ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. i J V Steamer "SUE 11 ELNORE? Lcavi'M A.storiu Kvcry Wednesday Ik-turning Satunluy - - - - The Livrt'Ht; Stauiichcnt, Stitdi!nt and most Suawortiiy vesnol over on this route. JJowt of Tnblo and State Jtoom Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five dayi between - AST OR I A Aisin- TILLAMOOK CoiiiuH'tiiig at Astoria with tho Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and AMtoriu fc Columbia Kiver 11. H. for Portland, San Francisco and nil points East. For. freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore 0 Co., Gen'l Afits., Astoria, Ore. OK TO A. &IV. It. It. Portlaiifl, On-jftm Pacific Navutfiitlon I'omimny, Tillamook, Oregon O. It. A N. Company, Portland, Oregon GOING EAST TKAVKI. IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore 6t Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS -BETWEEN- Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON, I). t Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial Coach ea, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. The Finest Dinlnjj Car Service In the World. Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. B, M, AUSTIN, General Pass. At- - Chicago, III. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Knnsa3 City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscngo, run via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. H. S. ROWC General Ajent. 134 "Best by Test!' A transcontinental trav eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the , North western Limited It's the best to be found from const to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the'year between Minneapolis, ; St. Paul and Chicago. Before star ting on a trlp-no matter where write for lntrting informa tion about comfortable traveling. H. I SISIER, General Agent 132 Third St. Portland. Oregon . I T. W. TS80ALt. General Paaaeiirer Agent, -Bt Paul, Minn. Third Street, Portland A DIRECT LINE V t' if, to Chicago and all point, aart; Louta vlh, Memphla. New Orlsana, and all point, aoutfc. See that your ticket read, via the Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod ern train, connect with all tranacnntl, nental line, at Bt. Paul and Omaha. If your friend, are coming west let us know and we will quote them direct the apeclally low rate, now In effect from all eastern points. Any Information as to rates, routes, eto cheerfully glven on application. CB. H. . TRUMBULL Commercial Agent, 141 Third street Portland, Or. J. c. lin ds ett, t. r. p. ., iu Third street, Portland, Or. . , P. B. THOMPSON, r. . P. A i . tJONQ TO THB FAIR. What to Do If You Oatlro Pr.etloal Information. If you contemplate vlaltlnr tho St Loul. Expedition, to aecura ra! labia In formation aa to railroad aervlct, th loweat ratea and tha beat routaa. Alt' aa to tha local condition. In St LouU hotel., ate, ate. If you will write the undernamed, etatlng what Information you daalrr tho aame will be promptly furnished. If we do not have It on hand, will secure It for you If poaslble, and with out any expanse to you. Addrea. B. H. TRMBULL, Portland, Ore. The Northern Pacific ftallway Com pany will place round trip ticket, from Portland to St Loul. and return on account of the world' fair on sale a follow.: Sept 6th, 6th and 7th. Ootober 3rd, 4th and 6th. The round trip rate to 8t Loul. and return from Portland will be H7.60. Ticket, wilt be good for return via any direct line. A round trip rate of f 72.50 will also be made from Portland to Chicago and return. If a paiaeng-er desires to take in both Chicago and St. Louis the round trip rate will be $75.00. All tickets will be good for (0 days from date of sale. Ticket, will be good going ten day. from date of .ale so that a limited stop-over can be bad on the going trip and on the return trip passengers can stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or Bt Paul. These rates apply via direct lines, but If passenger wishes to re turn through California tickets can be sold accordingly, but at ah increased rate of f 13.5ft added to above. For any additional Information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Northern Pacific Rjr, 255 Morrison Street, corner of Ird. Portland, Ore. DONT GO TO 8T. LOUIS 'Till you caU at or write to the Chi cugo, Milwaukee & St Paul Railroad Office 134 Thlrt street, Portland, Ore. Low rates to all points east in connec tlon with all transcontinental H. 8. ROWS. General Agent The World's Pair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Mlssurl Pectflo Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from tbe northwest take the Missouri Paclflo trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Bill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to Bt Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment Including electrlo lighted obser vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and 61. LXlUia. 4, Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen eral agent 124 Third street, Portland, for detailed Information and UlustraX ed literature. The only direct route to the St Louis world's fair and the East is via the O. R. ft N. and Union Pacific The folowlng rates apply from As toria: To, St Louis and return." 1(7.50 To Chicago and return ......... T2.50 To Chicago, returning from St Louis or vice versa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St Louis or vice versa 71.50 Returning via California, $13.50 ad' dlttonal For particulars, call on or address X W. ROBERTS, Aent O. R. A N. Co., Astorea. NORTHERN PACIFIC rime Card nl Trains PORTLAND Leave Arrives ruget Sound Limited.? :X5 am 1:41 pm Kansas Clty-St Louis Special 11:10 am 1:45 in North coast Limited l:W p m T:Nm Tacoma and Seattle Night express 11:45 pm 1:06 ft. Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point. Take Puget 8ound Limited for Olym pla direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-St Louis Special for folate on South Bend branch. Double dally train aenrtoa on dray's Harbor branch. , Four trains dally between Portland. QUEER COIN AT FAIRS. One Method Employed by Fakirs to Earn Small 8um. The counterfeiting of small coins, for which offerme a down men have been arrented In I'l-riiiny I vii iiIh nnd New Jer sey within the past ten duys. Is given Impetus every yenr at this seaitoti, ac cording; to secret service operatives, by the upproiich of the "country fair." The operatives say that the opportuni ties to puss bail money at the many state aru county fairs throughout the east are such that small counterfeiters, thieves and the worst class of fakirs cannot let them pass. Some men who follow the circuit of fairs will do anything- except work honestly, to make a little money, and they turn to moulding of cheap coun terfeits to get small capital to start some faking enterprise, or to use. In connection with operation of such en terprise at the fairs. As a result there Is usually counterfeiting going on on a small scale In many places throughout the east at this season. These makers of small coins move from place to place, and when the fair opens the farmer, the farm hand, and the country young man who takes his sweetheart to the country exhibition get as many of these counterfeits as the fair fakir can turn over In exchange for good money. It Is believed that the so called tramps who were found making counterfeits near Burlington, N. J., and others recently arrealed by Chief Mat thew F. Grlfnn and hts subordinates of the Philadelphia secret service bureau belong to a syndicate that was prepar ing for the fairs. . Oscar Delluecl, Plccla Cervlno and Andrew Tilly of FaWrwin, arrested a Week ago at Allerton, charged with making counterfeit half-dollars, and were taken to Philadelphia by United States Deputy Marshal Helms to await trial, were, It Is alleged, of a separate gang, which the secret service opera tlves have been watching for a long time. The prisoners are, according to Chief Orimn. Identified with Italian counterfeiters who have made their headquarters at Trenton, Paterson and New York. Deluccl. Cervlno and Tilly were traced from Paterson to Aller town after the secret service men had unearthed a counterfeiting plant at Paterson. It Is alleged the trio were putting out the counterfeits which were made at Paterson. They ore under $200 bail each for trial. Polite Ever. The Japanese proprietor of a tea shop In the east end of London has been much annoyed by the Incessant howling of his neighbor's dog under his window while he was trying to sleep. There came a night when his patience gave way. He raised the win dow, stuck his head out and called to his neighbor In terms that indicated that his English environment was gradually undermining his native po liteness. "Mist" Jbnes'1 he said, "will you do the kindness for request the honorable dog that he stop his honor able bark? If you dont, by gosh, I knock his Jam head on:' Irish Week ly Times. End of Bitter Fight "Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abscess on mj right lung," writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont Ga, "and gave me up. Every body thought my time had come. A a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Comumptlon. The bene fit I received was striking and I was on my feet In a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It con quer, all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. Price 50c and 31.00. Trial bottles free. The beer that made Milwaukee fam ous Schllts Is always on draught at The Grotto. Otto Mlkkelson. proprie tor. You don't close your store for.a day every once in a while but that would be as wise aa to drop your newspaper advertisina for a dsy now and then. D ELIGHTFUL ROUTE i AYLIGUT RIDE ! IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS ; A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY See nature in all he glorious beauty, and then the acme of man, hand! work. The first i. found along the Una of the Denver A Rio Grande Raliroad, thf latter at the St Loul. World'. Fair. Tour trip wlL be one of pleas uremake the most of It For Infor mation and illustrated literature write W. C McBRlDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Or. i MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPOftTUNITIES FOR 8ALE At Gacton's feed stsble, one Lsndis hsrneas machine, one 20-horae motor, one atsrter box, 35 feet 8-inch leather belting, 30 feet 4 plsy 8-inch rubber baiting, 1 pair butcher's wall scales, 1000 grain sacks: one Smith-Premier typewriter. FOUND Net containing about 7 pspers twine. Owner csn hsvs same by applying to Wsrren Packing Co. and proving property. FOR RENT To msn and wife, un furnishsd rooms for light housekeep' ing; no children. No. 1661 Grand comer Thirty-fourth. , L08T Net, about nj, papers twine, 9. inch mesh by 44 msahes deep; 2'2 pspere sewed together in the center. Busy marked T. J. Lost on Deadamena light, August 12. Re ward for its return to Wsrren Pack ing Co. Upper Astoria ha. a place where you oan get a fine gists of beer, as goad wines and liquors as you can find any pfacs .in the city. HARRY JONES. Opposite North Pacific Brewery. JAPANESE GOOD!. New stk ef fansy goods Just arrived t Yokohama Baiaar, - Call and see the Istsst novaltiss from Japan. v BEST 1S-CENT MEAL. You can always find the beat 15-cent meal in the eity at the Riaing Sun reataurfht, No. 612 Commercial street The The 4 SiM mm . Palace Cafe 388888888888 ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt. F. L. BISHOP, Secretary Designers and Manufacturers of V THE LATEST IMPROVED , CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, - . . ASTORIA, OREGON. HATS TRIMMED FREE ' A big reduction sale on hats. All kinds of ladies' and childrens' furnishing goods, hair switches and pompadours. z :: :: MRS. R. 1N0LETON, ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having1 installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 Always Open, RUSSIAN, V TURKISH or tub. . ; . THE PALACE BATHiS SUBSCRIBE FOR WANTED Experienced delivery msn for Esst Astoria and Alderbrook; one , who understands 8wediah and Fin-' niah languages preferred. Apply to Roaa, Higgins & Co. Wanted At Gaston's fsed stable, hides, wool, furs, sacks, rubber, metals, stc WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, be wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfsr man. 'Phone 2211 Black, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opsra house. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable pisno work see your locsl tunsr, Th. Fredriekson. 2071 Bond street. 'Phone Red 2074. Lump Coal Large Lumps Ring up 8. Elmore & Co., Main 1961, and or der a ton of Ladysmith coal. They deliver it. Select lump coal. THREE partly furnished reemt for rent in the Aatorian, building. Firat'Class sseal for 19oi nice cake, eeffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c U. 8. rsstsurant, 434 Bond street. A, WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Oregon, repre. tenting large manufacturing com pany. Salary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expensee advanced. Ad drsts with stamp, J. H. Moore, As toria, Ore. Best Restaurant 8 a 8 Recnlar Meals. 25 Cents n Sunday Dinners a Specialty jj Et erytiiaf tbe Market Affords 8 Palace Catering Company ; 8888 88 8BtttX8S8888888888 A. I.. FOX, Vice President. ASTORIA 8A VINUS BANK, Treat - - Welch Block. Day or Night THE ASTORIAN 53 J f Tacoma and 8 tattle- i I I f i f