The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 07, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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You may need some soon to cover
your house or barn. We have
the nice clear ones that keep out
the piercing rain and storm j& j&
$2.25 per lOOO
Special price to contractors.
Good Good Our NpccluKy
Local Brevities.
A marriage license was IhhubJ yes
terday to K. Hauke hii.I Ml i'flrit A.
Wllllmn Irish West was released yes-ti-rilny
from the county Jull. hi mental
condition having greatly improved,
r- ... i. '
The cunt iif conducting the trt tl'
partnienl for August was $.'01. 2.". The
cod of running the oltlce of the city
engineer was $331. fio.
The Hepiember term of the county
ourt will bo convened today. Heveral
Important road mutters are to be act
fit upon lit thla term,
Andrew Holm hud sold to Albert
Mkkit loin ? mid 1? mid the wwt hit If
of lot It, In Taylor' Astoria, with the
house on the property, for $2000. The
te was mude yesterday.
P " '
The Astoria Electric Company hat
been granted permission to erect wait
lug room at either end of the turret
enr line for the convenience of trav
elers during the winter month.
The ladles' guild of Grace church
will give it birthday aoclul In the Imm
inent of the church on Friday after
nmin and evening, September 9. A cor
dial Invitation la extended to all.
Colonial oysters, the choicest shell'
fish product of the wateri of the Pa
cific coaat, are kept exclusively at the
Imperial Oyater House, where they are
erved In any style. The Colonial Is of
Klue l'olnt alse and of delicious flavor.
riiuis and speclnVhtlons for lhe ltd'
provement of Taylor avenue were filed
yesterday by Clfy fenglneer Tee. The
linproveemnt will b a most Imitortunl
one. for Ihe thoroughfare Is to be re-
palied a distance of 21100 feet. The
estimate of the cost of the work Ik
$9147.25. There will be about 2700 feet
of trestlewoik In the street, which will
make the cost quite heuvy.
Work on (lie court house Is now be
ing rushed slid a murh larger force
of men Is engaged there. The stone
work Is rapidly being prepared and
soon the walls of the new building will
assume proportions.
The council luxt nlitht paid Archi
tect Hi hm lit $10:5.04 the (list Install
ment, 3 Jter cent, of the contract price
of the city hall und cost of heating.
Two per cent of the total amount due
him wilt be paid when the building Is
last year, however. This year no fe
male dogs have been licensed." Mr. Hol
land declared It was a shame the
poundmaster was so lux In his duties
and sold he wns tired of paying bills
for killing dog. when the dog end Of
the municipality never brought In s
Hon, laaae Bergman and Mrs, Uerg
man, who have spent the summer at
Beaver Lodge farm on Orays river, will
return to the city today. They will be
accompanied by the following friends,
who have been their guests during the
past two weeks: Miss Mamie fires
lauer of Chlio, Cat.; Miss Hattle Wise,
HHrry Cohen. Edmund Cohen, L. I.
Ostraske and H. M. Ostraeke of Hpo
kane, Htreet Superintendent Kearney has
recommended to the council that steps
be taken to repair the following streets:
Twenty-thlrd from Exchange to Frank
lin avenue; Franklin avenue from
Twenty-first to Twenty-third, and
Tenth from Commercial to Duane. The
last-named street needs new decking,
while the two others are In danger
ous condition. The street committee o(
the council will report upon the mut
ter. '
Mayor Surprenant, who is an experi
enced contractor, hus been engaged as
superintendent of construction of the
new city hull. Mayor Surpremint is
also superintendent of construction of
the new court house. The county pays
him IS pr diem, while the city will
pay him IS.
The workmen who are engaged In
the Improvement of Grand avenue yes
terday made rather an Interesting dis
covery near the residence of John II.
5mlth, where on old wooden reservoir4
was uncovered. 'The reservoir Is 15
feet long, 12 feet wide and 20 feet
deep. It was Installed for the purpose
if supplying water for flre protection.
and was In use some 25 or 30 years'
sgo. The old reservoir will be filled In.
