( oilin.? great battles is Intf resting in this con- to. the nvwt of t:e relu'f committee nection. ' appointed by Mayor McClellan, amount- In the battle ef Marathan, on Sep-Jed to $124.2C5.S9. The committee bur tember 28 or 29, 450 B. O., 11.000 Greeks) id T05 of the !:.$ persons who were deefated 110,000 Persians. The total j icst. the averase cost per funeral bo loasea In killed and wounded were sins ?tia..'. Meillcn? attendance cos; 640O. ti-4. Temr"'.:r aid was given to 1SS At Hastings. October H, 1066, the; families, amountii!? to $2042. To care Normans defeated the English. There 'for dependent children a:u! adults in seems to be no record of the numbers 39!ies, appropriations of J1S.2S1 engaged, but the total losses in killed w'-re requirad, nd 35,'0 Tva expended and bounded are placed at 30,000. -torsstet 2! additional families in neces- liv olutloiiists Itut iovt'i imniit Forces Alter Terrible F.attle Lasting Three Ihxyn, St i iti itiir IikIi Plunder. New Yoili, Sept. .?. Two thousand men were killed ami 4t00 woun .led I" the recent battle between the Uruguay an government forces and the revolu tionists, according to a Herald dis patch from Buenos Ayres". ( I General Vasquez, minister of vr w ho led the government troops. Is asserted to have been defeated and driven hack. abandoning arms and munitions. In a previous battle the revolutionists were driven back and General Vichimm while pressing his victory wis sud denly met by s'.ubooni resistance. The rebels reusse'ibled their scat tered forces and e)txKd the j.tinvni-, meat troops. For thre days the tattle V I v .v ' ? ;V ivvt ' s w- , '. Jt J?il"5!t.. THE JAPANESE ARMORED CRUISER ASMA. At V.'aterloo, June 18, 1S15, ti'S Eng lish and Prussians dereited the French. There were 71,847 French, 67.631 En.r-, ' lish and 50,300 Prussians enp:?.g?:I. The total losses were 57. COO. At Bcrodino. Sepf.'tnfcer 7. 113, 000 French defeated 111.00') Ru:,i.'.5. The total losses were 8?.1C At Eull Run, July 21, 1811. '31.000 'confederates defeated 28,000 fedprfds. The total losses were 4704. At Bull Run, August 29-30, 1862, 45, 000 confederates defeated 35,000 fed erals. The total losses were 23.400. At Fredericksburg, December 13, 1362, 40,000 confederates repulsed 110,000 federals. Th total losses were 18,03?. sary readjustment after the loss or a wage earner or because of Illness or los3 of work as a result cf the disas ter. The total oparr.tln; cspe.tsss 'ot t:ie committee during tho we. i v: '. cf its active work were only tV)e or less than 1 per cent of the rel'ef fund disbursed. The number ot fsm:!l?3 ;i'u".i ry t.i' comir.i.tee vyas 427. vliic'.i U ' fourths of the 530 families hr.'j'.vn tf have been represent? I on tht G'r.era Sloctmi at the tlms of the disaster. The disaster caured 120 men to tot their entire families. In all' there v.ere 12 families in whk-h orphan c.u'id:e:i were left. The children 1-ft or;ihanr. nsged w ith terrible fosse? to both sides, j Gradually1 the rebels drove Vuxgues j tack and, .acoo. ding to. tut reports,! .he minister o:' war v.-.i.-: i.. full rstreat. j Reports frcni ? ra a:.t ; t.t the' eyolutk.r!NH i ".vn. ;ire hfl.:i.T their! At Gettysburg, July I, 2, 3, 1803, witlij1" these 12 families numbered 27. Fif between 70.000 and 80.000 on each sHe.iteen were under 15 years cf ape. nnd the federals defeated the confedratei. j two others, e.lthousli of .'!u!t ye .ts The total losses were 54,807. , were l'-c-tlves, and, for that reason. At Gravelotte, August 18. 1870, 200,-! dependent. The other 10 orphans were . 000 Germans defeated 120.000 Frenrh.jovr !"' 'ftars ot a?e, an1 in mort wer. The total losses were 33,659. jEelf-support:.-.?. At Sedan, August 29 to September l. ; 11 w "-n'1 lh:lt wog!i be 1870. 