Prlf ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1904. PAGE THREE. V I '"TT-m"aB 1 4 1 DU I IjllU r1 W 1 MVlikO THATS THE STORY AND THAI WE MAY HAVE A BRIGHT CLEAN STOCK THEN WE OPFCK YOU NOW 1 00 Children! rtf . 43c booki tints , .'100 Standard Tlllti rtf. 25t boob 20c 100 Poemi regular 75c booki .'Mc J. N. GRIFFIN L. H. HENNINGSEN CO. Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishings All kluils of mutrcMMMi mailo to order. Furniture repaired, upholstering. Absolutely lhe cheapen plucn in town.. Second hand gnoili lioiiubt nifio!i1.; -' :::: "It I S04IBOND STREET, Naat Dowtt W4l-Pr Ex.1 U I .PHONE, RED 1305 ! t . i ISrooks & Johnson, Proprietor. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM CliS BROOKt, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and , Cigars SEE U.I ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Kighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 a 0 0 0 1 00 0 00&0 040 I Wholesale CIGARS, PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON o r.-to toMMnu'i.u, sr. s-t im i:i.i:yi:ntii ht. o 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ! 0 0 010 ' 0 0 0 t 0 ? 001 0 $00 :it!Uttsuttnn88 it ii8nniiiiait8i) Some People Are Wise r And om art othrwl.- Get wit to th valu f our Pro . & toription Department whan you want Pure, Claan Drug and Madlolna aoourataly compounded. Anything in our atook of from our proscription eountar. you can dtpand upon aa baing tha bett. Gat it at Bnonaanana aaaaaaoaaaaaa ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Kubbrr Tirinu Machine of the Intent pattern I am prepared to do all kind ol work in tbat linn at reasonable price. Telephone 211. CORNER TWELFTH AND DLUnE AMMUNITION j Shot, Shells, Wads, p . ( 540-55O Bond Street iff FISHER BROT HBest by Test" I A transcontinental trav eler says: 4I've tried them all and I prefer the North western . Limited It's the best to be found from const to coast." It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. II for (Uillnson atrip-no matter where write for Introntlng informa tloo about comfortable I raveling. It L SISLER, General Agent 132 Third St. Portland. Oregon. T. w. tkahoalk. General I'MMMIKlT Agent Ht I'aul, Minn. OONO TO THE FAIR. What to Do If You Dir Praotioal Information. If you contemplate vlaltlng the St Louie Exposition, to aecare reliable In formation a to railroad aervlce, th lowest rate and tbe beat route. JU: Oily DIED FROM INATTENTION Bee that your ticket reads via the Illlnole Central R. ft. Thoroughly mod ern tralna connect with all transconti nental llnea at St. Paul urn! Omaha. If your friends ure coming west let ue know end w will quote them direct the apeclally low rts now In effect from all eastern points. as to the local conditions In St. Louis, hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undersigned, stating what Information you desire the same will be promptly furnished. If we do not have It on hand, wll' secure It for you If possible, and with out any expense to you. Addrees B. If. TRUMBULL. Portland, Ore. Clark Caryl Haskins, Inventor of Multiple Switchboard, Is Dead in Chicago. "Standard" Brand Highest Grade PORTLAND CEMENT $2.15 Per Barrel HARRY . CHERRY, Agent Excursion Rates SEPTEMBER 5-6-7 OCTOBER 3-4-5 St. Louis and Retrn $67.50 Chicago and Return $72.50 Via NOTED IN SCIENTIFIC WORLD IMxpatth Meager a to Cause of Death-Ill Invention Is In Vw All Over the tivlliz. ed World. Chicago, Sept. 3. Clark Caryl Has kln is dead from Inattention at hi residence here. He was the win of R. W. Kusklns, A. 51.. a well known sci entist and writer. Mr, Haskln came to Chicago .In 1879. He was well known In the scientific world as an In ventor and writer. His most noted achievement was evolving the multi ple switchboard now used for tele phones all over the world, which makes It possible to operate any number of lines from the same exchange. Stock Market Steady. New York, Sept. 3. The stock mar ket during the week developed few changes of Importance, although a generally higher level of prices was at- hour service, fonslderably fes tfelff Is,' fnld on'the Maphit'tanJ Bnea.l J J WHAT'S IN A NAME? New York Herald: The word chauf feur, meaning rtofaM", was satirically j applied by the French to the driver of an automobile. In ejfferson market police court the other day Magistrate Breen expressed the view that the supercilious attitude of chauReurs toward pedestrians and ordinary drivers Is due to the "high . sounding" name of their calling. ; ' "It eema to me," said the mag Is- ' trate, "that It would be a good thing to change the aristocratic name of chauffeur to something plainer, like motorman or driver. Then the super iority will not be so apparent" This opens up a psychological field of inquiry too wide for us to enter upon. Magistrate Breen, however,' de-" dared that "only drastic laws and their strict enforcement can do any good," and held for trial at special sessions two persons charged with running ma chines at excessive speed In Fifth av enue. That's practical Any one who i 'scorches" with a heavy machine through the city's streets should not be let off with a trivial fine, but should be tried and punished. If that is done it really won't make much difference whether he calls himself an automo biiist, a chauffeur of just plain stoker. SENDING A MAN BY MAIL. Chicago Journal; Many persons will Great Northern Railway Any Information at to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 141 Third street, Portland. Or. J. C. LINDSET. T. T. A P. A 141 Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON. T. A. P. A.. Mercantile advertising must be of the . ."oontinued-in-our-next" . kind that is, if today'a buty store is to be be a continued story. Tickets good 00 days; stopovers allowed going and returning. Full information from II. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St., Portland L. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A., Seattle PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1S66. Opn all the year. Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., principal wn. ; ? ft v- , vt m, r. THE FAMOUS RUSSIAN' GENERAL KASHTALIXSKY. Major General Kaslitalinsky is one of Rnuis's moat capable commanders. A short time ago he defeated a snnerior Japaneee foree ia soatheastera Maachoria, killing more than 1,000 of them. Kuntalinskj-, although essentially an aristocrat, ia eieeptionaily popular with bis men. lie is about SO years of age. PRAEL 0 COOEi TRANSFER CO. A "... ; , , .Telephone 221. - ;.. : Draying and Expressing V; All goodshippecltoourcare will receite special attention. 700-715 Commercial Street . .-, f rr T jb. ill .."j Tr. n .... o : r -i w t--,o BEST LUMP " 3W7 ' V' T , n -vs off TTi t Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 1061. Elmore & CO. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers cf Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings, i- i ij ; General Foimdrymen and Patternmakers. k , Absolutely firsklass work. Prices lowest. Phone 2431. Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. ASTORIA' IRON WORKS : - . I JOI'N uX.I're,and8upt, A. L. VOX, Vice President. K. .. lU-iiUl'.vSecreUiry ABWR1A8A VINOS BAKK.Treas , ,. . 1 ;,.!)-: ,i-.-V.' ' ' ' yt3: Designers and Manufacturers of y i'' ' ' ' . . THR LATEST IMPROVED i' - . CANNING MACHINERY,- MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS, o j COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. 0 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ..' 4 Foot of Fourth Street, ' ' . i ASTORIA, OREGON. . tained. Trading was again only mod erately large and no less professional thun for a long time past Some In crease of commission business was re ported. The strength of the United States Steel stocks was noteworthy. despite many rumcrs of pool disrup tions and price reductions. There was extensive buying of Beading. Erie and many other active railroad Issues and the leading industrials also participat ed In the activity and advance. Money continues abundant and In very light demand. Over year loans were made during the week at unusually low rates. Brooklyn Not in It. New York, Sept. 3. Motormen and other employes on the Brooklyn Ele vated railroad and the Kings County Elevated Bridge railroad, which are a part of the Brooklyn Bapld Transit Company's system, are watching the developments in Manhattan, but there Is little apprehension on their part that they will be drawn Into the threatened strike here. The Brooklyn motormen form a branch of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers, but the conductors gatemen, ticket choppers and other em ployes on the Brooklyn elevated roads are not members of the Amalgamated Street-Railway Employes' Association or any other organization. The Brook lyn motormen receive S3 a day for 10 be surprised, doubtless, to know that in England a person can be sent from one part of the kingdom to another by mall just as If he was nothing more than a mere letter. One day a man called at St Martin's ' le Grand with the object of consulting a directory and finding the address of a customer wiio lived In a remote part of Balham. He was not acquainted with the locality, and was most anxious to see his customer at once. These facts he mentioned to an obliging clerk behind the counter. He was at once informed that he could be sent to the required address by registered mail at a fee of six cents a mile. The man gladly accepted the offer, and In less than a minute found himself In charge of a smart messen ger boy, who very soon guided him by the shortest route to his destination. The boy carried in his hand a print ed slip with the description of his ; "mailed parcel" under the heading, "Ar I ticl? required to be delivered," and this he required the man and customer to i sign before he left the latter's house. GRAIN MARKETS. Liverpool. Sept. S. December wheat, 7s 5d. j FRESH AND CURED;MEATS j A 1 ; Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. I c LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD 3 WASHINGTON MARKET . CHRISTENSON $ CO. SI TTXIIIllTTriIIIIIITtlTITTTTTTTTTTTTrrri 1 1 i II I . THE REAL TEST Of Heryldde la Ia GItIbc H a Tae. . , aasa TrleX : There Is only one test by which ta Judge of the efficiency of any article and that la by its ability to do that which It la intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell nice, but the point is do they eradicate Dan druff and stop falling halrf . No, they do not, but Herplclde does, because It goes to the root of the evil and kills the germ that attacks the papilla from whence th , hair gets It. life. Letters from prominent people every where are dally proving that Newbro' Herplclde etands the "test of use." It is a delightful dressing, clear, pure and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading drugfflsta, Send 10c. in stamps for sample to Th Herplclde Co., Detroit Mich. j Eagle Drug Store, 3S1-3S3 Bond St. Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F Laurln, Prop. "Special Agent." Chicago. Sept. 3. December wheat opened at $1.045i 1.05: closed at $1.04; barley. 44 50c. San Francisco, Sept. 1 Cash wheat. 11.45. . t ,,... - . . Portland, Sept. 3. Wheat WalU Walla. 79c; bluestem, 84c; valley. S3c. Tacoma, Sept. 3.--Wheat Bluestem, S3c; club, 78c. , What Is Life? In the last analysis nobody know, but we do know that It Is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means de rangement of the organs, resulting In constipation, headache or liver troubie. Dr. King's New Life Pills. quickly ad Justs this. It's gentle, yet thouogh. Only 25c at Chas, Rogers' drug store.