"I would Ilk to khow how many dogs
are licensed to live Id this commun
ity," declared Councilman Helland at
lust night's meeting of the' council. "I
counted 10 unlicensed canines on Com
mercial street In 10 minutes the other
day," Auditor Anderson smiled as he
replied. "On female dog has beefl
licensed In ihe past two years." ex
plained the auditor. "This happened
There Are Engines
1TI A. Run well part of tbe time
I II 01 Ran poorly all of the time
II Hill Won't worK any time
Have you seen
In the window at
Svenson's BooR Store
j lime for Reflection j
Now that the busy fishing season is over preparations
for other things are at hand and owong them is the
home- This is where the housewife is most vitally
interested. That we can help you in the betterment
of this department of your life can be well illustrat
ed by a call at our store where you can find the best
line of -
Alio was a slater of Mr. Danlelson, had
lied at sea on August 25 from apop
lexy. The deceased woman was also
sister of Mrs. Adolph Johnson of
this city, Mr. Johnson Is foreman of
the Alaska Packers' Association can
nery at Xushagak, and his wife has ac
companied him north each season for
ncveral years. It was while returning
from NuMhagnk on a steamer that lier
death occurred. The funeral Is to take
place In Han Francisco on September
9, Mrs. Johnson was well known In
Astoria during her renldence here In
1886-7. Khe was at that time the
wife of (le Nelson, the police officer
who was shot in Portland last Thurr
duy night by a highwayman. Mr. Dan-
lelson will go to Portland today, and If
Mr. Nelson's Injury is not expected t
prove fatal will go on to San Francisco
this evening to attend the funeral of
his sister.
and the most reasonable prices in the city. Whether '
you have a home or contemplate making one, it will
certainly pay you to call on us and learn just how
much bettor you can do here. :: :: , u ,-f
The Complete House-furnishers
"fttrangler" Smith, the wrestler, has
made arrangements to fight Fred Mul
ler 25 rounds. The state authorities
are not quite sure that they will permit
this fight. Recently Smith and Muller
fought 20 fierce rounds, both men be
ing considerably punished. Smith has
also arranged for a wrestling match
here Saturday night with Chris Pear
son of Tacoma. heavyweight champion
of the coast. The best three out of
five falls will take the money.
There were aeven men In the county
jail yesterday but when William Irish
West was released the number was re
duced to six. The prisoners are Orjalu.
who Is serving 25 days for stealing
mechanic's tools; Harry Hogue, the
misguided youth who held up L. Lar
son and Is awaiting trial; Miller, a
bogus check man, and Baney and the
Saylor brothers, who were arrested
yesterday for robbery. This Is the
largest aggregation that has been It)
Ihe Jail for some time
Sheriff Linvllle yesterduy killed a
pony belonging to the children of O.
I. Peterson, During a riiii.ftVAy ac
cident Monduy morning the pony, lle'.
had been hitched to a post In front of
the' Peterson home on Fourteenth
street, was struck with the pole of
(he' wagon to which the frightened
horses were attached. The pony was
Internally Injured and was yesterduy
pronounced' to be beyond recovery. The
sheriff shot It at the request of the
owner. The horse was a family pet and
the children are very much downcast
because of Its untimely end.
A gentleman who has just returned
from an eastern trip said yesterday
that he was highly pleased to note the
big wheat yield In the northwest. Com
ing out he met several men who are In
terested in wheat and all of them as
0url htm that rust had seriously dam
aged Ihe crop In some of the middle
states. Because of this damage to
wheat those men looked to see the
pi'e go as high as $1.50. In many sec
tions the yield will not be more than
one-third of normal. The shortage
there will have the effect of sending up
the price, und Oregon farmers will
benefit accordingly.
H. V. Haney, Jesse Saylor and Jay
N. Saylor were arrested yesterday by
the police for the crime of robbery.
Monday evening Tr, Linton, formerly
of Seaside, but now coroner of Wah
knlkum county. Wash., arrived In the
city, wearing a diamond stud. He
started fof ibe J3wry take '
sights. The diamond attracted the at
tention of the three men, who soon
settled upon a means of acquiring It.
They became Involved In a fight and In
the melee got Dr. Linton between them.
One of men grabbed the diamond,
tearing away the front of the doctor's
shirt Dr. Linton complained to Chief
Hallock and the three men were soon
landed In Jail. The diamond was much
less valuable than the thugs believed,
and they offered to return It and pay
the costs. However, this sort of thing
doesn't "go" In Clatsop county, and
the three men were charged with lar
ceny from the person, & penitentiary
offense. They were arraigned before
Justice Goodman, who held them In
$1000 ball each to appear for prelim
inary hearing at 4 this afternoon. They
are In jull in default of bonds.
