FACE EIGHT. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1004. OLD SOLDIERS' ENCAMPMENT Captain Goodale Returns From Annual Gathering Held Re cently at Boston. CITY IS IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE lJesUlentsofthe Hub Devote an Entire Week to the Veterans Who Are Cheered Ev. erywhere. Captain George L. Goodale, con structing quartermaster, U. S. A., re turned home Monday night from Boa ton, where he attended the annual en campment of the G. A. K.. While in Boston Captain Goodale was the spe cial guest of the reception committee, and, with Mrs. Goodale. who is quite prominently Identified with the V. R C. was entertained during encampment week at the Hotel Brunswick. Cap tain Goodale met many of his old com rades at Boston during the week, and his visit generally was a most en joyable one. "Boston was never before so finely decorated as during encampment week." said Captain Goodale yesterday, tell ing of his trip. "The city was given entirely over to the old soldiers, and even great buildings not on the line ot the procession were magnificently illuminated. On the day of the great parade the streets vere crowded with people, who flocked to Boston from all sections of the east. It is estimated that more than 2,000,000 people were in the city that day. The elevated rail roads alone carried 1,660,000. The pa rade was a splendid pageant and was 5 hours and 25 minutes passing the re viewing stand. The feature of the parade was the presence in the line of veterans carrying the old battle flags of their companies. The tattered flags of Pennsylvania and New York were particularly noticeable and aroused the greatest enthusiasm along the line of march. Those old flags are now In tatters and were wound around, the staffs. "Another most enjoyable and suc cessful feature of encampment week was the river carnival at Waltham. piinnle. From Pot-'n to l.clntnn. distance of 14 milts, the line of prove sion was black with people, who cheer ed vociferously an the motor car oassed. Even In the fanning districts houses were decorated and the count!' residents congregated to pay tribute to the veterans ot the civil war. W visited the graves of the British sol dlers who fell In the early battles o the war, and also visited the elm at Cambridge green under which Wash Ington assumed command of the Amer lean army. "On Friday the delegates enjoyed naval review. They were taken Into Massachusetts bay on a lurg? excur sion steamer, from the decks of which the warships in the harbor were seen in naval evolutions. This feature of the week's entertainment was uls. greatly enjoyed. On the same day fish dinner was served to the dele gates at N'ahant. Saturday about 1000 delegates undertook an excursion to Plymouth, but the weather was in clement and the heavy sen had rather a disastrous effect upon some of the veterans, who longed for terra Anna. The steamer was run to N'antasket beach, where the afternoon was spent "On Wednesday and Thursday the ladies of the Massachusetts W. R. C. served a free lunch to the delegates. preparing seats for 1400. The spreaJ was an elaborate one and the expense was borne entirely by the ladies. Past Department President Mrs. Dorcas Ly man was chairman of the committee In charge of this feature. The waitresses were metjibers of the different corps of Boston and vicinity. During the week camp fires, entertainments and reunions provided entertainment at night for the delegates. The ladles of the W. R. C. entertained delegates to their convention on two days, and pre sented each visiting lady with a beau tiful souvenir plate of colonial china "The election of General Black mar as commander in chief was a striking In cident of the encampment. Colonel Shotts of New Tork was prominently mentioned for the office, and his name was presented to the convention by Corporal Tanner of that state. Im mediately upon nominating Colonel Shotts Corporal Tanner withdrew his name in favor of that of General Black mar, and the election was unanimous. The Incident aroused wild enthusiasm. Captain Goodale says Boston has made remarkable Improvement in the past few years. The building of the elevated railroads and subway has re moved surface lines to a large extent and added to the appearance of the city. The new methods of transport- Wednesday night. One hundred elee trie cars furnished free transportation jation have provided rapid transit of for the delegates and invited guests, i high state of perfection. The popu- while tens of thousands sought other . lation of Boston proper Is over 600,000, methods of conveyance. The carnival and the contrlbutary population Is ful- was held on the Charles river and fully i ly as much more. Captain Goodale also 100,000 people witnessed the aquatic ; spent some days at his Medford home, procession. The