The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 31, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Toilet So a p s
We have a nice new line of
TOILET SOAP and we of
fer some for 20c to 75c per
Local Brevities.
McfiiNn to wed wu yesterday grant
ed to Am Wahl and Ml Berme Hev
ersun, both of tlntj county.
Th oriental liner Nlromedln ha
finished r eurgo. Hint Hike 63,000
Inn r-li of Hour, vnlu'il at about $208,-000.
The Hi In mill will start grinding soon
on wheal, It him lnfii grinding litiga
tion for vcrlywii.. Wheat will my
!xtOn Commercial street, between
Eleventh and Twelfth treet, lady'
gold wad h, without crystal, and an In
lit lit Jewel pin. Reward If left at New
Style restaurant
Our grower send u word that the
peach enon It now at lt height, and
now I the time to purche for pre
servlng. ftost Oregon peaehe 60 cent
a box, at A. V. Allen'.
The Ughlhoue tender Heather de
piirttnl yesterday for AliiMknn water.
8h will be gone about lx week, mid
while away will vlult all the station
n far north a Dutch Harbor.
An alarm of fire wax turned In lust
evening from thi Pane building. Th
fire originated In the rear of th of
fice of the Aatorla Electric Company
and reaulled from defective wire. The
lu mine wnfi mall.
Colonial oyatere, the choicest shell
flRh product of the water of the Pa
cific coaat. are kept exclusively at the
Imperial oyster House, where they are
served In any atyle. The Colonial ! of
Ulue Point alee and of dellclou flavor.
The McTavlah monument la now on
dlaptny In one of the large window of
the (tore of the t'ord &. Htoke Com
pany, where It attract much attention,
When I lie city hall I built the mon
ument will be removed to a location
Hultuble reward will be paid for re
turn to Mr. Henry Hherman. 227 Tenth
treet, of a lady' blue Jacket, trimmed
in white, loat between Eleventh street
and the water work power houe.
Do not full to ! the opening of fine
tailor-made full clothing at the fuh
loimbln store of P, A. Stoke. HI win
dow tell the tnry of the season'
style. Bee hi announcement on page
liertha Bmlth, who I charged with
having stolen 150 from a man named
Cedenberg, wa to have been tried yes
terday In the justice' court, but the
caae wa deferred until tomorrow,
The woman I out on ball.
The log cabin country More con
ducted by ladle of the Woman' Club
during the regatta cleared 1100 over all
exiene. The ladle are much en
couraged by thi ucce and feel very
grateful to Ihone who analated them,
especially to the merchant.
The Mandevllle alNter. who are on
at the Star thl week, are among the
cleverest people In vaudeville. The
younger of the girl I a tiny tot of 4
or 6 and her work I little short of
wonderful, She ha Instilled herself
into the heart of Aitorla theatergoer
and her appearance on the tage 1
ulway the signal for an outburst of
condition In India. Mr. Barnarje I
gathering funds for maintaining a Hin
doo Industrial school for women and
children tn Calcutta. No admtlon
will be charged, but a collection will
be taken for the school fund.
A . number of the friend of Mis
Maggie Mhimks p;nt lust evening tn
very pleawint manner In her honor at
the home of Cupt. and Mr, H. P. Kin
dred, making merry with game and
refreshment until a lute hour. Miss
Hhunk will leave on next Tuesduy for
a three month' vllt at her old home
In Cunudu, stopping at St. I.flul on the
Nye Creek, the new resort a mile up
the coast from Newport, which I lt
uated directly on Yaijulnu buy, la grow
lug rapidly and It ummer popula
tion greatly exceeds that of the older
reort of which It Is legally a part.
a It constitute one ward of New
port. Ynqulrm bay people have lot
of fun and make some profit In deep
a fishing, catching halibut, grompu,
rock cod and buss.
