ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. RACE VANISHING. MAY INTRODUCE NEW EVIDENCE f I A. & C. R. R. 0 0000000300e0 to to Q O I tni 10 w Iht FitrplnM ltln' on iha plain, An' th Unm' d' t'.alhn an' tna ilnkln' ' ltt Mill), An' nljf! jful Invaniiona.liba l ha ChliMM an' lb Turkl, Ait IMaiamrtim nine and oiiioa rarrln thll ita. Than Ma cilrlul o aula anaa Intra I uw kIM wn I rtckun I'll buMM wba I Iran! aown lb Plka, "A RalliJ of ina flkt." by Wallara liwln. Con llblbrtolhat' Wkl. rubluhaa lr narmUalaa. To Si. Louis and Rotura t ium in, 17, l, July I, l, li Aug nil 1, 9, lo lenunkaf f , ,71 Oiinoai 1,4,1, Stum llmli, alnatr 4ava, The Rock Wind Sy.tem offen two routes to the World's Fsir City vi. St. Paul-, Minneapolis and through Scenic' Colorado. No change of can, Ogdcn to St. Louii and St. Paul to St. Louii. Full liiformMioo on mpnat. Call or wriia, A. H. McDonald, Oomral Act, 140 3r4 Hlreot, car. Aldor Htrest, Portland, On. l 1 l I IV III 1 1 A Steamer "SUE El. ELMORE" Leaves Astoria Every Wednesday Ilcturning .Saturday The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel over on th iH route. Dcst of Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between ASTORIA AIMi-l TILLAMOOK I Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Koilway & Isavigntion Co. mid Astoria & Columbia Uivcr 11. 11. for Portland, Sun Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rute.-) apply to Samuel Elmore ft Co.. Gen'l Afits.. Astoria, Ore. OR TO A. &V. It.. It. Portland. Oiriron INtfltk Nuvntfiitlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. It- aV. X, Company, Portland, Oregon GOING EAST TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore S Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON, D.tJ. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial Coach os, Tullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. The Finest Dining: Car Service in the World. Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. B, Ri, AUSTIN, General Pass. At- - Chicago, III. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansa9 City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago . ' -- via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via '"""-' Chicaeo. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to . insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see 'that your tickets read via. the Chicago, Milwaukee & , , St. Paul Railway. ; . H. & ROWC, Ganaral Agent. 134;Third Street. Portland TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. to . to o o to ' - J ' to Leave PORTLAND Arrive ftdOa.m 1 Portland t'oioti) ) p.m ( dpot for Astoriaf 7,00 p Leave ASTORIA 7 4b a'm j for Portland and 8 10 p m l way pointi J 1. 10 a. in 9.40 p.m Arrive 10.30 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leav. ASTORIA Arrive if.35 a m f for haaideTIwrTJSaQ p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive i for Warrentoo, j l0;45a,in Hammond, Ft 8.50 p.m (Htevena, Seaside) 7:40 a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4:30 pm for AatorTaDirect 12:3p. in Leave 05"a7n7 SEASIDE, Arrive for Warren ion Ft Steven.. Ham- .30a.m ' mond.Aatorla I 7.20 d. m Additional trnlti leave AAtoilu Unlly Mt 11:30 a. m. for all point, on Ft. Htevena brniuh. arriving- Ft. Steven 12:30 p. m., returning, leave Ft. Htev !! at 2:00 n, in., arrlvliiir Aatorln 2:4S p. m. Sunday only. All train make close cunnectlon at Gobi with all NortUrn Pacific train, to and from th. Eaat and Sound point. J. C. MATO. General Freight and paaaenger Agent ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKET5 VIA To, St Paul, Mlnneapolla, Duluth, Chicago, 8t. Louii, and all polnta eaat and aouth. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and 1 he Fast Mail L SPLENDID 8ERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip aeroaa th Caaead and Rocky Mountaina. For ticket, rate, foldera and full In formation call on or addreaa H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 128 Third Street, Portland. Or. S. Q. TERKES, O. W. P. A., 112 Firet Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 8HIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. O ') 0 0 to o to 0 to 0 to 0 to o to O to o to 0 to o 0 to o to o o to o to o to O to o to o to o o to o o 0 to 0 0 0 0 o o to o to o o o o o to o to 0 to 0 'i) 8aOSOOSOSOS0000 to'' O '.0 o-' o O O s, DO00000000 O ( Readers Get All The World's News All The Time In Morning' Astorian to O to o to o to o to o to a I o . o o o o o o A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all point,; Loula vllle. Memphla. New Orleana, and aU point, aouth. Th. only direct rout, to th. St Louis world', fair and the East 1. via the O. R. 4 N. and Union Pacific. Th. folowing rate, apply from As toria: To St Louis and return ...167.50 To Chicago and return 71.50 To Chicago, returning from St Louia or vice veraa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St Louia or vice veraa 73.60 Returning via California, $13.50 ad ditional. For further particular., call on or addres. G. W. ROBERTS. Agent O. R. A N. Co., Astoria. Alwaya have aome definite fact In your advertisement Don't get tired of writing copy. -People judge your tore by your advertieemente. If you haven't anything that will Interest peo ple your ad. are not likely to bring people to your store. Sc<'s Sitil-fepsi!) Giples C-V A F05.TIYE CIT.S Cant qatoklr ud J m to 1 Adver-! iS Iftisers g !TSV 0 Reach o o 2 nri 1 X JL JLV O o T to Purchas-1 o o o 1M o to to lo ruriiir o " Ttm to O UJ O I 'is s o I cinn p WlAlg to I The I 0 o 1 Columns Of ! o I 56g i i Morning' o AA,i o AHLdiunaii O 0 o o . a .Naa..wjM ' 0 S 2 o S SrlBfl&mina.Uftli ArOatavrh Of th BUdder ud SImm4 Biaoaa, 5a can oo p7 Cant aatoklr ud Perma. BenUf tha tronrt ouea 01 tonerrha ud MmI o mmttfrof horn loo a tout. in. Abaolatelr httrmlaa. Sold b dniirtUto. a-rlM U.M, or hf naiL pottsak iiM.akMMiai.n. THI IAMTAI-PETJ!! CO, MuseoMTaAia. itotto. Sold by Cbaa. Rogwra, tfl Commercial ?0S;OSO0OOSO0S0O Hawaiian of Pure Blood Are Becom ing Very Few. So the Hawaiian are to die out ac a nation. The figure prove It and the civilization of the white man' aewne only to hasten the end. In 1853 there were aome 70,000 pure-blood Hawaii an, and at that time the number be gan to dwindle until, neroi-ding to the census flKure of 1&00, the number of pure-Moo'J and mlxf.