river banks for three He was absent from Astoria for a little miles were packed with sightseers. more than a month The procession was made up of canoes,, which were made to renresent hattle ! scenes and other events. One of the HOPS ARE HIGH. canoes, for Instance, was a float de- j Washington Pickers Have Begun Har- piiling Lincoln freeing the slaves; an other showed a scene on the battlefield, where a wounded soldier was being attended by Red Cross nurses. The il luminations were most brilliant, and it was after midnight before we returned to Boston. "The big automobile parade ttok place the following day. Four hundred motor cars were provided for the parade, di vided Into two divisions. The dele gates and invited guests were taken to Lexington and Concord. I have seen a great many enthusiastic demonstra tions, but never had I witnessed the equal of the ovation tendered the old soldiers on the day of the automobile vesting the Crop. Seattle, Sept. 6. Today the harvest of the Washington hop crop will be gin. It is estimated that 10,000 pickers will be required. Reports show the condition of the crop generally to be good, though there has been a shrink age in some localities. Estimates put the psospectlve crop at 41,500 bales, an increase of 5000 bales over last year, Prices are high, Instances being known where growers have refused 26'4 cents a pound. TCIIC FkAnm ikeptonfileatE.C. Hid PArCK HAKE'S Adverting Airency, V&t Hansome Street, Pan Francisco, California, where contract for advertialng can be made for It. KATHERINE WADE Graduate Optician V.? -M r At the, Owl Drug Store Sunday hour 12 to 2 No Charge for Examining the Eyes STREET WORK IS DISCUSSED Council Spends Several Hours Considering Repair of City Thoroughfares. PLANS FOR TAYLOR AVENUE Street Will He Improved Sous to Att'onl Connection With the Itonri to the County Kririge. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHES Can Only Be Made By Measure We can lress you in stylish garments made to fit and suit YOU. :: :: :: :: :: PRICES MODERATE. Over Morse Store in m HAUTALA $ RAUTANEN The time of the council was occu pied last night almost entirely with consideration of street matters. Coun cilman Helium! had a sarcastic streak on and his biting remarks caused con siderable amusement. Perhaps the most Important matter brought up for onsiderutlon was the legislation es sential to the Improvement of Taylor avenue. Mr. Burns onered an ordi nance providing for the time and man. ner of making this repair, which sjie- clfles that the street shall be 30 feet wide as far west as the Seaside cannery and 20 feet wide beyond that point. Mr. Belland did not like this feature of the bill, saying that a width of 20 feet throughout the length of the street would be sufficient. He believed the property would not bear the cost of the Improvement and feared tile city might be "stuck" for part of the com. Mr. I.ebeck said the property owners wanted the improvement as the or dinance specified, and he was of the opinion the cost would be lesi than the estimate of the city engineer $9147.25. He added that the people of the west end Intended bidding on the work, and believed the contract price would be little more than 17000. Mr. Belland agreed to suspension of tha rules, but opposed the ordinance when It came up for final passage. The Taylor avenue Improvement Is part of a general scheme to afford con nection with the Youngs bay bridge. Last evening Mr. Burns was author ized to Instruct the engineer to repoYt the grade of Sixth street from Olney avenue to the bridge and this stretch will be repaired. The county Is Im proving Gluey avenue and it Is the plan to extend the Improvement around Smith Point to a connection with Tay lor avenue where the city's work will end. When this general improvement Is completed practically all of the traffic from the country south of the city 111 be over the Point road. Mr. Burns will consult with the county court to day regarding the matter. I Crier Ordinance Patted. The ordinance prohibiting the sale of goods b'y crying, except licensed auc tioneers or hucksters, provoked lengthy discussion. Mr. Belland opposed it. "It's too much for America," he said. So far as I am concerned, It makes no difference to me from what part of the world a man may come. When hej lives In America he enjoys the right of free speech. A measure of this sort ould go all right in Russia, but not In the United States." Mr, Lelnen- eber shared Mr. Belland's belief. Mr. Burns felt very much the same way about It. He complained that the merchants of the city had failed to ap pear before the council and state their side of the case, and added, "It goes against my grain to vote for the bill.1 Mr. Nordstrom said there were two sides to the story. He pointed out that the local merchants were