The lirltlNh bark Dumfriesshire's
manifest wa filed yetrduy at the Ai
torla custom house. TIm vcel come
from Swarmea. She hu 3818 tons of
coal and 302 ton of coke, consigned to
Kerr, Clifford & Co. Her master, Cap
tain R- W. Furneaux. was here In
1 883, the year when the Cal. tiHinort
was wrecked. He recalled the loss '
the vessel yesterday and remarked his
long absence from this port. 'Astoria
wasn't quite a large a town ta 'n,"
the captain commented.
Paul Strain arrived yesterday from
a flying trip to Portland, where he
went to close a deal with Hoffman 6
Rothchlld of Ban Francisco, buying out
their entire tine of fall and winter
sample of suit which are to arrive
In Astoria today and will be sold at
about one-third of the regular cost.
Thl, In conjunction with the stock now
on hand affords the people of Astoria
and vicinity an opportunity to pur
chase fall apparel at a bargain. Read
large ad In today's Astorlan.
Mr. Sophoda Parnarjee, high caste
Indian woman, will speak In the Con
gregational church Thursday afternoon
at 2:30 to women, on "The Condition
of Women In India." In the evening
she will address a public meeting on
general topic of Interest concerning
There Are Engines
Run well part of tbe time
Ran poorly all of the time
Won't worK any time
Bert Kerrigan and Edgur Frank, two
prominent member of the Multnomah
Club of Portland, reached the city last
evening In a canoe after a long Journey
down the Columbia. The two young
men started at Arlington, 60 miles
above The Dalles, and paddled every
Inch of the way to Astoria. They
greatly enjoyed the outing. Mr. Ker
rigan declare that he Intends taking
the canoe over the bar and around to
the Necanlcum If weather conditions
should prove favorable. Such a voy
age In a small boat wa never "attempt
ed nnd would be hazardous In the extreme.
o o
0 Of All Kinds at o
1 Svenson's BooK Store
o o
Captain Holies, who Is at the head
of the coast department of the bureau
of hull and boiler Inspection, wa In
the city for a few hour yesterday on
his way to San Francisco on the Co
lumbia. He was shown around the
city by Judge Bowlby, Captain Bolles
had not been heer for several years and
was surprised at the wonderful changes
In Atorla. "Why, I'd hardly know tne
old town!" he exclaimed, as he viewed
the Improved residence section. "As
toria Is certainly going ahead and I
look to see it one of the biggest cities
on the coust some day."
One Hundred Patterns, new
nobby and distinct, they will
sell fast, so come in and tnaHe
your selection early. -t? -?
Prices $2.35 and up
t Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
At a recent meeting of a number of
members of the Stevedores', Long
shoremen's and Riggers' Union No. 1
of Astoria, which was organized in the
spring of 1882 and incorporated under
a charter granted by the state of Ore
gon on January 18, 1883, It was re
solved by unanimous vote to amalga
mate with local union No. 536 of the
International Longshoremen, Marine
and Transport Workers' Association.
The state charter has been handed over
to local No. 536, and withdrawal cards
have been Issued to all old-time mem
bers of No. 1, many of whom are re
spected nnd well-to-do cltlxens of As
toria. By the amalgamation of No. 1
with local 536, the local becomes the
oldest longshoremen's union in the
state. "
That Astoria's present greatest need
Is a large, modern hotel Is the opinion
of all the members of the local com
mercial bodies. Several prominent As
torlans are now at work on the hotel
proposition and expect soon to be able
to announce that negotiations for con
struction of the hotel have been con
cluded. With a good hotel Astoria
would become a resort for tourists.
Many people would spend the summer
months In the city who would not go
to the beaches, where there Is always
more or less Inconvenience, An In
stance of how such people feel about
the matter was brought to notice a few
days ago. A Chicago man and his
family went over to Long Beach, but
were dissatisfied with their hotel quar
ters. They remained one day and then
left for, Portland, saying they pre
ferred to spend a short vacation where
there was a good hotel. Such visitors
u these would make an Astoria, hotel
their summer home, and hundred who
usuully go to the beaches would re
main here, where tbe breese I Just a
pure and tbe attraction quite a
numerous. . .