250,000 Germans defeated 84,000 : required to meet the future neeos of French. No accurate record of the j tlioee who had been made toane ex losses is available. tent dependent by tie disaster, or had suffered so severely as to Justify a:i ap propriation in their behalf, leaving a balance of something over $15,000 un appropriated. , In reference to the bal ance remaining in the hands of the treasurer, and the S20.000 already set side for the future care of individual families, the committee has appointed a gub-committee to oversee periodical payments. WORLD'8 FAIR NEWS NOTES. The Jlissourl Press Association will hold Its fall meeting at the world's fair September 27 to 30. RESUMED El' SI NESS. ) 3;v!eru!id Gse in Yellow stcne Prk;l Acain st Work. neaiue, oepi. i. a telegram receivea in this city f. ,,m Mammo.h Hot I Springs, T-?ilowstne .N'.rJun : p irk, announces that Splendid, in the i upper Geyser basin, .vhlc.i has be?n ! dormant for years, began sv-juiliig en ' Moiiday afternoon and ha t -en svout-1" ing regularly since at Int-rvals of three hours, Just us It did years a?o. Admiral Wintteld Scott Schley will be the orator of the exercises In cele bration of Maryland day at the world's fair, September 16. The Grenadier Guards band, Eng land's foremost band, is noiv. playing an extended engagement at the world's fair. The band is one of the oldest in the world and visited America in 1872 at the time of the peace Jubilee In Boston. Two thousand cattle entries for the world's fair live stock show have been received. They include representa tives from the herds of all the prom inent breeders of dilTerent types, of cattle- In the United States and Can ada. A number of breeders from Eng land have also entered the competition. Nine Chippewa Indians from White Earth, Minn., have Joined the camp of the red men near the Indian school at the world's fair. Bibles In nearly every human lan- Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of aa old soldier by name 6f)J. J. Havens, Ver sailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitter. It put him on his feet in short order and bow he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on eat'.i for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. . DON'T GO TO ST. LOUIS 'Till you call at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Office 134 Thlrt street, Portland, Ore Low rates to all points east, In connec tion with all transcontinental H. 8. ROWE, General Ager.t,' BOILS Ay Have been suffering from Impure Blood for many years, having Buiis and other Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de cided to try it, and am glad to say that it has done me a srrtat deal of vrtrui. T ntpnA . 0. - - --a - ---. to continue to use it, as I believe it to be j the best Blood Medicine on the market. ' Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. bEiK8. j For over fifteen years I have suffered i more or less from Impure Blood. About I year ago I had a boil appear on my leg below the knee, which was followed by I three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S. idvertised and ileciiV'd to try it. Aft' r taking three battles all Eoils diFupj-eare l I ind I have not been troubled imv sine: j 0"0. O. I'KRTtO. ' 114 W. Jefferson St , Louisville, liy. i Newark, Ohio, ?Iay iy, 1903, I From childhood I had been bothered ! with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils, I I had boils ranging front five to twenty iu number each season. The burn::; ac- j companying the eruption was terrible, j S. S. 8. seemed to be just the medicine,; . 1-J ! . . 1 .... 'I necuca in my case, ix arove out all lmpu- 1 fities and bad blood, giving me pernia- I nent relief from the tic in eruption and j boils. This has been ten years ago, and I I have never had a return of the disease. ' Mrs. J. d. Ateebton. Write for oni book on blood and j skin diseases. Medical advice or any special in- ; formation about ! your case will cost you nothing. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, 6a. Grand Free Offer to Readers of MORNING AOTORIAN Having contracted at considerable expense with the publishers of this high grade magazine we beg to offer t One fear's Subscription Free ef Cost- to all and any readers of our paper who sign and send in the coupon below at once) '0 n IZ Brings a monthly message. of culture to your home and contains all thr-t is best in literature and art. It is endorsed by OVER THREE MILLION OF THE MOST CULTURED WOMEN IN AM ERICA, being adopted by the National Council of Women of America as their of v ficial organ. Madame has a circulation of over 200,000 each month by on A MODERN MAGAZINE. 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