here all the year around, while every summer outsiders -would come In to reap the harvest. He believed the merchants were entitled to the consideration which the ordinance showed them. Mr. Belland could not see that It would protect the merchants. He was willing to levy a license against Itiner ants of 1500 a year, with the under standing that any business man re maining sis or eight months should be given back his license money. Mr. Hansen favored the measure as It stood, and It was enacted, Mers. Belland, Kaboth and Lelnenweber voting In the negative. New Ordlncncet. New ordinances were introduced us follows: Providing for the lime and manner of Improving Taylor avenue. Appropriating t... .. out of the spe cial fund to pay S. S. Dill for the Ninth street Improvement. Appropriating $ out of the spe cial fund to pay J. A. Fastabend for the Improvement of Duane street from Thirteenth to Fourteenth. Providing for the time and manner of constructing a sewer.on Sixth street from Exchange street to Irving ave nue. Accepting the Ninth street Improve ment. Establishing the grade of Thir teenth etreet from Commercial to Duane. Accepting the Improvement of Duane street from Thirteenth to Fourteenth All of the ordinances with the ex ception of those carrying appropria tions were passed under susHnlon of the rules. Other Matters Aeted Upon. P. U Cherry presented a communi cation usklng relief In the matter of the construction of the Fifteenth street sidewalk, which, he avers, has not been properly built. He also called atten tion to the alleged faulty construction of Franklin avenue from Twelfln to Seventeenth street. The matters were referred to the street committee. The council decided to accept Mrs. V. S. Kinney's proposal looking to set tlement of the dispute affecting the ownership of the Thirteenth street strip. As some minor heirs are In volved, suit will he necessary to wind up the mutter, and City Attorney Smith was authorised to take the necessary steps. A resolution providing for tiie Improvement of this street from Dunne to Commercial was adopted last night. The city la anxious to secure posses sion as soon us Hssible. Victor Cttrlson was granted a retail IKjuor license, and application for license was received front L. Uirson. The claim of F. C. Reed for damages because of the Improvement of Frunk tin avenue In the east end was, on recommendation of the street commit tee, filed. The protest of 8. (1. Trulllnger against the locution of the tire whistle was discussed at length and finally re ferred to the fire and water commit tee. It developed during the discus sion that the whistle was promiscu ously blown and that some one had formed the habit of playing with It. Mr. Hansen said It was blown one day for fully 20 minutes. Mr. Lelnenweber said the whistle was not yet In service and that wlten It was finally placed In service It would be blown only wiien fire calls are sounded. The committer.' will consider the advisability of rais ing It. The following resolution were adopt. ed: Providing for equalization of the as sessment for the Improvement of Du nne street from Thirteenth to Four teenth. Providing for equalization of the as sessment for the Improvement of Thirty-seventh street. Providing for equalization of the as sessment for the Improvement of Com mercial street from Fourteenth to Sev enteenth. Providing for equalization of the as sessment for the Improvement of Ninth street. Providing for equalization of the as sessment for the improvement of Forty-fifth street. Providing for the Improvement of Thirteenth street from Duane to Commercial. Correct Clothes for Men ERE are clothes that strike the happy medium where merit and moderate price meet la style, fit, fabric, and tailoring they are eaual to fine custom madesi but they cost you no more than ordinary ready-mades. See that this label offlfflTtnmmmtmBfflwammnan Miscellaneous j& Wants J& BmwmttBffltmfflmtmtmtmttmtmit WANTED Want for tha want oo lumn of tha Morning Aitorlan. . WANTED Position by a Good Jap anese boy, a oook anywhere. Ad dree car 434 Bond at., thi city. epdenjamin5$ MAKERS $ NEW YORK Is on your clothes and stop wasting money, time and patience on the other kinds. Equal I flni custom-mi In all but price. The mature' guarantee, end our, with every garment W art ExcJutJve Obuibuton la thii dry. FOUND A gill net containing about two paper of twin. Lead marked "P. M. D." Inquire of R. Hof.tid at George A Barker cannery. ' a park. on and free of copse, The Indian method Is practically followed by scientific foresters, who In the pub lic forests of Europe keep the ground ,'lrtuii it .l..ti .1 Ir.tMtf tiit.litri'nu I h ntttl I duff, using fire properly, when neces sary, for thai purpose. FOR SALE At Gatton'a feed (table, on Landl harne maohln, on 20-horse motor, on etarter box, 