The badly decomposed ' body of a
man was found at Long Beach last
Friday. The corpse was supposed to
have been thut of a Columbia river
fisherman. Of the finding of the body
the Pacific Journal says: "With head
beaten to a pulp, and hands and feet
nearly battered away, the body of an
unknown man was found on the beach
near the Ladd cottage, late Friday aft
ernoon. It wa first discovered by a
party of bather who Immediately re
ported their ghastly discovery. The
body was taken In charge by Coroner
Jo. Gold, and burled in the potter's
field. The body wa In such a decom
posed state that Identification wa Im
possible. It had apparently been In the
water for some time. fie left hand
was off at the wrist, and, the finger
from the right hand were missing. One
foot was gone and the toes of the other
were torn away. The skull was stilt
tn pluce, but all flesh had been sun
dered. The body was apparently that
of a middle aged man, Ave feet five
Inches In height and weighing 160
pounds. It was dressed In a blue
sweater and oilskin pants. It 1 thought
that the remain were those of one of
the fishermen drowned at the mouth of
the Columbia a few week ago,"
Jack Bradbury, the well known com
mercial traveler, la In the city.
Mis M. Whealdon of The Dalle la
In the city, en route to Tillamook.
Mr. J. D. Macdonald and Miss E.
W. Macdonald of Boston are visiting
In Astoria.
Harry Hamblet came up from Sea-
Ride yesterday and went through to
. Miss Nellie Gerding will leave on
Friday next to take a position In the
public school at Clatskanle.
Louis J. Ostroskl and Henry Cohen
have gone t Grays river to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. I. Bergman at Beaver
Mrs. H. W. Chrlstensen and Miss
Anna Smith left yesterday on the Co
lumbia for San Francisco, to visit their
Mr. James Gilhuly of Ross Valley,
Cal., returned to San Francisco yester
day on the Columbia, after visiting
some of his old friends In Astoria.
Charles H. Stanyan of San Francisco,
who was In town on a brief visit to Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. N. Calloway, sailed for
home on the steamer Columbia yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davidson and
children, George, Albert and Isabel,
came up from Seaside last night and
will leave today for their home in Bos
Hayes Eastabrook and Robert Mc
Lean leave Monday for an eastern trip.
They will take In the world's fair and
other points of Interest and expect to
be gone about two months.
The Play Given by th Margarita Fis
cher Co. Wm Very Funny.
"Won on a Wager," a farce com
edy In four acts, the scenes of which
are laid along the beautiful Hudson,
was staged by the Margarita Fischer
Company last night at Fishers' theater
to a well filled house. This is one of
the few comedies that Is really funny
and has an Interesting plot. The audi
ence was moved from laughter to tears
by the comedy and pathos handled so
capably by Miss Fischer and her sup
porting company. The climax of each
act were very peculiar, but neverthe
less were very Interesting, and Judging
from the applause received one Would
say that the play was enjoyed by ail
Tonight they will produce a society
drama, "Sex Against Sex," and Friday
night will be "Leah, the Forsaken."
For Sal or Rent.
House and lot near Youngs bay
bridge. Also 40 acres of choice bottom
land on Crooked creek, near Grays
river, Wash. A. E. BEARD,
' Str. Jordan,
or 269 Grand Ave.
If you wish to enter college or com
mercial school it will pay you to send
name and address to C, care Morning
Steamer Volga, length 67 feet, 16.4
feet beam, depth 4 feet For further
particulars and price call on Warren
Packing Co., .foot of Seventh street,
rl . .
I Kid Gloves at Half Price 1
One lot of Gloves (slightly soiled) the $1.00
and $1.2") kinds go at 50; the $1.50 and $1.75
kind go at 75c. Size 6 to 8.
A full sized sheet, the size for doable beds
50c each
You can always buy them cheaper at
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. Addrctt R, ears Th Ate-
rian. ' '.;
September First
brings the hunt
ing season and
remember that
we have the best
line of amunit
ion in the city.
We also have a
fine line of Guns
and Hunter's
Goods. j& j& j&
Foard i mm oo.
1 f
sat ia ;
f itWirtinn in 1
; thr which, titer months'
wear, needs only polish to
Wherity, Ralston Company