Mr. Erltk A. Hauke of the East As
toria Arm of Scholfleld & Hauke and
Miss Petra H. Holden were married
lost evening at the First Lutheran
church. Fully 200 friends of the con
tracting parties were present and the
edifice was prettly decorated with Ivy.
evergreens and cut flowers. Upon the
arrival 6f the bride and groom Mrs,
Skov played the wedding march. The
marriage ceremony was performed be
neath a beautiful bell of flowers. Rev.
Mr. Holden, brother of the bride, offi
ciated, the service being conducted in
the Norwegian language. After the
ceremony a reception was held at th?
basement of the" church, where the In
vlted guests gathered to' enjoy a wed
ding supper. Rev. O. Ha gas s of Port
land, who was present at the wedding,
spoke In a happy vein, and addresses
were made by other guests, among
them Mr. Scholfleld and Mr. L4ngoe.
Many handsome presents were received
by the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Hauke
will leave this morning for California,
to be gone for two or three weeks. On
(heir return they will reside at 1625
Grand avenue. The decorations at the
church were generally admired. This
feature of the ceremony was In charge
of Mrs. Settem and Mrs. Ness.
And all the other New Goods
Where you can always
buy them cheaper at
At the meeting of the council last
night Mayor Surprenant called atten
tion to the fact that extra work was
charged for on nearly every street lm-.
provement put through. He wanted
to know whether or not tha property
owners could be made to pay this ex
tra charge. City Attorney Smith stat
ed that It wus Impossible to foresee
everything that would have to be met
In undertaking street ' Improvements,
and that, as only what was specified In
ordinances, resolutions and contracts
could be assessed to the proierty un
der the charter, the city would have to
bear the cost of extra work.
L. A. James was up before Police
Judge Anderson yesterday afternoon
on a charge of drunkenness and dls
orderly conduct. The young man told
the court that he was a traveling sales
man Just at present, and that he was
working his way through college. He
asked that leniency be shown him. It
appears the man was creating a dls
turbance and the arresting officer says
James Insulted him when he was cau
tloned to behave himself. Judge An
derson expressed admiration for any
young man who was trying to acquire
an. education, but seriously doubted the
expediency of such conduct as that
of which James was guilty. He fined
the man ftO. ? : '
August Danlelson received a mes
sage last evening from his brother-tn
law, P. H. Johnson, at Victoria, stating
that his wife, Mrs. Louise Johnson.
Parker House Hotel Arrivals.
C. J. Wilson, F. W. French, R. Abram-
son, Portland; James Qulnn. Qulnn's;
C. H. Wheeler, Andrew Chrlstenson,
Portland; J. W. Hammon and wife,
South Bend: Charles Beckenstahl, Ne
halem; Miss Bertha Pointy, Portland.
The new postage stamps show
Thomas Jefferson with his hair parted
in the middle. The next order will
probably be a portrait of President
Washington smoking a cigarette.
Notice ta 1 axpayers.
The county board of equalization
will convene at the county clerk's office
on September 26, 1904, and continue
In session dally thereafter for a period
of one week, for the purpose of pub
licly examining the' assessment roll for
the year 1904 and correcting all errors
In valuation, -description or quality of
land, lots or other property, and all
tnterests are notified to appear at the
above time and place for the purpose
of lodging objections,. If any there be,
to said assessment.
Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon.
Dated Astoria, August 29: 1904.
Expert Chiropodist
Mrs. O. O. Fletcher, at Occident ho
t?l, room 7, will remove corns, bunions,
warts, moles and Ingrowing nails with'
out pain or soreness. Satisfaction guar
For 8le or' Rent
House and lot near Youngs bay
bridge. Afto 40 acres of choice bottom
land on Crooked creek, near Grays
river, Wash." A; . BEARD,
'" '' - ' , SCr. Jordan,
or 269 Grand Ave.
September First
brings tbe hunt
ing season and
remember that
we have the best
line of amunit
ion in the city.
We also have a
fine line of Guns
and Hunter's
Goods. j& j& j&
it j it i
1 j Iwawa
552 SHKE&'te4
f t"itfiction in a
if shoe which, after months'
weir, needs only polish to
took like new."
Wherity, Ralston & Company