35 feet 8-lnoh leather belting, 30 feet 4 play l-lnoh rubber belting, 1 pair butoher'e wall toilet, 1000 grain taokti on Smith-Premier typewriter. JAPANESE GOODS. New ttook of fanoy good Jutt arrived at Yokohama Baiasr, Call and tee th latest novtltle from Japan. BEST 1B-CENT MEAL You can alwayc find th bett 15-oent meal In th city at th Rltlng restaurant, No. 612 Commercial ctreet Su'nV reet Flrct'olat meal for 1sc nlo oak, octree, pie, or doughnut, So. U. S. rettaurant, 434 Bend treat Wanted-At Gatton't feed table, hide, wool, fure, eaoka, rubber, metal, eta, WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Our forest were subj.it to fit long Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowect prioe. Kelly, PERSONAL MENTION. Harry Hamblet Is down from Port land. Mrs. W. H. Radcliffe was down from Knappa yesterday. Miss Maggie Shanks left last evening for an extended visit at her old home In Canada, Miss Cora Turner and Miss Ruby Rader of South Bend, Wash., are vis iting friends In the city. Mrs. Clara Reames will leave for Portland about September 12 to resume her medical studies. Mrs. I. A. Clark and Mrs. Hadle will return to their homes In Ocean Park today after Bpendlng several days In the city. Helga Erickson, a graduate of the high school last spring, Is engaged to teach the winter school In district No. 16, at Knappa. Mrs. Rasmussen of Puget Island has been In the city, with her children, vis iting her mother, Mrs. Sabo. She re turned home yesterday. Rev. O. Hagass and family came down from Portland yesterday to at tend the Hauke-Holden wedding. He will return home tomorrow. Miss Anna O. Belland, a sister of Councilman Belland, Is visiting In the city from Minneapolis. Miss Pauline Belland, the councilman' niece, a re cent arrival from Norway, Is also vis iting In the city. before they were seen by clvllUei) man The Indians sometimes dred when It was too dry nr let (he fire get beyond control. Hut, notwithstanding such ancient fires, our forests were well pre served to us. and their protection from destructive fires must be sought by conservative filing. San Francisco Call. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arise in the family every day. Let us antwer it to-day. Try a dellcioui and healthful dessert. Pre pared In two minutes. No boiling! no bukicgl add boiling water and set to eooL Tlavora: Lemon, Orange, Rasp, berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-d&j . tort. th transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blaok, Barn on Twelfth, eppotite opera houte. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable plane work te your local tunr, Th. Fredrlokeon. 2071 Bond (treet 'Phon Red 2074. Lump Coal Large Lump Ring up S. El more 4 Co., Main 1941, and or. dor a ton of Ladycmlth coal. They deliver It.. Select lump coal. Columbia UniVerSity Grammar Orade Ami rot ciTAioui Course. Hoarding school for youg men and boy. BOX 330, UNIVERSITY PARK STATION Portland, .... Oregon. 11 For It! Th Star' Polite Performance. Polite vaudeville Is wanted. The Star gives it. This I why the Star Is Astoria' fashionable vaudeville house. It Is a great bill with beautiful acts this week. You will enjoy yourself at the Star. That Is the Star's mission In life. Forest Preservation. Mr. Ostrander, a mountaineer and pioneer, in a recent letter to the Call, supports a position we have often atat ed and affirmed. He say that our for est are to be preserved from destruc tive fire only by the conservative use of fire to destroy underscrub and duff. We Inherited our forest from the In dians, wtio practiced thl conservative use of fire, and made the forest like list Ca EL CEILO lO-C E N T CI G A R HOME MANUFACTURED BEST FOR THE MONEY The 1 Cello Cigar may be had at any of the fol lowing placet of business: THOS PETERSON D. B. ALLEN JOHNSON I COOK P- S. KENNEY CHAS. WESCHE GEO. MUTTER CMAS. OLSEN FRED BROWN THE LOUVRE JOHN PINTTALA P. E. PETERSON The following East Astoria houses carry the El Ceilot WILLIAM NYBERG CEO. LINDSTRON MRS. TYSON Manufactured by JOHN V. BURNS ASTORIA, OREGON O00000000000000000000 MONEY! MONEY!! We want all who have saved tnouey to know that the Portland Trait Company of Oregon ia the "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon," It has ample capital and reioaroe, and is the place to deposit your loving f. It issue Special Certiflatei of Deposit, on wblcb it pay from three to four per cent interest, and which can be drawn at any time, by giving a certain number of days notice. We shall be glad to send you our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS" which telle all about them. Portland Trust Company of Oregon lOt) TIIlltD BTIIEET Bn. I. COHEN, Pruldent B. LEE PAGET, SetreUry H. L PITTOCK, Vic preildent J. 0. 00LTRA, Aut Scerttiry IV O00000000000000000 V t