I! SATURDAY, THE' HUB, lOalhi-Boinidl S(ts 'V: 7 I I A. j i a'A - J" V 5 . V. . Wll- '1. f ' j ?f' 'i 'r J v t 1 iyfi' mi "Jri ' 5r This is STRAIN r. .. v i to U'l i - J; 4 If x ! I It ! i f '-4 W: D.JLU n In defiance to the lOO per cent clothing ring of Astoria every suit, hat, shirt, sock, suit of underwear, every pair shoes, every article in my store at exactly One-half the Price the Clothing Ring of $30.00 TOP COATS $12.50 nuys the nwellent Urn of Hllk-lhifJ top coats In hoinnunx, tricot. Imlly ho, whllK'ordu, covert cloths, overlu.lK eX(iulNlte In every tui tlculiir. o tt be gotten In Astoria at any inlce. Worth In any fine clothing houne In the worM $30.00. Mr. HlKh-rrtce" Man, meet then, prices If you dare. $25.00 Overcoats $10.00 For a ten dollar hill you can buy a handHome tallonnade overcoat In beaver, melton, frieze. unfnlnhed wor med and boticlex. lined In line xerK and wool IIiiIiik, I challenKe the anti que wine clothing clt'iue to equal thin coat for lens than J J 5.00. Suits Hy the thousand. The unlon-mude, tailor kind, only thn kind that has made the name of I'aul Strain famoun. $5.00 Kor your pick of all-wool froik and sack nultH that 1 defy the Astoria cloth ing ring to meet for a cent less than $12.50 or my goods go free. S7.50 For fall and winter milt, made c.t finest all-wool serges and clay worsteds fancy mixtures, tailored by the best Journeymen tailors; lined with finest serges and salines; suits made up by the best tailors In America for the fall and winter season of 1904 Hnd-105. Suits that I challenge the clothing ring to match for less than $17.50. $9.95 For a range of this seuson's swellest styles. In finest Imported suitings. Over 800 styles to select from. Every weave, every cut and make of gar ments, up to the second cut, lined and trimmed and tailored as only goods are i that Paul Strain sells. I defy the foolish virgins of the anti que 100 per cnt clothing ring to equal this $9.85 suit for less than $25.00. For lamb's wool sweaters In plain and fancy colors, that 1 challenge the clique that closed the press against me, and tried their darndest to keep me out of Astoria, to equal 'or a cent less than $3.76. , $14.95 Buys the best suit n the Hub, In cluding single and do'ile-breasted sacks and frocks, In finest broadcloths, , serges, vicunas, Venetians, fancy mix tures, Martin's famous English Spekle fleld worsteds, trimmed with the best two-year guaranteed Skinner silk satin. There l no suit to equal tose In Ast oria. The antique germs of ihT1 cloth ing ring would not have tho mrve, to buy such suits, and If they ha! 'em they'd ask you $40.00 for 'em. The Hub's price Is $14.95. PAU Shoes f.ii00 pairs of their famous I'm kaid & Kllntstoim foot-form, hand-made shoes, that are sold everywhere for $4. on, f:,.(n and til. 00, will be sold. Just to ln-,r the shoe ring howl like this. $3.25 Shoes $1.50 KM pairs of solid leather fooi-for xhoes. In all weights, from the light dress to the heavy working shoes. Kvery pair guaranteed to give you satisfaction or a new pair free, The t-st J .'.HO, $3.00 and $:l.:'5 values In the world. ' Challenge sale price $4.00 Shoes $1.99 1 iH J pairs of Packard's foot-form shoes, In vlcl, calf and velnur, In lace blucher, congress and oxford, all new 1!'5 shapes; shoes that I challenge the ion per cut ring to match for h'ss than $4.00. Hub prices. $5 and $6. Shoes at $2.99 Thousands of pairs (f Packard's llm-st kid, colt, enamel, vlcl, velour, all the new makes of last and shapes of toe; styles newer than you have ever before seen In this city. Shoes that 1 defy the 100 per cent ring to match less than $5.00 and $t5.00 per pair. FREE A pair of men's velour vijvet slip pers, solid soles, beautiful designs, value $1.00, will go free with every pair of Packard shoes. Sox I will not sock It to you on sox, same as the sox man on Commercial street socks It to you with his fancy 100 per' cent profit for his shelf-worn sox. 5c For black and tan sox that 1 defy any merchant In town to sell less than 10c, lOc For black and fancy sox that the 100 per cent ring ask yon 20c for. 15c $2.50 Wool Pants 1000 parls of the famous California Casslmere Punts that are sold by every first-class house for $2.50. 100 per cent fossils ask $4.00 for ,'em. I sell 'em at $1.39 $5.00 Pants 1864 pairs of the finest Worsteds and Casslmere Pants that can be made for money pants that are a bargain at $5.00; pants that the Shylocks of this town would ask you $8.60. do at $2.49 How do you like this, Mr, Boycott Fair Competition Merchant' AIN oo oo-J 0