-d blood Hawaii an bud dropped to Z".fj?,:. Luc Ian C. Warner, an authority, aays In the Out look, that the health if the natives If far from satisfactory. The race seem to be dying out There are few large families, and many children die In In fancy. Vitality has been lowered and tuberculosis Is on the Increase. On the other hand, the number of part Ha waiian la Increasing;, and the mixed bloods are a sturdy race. There are Caucasian Hawaiian and Chinese Ha-, wallans, and they rear large families and are but little troubled by dlease. The Increase of the mixed bloods Is best shown by the school statistics. In 1902 there were 4903 full-blooded Ha waiian children to a population of 29, 787, and 2869 part Hawaiian children to a population of 7848. The propor tion of children Is twice as great among the part Hawaiian as among those of pure blood. Except on the grounds of sentiment there Is nothing to deplore In the situation. Races die because their work Is done, and are supplanted by stronger races. It is the survival of the fittest. Humanity can- Ruling of 8an Francisco Judge in Chi - . net Cass. ' ,t San Fwnclsco, Sept. t'nlted States District Judge Dehaven has de cided that on the hearing of a habeas corpus matter In which the applicant is of the Chinese race and claims to be a native American, the applicant may introduce whatever reference and ma terial evidence he may have to offer without reference to ' the testimony prvlously lntroducd by him bfore the Immigrant commissioner. The case before the court was that of Quan Kok Ulm. United States District Attorney Woodworth objected to the Introduc tion of certain evidence that had not been presented to the Chinese bureau at the time the application of Quan to land was being considered The con tention was made on the part of the government that the United States commissioner was limited to the evi dence taken before the bureau. 1 ENORMOUS BUG FIGURES. Damages Yesrly That Ar Charged to Insects. The extent of damage done by In sects which prey on the agricultural interests of the United States I but little appreciated. Twelve bugs, ac cording to reliable statistics, do an estimated damage to farm product of $363,000,000 per annum. The chinch bug beads the list, with $100,000,000 a year; grasshopper, $90,000,000; Hessian fly (a reminder of the revolution, since 01; - '1 If I. ,. , ' ; ', !" C It- V- . 'vYA'A - Kagora Takahira, Japanese Minister to th. United States, .4 not stand still. It must grow or die and every nation that Is not on the up grade must eventually perish. Hawaii is simply a demonstration of the Im mutable law of nature. VETERANS HOLD THE JOBS. Old Soldiers of From E0 to 80 Years in Government Employ. The civil service commission has fur nished to the house committee on civil service reform a statement ' showing that the total number of ex-soldiers and ex-sailors of the civil war . em ployed In the executive departments at Washington is 2175 and the widows of veterans so employed 888. The Infor mation was asked in view of complaints that there are many superannuate1? clerks on the pay rolls. The largest number of veterans 641 employed in the Interior department. while the treasury department carries 553 and the war department 347. Tiiere are only 23 veterans on the navy de partment pay roll and only ? In the state department. . The ages of the old soldiers and sail ors vary from 60 to 82 years. There are 217 who are 61 years old, while those younger form the next larger class, 19" In number. Nearly two-thirds, or 1388, are from 58 to 65 years, of age. Those over 70 years of age number 226. and of this number 11 are over SO. The veteran with the longest service Is ,77 years old. . He has served 62 years. Nearly two-thirds, or 1332,. of the 2175 veterans, receive salaries ranging from $1200 to $2500 per an num.' Those receiving $840 or less number 476. The veterans and their widows constitute 10 per cent of the number of persons employed In the de partments and government printing of fice In Washington. ' - If your ad doesn't pull, why not ap ply th. eorrsotiv. and get on. that doo.f the mercenaries hired by King George brought Its eggs over In the straw for their horses), $50,000,000; cotton worm and boll worm (cotton). $25,000,000 apiece; cotton boll weevil, $20,000,000; San Jose scale, grain weevil, apple worm and army worm. $10,000,000 apiece; potato bug, $8,000,000, and cab bage worm, $5,000,000. What I. Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that It Is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means . de rangement of the organs, resulting In constipation, headache or liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly ad justs this. It's gentle, yet thouogh. Only 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store. But before General Stoessel said that Port Arthur would be his tomb the Japs had given him a hint to that ef fect What an awful lots of rascals there are tn the country according to the publicly expressed views of Tom Watson, The Munroe doctrine that was knocked out Is not the Monroe doctrine that can't be. Fearful Odd. Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, In brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. X Havens, Ver sailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitter. It put him on his feet In short order and now ho testifies: 'Tm on the road to complete recovery."' Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaint.. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist ! '